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Die Drahtzieher / Hintergruende und Methoden => Die Akte Ryke Geerd Hamer => Topic started by: ama on February 25, 2007, 06:19:03 PM

Title: Hamer und die Vernichtung minderwertigen Erbguts
Post by: ama on February 25, 2007, 06:19:03 PM
Die Hetze Hamers gegen die Juden zeigt ebenso wie die begierige Aufnahme seiner idiotischen Wahnideen in der NPD Sachsen eine klare Interdependenz.
Sinnigerweise hetzt Hamer gegen die Juden, und ausgerechnet die Feinde des Zionismus bringen sich im Ausleben der Ideen ihres Gurus Ryke Geerd Hamer selbst unter in die Erde. Eine bessere Waffe als Ryke Geerd Hamer hätten sich die Zionisten nicht ausdenken können.

Wieviele NPDler haben sich inzwischen dank der Ideen des Ryke Geerd Hamer selbst ins Grab geschaufelt?

Auch in anderen Ländern geht die Ausmerzung minderwertigen Hirnmaterials gut voran. So gibt es in Cuba eine Zeitschrift mit dem legendären Namen "Cuba now", die sich hinter mehreren Anschriften verbirgt:

CubaNow <>
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Für diese Menschenauslesespezialisten hat Marilola Castro Moure den Köder ausgeworfen. Sie schreibt:

The New Medicine
By Marilola Castro Moure
Cubanow.- In 1981, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer presented such a sensational
discovery that it could seem inexplicable that it didn’t appear on the first page
of every newspaper of the planet, and that during these 25 years it’s still being
ignored by the vast majority, and vetoed by the official authorities in medicine,
those who supposedly approve or disapprove for the benefit of patients.
Nevertheless, despite prohibitions, the truth has been slowly revealing itself
throughout the world.
This discovery explains the connections and links of cancer through two
biological laws; the first one was named the Iron Law of Cancer which he
presented as qualifying work at the University of Tübingen. After another two
years of research he understood that not only cancer, but also the rest of the
diseases behaved according to those two laws, and in 1987 he found a third
biological law, and later on a fourth, all of which explained the origin of diseases
and were reproducible in any individual case.
Through this new vision Dr. Hamer arrived at a blunt conclusion: that
“diseases” are not mistakes of nature, nonsensical flaws which have to be
fought, but that every ailment represents a fully meaningful fact. This made him
question the how and the why of disease, what biological sense each of the
symptoms has. And he arrived at the conclusion that in many sicknesses the
biological sense can only be understood starting from embryology, and he
understood the need to include the psychosocial factor to fully understand the
biological sense.
But when Hamer made his discovery public, which revolutionized the current
approach to medicine and, so, he named it the New Medicine, the rising career
he had been enjoying throughout his life, paradoxically suffered serious setbacks
and misfortunes.
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer was born in 1935 at Frisia, Germany. When he was 24
he graduated in Medical Sciences, in Psychiatric and Paediatric specialities.
Previously, he had obtained a degree in Theology and, even though he didn’t
graduate, he studied twelve semesters of Physics. In 1962, he obtained the
degree of Doctor of Medicine and worked for several years in the university
clinics of Tübingen and Heidelberg, where he also taught. In 1972, he also
specialized in Internal Medicine and obtained a Radiology Diploma, and along
with his wife, Dr. Sigrid Hamer, researched “angiographies of brain tumours”.
He had always enjoyed an extraordinary hobby, patenting inventions. Among
them are the Hamer electric scalpel, which in plastic surgeries allows operating
without trauma, cutting almost 20 times thinner than a common scalpel; a
special saw for bone surgeries; a device for serological transcutaneous diagnosis,
and other inventions, which brought him the respect and admiration of his
colleagues and the esteem of his numerous patients.
But an event occurred at 3 a.m. on August 18th, 1978, which would change his
life. In front of the town of Cavallo (Córcega), during a party that was taking
place on a vessel, an Italian aristocrat, prince Albert de Savoy, in the middle of a
fight fired his gun and hit an unknown person who was sleeping on the deck of
a nearby boat. That person was Dirk Hamer, 19 years old, one of Dr. Hamer’s
sons. Dirk was taken alive to Münich, and died four months later in Heidelberg.
The tragic death of his child, along with the difficulties of the judicial
investigation that was carried out, and the complicated subsequent trial,
profoundly affected Hamer’s family. Four months later, Dr. Hamer developed a
testicular cancer, while his wife suffered consecutive relapses of several cancer
illnesses until her death from an acute myocardial stroke.
Starting with his son’s death and the development of cancers in himself and his
wife, Dr. Hamer began researching and put forward the hypothesis that his
cancer, as well as his wife’s, could be related to the brutal conflict they lived
through in total isolation, and that he perceived as the most tragic event of his
life. His studies and researches led him to formulate what he called the Iron
Law of Cancer, the cornerstone around which all the New Medicine is
First, Hamer realized that his testicular cancer had originated after the dramatic
and unexpected death of his son, and that after overcoming the psychic conflict
his cancer disappeared. From that moment on, he started his search for the
psychic conflicts that cause the different manifestations of illnesses in the body.
As head of a hospital service in Germany, Hamer had the opportunity to
observe that there was always a perfect correspondence between the psychic
conflicts each of his patients reported suffering and the affected organs of their
respective illnesses. Subsequently, since he also had a Radiology diploma, he
was inspired to investigate certain dark circular spots found on his patients’
brain scans, which up to then were considered equipment failures, and in fact,
were showing the existence of a pattern of correspondences between the brain
area where these spots appeared and the organs affected by cancer. While
re-examining all the clinic histories of his patients, Hamer verified the existing
relationship between: a) the psychic impacts provoked by emotional conflicts,
b) the organs affected by cancer, and c) the spots’ localization on the brain
scans (called from that moment on “Hamer Focus”).
Based on the correlations he found when thoroughly analysing this information,
Dr. Hamer arrived at the conclusion that faced with an experience which
profoundly affects a person, to the extreme limit of unbalancing his psyche, and
living through it in isolation – an event that he named “Dirk Hamer Syndrome”
(DHS) in memory of his dead son - such an impact will also provoke an impact
at brain level and an impact at body level. This is, in fact, the origin of every
manifestation of illness; however, to provoke such an extremely strong
manifestation as a cancer, Hamer observed that the impact, besides being really
dramatic and totally unexpected, had to be lived through in isolation.
In October 1981, Hamer presented his thesis on the New Medicine in the
German faculty of Tübingen, and the medical board confronted him with the
alternative of abjuring his thesis or immediately abandoning his clinic work at
the faculty. In May 1982, the University returned his work on the correlations
between the psyche and cancer, without having done any evaluation at all.
In 1986, the authorities of the district of Coblenz initiated court procedures to
condemn Dr. Hamer and prohibit him from exercising medicine for (textually)
“not agreeing to abjure the Iron Law of Cancer, and not conforming to the
conventional theses about cancer”.
Since, Hamer is not allowed to attend patients, he’s forbidden any retrial, and
declared incompetent to judge the needs of cancer treatments.
But that same year, 1986, a court orders Tübingen University to reopen the
disqualifying procedure. There was no reply until July 21st, 1988, when the
Lower Court of Coblenz summons Dr. Hamer to appear before the Tribunal’s
Disciplinary Chamber, so that the Regional Psychiatric Hospital’s Director,
Professor Horn, can submit him to a psychiatric evaluation. The attempt to
intern him by force in a psychiatric institution fails. There’s total silence until
1994, when the verdict is announced. Not even after a 13 years delay does this
university agree to evaluate the New Medicine, an event without precedent in all
the university’s history. In April 1994, it’s announced that: “ evaluation within a
process of qualification is not foreseen”.
Nevertheless, other universities around the world were willing to verify his
• On December 9th, 1988, the first evaluation takes place at the University of
Vienna, which was endorsed by:
Professor Jörg Birkmayer, PhD. in Chemistry, PhD. in Medicine, Chair of
Chemistry, Medicine and Cancerology, Medical Laboratory Specialist and Head
of the Medical-Chemical Laboratory at Vienna University,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Rozkydal, General Medicine.
Dr. Franz Reinisch, Specialist in Internal Medicine,
Dr. Fritz Eberz, and medical assistant, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Internal
Medicine, Psychiatrist, Paediatrician, Radiologist and Theologist.
They carried out the evaulation of his law, with subsequent evaluations by
medical teams from Munich, Chambery, Austria and others.
• On May 12 and 13, 1990, the Physicians’ Conference of Namur, Belgium,
carries out another evaluation, endorsed by 16 doctors of the Conference.
• On June 24th 1992, there’s another evaluation by the Paediatric Clinic of
Gelsenkirche, Germany, signed by: Professor Dr. E.A. Stemmann, Head
Doctor, and Dr. Elke Mühlpfort, Paediatrician and Scholarship Medicine
• On September 8th and 9th, 1998, there’s a new evaluation by Trnayská
University, at the Cancer Institute H1. Elizabeth of Bratislava, and at the
Cancer Service of Trnaba Hospital, endorsed by:
Professor J. Pogády, PhD, Chair of Psychiatry and President of the
Professor V. Krcmery, Phd, Dean of the Faculty,
Doctor J. Miklosko, PhD, Vice-Dean of the Research Faculty
Despite only one evaluation being needed, the list already counts twenty
realized, without finding a flaw in the postulates. But contrary to expectations,
the attempts to discredit and smear Dr. Hamer have been constant since. On
May 21st, 1997, the problem worsened, because Hamer was arrested. Judge
Nager, after Hamer had spent a day in jail in Cologne, Germany, decided on his
imprisonment based on three points:
1. Violating the medical practice law.
2. Not abiding by reasons (he must abjure his convictions to be set free)
3. The well-founded fear that he could “escape” to Spain.
According to the judicial decision, Dr. Hamer “could receive visits in jail for
half an hour twice a month, upon previous request, and if possible, in a group”,
measures only adopted with dangerous criminals.
These events happened after the New Medicine, based on 5 natural biological
laws, had already been endorsed by competent doctors and scientists in Vienna,
Belgium, and the very same Germany, as well as in other places in the world.
Despite that, the newspapers and all the media haven’t stinted their insulting
epithets about Dr. Hamer; and the Official Medical College of Barcelona (which
persecutes the “followers” of Hamer’s “method”, because “Dr. Hamer’s
theories have never been subjected to the debates and proofs to which are
submitted the hypotheses, presumed discoveries and new therapeutic proposals
carried out by the scientific community”, as the Diario Médico states,
September 19th, 1995) has not done more than add to the discrediting voices
without being willing to confront the challenge of examining this great
contribution to medicine, incorporate it into university studies, and start
practicing it for the benefit of current patients and future research.
Why are none of the institutions authorized to validate and set in practice this
new therapeutic method willing to do it? Could that group of cancer patients
who in 1956, painted on the walls of the Villejuif Hospital in Paris: “Many more
people live off cancer than die of it” be right? Sales estimates of big
pharmaceutical laboratories speak for themselves:
PFIZER: 30,449 millions euros.
NOVARTIS: 22,500 millions euros.
BRISTOL MYERS: 22,000 millions euros.
BOEHRINGER: 7,000 millions euros.
BAYER: 32,000 millions euros.
AVENTIS: 21,000 millions euros.
SCHERING: 5,000 millions euros.
Plus hundreds of other pharmaceutical companies, the medical insurance
companies, who generate sales ten times larger than the laboratories’, the
private hospitals, who generate similar profits; to which must also be added
hundreds of companies that sell electronic equipments to hospitals, as well as
thousands of companies that participate in this huge business in multiple ways,
without forgetting, of course, the big medical “eminences” with their doctorate
diplomas hanging on their walls and the Porsches, Jaguars or Masseratis in their
In conclusion, there are hundreds of thousands of millions of euros at stake,
plus the work of thousands of people. Thus, modifying the current cancer
treatments would bring a financial crisis of unimaginable magnitude. It’s logical
that these huge businesses are not willing to allow it, even though they have to
silence, by any means, a truth that, according to Dr. Hamer, will considerably
lower the patient’s mortality, would extraordinarily decrease the costs of illness,
would eliminate the aggressiveness of treatments and the anguish of the
patients, through understanding that their sickness is not an enemy, but the way
nature uses to reinstall balance and health, and that far from attacking the body
what is needed is to help it heal.
In a future article, I will explain what these 5 biological laws are.
January 05, 2007

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Damit keine Zweifel aufkommen: Diese Leute wissen wirklich, was sie tun. Warnhinweise, daß durch Hamer die Menschen krepieren, haben sie ignoriert und ihre mordende Köderseite im WWW unverändert gelassen. Ja, diese Herrschaften meinen es...
Title: Hamer und die Vernichtung minderwertigen Erbguts
Post by: ama on February 25, 2007, 06:28:37 PM
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Von ihnen wurde gerade dieser Giftköder ausgelegt:

Sunday February 25, 2007

Balancing energy and the mind
Psycho-neuro-energetics (PNE)
is the science of how the
workings of the mind affect the
energy balance and health of the
organs, and how your energy
status reflects on your
state-of-mind, emotions,
behaviour, character, and
RECENTLY I received a letter
from a qigong and martial arts
exponent in New York, the united
States, who wanted to share his
experience with using qigong in
helping people with traumatic
brain injuries and fibromyalgia.
He reported much improvement in
these patients after using a
combination of integrated concepts
and techniques, including qigong,
which he found to be “very
Fibromyalgia (FM) is an intriguing
and complex syndrome, and
remains a medical enigma.
Symptoms include widespread
musculoskeletal aches, pain,
stiffness, soft tissue tenderness,
general fatigue, and sleep
disturbances. Severe migratory
pain and profound fatigue are the
two major problems that make FM
a mentally and physically
debilitating condition.
Doctors still don’t know why it
happens, though research has
revealed some clues. Most
researchers agree that it is a
disorder of the brain’s central
processing and the
regulatory systems.
While analgesics and other drugs
are used for treatment (in
conjunction with exercise and
physiotherapy), the lack of
successful, long-term results have
made complementary therapies
useful adjuncts in the overall care
of the sufferers.
The role of complementary
therapies in fibromyalgia probably
reflects the situation with many
other medical conditions where
modern medicine cannot offer
satisfactory treatments or cures.
Qigong and other energy-healing
methods should be tried more
often, especially since no
chemicals or needles are
Another medical enigma is chronic
fatigue syndrome (CFS), a
condition that is similar to FM and
continues to baffle doctors. While
pain is the dominant symptom of
FM, fatigue is the hallmark of
CFS. In practice, many physicians
do not distinguish the two.
CFS is diagnosed by three
1. Severe chronic fatigue of six
months or longer duration with
other known medical conditions
excluded by clinical diagnosis;
2. Concurrently have four or more
of the following symptoms:
substantial impairment in
short-term memory or
concentration; sore throat; tender
lymph nodes; muscle pain;
multi-joint pain without swelling
or redness; headaches of a new
type, pattern or severity;
unrefreshing sleep; and
post-exertional malaise lasting
more than 24 hours;
3. The symptoms must have
persisted or recurred during six or
more consecutive months of
illness and must not have predated
the fatigue.
The cause of CFS remains
unknown, despite vigorous search.
Currently, it is believed that CFS
represents a common endpoint of
disease resulting from multiple
precipitating factors, including
infective agents, immune-defects,
neuro-endocrine imbalance, and
neuro-transmitter malfunction.
Like FM, symptoms vary
considerably over time, and
managing CFS can be as complex
as the illness itself. There is no
drug specific for CFS, and
definitely no cure. As such, even
the US government’s CDC (Center
for Disease Control) recommends
a combination of conventional and
alternative (complementary)
You would have realised that
fatigue or severe lack of
energy/exhaustion are common
symptoms of both syndromes, and
that neuro-endocrine and
neuro-transmitter problems are
high on the suspicion list of both
(as causative or contributing
So today, I shall introduce
psycho-neuro-energetics (PNE) –
the science of the
inter-relationships of the mind, the
nervous system and the energies in
your body; how the workings of
your mind affect the energy
balance and health of your organs;
and conversely how your energy
status reflects on your
state-of-mind, emotions,
behaviour, character, and health.
In Mind Over Matter, (see I had
explained about
neuro-endocrinology (NE) and
psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI).
Through the brain, the mind uses
neuro-transmitters and hormones
to influence and command cells
and organs, and thus no cell or
organ is free from the mind’s
control. The mind also uses energy
to influence all the cells and
organs, and also to influence
events beyond the body.
The mind, stress and disease
Mental stress is very much
underestimated as a cause of
ill-health. Many physical illnesses
have stress as the underlying
cause, or major contributing
factor. Cancer, heart disease,
hypertension, stroke and diabetes
are some of these. With better
understanding of the mind and how
it ultimately controls the functions
of the rest of the body, more and
more diseases and syndromes will
be blamed on mental stress.
Modern living and the adoption of
secular goals have made humans
so stress-prone. The abandoning
of spiritual values means
everybody is never satisfied with
what they have, and
mentality means everyone is
working harder to achieve more
and more, often at the expense of
other more important things in life,
and increasing stress.
When dealing with stress, my
advice has always been to change
mindsets, goals, values, and to be
more spiritual. And of course I
include qi-breathing and qigong
exercises as stress-busting
techniques as well.
Being spiritual does not just mean
being more religious (many
religious bigots and fanatics cause
everyone more stress by their
actions), but being wiser and more
godly. If the paramount attributes
of God are love, mercy and
compassion, then the spiritual
person will exude love, mercy and
compassion in his (or her)
personality. Such a person brings
peace to himself and to everyone
around him.
If you are religious and spiritual,
you are more likely to be more
understanding, tolerant and
compassionate, and your
relationships should last through
the most difficult crises.
Nowadays, couples with children
have to leave their kids under the
care of maids (or grandparents if
they are lucky) since both have to
work to cope with the
ever-spiralling cost of living.
Even if the children go to school
or college, they have little time
with their parents who are always
out at work or busy with their
many business or social meetings.
And when the parents do realise
this, they find out that their
children have become strangers
who don’t take their advice
anymore. They just don’t
understand one another. More
Healthcare is eating up the budget
of many countries (and
individuals) as the modern
stressful lifestyle contributes
heavily to diseases. This causes
more stress on the patient, family,
and employer. What is surely not
fully realised is the mental distress
borne by many of us who do not
yet have physical symptoms or
overt health problems.
The role of stress in causing
disease is now better understood,
especially with the emergence of
NE, PNI and psychosomatics. Dr
Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German
doctor, has brought this concept to
the extreme. After many years of
extensive research, he concluded
that most diseases, including
cancer, are brought about by
extreme stress or shock for which
we are totally unprepared for.
Twenty years ago, he had received
a call in the middle of the night.
His 17-year old son Dirk had been
shot while on holiday in the
Mediterranean. Three months
later, Dirk died and shortly after,
Dr Hamer, who had been healthy
all his life, but who was utterly
devastated by this catastrophe,
found he had testicular cancer.
Rather suspicious about this
coincidence, he set about doing
research on the personal histories
of cancer patients to see whether
they had suffered some shock,
distress or trauma before their
illness (for the full story, see
According to him, cancer is a
biological response to an unusual
situation, and when the “shock”
situation is resolved, the body sets
about returning to normality. Most
importantly, if we can in any way
be prepared for the stressful event,
we will not become ill.
His ideas were of course
controversial, and got him into
trouble with the medical
authorities. As a result, his license
to practise medicine was
withdrawn, and he has been in and
out of jail. Dr Hamer believes
very strongly that the present
methods of dealing with cancer
are barbarous, cruel and
completely unnecessary. This
opinion does not make him many
friends among his colleagues.
I am relating this story to highlight
the thousands of cases he
researched that showed the very
strong connection between stress
and cancer.
Even if we reject his conclusion,
we cannot reject this fact that there
is a strong correlation between the
two. And since stress is a
state-of-mind, then modifying this
mindset should be able to modify
the risks of the stress translating to
The mind, stress and fatigue
Most of you will be familiar with
the feeling of being drained of
energy whenever you are stressed
or depressed. Negative emotions
shut out the mind’s command over
the energies that it normally
The qigong master must be in total
control of his emotions to be able
to control his qi. Positive
emotions, like happiness, on the
other hand, enhance this control.
To smile and be happy are
pre-requisites to practising
At the molecular level, we know
that all cellular activities
important for survival and good
health are energetic processes. So,
even scientifically, it is expected
that anything that disrupts the
availability of energy to the cells
can cause disease.
But science only talks about
caloric and photonic energies,
which are not enough to explain
why people get fatigued, even if
they drink glucose or have so
much stored energy (fat deposits)
If the availability of qi (life-force)
is brought into the equation, then a
lot more can be explained.
Perhaps when science catches up
with qi acnd metaphysics, we will
have better understanding of the
mysterious syndromes, and have
more hope of relief or even cures
for the millions of sufferers.
The mind can have absolute
control over the workings of qi,
but much less influence on the
metabolic production of energy
(from sugars and fats) in the body.

I believe we can solve many
health problems by combining our
knowledge of
psych-neuro-immunology, and
psycho-neuro-energetics. The
answer lies in understanding what
the different kinds of bio-energy
can do for you. Energy Medicine
is indeed the next frontier of

Dr Amir Farid Isahak is a
medical specialist who
practises holistic, aesthetic
and anti-ageing medicine.
He is a qigong master and
founder of SuperQigong.
The views expressed are
those of the writer and
readers are advised to
always consult expert
advice before undertaking
any changes to their
lifestyles. The Star does not
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