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2020: Die Corona-Epidemie => 2020: Die Corona-Epidemie => Topic started by: NoRPthun on November 16, 2011, 08:40:48 AM

Title: Georg Ritschl, aus Deutschland exportierter tödlicher Wahn in Südafrika
Post by: NoRPthun on November 16, 2011, 08:40:48 AM
neue Überschrift: "Georg Ritschl, aus Deutschland exportierter tödlicher Wahn in Südafrika"
alte Überschrift: "Betrug an AIDS-Kranken und Krebskranken"

Scherret und Neidlein
Neuer Betrug in Südafrika!

Ausgerechnet da, wo die Menschen in MASSEN an AIDS sterben, noch ein Gesundheitsbetrüger...

Mal sehen, was die Staatsanwaltschaft dazu meint...

Personalausweis des Deutschen Reiches, Gesundes Sachsen, Heilnetzinstitut
Die weltweiten Partner von "Gesundes Sachsen" unter

Antje Scherret Forum voll im Untergrund abgetaucht

Netzwerk des Verbrechens

[Wegen der Covid-19-aktivitäten von Georg Ritschl die Überschrift geändert und den Post hierher verschoben. Rhokia]
Title: Re: Betrug an AIDS-Kranken und Krebskranken
Post by: NoRPthun on November 16, 2011, 08:44:20 AM

Home / Buy Orgone Zapper / Zappers and AIDS
Zappers and AIDS
Orgone Zappers and AIDS - the story of Nathan Kagina

Nathan Kagina is a Ugandan citizen who recovered completely from full blown AIDS, using one of our orgone zappers.
 Hear his story in his own words:

 Yes, I am Nathan Kagina and I did promote the Terminator on National T.V., Radio, and Newspapers [here in my home country of Uganda].
 The response and requests for more information and availability is overwhelming.
 Uganda has a population of about 30 million people and 20% are now living with HIV/AIDS and need this treatment.
 The government chemist, Ministry of Health, Dr. Grace Nambatya Kyeyune has now included the ZAPPER for HIV treatment in Uganda, officially, on the basis of my own research, testimony and case study.
 The Zapper is amazingly the most important scientific discovery since the Atomic Bomb but based on laws of magnetism.
 In just six months of using the Zapper my viral load fell from millions per sample to an undetectable level.
 This is bad news for the drug cartel and good news for millions living with HIV/AIDS, worldwide.
 Thank you for your quick response and for your offer to give me a couple of Terminators.
 Attached, find photos taken on the point of death (a memory photo with my wife and children) then the second photograph, after recovery .
 Thank you DON for saving my life!.
 Kind regards,
 Mr Nathan Kagina
 P.O. Box 16264
 Kampala, Uganda
 Tele: +256782690197

When Nathan wrote this letter to Don Croft he believed that he had used one of Don’s Terminators. We later learned, that he used one of ours. (Not that it would have made a difference)
 He had been treated by Dr. Rushidie Kayiwa who among other doctors in Uganda has been using Don’s and our zappers successfully to treat AIDS and other serious conditions.

Mr. Kagina supplied these two pictures himself.

His case gained national publicity in Uganda in the main national newspapers and  tv stations. He accompanied the official Ugandan delegation to the AIDS conference in Toronto in 2005 to present his evidence to an international audience there.
Why do we still speak of an “AIDS pandemic” and incurable disease?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Of course we are not making any generalised claims here. The story is reported as a matter of fact and you may draw your own conclusions. That is called freedom of speech and is protected by the constitutions of most countries, however frantic the medical mafia may be to destroy the evidence of such cases.
It is not the only complete AIDS healing that has been reported to us.

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Title: Georg Ritschl, aus Deutschland exportierter tödlicher Wahn in Südafrika
Post by: Caradiogan on December 10, 2021, 12:06:31 AM
Warum konnte man diesen todbringenden Marodeur nicht in Deutschland behalten und dort der Justiz überführen?

22. März 2020:

Georg Ritschl: Zappers & the Coronavirus
By Jaina Dadia | March 22nd, 2020 | Coronavirus interviews | 0 Comments

Georg Ritschl is the founder of Orgonise Africa, an organisation whose aims are to provide global healing energy tools. They specialise in the production of orgonite for environmental healing and the creation of positive energy. Orgonite is also used in the construction of Zappers which are small hand-held electrical devices which kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the body. In this controversial episode we discuss:

▶️Background of zappers. What is a zapper and why use it

▶️Georg’s beginnings with zappers and his apprenticeship with Don Croft

▶️The benefits of ‘zapping’ and its ability to kill off viruses (such as COVID-19), bacteria and parasites in the body

▶️What is orgonite and why use it

▶️Use of orgonite in zappers

▶️Zappers and the Coronavirus

▶️…G and the link to the Coronavirus

Georg Ritschl:

Health Paradigm:

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About the Author: Jaina Dadia

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Title: Re: Betrug an AIDS-Kranken und Krebskranken
Post by: Caradiogan on December 10, 2021, 12:26:50 AM
Nachdem Georg Ritschl deutschen Wahnsinnigen Reklame für den Massenmörder Ryke Geerd Hamer und dessen Gefolge gegeben hat, ist er jetzt dabei, Afrikaner auszubeuten und zu der Verbreitung der Covid-19-Seuche in Afrika beizutragen.


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Mar 2020

1 hr 5 min

Episode Description

Georg Ritschl: Benefits of using a Zapper & the Coronavirus - Health Paradigm | Podcast on Spotify
Listen to this episode from Health Paradigm on Spotify. George Ritschl is the founder of Orgonise Africa.
datePublished: 2020-03-22T19:44:00Z

Title: Wie Georg Ritschl in Afrika Müll an die Afrikaner verkauft
Post by: Caradiogan on December 10, 2021, 12:36:54 AM

Georg Ritschl ist ein Fall für die Justiz.
Title: Südafrika: Betrug an AIDS-Kranken,Krebskranken und Covid-19
Post by: Caradiogan on December 10, 2021, 12:40:14 AM

Georg Ritschl ist ein Fall für die Justiz.


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Post by: Caradiogan on December 10, 2021, 12:51:37 AM
"In freundlicher Genehmigung Ein Beitrag von Georg Ritschl vom Dezember 2009, der in Afrika lebt und mit Orgonit arbeitet:"
"In letzter Zeit wurde ich häufig gefragt, wie ich denn wüsste, dass das Orgonit-Minischildtatsächlich negative Handystrahlung in lebensfreundlichepositive Orgonstrahlungverwandelt."

Für die Staatsanwaltschaften gesichert:

Der Text ist in Deutsch veröffentlicht. Offensichtlich exportiert Georg Ritschl von Südafrika in deutschsprachige Länder, und an Menschen aus Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz, die in andere Länder ausgewandert sind, zum Beispiel nach Südamerika.
Title: Re: Georg Ritschl, aus Deutschland exportierter tödlicher Wahn in Südafrika
Post by: Rhokia on December 10, 2021, 02:00:39 AM
Die "Karriere" des Georg Ritschl als Verbreiter und Händler von lebensgefährlichem Irrsinn wurde auch von PSIRAM angeschaut:

Ich mußte das Buchstabengewusel erst mal lesbar machen.

Georg Ritschl
Georg Ritschl (geb. 10. März 1959) ist ein deutschstämmiger Architekt, Unternehmer und Verschwörungstheoretiker, der sich in Südafrika aufhält und österreichischer Staatsbürger sein soll. Ritschl ist Anmelder mehrerer deutschsprachiger Webdomains, die von Südafrika aus betrieben werden. Dazu gehört das Forum der GNM-Anhänger sowie ein Forum von Anhängern der Chemtrail-Hypothese. Auch das Forum von Jo Conrad (Freigeist-Forum) ist auf ihn angemeldet.[1]

Ritschl verkauft weltweit Vorrichtungen, die auf Wilhelm Reichs Orgontheorie zurückgehen: So genannte Cloudbuster in zahlreichen Ausführungen bis hin zur "Orgon-Haubitze". Diese Geschäfte hat er unter das Motto "Orgonise Africa" gestellt. Ziel sei es, "Orgonit über ganz Afrika zu verteilen und so diesem Kontinent wieder zu seiner ursprünglichen Schönheit zu verhelfen" ("Orgonit" ist bei Orgon-Anhängern der Name für eine Mischung aus Kunstharz und Metallspänen und ein wesentlicher Bestandteil von Cloudbustern). Daneben handelt Ritschl mit Heilsteinen sowie mit Zappern. In diese medizinisch unsinnigen Geräte, die bei ihm "Orgonzapper" heißen, baut er zusätzliche Komponenten ein: Eine "Möbiusspule", die ein "skalares elektromagnetisches Feld" erzeuge, einen Orgonitklotz, der für ein "stimulierendes bioelektrisches Feld" sorge, einen "entzündungshemmend und schmerzlindernd" wirkenden Amethyst und einen Magneten ("hat starke Heilwirkungen an und fuer sich"). Er behauptet auch, dass die Zapper sogar Aids heilen können.[2]

Ritschl wurde in Forenbeiträgen nachgesagt, sich aufgrund von hohen Schulden aus Deutschland abgesetzt zu haben, da es kein Auslieferungsabkommen mit Südafrika gäbe. Die Vorwürfe gegen Ritschl beziehen sich offenbar auf ein missglücktes Immobiliengeschäft um eine Abschreibungsimmobilie in Berlin-Hoppegarten nach der Wende. Ritschls Resümee: "Wir haben damals, in Gespraechen mit Kollegen, Rechtsanwaelten und vielen interessanten Personen des oeffentlichen und nicht so oeffentlichen Lebens ganz neue Einblicke hinter die Kulissen unseres Geld- und Geschaeftssystems bekommen, die vielleicht den Keim meiner spaeteren Neuorientierung gelegt haben."

Am 21. April 2009 wurde Georg Ritschl mit drei anderen Personen in Mozambique wegen des Verdachts der Sabotage am Cahora-Bassa-Staudamm verhaftet. Die Verhafteten gaben dagegen an, dass sie lediglich das Wasser des Stausees mit Orgonit "beleben" wollten um einen satanischen Fluch zu brechen, der durch ein Pentagram auf ganz Zimbabwe gelegt wurde.[3] Nach Angaben der Polizei hätten Ritschl und seine Mitstreiter versucht, Orgonit in die Turbinen des Damms einzubringen. Es wurden 500 kg der Substanz sichergestellt.[4] Zeitungsberichten zufolge wurden die Verhafteten am 12. Juni 2009 freigelassen und der Fall sei abgeschlossen, nachdem Laboruntersuchungen ergeben hatten, dass Orgonit weitgehend harmlos sei.[5]


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Orgone Zappers and AIDS - the story of Nathan Kagina
Satanic 'healing-safari' jailed near African power station, May 8, 2009, Adriana Stuijt
Mozambique dam was New-Age cleansing ritual - not sabotage., Sowetan, 7 May 2009
Mozambique: Orgonite Four Released,
Kategorien: Anhänger der Germanischen Neuen MedizinEsoterikerOrgontheorieVerschwörungstheoretikerChemtrail-Anhänger
Title: Re: Georg Ritschl, aus Deutschland exportierter tödlicher Wahn in Südafrika
Post by: Julian on December 10, 2021, 08:31:58 PM
Psiram pfuscht. Wie üblich.

Hier die originalen Berichte, soweit möglich restauriert und mit URL:

Orgone Zappers and AIDS - the story of Nathan Kagina

Satanic 'healing-safari' jailed near African power station, May 8, 2009, Adriana Stuijt

Mozambique dam was New-Age cleansing ritual - not sabotage., Sowetan, 7 May 2009

Mozambique: Orgonite Four Released,


Orgone Zappers and AIDS - the story of Nathan Kagina
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Home / Buy Orgone Zapper / Zappers and AIDS

Zappers and AIDS

Orgone Zappers and AIDS - the story of Nathan Kagina

Nathan Kagina is a Ugandan citizen who recovered completely from full blown AIDS, using one of our orgone zappers.
Hear his story in his own words:

Yes, I am Nathan Kagina and I did promote the Terminator on National T.V., Radio, and Newspapers [here in my home country of Uganda].
The response and requests for more information and availability is overwhelming.
Uganda has a population of about 30 million people and 20% are now living with HIV/AIDS and need this treatment.
The government chemist, Ministry of Health, Dr. Grace Nambatya Kyeyune has now included the ZAPPER for HIV treatment in Uganda, officially, on the basis of my own research, testimony and case study.
The Zapper is amazingly the most important scientific discovery since the Atomic Bomb but based on laws of magnetism.
In just six months of using the Zapper my viral load fell from millions per sample to an undetectable level.
This is bad news for the drug cartel and good news for millions living with HIV/AIDS, worldwide.
Thank you for your quick response and for your offer to give me a couple of Terminators.
Attached, find photos taken on the point of death (a memory photo with my wife and children) then the second photograph, after recovery .
Thank you DON for saving my life!.
Kind regards,
Mr Nathan Kagina
P.O. Box 16264
Kampala, Uganda
Tele: +256782690197

When Nathan wrote this letter to Don Croft he believed that he had used one of Don’s Terminators. We later learned, that he used one of ours. (Not that it would have made a difference)
He had been treated by Dr. Rushidie Kayiwa who among other doctors in Uganda has been using Don’s and our zappers successfully to treat AIDS and other serious conditions.

Nathan Kagina before and after the use of one of our zappers
Mr. Kagina supplied these two pictures himself.

His case gained national publicity in Uganda in the main national newspapers and  tv stations. He accompanied the official Ugandan delegation to the AIDS conference in Toronto in 2005 to present his evidence to an international audience there.
Why do we still speak of an “AIDS pandemic” and incurable disease?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Of course we are not making any generalised claims here. The story is reported as a matter of fact and you may draw your own conclusions. That is called freedom of speech and is protected by the constitutions of most countries, however frantic the medical mafia may be to destroy the evidence of such cases.
It is not the only complete AIDS healing that has been reported to us.

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Satanic 'healing-safari' jailed near African power station, May 8, 2009, Adriana Stuijt
In the Media
Satanic 'healing-safari' jailed near African power station
By Adriana Stuijt
May 8, 2009 in Lifestyle

Four bizarre 'prophets of a Gaia-healing safari' were arrested at the crucial Cahora Bassa power station in Mozambique and held for 'sabotaging' the hydro-electric plant. They were throwing 'orgon' disks in the water, 'trying to break a Satanic curse."
In what must be one of the strangest stories yet to come out of Africa, South African journalist Waldimar Pelser writes that a German architect was arrested with a Portuguese-born Dutch hotelier and two African assistants - a pilot and a tourguide -- for trying to sabotage this crucial hydro-electronic plant, which provides electricity to three southern African countries: Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
The hydro-electric dam, built by South Africa during the apartheid-era in the 1970s, generates about 2,075 megawatt, of which 1,500 Mw is delivered to its builder, Eskom electricity company in South Africa and the rest is used in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
Friederike and George Ritschl Orgonising Africa
Orgonise Africa com
For the past eleven years, this German couple, Friederike and George Ritschl, have been 'ritually cleansing (orgonising) Africa of the 'damaging effects of modern technology'. They throw 'orgonites'into rivers with hydroelectric plants and cellphone towers. He was arrested in Mozambique this week.
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Arrested on April 21 were German architect Georg Ritschl (50), South African tour guide Joseph Ngwato (21), Botswanan pilot Tino Puthego (28), and a Portuguese hotelier from the Netherlands, Carlos da Silva (30). Ritschl's wife said they were merely on a safari to 'heal Africa' from harmful man-made radiation.
Esoteric dance ritual
The four men have been in custody ever since their arrest by Mozambican police while allegedly carrying out some kind of esoteric dance ritual at this crucial hydro-electronic plant.
The architect's wife, Mrs Frederike Ritschl, told the Afrikaans newspaper Beeld on Friday that they were on an "orgonising Gaia-healing safari', and that the four men now are being held 'under dismal circumstances' in the small town of Songo, near the dam wall.
Orgonising Africa s Zambezi river
Orgonise Africa com
A bizarre 'healing safari' group has been arrested for attempting to sabotage the Cahora Bassa hydroelectric plant in Mozambique. The 'healing safari' was carrying out 'orgonising safaris' to clean the African continent of the effects of HAARP radiation, which they said formed a 'satanic pentagram' across Southern Africa. This is one of their trips.
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The four were apparently arrested while throwing disks made of fibreglass, baby powder and metal scraps (see the video on how to make these) and which Mrs Ritschl referred to as "orgonite' into the dam.
Orgonite, she said was thrown in to "restore the vibrations from the huge water-masses in a magnificent way.'
The German couple, who moved to Johannesburg in South Africa eleven years ago, are dedicated to 'orgonising all of Africa', it is claimed on their blog. They also peddle their 'orgonite' and silver-covered electrodes they refer to as 'zappers' on the Internet.
"White spots"
They claim these mystery objects can 'cure AIDS and cancer." However what they were doing on their trip up the Zambezi river from Zimbabwe to Mozambique, was to find 'white electricity spots' to 'orgonise' in order to 'heal Africa'. see
For the past eleven years, they have travelled throughout southern Africa to seek out these mysterious 'white spots' during their 'orgonising safaris'.
Frequent confrontations with locals:
Cahora Bassa dam  Mozambique
Wikipedia Cahora Bassa dam
Cahora Bassa dam, Mozambique
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Their blogs also report frequent confrontations with locals who did not take kindly to their witchcraft-rituals. Small wonder: eighty percent of Africans still prefer going to their traditional healers for their medicines, instead of Western doctors.
"Orgonising' the Zambesi river was just the latest in a long series of trips. See their blog
It's also no surprise that they were arrested: the Cahora Bassa Dam system is the largest hydroelectric scheme in southern Africa with the powerhouse containing 5 x 415MW turbines. It is one of the three major dams on the Zambezi river system. It's under 24-hour camera surveillance and protected as a 'strategic key site' in southern Africa.
Their April 2009 'pilgrimage' to the Cahora Bassa formed part of their 'healing safari' to try and repair the claimed damaging impact of 'new-world technology' such as cellphone towers (HAARP).
Satanic pentagram:
Mrs Ritschl said the healing safari group had travelled from Macossa in Zimbabwe, which they claimed 'contains one of the five corners of a satanic pentagram which is placing a curse on Zimbabwe'.
Beeld writes that their project was stopped in its tracks when the Mozambican police arrested them on April 21 and they are now being held under suspicion of attempted sabotage of the Cahora Bassa dam's hydro-electric turbines. The case has drawn quite a lot of media attention in Mozambique.
State-run Radio Mozambique also aired an interview with Ngwato, who denied that he was involved in any 'sabotage attempts', he was merely the tour guide.
Paul Muxanga, head of the HCB company which runs the dam's electric installations, told the Mozambiquan news service AIM that the police's claims were 'a total surprise to him'. The police never told us that the dam was under any kind of threat'.
A spokesman for the South African state-owned electricity company Eskom also said (rather tongue in cheek) that such small amounts of any material, even 'orgonite', would not be able to damage gigantic turbines such as those at the Cahora Bassa.
"Huge quantities of any element would have to be dumped into the water to have any kind of invasive or damaging effect.' original story in Afrikaans here,,3-975_2512993,00.html

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Mozambique dam was New-Age cleansing ritual - not sabotage., Sowetan, 7 May 2009
‘Mozambique dam was New-Age cleansing ritual - not sabotage’
7 May 2009

The Cahora Bassa hydro-electric dam
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South African arrested for sabotage in Mozambique
The four people arrested on suspicion of sabotaging the Cahora Bassa dam in Mozambique were only trying to cleanse the water in an esoteric ritual akin to Feng Shui, according to the wife of one of those arrested.
“My husband has been in jail now for 17 days and it is for nothing,” Friederike Ritschl said.
She said her German husband Georg, who had been a South African resident for 11 years, and three others, had been part of a project to revive the “stale” water in the dam when they were mistakenly suspected of attempting to sabotage the turbines.
The others had been identified as South African Joseph Ngwato, Botswana national Tino Phuthego and Portuguese national Carlos da Silva.
She explained they travelled to a lodge at the Cahora Bassa dam on April 11.
“The idea was to go with the own boat up the dam to Zumbo and back and drop Orgonite pieces all the way, to improve the quality of etheric energy (life force) of the dam.”
The mixture of resin and iron filings was put into a cupcake mould and, according to their website, was distributed at places in southern Africa as gifts to the community.
They believed the Orgonite, which they also placed under cellphone towers, created a better “vibe” in a community and could lead to increased harmony.
They took the material to Cahora Bassa because it “brings out the water’s life energy”.
“It revitalises the water... it’s a very subtle thing,” she said, likening it to the Feng Shui process of creating good energy — known as “qi” to followers of esoteria.
According to a website run by advocates of this practice, they also do “cloud busting” — a technique believed to bring rain to drought-stricken areas.
However, on this mission, Georg had to stay at the lodge to repair their Land Rover which had broken down.
The three had carried on with the journey on a ferry to complete their task and were returning when they and Georg were arrested on April 21.
She denied that her architect husband was a soldier as reported.
Their lawyer Herminio Mhatumbo said they were in custody in Tete facing an initial accusation of sabotage, but were waiting for laboratory tests which would indicate whether the case would proceed.
“They want to know if it is poison or it can kill animals, people,” said Mhatumbo.
Meanwhile, a Sapa correspondent in Mozambique reported that Ngwato said he was hired as a tour guide.
He told Radio Mozambique on Thursday: “I was merely invited into that expedition and I’m not the man who was leading that entire project, I refer all questions to the leaders...”
Ngwato, who called himself a prophet, said he went with hotellier Da Silva and pilot Phuthelo for the project.
Police said the four had allegedly attempted to put the Orgonite in the turbines of the dam on the Zambezi River.
Their equipment had included a speed boat and Global Positioning System.
Experts at the Eduardo Mondlane University described Orgonite as a mixture of scrap metal filings from machine shops and plastic resin.
They said it can be very complex in construction, going from simple scrap metals all the way to expensive crystals and precious metals.
Meanwhile, Cahora Bassa management said it was not informed of the alleged foreign plot to destroy the hydro-electric dam.
Mozambique national news agency, AIM, quoted Paulo Muxanga chairman of the dam operating company HCB as saying: “This came as a complete surprise to us. At no time did the police tell us the dam was under threat”.
Muxanga added that he had first heard about the supposed plot from the media reports.
National television channel, Televisao de Mozambique (TVM) said on Thursday that President Armando Guebuza had called for calm to let the police do their work.
“It’s serious issue, (and) let the relevant and competent institutions work. At the moment, we cannot advance with anything before we come to any conclusion which can lead us to what really happened”, said Guebuza.
Police said they had confiscated 500kg of the substance.
Cahora Bassa, which produces 2075MW short of its potential of 14,000MW of power, is touted as one of the solutions to the power crisis in the Southern African Development Community region.
The dam supplies power to South Africa, Mozambique and Malawi, with plans to connect Botswana, Tanzania and Swaziland.

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Mozambique: Orgonite Four Released,
Agencia de Informacao de Mocambique (Maputo)

Mozambique: Orgonite Four Released
15 June 2009

Maputo — Four members of the New Age cult "Orgonise Africa", arrested in the western Mozambican province of Tete on 21 April, have been released after local prosecutors decided there was no evidence that they had intended to commit sabotage.

The group was led by Georg Ritschl, a German architect resident in South Africa, and also included Carlos de Jesus Silva (a Portuguese hotelier resident in Holland), Tino Phutheso (a Botswanan aircraft pilot), and Joseph Nqusato (a South African self-styled "prophet").

They were caught heaving lumps of a substance known as "orgonite" off the side of a boat into the Cahora Bassa lake. The police claimed that this was an attempt to sabotage the Cahora Bassa dam, and the Public Prosecutor's Office duly charged them with sabotage and polluting the lake.

The police, prosecutors, and much of the Mozambican press had difficulty in dealing with the case, because lunatic fringe groups such as "Orgonise Africa" are mercifully rare in Mozambique. In particular, Mozambicans had never come across the theories of the deranged Austrian-American psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich before.

Reich believed he had discovered a universal form of energy called orgone. This was the force involved in the human orgasm, which was also responsible for a vast gamut of phenomena from the weather, to gravity, to the formation of galaxies. Anything that goes wrong in the world, such as disease, or drought, or floods, is due to a shortage of orgone.

Although Reich died in an American jail in 1957, he still has disciples, who believe they can cue the world of its ills by the use of "orgonite". It is not very difficult to make orgonite - the websites of orgone enthusiasts give instructions. It consists of metal shavings (any metal will do, but the "Orgonise Africa" group were using aluminium), quartz crystals and fibre glass resin.

This was the stuff which, in cone-shaped lumps, Ritschl and his friends were tipping into the lake, in order to combat "negative energy" (which, like orgone, only exists in the minds of this cult's followers). Their own boat had broken down, so they took a commercial boat up river towards Zumbo, on the border with Zimbabwe. They were spotted, their odd behaviour aroused suspicion, and they were eventually arrested.

According to a report in Monday's issue of the Maputo daily "Noticias", the Tete provincial attorney, Bernardo Junior Duce, said the four were released last Friday because laboratory tests done in South Africa and Brazil showed that orgonite was indeed harmless.

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Southern Africa
This is a conclusion that should have been reached weeks earlier. For HCB, the company that runs the Cahora Bassa dam, carries out daily tests of the water in the lake. Back in early May, HCB chairperson Paulo Muxanga told AIM the tests revealed that the water quality was unchanged.

Nothing in orgonite is corrosive - but even if it were, and the stuff were to dissolve in the lake, there was simply too little of it to cause any damage. According to the police the group was carrying 500 kilos of orgonite - but even if they threw it all into the lake, this would hardly alter its composition, since the Cahora Bassa reservoir contains 56 cubic kilometres of water.

Now that the case has been closed, the Tete provincial court will now return to the four their boat, vehicle and other equipment that was seized in April.

Perhaps the four will return home having learnt the salutary lesson that you should ask permission before tipping rubbish into other people's lakes.

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Title: Re: Georg Ritschl, aus Deutschland exportierter tödlicher Wahn in Südafrika
Post by: Julian on December 10, 2021, 08:49:49 PM
In diesem "Artikel" der geistig verwirrten Jaina Dadia (oder doch einer bewußt agierenden Komplizin?)

Georg Ritschl: Zappers & the Coronavirus
By Jaina Dadia | March 22nd, 2020 | Coronavirus interviews | 0 Comments

ist dieses Video verlinkt, das sage und schreibe 65 Minuten lang ist:

Warum hat Youtube diesen Dreck nicht gelöscht!?

Die Beschreibung:

Georg Ritschl: Benefits of using a Zapper & the Coronavirus
626 views Mar 22, 2020

Health Paradigm
213 subscribers

Georg Ritschl is the founder of Orgonise Africa, an organisation whose aims are to provide global healing energy tools. They specialise in the production of orgonite for environmental healing and the creation of positive energy. Orgonite is also used in the construction of Zappers which are small hand-held electrical devices which kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the body.

In this controversial episode we discuss:

▶️Background of zappers. What is a zapper and why use it
▶️Georg's beginnings with zappers and his apprenticeship with Don Croft
▶️The benefits of 'zapping' and its ability to kill off viruses (such as COVID-19), bacteria and parasites in the body
▶️What is orgonite and why use it
▶️Use of orgonite in zappers
▶️Zappers and the Coronavirus
▶️...G and the link to the Coronavirus

Georg Ritschl:
Health Paradigm:

Quote: "Zappers ... are small hand-held electrical devices which kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the body."