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Author Topic: And the winner is: Alex Jones!  (Read 205 times)


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And the winner is: Alex Jones!
« on: August 04, 2022, 09:34:44 PM »

Alex Jones must pay $4.1m in damages for Sandy Hook theories

29 minutes ago

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been ordered to pay $4.1m (£3.3m) in damages after falsely claiming the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax.

Parents of a victim have sought at least $150m in the Texas defamation trial against the Infowars founder.

They said they had endured harassment and emotional distress because of the right-wing host's misinformation.

Twenty children and six adults were shot dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in 2012.

The jury in the city of Austin decided compensatory damages on Thursday, and must still determine any punitive damages.

Jones repeatedly argued that the shooting was a hoax organised by the government in order to strip Americans of gun ownership rights, and that the parents of the dead children were "crisis actors".

He has already lost a series of defamation cases brought by parents of the victims by default after failing to produce documents and testimony.

But this is the first in which financial damages were determined by a jury.

The case was brought by Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin, the separated parents of six-year-old Jesse Lewis, who died in the school shooting.

Ahead of Thursday's decision, a lawyer for the plaintiffs revealed that Jones' lawyer had inadvertently sent him two years of texts from his client's phone.

The messages could be of interest to the congressional panel investigating last year's US Capitol riot. The committee says Jones helped organise a rally that took place just before the riot.

Despite retracting his claims about Sandy Hook, Jones has continued to use his platform to attack jurors and the judge in this case.

He also claimed he was bankrupt despite evidence that his companies were earning about $800,000 dollars a day selling diet supplements, gun paraphernalia and survivalist equipment.

Einnahmen von 24 Millionen Dollar pro Monat. 24 Millionen Dollar.

Pro Jahr: 292 Millionen Dollar.

Die "Strafe":  4,1 Millionen Dollar.

Das ist keine Strafe. Das ist eine nationale Schande.

Das ist kein Gericht. Das ist eine nationale Schande.

Die Gerechtigkeit ist tot.


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Re: And the winner is: Alex Jones!
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2022, 10:40:00 PM »

Man denkt, es wird doch noch gut, dann steht am Ende des Artikels dieser halbe Satz:  "it is not clear how much of the $45.2 million sum will ultimately be awarded, as Texas law has statutory limits on punitive damages".

Das bedeutet: Alex Jones wird eine Armee von Anwälten in den Krieg schicken, und mit jedem Verfahren wird das Gericht nach bekannter Manier die Summe heruntersetzen. Am Ende wird man sich freuen dürfen, wenn die Eltern ihm nicht noch Geld werden bezahlen müssen.

Dieser juristische Beschiß ist mit Bedacht eingesetzt worden - von ausgerechnet denen, vor denen man die Opfer schützen wollte. Aber die Betrüger an der Macht haben eben mehr Politiker in der Hand als sich unsereins träumen läßt...

Alex Jones Ordered to Pay $45.2 Million for Sandy Hook Lies

Those punitive damages are on top of the $4.1 million he must pay to the mother and father of a 6-year-old boy killed in the 2012 massacre.

Allison Quinn
News Editor
Updated Aug. 05, 2022 7:05PM ET / Published Aug. 05, 2022 6:04PM ET

Jurors returned a verdict against Alex Jones late Friday that call on him to pay $45.2 million in punitive damages to the parents of a child killed in the Sandy Hook massacre.

The verdict comes a day after he was ordered to pay $4.1 million in compensatory damages on Thursday.

In his closing statement, a lawyer representing the parents of Jesse Lewis, a 6-year-old boy killed in the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut, had urged jurors not to go easy on the InfoWars host who repeatedly claimed the attack was a hoax.

Jones Told to Cough Up $4M in Disastrous Sandy Hook Battle
Justin Rohrlich

“[Alex Jones] is worth almost $270 million that we know of. Please take an amount that punishes him, and an amount that ensures he never does this again,” he said.

“We ask that you send a very, very simple message, and that is, stop Alex Jones. Stop the monetization of misinformation and lies. Please,” pleaded the lawyer, Wesley Todd Ball.

The verdict capped off a trial that went disastrously for the conspiracy theorist, with his own lawyers accidentally sending a lawyer for the Sandy Hook victim’s family two years worth of Jones’ damning text messages.

He was subsequently grilled on the stand over his earlier testimony, in which Sandy Hook lawyers said it was clear he had perjured himself by claiming he had no messages related to the school shooting or his claims about it.

Jones also claimed on the stand earlier this week that any award “above $2 million” would “sink” him and InfoWars, despite a forensic economist testifying that InfoWars made $64 million last year, and that Jones and his company Free Speech Systems are worth $135 million to $270 million.

The Friday ruling by the jury—the same jury Jones disparaged as “extremely blue collar folks” who “don’t know what planet they’re on” —also came after Scarlett Lewis, the mother of the slain Sandy Hook 6-year-old, confronted Jones in the courtroom.

“Alex, I want you to hear this,” she said Tuesday, staring straight at him. “We’re more polarized than ever as a country. Some of that is because of you.”

The boy’s father, Neil Heslin, also testified about the torment the family went through as a result of Jones pushing the bogus claim that the school shooting in which 20 children and six staffers died was a “giant hoax” in which the grieving parents were “actors.”

Heslin testified that he’d been harassed and attacked by conspiracy theorists on the street, with a gun even fired into his house on one occasion.

At the same time Heslin was testifying, Jones was busy broadcasting his show and was absent from the courtroom, something Heslin called a “cowardly act.”

Attorneys for the parents had sought $150 million in damages, and it is not clear how much of the $45.2 million sum will ultimately be awarded, as Texas law has statutory limits on punitive damages.

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Alex Jones muss fast eine Milliarde Dollar Schadenersatz zahlen
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2022, 04:25:31 AM »

Jetzt wird es lustig. Der Feindsender NZZ meldet die beabsichtigte Vernichtung des Charakterschweins Alex Jones. Okay, okay, er wird ein bißchen zappeln und eine Armee von Anwälten anheuern, damit sie die  Summe verkleinern. Aber für den Moment fühlt es sich sehr gut an.  :P

Verschwörungstheoretiker Alex Jones muss fast eine Milliarde Dollar Schadenersatz zahlen

Alex Jones sagte in seiner Sendung auf Youtube wiederholt, der Amoklauf an der Sandy-Hook-Grundschule im Dezember 2012 sei inszeniert worden. Nun muss er den Angehörigen Schadenersatz von insgesamt 965 Millionen Dollar zahlen.

12.10.2022, 23.08 Uhr

(dpa) Der amerikanische Verschwörungstheoretiker Alex Jones muss wegen seiner falschen Behauptungen zu dem Massaker an der Sandy-Hook-Grundschule insgesamt 965 Millionen Dollar an Hinterbliebene zahlen. Das entschied ein Gericht im Gliedstaat Connecticut am Mittwoch, wie amerikanische Medien übereinstimmend aus dem Gerichtssaal in Waterbury berichteten.


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