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NYT: Tide Has Cancer Causing Chemical
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Mike Masco
The New York Times article says Tide laundry detergent contains a cancer
causing chemical.
Could a popular laundry brand cause cancer?
According to the New York Times, Tide laundry detergent contains trace
amounts of 1,4-dioxane, a cancer causing chemical. Tests run by an
environmental group, Women's Voices for the Earth found small amounts of
the dioxane in Tide Free and Gental and Tide Original Scent. A Procter and
Gamble toxicologist says the amount of the chemical in Tide is well below
the safety risk level.
Environmental and health advocacy groups have asked Procter and Gamble to
change Tide's formula. Women's Voices for the Earth has started an on line
petition on its website calling for a formula change. "What’s most
appalling is that Tide Free & Gentle is marketed to moms as a healthier
choice for their children’s laundry. Yet infants and children are more
vulnerable to chemical exposures because their immune, neurological, and
hormone systems are still developing," said a message on their website.
This is not Procter and Gambles first run-in with dioxane. In 2010, the
company made changes to their Herbal Essence shampoo line to reduce or
eliminate dioxane.
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© 2010 Hearst Radio Inc. AP Material © 2010 The Associated Press.
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Enzyme in Wachmitteln schädigen die Lunge. Besonders Kinder sind gefährdet.
Jahrzehntelang wurde das Chlor in den Schwimmbädern verniedlicht und verharmlost. Bis endlich jemand den Mut hatte und öffentlich zugab, daß es die Lungen zerstört. Bis dahin wurden Millionen Kinder in die Gift-Bäder getrieben.