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Author Topic: Wie man einen Massenmörder weißwäscht: Fälschungen in Wikipedia  (Read 5991 times)


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Wie man einen Massenmörder weißwäscht: Fälschungen in Wikipedia
[alte Überschrift: Fälschungen in Wikipedia]

Die Fälschungen in Wikipedia nehmen überhand. Hier der O-Ton von Personen, die in der Seite über Ryke Geerd Hamer fälschen:

Talk:Ryke Geerd Hamer
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First, I would like to apologize for my poor ("german") English - and I invite everybody to correct my gramar/spelling/whatsoever:-)
Second, I would like to say that I am one of the main editors of At the talk page of that
German article I found the link to and so came here. Realizing my poor language skills,
I will not edit "your" article, but share some ideas on this talk page. Just to make clear from the beginning of this discussion: in my
opinion "Germanische Neue Medizin", as Hamer names his strange ideas in german, has nothing to do with medicine - it is just the
opposite of medicine. It is an inhumane way of refusing medical treatment, based on pseudo-psychological and pseudo-biological ideas
mixed with anti-semitism. But let's have a look on the article:
Ryke Geerd Hamer (born 1935) is a German alternative cancer researcher. He served as head of the internal medicine department at
the Clinics of Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen from 1972 to 1981, when he resigned. In this decade he invented and patented
some surgery tools.
Hamer pretends to be a researcher. If you read any of his publications you will find out that this has nothing to do with research.
I cannot find any proof, that "he served as head of the internal medicine department at the Clinics of Eberhard Karls University of
Tübingen". Please check
Basically, according to Hamer, any disease, most notably cancer, is not dangerous in itself, but merely a symptom of a mental
conflict situation. This conflict needs to be resolved in order for the disease to be cured while the tradititional treatments are not
considered as having a primary value.
The idea of a "mental conflict situation" is just one of Hamers "theory". He also "discovered that every disease originates from a
shock or trauma that catches us completely by surprise. The moment the unexpected conflict occurs, the shock strikes a specific
area in the brain causing a lesion (later called Hamer Focus) ..." (from: [1]). This sounds a bit different from "mental conflict
situation", but this does not disturb a great spirit;-)
On September 11, 1998 University of Trnava/Slovacia finished an investigation [2] held at the Oncology Division of the Hospital of
the University stating that "[...] The object of the investigation was to verify the New Medicine system scientifically. This proved to
be the case. [...] there is a high probability that the system is well founded." [3]
Please read the text of this so-called "investigation" and try not to laugh loudly. It is ridiculous to quote (BTW: incorrectly) such a
pamphlet in an encyclopedia.
The conflict between supporters and opponents of Hamer's theories, at the base of which what he calls "biological laws" lays, has
become more acrimonious over the years, with Hamer having started to use anti-semitic terminology and claiming that a genocidal
Jewish conspiracy wants him silenced. In a similar vein, he has started to call his theoretical groundwork "German New Medicine"
(GNM) - a registered trademark - or, in a literal translation from German, "Germanic New Medicine", instead of the formerly-used
term "New Medicine".
I would like to add that in Germany the term "Germanische Neue Medizin" (with it's blind critics of "Schulmedizin") is raising
historic parallels: in Nazi-Germany the "Neue Deutsche Heilkunde" was put against the "verjudete Schulmedizin". --RainerSti
13:21, 10 December 2005 (UTC)
Dear Rainer! i agree and I attempted to modify this article to make it more npov. Please register here in the english wikipedia for better
comunication. Michael Redecke 18:12, 10 December 2005 (UTC)
1 Allegations of anti-Semitism
2 rv feb 1, 2006
3 POV? Trivia? NPOV? Important fact?
4 edits by user Ekem
5 links
6 Hamer's own cancer and death of his son Dirk
7 "Hamer scalpel" story
8 "Hamer scalpel" story BUT why remove the link?
9 External references based on ad hominems and insults statements and ad hominem
10 Histeric and Exaggerating people
11 Hamer fled to Norway in march 2007
12 Forgeries and manipulation committed by Hamer's followers
[edit] Allegations of anti-Semitism
The allegation of anti-Semitism cannot be taken seriously without a source. Which (presumable influential) information outlet has called
Hamer's theories "anti-Semitic"? JFW|T@lk 21:06, 10 December 2005 (UTC)
JFW! The sources are his own words, for instance in his letters he wrote from prison, but also ealier. my English is not good
enough for an exact translation. i insert here some links to statements from him in german language that appeared in the internet.
Some of his messages published in the german wikipedia by his supporters can not be found any more, because they have be
deleted to prevent legal actions against wikipedia. (deleted also in discussion history). I regret for the content.
see this link:
examples found: Some published statements have been deleted by his own supporters in the meantime and can only be found by the
archive-service of
[Link zensiert, ama, 2.6.2010]
...Die Anordnung des Weltoberrabbiners haben nicht nur alle Rabbiner der Welt strikt befolgt, sondern alle jüdischen
Großlogenmeister der B´nai B´rith haben ihre kleinen Logensklaven Chefärzte und Professoren angewiesen, den Massenmord an
den Nichtjuden strikt durchzuführen, sowie alle Chefredakteure von Medien und Fernsehanstalten gezwungen, eine in der Geschichte
beispiellose Erkenntnisunterdrückungskampagne gegen die Neue Medizin und speziell gegen meine Person zu führen (â
žWunderheiler, Scharlatanâ œ) und alle Richter gezwungen, das Verbrechen mitzumachen. Ihren Weltoberrabbiner, den Ihre Freunde ja
zeitweilig für den Messias hielten, wird man mal als den schlimmsten leibhaftigen Satan bezeichnen.
...Die Rabbinergerichte haben seit 22 Jahren keine Gnade oder Erbarmen gekannt, sie handeln in talmudischem Wahn, wovon sie ihre
angebliche Erlaubnis herleiten, alle Menschen, die nicht jüdischen Glaubens sind, umbringen zu dürfen und zu sollen.
I do not agree with the content of these links. I publish them here only for scientific use and as source for further research. Redecke
00:33, 11 December 2005 (UTC)
Hello JFW, I appreciate very much your asking for serious sources. A a "presumable influential" (but of course strongly critizised by
GNM-friends) source I would mention Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (German Cancer Society). In,9935.html (visited 2005-07-14 22:20:53) I read:
(...) Hamer und Antisemitismus: In den Schriften von Hamer tritt eine eindeutige antisemitische Haltung zutage. Ursprünglich
wurde die Theorie von Herrn Hamer unter dem Begriff "Neue Medizin" verbreitet. Neuerdings wurde eine begriffliche Veränderung
in "Germanische Neue Medizin" vorgenommen. Zur Begründung verweist Hamer in im Internet zugänglichen E-Mails auf die
stolze Tradition des germanischen Volkes der Dichter und Denker, der Musiker und Entdecker, aus dem Dr. Hamer stamme. Auch
wolle er seinen Gegnern zuvorkommen, die "stehlen wie die Raben", so dass am Ende "dieses wunderbare Göttergeschenk [die
GNM] dann vielleicht jüdische Neue Medizin" hieße. Weiter führt Hamer aus: " Es ist doch so: Die jüdische Religion teilt
bekanntlich alles ein in gutartig u. bösartig, so auch in der jüdischen sog. Schulmedizin. Wir Nichtjuden werden gezwungen,
weiterhin die jüdische Schulmedizin zu praktizieren mit Chemo, Morphium....- die die Juden selbst aber seit 20 Jahren nicht mehr
praktizieren." ( An anderer Stelle wird die absurde Behauptung aufgestellt, dass Juden sich nach der
"Germanischen Neuen Medizin" behandeln ließen und deshalb Krebs zu 98% überlebten, während 95% der schulmedizinisch
Betreuten daran stürben. Diese Sätze entlarven sich selbst als klarer, dumpf-dümmlicher Antisemitismus.
There are several hints for a paranoid affection (I'm not sure, if this is correct english), and therefore I am not sure, if Hamer's
anti-semitic outlets would really be understood as such by court. Please make your own conclusions. --RainerSti 08:30, 11 December
2005 (UTC)
[edit] rv feb 1, 2006
Hamer has never published in a scientific way. Side effects of cancer treatments are often dangerous, but at the same time they offer a
real chance for any patient. A spontaneous remission is a very rare situation (1 case out of 50000-100000). And: wikipedia is not the
place for opinions ( ... society is not ready for his theories...) Redecke 23:41, 31 January 2006 (UTC)
As far as I understood Hamer's theory, his special psychotherapy triggers the procedures that lead to "spontaneous remission".
There is no evidence, that psychiatric conditions are not correlated with tumor events. But there is a scandinavian study, that
shows that the diagnosis depression is not correlated with the diagnosis breast cancer, which is exactly what Hamer predicts, since
in his theory psychiatric diagnosis and oncological diagnosis is just the open visible manifestation of the deeper psychological
problem, and that different patients show different manifestations. By the way: What does "society is not ready for his theories"
mean? They dont deserve them or what? At least I would need a thorough study about the life expectancy of patients who chose
Hamer's therapy concept, before I can believe one side or the other... -- 09:42, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] POV? Trivia? NPOV? Important fact?
Since when do we talk here about
guardianship court's patients?
un-mature patients?
Hamer approaching a patient himself?
uninformed patients (where did they get the initial diagnose?)?
I think it is very very important to see, that the patients of Hamer are not forced by him, but that they decide according their own free
will to reject the universitary medicine! Furthermore there are cases of suicide after the diagnose "cancer" was learned, so that rejecting
universitary medicine is nothing special and nothing Mr. Hamer can do about. Thanks! -- 08:33, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
the content of this article should not be based on webpages of a sect. the final judgments of several courts concerning hamer are
clear. Redecke 13:10, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
Did he use his patented psycho-manipulator or what? -- 15:31, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] edits by user Ekem
Hamer is a former physician, now living in spain.
Dirk-Hamer-Syndrome. About this syndrome nothing is know for sure.
Ekem wrote: (i cite)...The effect on the brain can be demonstrated by MRI where a specific focal alteration (Hamer's focus, or â
œHamerscher Herd⠝) is apparent....this is not true, even from the POV of hamers supporters because they claim that such a DHS
should always be visibile in CT brain scans, but not in any MRI. It is a fact that hamer never tried to prove his CT ring artefacts by
comparing them to any MRI scan. I worked (after my study of human medicine) in radiology several years, and i know these ring
artefacts very well. I worked also with a Somatom of Siemens. Ring artefacts can occur in older ct scanners if:
the calibration procedure at the beginning of operation was not done
one or several sensors are not working properly
an if in different scans, these rings are seen in different positions
a CT scan showing an alleged DHS can be seen here on a private webpage of a Hamer supporter: Siemens (manufacturer of the CT
scanner Somatom, popular here in Germany over many years, wrote a paper about how to identify ring artefacts. One (out of many)
sign is the fact that in ring artefacts you will always see perfect concentring rings. The paper can be seen here:
the CT brain scan shows exactly these concentric ring artefacts. Another page telling us about ring artefacts is this one:
Michael Redecke 14:06, 19 June 2006 (UTC)
I have zero arguments with any changes that keep the article objective. I would think, however, that he is a physician, because he
graduated and the University has not revoked his degree. My changes stated clearly that the court revoked his licence to practice,
but there is no evidence that his "Doctor of Medicine" degree has been revoked. Regarding the "Hamer's focus" I was simply
trying to present Hamer's thesis. Is it necessary to inject in each sentence some qualifier? The removal of the reference to Hamer's
focus omits now valuable information. Let us put this back and make sure that the language indicates that their presence is
controversial. I believe that this is better than omitting information.Ekem 14:27, 19 June 2006 (UTC)
again, you inserted an error. please show any MRI showing one of these DHS. Hamer and his supporter clearly mean
CT-scans, and not MRI-scans! Please check your edits before inserting them, we need more precision in this article. you
did not read my comments or you are ignoring them (and also the claims of Hamer himself). These DHS do not exist
simply, they are artefacts (i recognized them immediately, remembering them from my time in radiology), you may also
take a look at the paper: [2] in which we read: ...the hamer foci on the ct images in hamers books have been identified by
radiological experts as typical artefacts produced by the radiological device which can appear in a poor-quality ct
scan...In Germany people with a certain amount of jail-time loose automaticly their right to use their title, i agree with the
word banned. I don't know the situation in US or England. Michael Redecke 15:31, 19 June 2006 (UTC)
ABOUT VERIFICATION. Fist at all, my english is not good, and will try to my best. When Dr. Hamer present his hipotesis on the
University he worked, these hipotesis never were verified as correct or incorrect because Univerty rejected the verification. So, if
something is incorrect, well, it must be verified at begining. Besides, there are a lot of no proved theories on actual oncology therapy.
The most important of theme is METASTASIS. Metastasis has NEVER been prooved sciencely but it's used as universal truth. There a
lot of not proved theories that actual Medicine uses as true althougt these one are never been proved in a science procedure. I understand
this doesn't mean that Hamer is correct, but means that actual MODEL of medicine has to be reevaluated. Well soory about my english.
Later I will try writing a better letter. V.C.
[edit] links
[edit] Hamer's own cancer and death of his son Dirk
Hamer said: ...Wie ich heute weiß, erlitt ich damals einen Verlustkonflikt mit Hodenkrebs. Damals kannte ich jedoch diese
Zusammenhänge noch nicht, sondern vermutete nur, dass meine Hodenschwellung, die ich 2 Monate nach dem Tode meines Sohnes
Dirk spürte, irgend etwas mit seinem Tod zu tun haben müsste... ( Hamer
tells on his own webpage that he felt the first symptoms of his cancer two month after the death of his son. This is of cource a clear
evidence that there is no rational link between these two events. Redecke 15:59, 30 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "Hamer scalpel" story
According to the german newspaper "Der Stern", the Hamer-scalpel was indeed invented and costly pateted woldwide by RG Hamer.
The money for the development came from investors. The german company Kienzle wanted to produce this battery-operated knife. But
tests revealed that this scalpel was not "atraumatic" at all: it produced even large lesions when it was used "in curves", it did not work
better than a normal scalpel. The investors asked therefore their money back and Hamer had to sign a "affidavit of means" because he
could not pay back the money. According to the newspaper article, he left Germany for Italy because of his financial problems in
Germany. Reference: Der Stern, november 24, 1983. Authors Teja Fiedler and Cordt Schnippen. Faxsimile can be seen here: Redecke 00:43, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] "Hamer scalpel" story BUT why remove the link?
Thanks for your article, but why do you remove the link which reference that exists this " not "atrumatic " " scalpel. It is a reference,
and if it isn't some bad-intentional persons could put it away because "it has none reference". A put it back.
Dear IP! You inserted several times a link to a company that allegedly sells a "Hamer scalpel". Why do you do that? We do not
know the date of this list, we do not know if this scalpel is still sold, and it is not a reference to your assertion (without any
reference) that this scalpel should be less traumatic than others. the link you inserted is a reference that this scalpel was existing or
still exists. But nothing more. Michael Redecke 16:55, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] External references based on ad hominems and insults statements and ad hominem
I have removed this external reference:
Wehrhafte Medizin! One of the large international sites about charlatanism and quackery
It is based on ad hominens and insults about Germanic New Medicine. Please, take a look on this "reference" ans his "serious"
approach. I believed that what you has written is enough justification for the removing: "...sites about charlatanism and quackery"
The part above is not by me and it is not signed. So I drew a line to separate.
The person with the IP "" in a salami tactic repeatedly cuts out pieces he does not like and puts in pieces in favor of Hamer.
We know that Hamer followers commit large-scale vandalism in forums and guest books. From what I see done by IP "" I
come to conclusion that this person believes himself to do it more cleverly than the other vandals. But it still is vandalism.
"Wehrhafte Medizin!" indeed is one of the large international sites about charlatanism and quackery. And it is the number one site about
Hamer and his followers and about the crime they commit. No wonder the Hamer death sect does not like it.
But facts are facts - and all on that site about Hamer is proven by pieces of proof. The site is backed up with a huge data base to
supports justice offices and journalists.
Zo'orIon 21:33, 6 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Histeric and Exaggerating people
As We:. can see, you seem completely Histeric. The Justice has put Hamer in Jail because his crimes, and now he is free because
J:.ustice too. It means that Justice has spoken and has done. So Ryke Hamer has already paid his crimes acording to the LAW, that is
what's matter, no simples peoples OPINIONS. And just now we learned using wikipedia's editing discussions tools, maybe you could
thought that, instead of "vandalism act". It seems that Hamer's oppossitors are more paranoid that Hamer's followers. You behavior can
make people think that we, the neutral people who try neutraly to put information about Hamer's crimes are so fanatic as you. â
”Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk â ¢ contribs) 2007-03-09T01:56:59 UTC
The part above is not by me and it is not signed. So I drew a line to separate.
Comments like the one above we see day for day. They mainly consist of primitive and foul retoric and plain lies. It is not a "privilege"
of the Hamer scene to use them. It is normal esoteric hogwash rhetoric. You find it everywhere.
One of the lies is to declare plain facts as OPINIONS (see the stressed word above). By this all unwanted real facts are shoved away.
And at the same time EVERYTHING unwanted is falsely supressed as "opinions". And at the same time all the claims of the very
esoteric proponent are either levered up as being facts or (at least) as discussible opinions. Discussion about opinion is free. The right of
free speach rules.
In this way utmost stupidity is made a discussible part of life (even if hundreds of people die because of it [as is in the case of Hamer's
madness], whilst even simplest scientific knowledge is suppressed as ONLY being "opinions", "opinions these guys can have, but we
don't have to care about".
The web site where I took the links from is teaching rhetoric analysis. No wonder why the esoterics and other charlatans and quacks do
not like it. No wonder why the links were taken out and are defamed as being "spam".
The esoterics and other charlatans and quacks are easily to detect. Their language is foul stench.
Zo'orIon 19:08, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

So u say, that people should learn as early as possible, to detect "manipulative rhetoric"? I personally found it very difficult to keep
my own opinion, when I was under influence of psychiatric drugs and of certain people (like doctors of medicine and others)...
Maybe u want to describe some useful methods in a special section, that help to think clear, when under the influence of other
people? Or maybe u should link to another article, that is about this kind of manipulation? --Homer Landskirty 18:29, 8 May 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Hamer fled to Norway in march 2007
According to his lawyer (Joachim Koch in Schwerin/Germany) Hamer lives in a town south of Oslo in Norway. Hamer himself said in
an interview (date september 23, 2007) that he left spain in march just one day before a scheduled arrest, and that he fled to Norway
because that country is not part of the European Union. References: lawsuit Lanka-Hamer 2007, interview sept.23/2007
(italian),Hamer-biography at Esowatch (german). â ”Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:03, 5 October 2007 (UTC)
See also: Kongsberg/Norway 2006: death of cancer patient Elsemarit Fjeldheim who believed in new medicine. She refused
convential cancer therapy and died after beeing cured according to Ryke Geerd Hamer treatment.
Verdens Gang (VG 25) article date march 25, 2007 page 30 and 32
same newspaper, article march 26, 2007 page 12 08:51, 6 October 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Forgeries and manipulation committed by Hamer's followers
The page about Hamer is under attack by Hamer's followers. The reason is clear: they want to eliminate any kind of criticisme.
Today I weeded out a forgery concerning the fate of Christina Connell. As we are in direct contact with the family Connell we do know
the facts and we do not allow any kind of forgery, not here, and nowhere else!
One tactic of forgery is to piece for piece substitute the text with more and more misleading parts and statements, until they have a
completely different meaning.
Take this example:
WAS: After she realized that Hamer led her on the wrong way, it was too late:
WAS FORGED TO: After she changed her mind and decided that Hamer led her on the wrong way,
We do know these tricks and we do not allow them. At this time being we are preparing a new wave of media information. Any kind of
forgery or other crime by Hamer's followers will hit themselves badly. We are on their heels...
Zo'orIon 07:32, 2 November 2007 (UTC)
Added, november 3rd, 2007:
Today I found the corrections and additions which I made yesterday destroyed by this person:
This is the person who had forged the above mentioned passage concerning Christina Connell:

"Homer_Landskirty" writes about himself:
disclaimer I dont want to be responsible for what I write or do or say... Take into account my mental disability, please. Any
advice (especially legal and/or medical), I might give, is worth almost nothing due to a lack of license...
So u say, that people should learn as early as possible, to detect "manipulative rhetoric"? I personally found it very difficult to
keep my own opinion, when I was under influence of psychiatric drugs and of certain people (like doctors of medicine and others)...
Maybe u want to describe some useful methods in a special section, that help to think clear, when under the influence of other people?
Or maybe u should link to another article, that is about this kind of manipulation? --Homer Landskirty 18:29, 8 May 2007
Please take care, that these persons do not again commit forgeries in wikipedia.
Thank you Zo'orIon 02:14, 3 November 2007 (UTC)

I didnt chg (or forge), I just reverted your inacceptable edits (remember, please: u included threats in ur text)... I will ask an
administrator to supervise the activities, that r going on in last days here... --Homer Landskirty 08:19, 3 November 2007 (UTC)
Retrieved from ""

[wegen neuer Funde die Überschrift geändert. ama]
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 05:14:56 PM by ama »


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Fälschungen in Wikipedia
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2007, 01:06:01 PM »

Die gleiche Figur fälscht schon wieder:

[edit] cleanup project (2007)

Hi! I think, I cleaned up the article sufficiently now. Especially I removed the claims, that Hamer is responsible for the death of people, since the governmental officials expressively say, that those dead people had no psychiatric diagnose (in that case they would have been incompetent to choose their medical treatment... guardianship judge would do that for them, if they dont comply to their MDs wishes...)... I fixed some wrong links... I shortened several paragraphs (esp.: biography... e. g. his patents r irrelevant since most relevant MDs dont like Hamer, so that they will refuse to use his inventions... I just left a short remark to document, that he did "doctor things" until his psychological trauma...)... I removed the "other cases" paragraph, because it was too bogus (20yrs of unsuccessful conventional oncology is too much for most people... with _and_ without Hamer I would guess...)... I divided Hamer's view on GNM from the view of "the others"... --Homer Landskirty 17:27, 7 November 2007 (UTC)

Arne Wörner (alias )

I was born in the 1970s in F.Rep.GERM. Today I am disabled mentally, so that I am totally and permanently unable to work. I would like to help Wikipedia to comply to the truth as exactly as humanly possible. The homepage of a workgroup that is quite tightly related to my person, can be found here . [LINK: http://agbü ]


Komplex 1: Sozialverhalten
Das Sozialverhalten der Bürger der F.Rep.GERM ist derartig unnatürlich, dass die Mehrzahl der volljährigen Bürger voreinander nicht nur durch Zusätze (wie etwa Impfungen, Nikotin, Alkohol, psychiatrische Drogen) sondern gerade auch mit mehr oder minder roher Gewalt sich zu schützen müssen glaubt, um überhaupt nur am Leben zu bleiben, während gleichzeitig trotz alledem ein gigantischer Schwall der Vernichtung durch Krankheit, Unfälle, unzureichenden Schutz und krass widersprüchlicher, unrealistischer Willensäußerungen über sie hereinbricht. Dabei ist "unnatürlich" so zu verstehen, dass die durch Evolution oder sonstwie entstandenen Prozesse gestört werden.


AGBÜMMS General Sekretär
Dipl.(U)-Inf. a.D.
Zeuge der General-Anklage
Arne Wörner · Am Doktorgraben 1 · 25541 Brunsbüttel · SH · F.Rep.GERM
Fax#/Voice#: +49 4852 530838
Wikipedia-Accounts: user:Homer Landskirty user:Heimschützenverein
Zuständiges Betreuungsgericht: Amtsgericht Meldorf · RiAG Kassowarth Rotraud von Sondermühlen[1] · Tel# +49 4832 87 1344 · Fax# +49 4832 87 1112
Da der Betreuungsrichter den General Sekretär der AGBÜMMS für in einem komplexen Wahnsystem befangen befunden hat, sind Eingaben dort und hier entsprechend sinnvoll.

1] : Name von der Redaktion aus Rücksichtnahme auf die Persönlichkeitsrechte geändert, aber der Redaktion bekannt.

Wikipedia als psychiatrischer Betreuungsfall...
« Last Edit: November 07, 2007, 01:07:59 PM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Re: Fälschungen in Wikipedia
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 04:15:19 PM »

Betreuungsfall? Und was für einer!

Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami

Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. On those rare occasions when donations exceed American Red Cross expenses for a specific disaster, contributions are used to prepare for and serve victims of other disasters.


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Re: Fälschungen in Wikipedia
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2020, 12:22:58 PM »

Es wurde nicht besser. Wikipedia ist der Inbegriff von Fälschung.

Der geschilderte Vorfall war 2007, vor 13 Jahren. Wikipedia hat und die Wikipediamacher haben nicht, haben niemals und werden niemals begreifen, daß sie Geschichtsklitterungsnazis sind. Eben echte Nazis. Fälschen ist ein Teil ihrer Existenz.
Sternenschiffe haben keinen Anker.


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Re: Wie man einen Massenmörder weißwäscht: Fälschungen in Wikipedia
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2020, 05:39:03 PM »

Hier sieht man einen Teil des Krieges:

Ryke Geerd Hamer: Revision history
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    curprev 01:52, 2 December 2006‎ AntiVandalBot talk contribs‎ m 7,173 bytes +7,173‎ BOT - rv (talk) to last version by Zo'orIon undo
    curprev 01:51, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ empty -6,323‎ ←Blanked the page undo
    curprev 01:51, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ 6,323 bytes -850‎ →‎Other Victims undo
    curprev 01:50, 2 December 2006‎ Zo'orIon talk contribs‎ 7,173 bytes +4,027‎ the blasted idiot bot again and again put in the mess. I now try to reestablish the version I found before the idiot started his attack. Z undo
    curprev 01:36, 2 December 2006‎ Rettetast talk contribs‎ 3,146 bytes +2,923‎ Revert to revision 91497522 dated 2006-12-02 00:30:50 by AntiVandalBot using popups undo
    curprev 01:34, 2 December 2006‎ AntiVandalBot talk contribs‎ m 223 bytes +223‎ BOT - rv (talk) to last version by Zo'orIon undo
    curprev 01:34, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ empty -223‎ ←Blanked the page undo
    curprev 00:35, 2 December 2006‎ Zo'orIon talk contribs‎ 223 bytes -2,923‎ ←Replaced page with ' And now a doggone bot puts in the mess again... This stinks like hell like one of the usual attacks of scientologists. More than 60 persons died because of R...' undo
    curprev 00:30, 2 December 2006‎ AntiVandalBot talk contribs‎ m 3,146 bytes +3,114‎ BOT - rv Zo'orIon (talk) to last version by undo
    curprev 00:30, 2 December 2006‎ Zo'orIon talk contribs‎ 32 bytes -855‎ Someone has taken out the "victims" part. I put it in again and added data. Z undo
    curprev 00:24, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ 887 bytes -309‎ →‎Works by Ryke Geerd Hamer undo
    curprev 00:24, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ 1,196 bytes -944‎ →‎Other Victims undo
    curprev 00:24, 2 December 2006‎ Zo'orIon talk contribs‎ 2,140 bytes +1,001‎ Someone has taken out the "victims" part. I put it in again and added data. Z undo

    curprev 00:23, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ 1,139 bytes -28‎ →‎References undo
    curprev 00:23, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ 1,167 bytes -605‎ →‎Antisemitism undo
    curprev 00:22, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ 1,772 bytes -895‎ →‎Notable case undo
    curprev 00:22, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ 2,667 bytes -1,515‎ →‎GNM undo
    curprev 00:21, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ 4,182 bytes -1,191‎ →‎Dirk Hamer’s death undo
    curprev 00:21, 2 December 2006‎ talk‎ 5,373 bytes -820‎ →‎Biography undo
    curprev 23:57, 1 December 2006‎ talk‎ 6,193 bytes -849‎ →‎Other Victims undo
    curprev 16:37, 1 December 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 7,042 bytes +4‎ →‎Other Victims: add "reported" undo
    curprev 15:21, 29 November 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 7,038 bytes +72‎ ref undo
    curprev 02:30, 2 November 2006‎ talk‎ 6,966 bytes -132‎ →‎Other Victims undo
    curprev 03:53, 30 October 2006‎ talk‎ 7,098 bytes 0‎ →‎Other Victims undo
    curprev 03:50, 30 October 2006‎ talk‎ 7,098 bytes +504‎ →‎Other Victims undo
    curprev 21:35, 28 October 2006‎ talk‎ 6,594 bytes +403‎ Added another victim undo
    curprev 10:59, 18 October 2006‎ Tabletop talk contribs‎ m 6,191 bytes +59‎ →‎External links undo
    curprev 10:09, 2 October 2006‎ talk‎ 6,132 bytes +13‎ →‎Notable case: the parents did not refuse Hamer's approach while supporting it convincedly undo
    curprev 10:07, 2 October 2006‎ talk‎ 6,119 bytes +50‎ tragic would imply an impasse, which is established neither by the external circumstances not by the mental state of the prince as far as publicly known (so he could have acted differently); undo
    curprev 00:41, 2 October 2006‎ Redecke~enwiki talk contribs‎ 6,069 bytes -26‎ revert: surgery in the case of a nephroblastoma is not ''experimental'' at all. see article nephroblastoma undo
    curprev 19:58, 1 October 2006‎ talk‎ 6,095 bytes +26‎ →‎Notable case: removed POV: (1) Hamer's therapy concept was not withheld; (2) since the cause of the tumor is neither known nor treated it is experimental undo
    curprev 14:38, 18 September 2006‎ Crystallina talk contribs‎ m 6,069 bytes +16‎ Disambiguation link repair - You can help! undo
    curprev 16:05, 31 August 2006‎ Redecke~enwiki talk contribs‎ 6,053 bytes -87‎ →‎GNM: link is down undo
    curprev 00:27, 29 August 2006‎ SmackBot talk contribs‎ m 6,140 bytes +3‎ ISBN formatting &/or general fixes using AWB undo
    curprev 23:05, 25 June 2006‎ SmackBot talk contribs‎ m 6,137 bytes -9‎ Delink months and days of week &/or general fixes using AWB undo
    curprev 09:38, 23 June 2006‎ talk contribs‎ m 6,146 bytes -1‎ →‎Works by Ryke Geerd Hamer: typo undo
    curprev 13:42, 22 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 6,147 bytes +161‎ →‎Dirk Hamer’s death: ref undo
    curprev 21:16, 20 June 2006‎ talk‎ 5,986 bytes +22‎ (R) undo
    curprev 15:33, 19 June 2006‎ Redecke~enwiki talk contribs‎ 5,964 bytes +117‎ →‎GNM: see discussion page undo
    curprev 15:13, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 5,847 bytes +11‎ re intro undo
    curprev 14:32, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 5,836 bytes +216‎ →‎GNM: ref to "Hamer's focus" undo
    curprev 14:03, 19 June 2006‎ Redecke~enwiki talk contribs‎ 5,620 bytes -143‎ see discussion page undo
    curprev 13:24, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 5,763 bytes +89‎ →‎Notable case: ref undo
    curprev 13:17, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 5,674 bytes +223‎ →‎GNM: ref undo
    curprev 12:39, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 5,451 bytes +16‎ →‎GNM undo
    curprev 12:26, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 5,435 bytes +181‎ ref undo
    curprev 10:43, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 5,254 bytes +39‎ undo
    curprev 02:24, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 5,215 bytes +50‎ →‎Life: L undo
    curprev 02:20, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ m 5,165 bytes -6‎ →‎Dirk Hamer’s death undo
    curprev 02:17, 19 June 2006‎ Ekem talk contribs‎ 5,171 bytes +33‎ →‎Dirk Hamer’s death: fixes

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Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Re: Wie man einen Massenmörder weißwäscht: Fälschungen in Wikipedia
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2020, 05:47:06 PM »

Ein Schnappschuß, Datum 2.12.2006.

Man sieht darin auch, wie die Idiotie der eingebetteten URLs diese beim Kopieren verschwinden läßt: Nur noch Text, der ohne die URLs wertlos geworden ist. Kein einziger Link ist mehr vorhanden.

[[it:Ryke Geerd Hamer]]
Revision as of 01:50, 2 December 2006

Ryke Geerd Hamer (born May 17, 1935) is a barred German physician who is the originator of the “Germanic New Medicine” (Registered trade mark), also formely known as "German New Medicine" and "New Medicine", an highly controversial approach to illness that, in turn, criticizes mainstream medicine. Hamer's licence to practice medicine was revoked by a court judgment in Germany in 1986 that was reconfirmed in 2003.

    1 Biography
    2 Dirk Hamer’s death
    3 GNM
    4 Notable case
    5 Other Victims
    6 Antisemitism
    7 References
    8 Works by Ryke Geerd Hamer
    9 External links


Hamer studied medicine and theology. He graduated from the medical school in Marburg and became a specialist in Internal Medicine. He worked in the internal medicine department at the University Clinics of Tübingen and Heidelberg. In 1981, he had to resign from his position at a cancer hospital in view of the conflicts that arose with the development of his medical views. As he continued to treat patients, Hamer was under investigation several times on allegations of malpractice, leading to the death of patients; from September 2004 to February 2006, after being in jail in Germany from 1997 to 1998, he served a prison term in Prison Fleury Merogis / France on counts of fraud and illegal practicing.
Dirk Hamer’s death

The violent death of his son, Dirk Hamer (born 1959), was a key event in the development of the theories of Hamer. His son was shot in his sleep by Vittorio Emanuele, the Italian pretender, on a yacht off the island of Corsica on August 8, 1978. After a protracted medical course with 19 operations, amputation, and over 300 transfusions, Dirk Hamer died on December 7, 1978. Although Vittorio Emanuele had killed Dirk Hamer, on August 18, 1991 the Paris Assize Court did not find him guilty of homicide; he was only convicted of the illegal possession of a rifle.[1] When Hamer himself developed testicular cancer three years after his son's death, he interpreted this event as a biologic response to the loss (“biologischer Konfliktschock” (translation: "biological conflict shock")), and proceeded to develop a system termed the “Germanic New Medicine” to explain cancer as a natural process in response to psychological conflicts.

Basically, according to Hamer, any disease, most notably cancer, is not dangerous in itself, but merely a symptom of a mental conflict situation. A so called Dirk-Hamer-Syndrome stands at the beginning of this process and as a mental shock (i.e. fatal injury of his son) affects psyche, brain , and an organ related to the type of shock. Hamer claims that the effect on the brain can be demonstrated by brain CT scans where a specific focal alteration (Hamer's focus, or “Hamerscher Herd”) is apparent. The peripheral organ allegedly responds with “cancer”. According to Hamer, this conflict needs to be resolved in order for the disease to be cured. Traditional treatments are not considered as having any primary value but are too dangerous. These Hamer's focus in brain CT scans have been identified by radiological experts to be ring artefacts.

Hamer also argues that conventional medical research is often in the interest of pharmaceutical companies, preventing accurate investigation in the causes and treatment of diseases, and ignores the role of the mind in the genesis of the disease. Despite all claims of Hamer's followers, there is not a single documented case of successful "Germanic New Medicine" treatment.[2] In turn, Hamer insists that his system is verifiable, and his proponents indicate that the medical establishment is failing to respond.
Notable case

Hamer became known mainly through his association with the Olivia Pilhar cancer case in 1995. Her parents, convinced supporters of Hamer and his pretensions, withheld conventional medical therapy from their child Olivia. The Austrian authorities finally removed their rights of care and control, and the parents then fled from Austria to Spain with the child. There, Hamer unsuccessfully treated the child using his method, the tumor continued to grow. After negotiations, the parents were convinced to return. By now, Olivia's tumor weighed several kilograms. The child was finally given emergency medical treatment after court order, against the parents' wishes and is still alive and healthy in 2006. Her parents received an eight month suspended jail sentence in Austria. The parents remain followers of Hamer.[3]
Other Victims

On March 13, 2006, an active follower of Dr. Hamer's teachings, Christina Connell, died of complications resulting from liver cancer. She had chose to follow his teachings of a stress free life in lieu of her oncologist's suggested regimen of chemotherapy. Her particular type of cancer had since been described by physicians as one easily susceptible to chemotherapy....

There are a number of pages in German with stories of other patients of Hamer's who died of their cancers, including Michaela Jakubczyk Eckert, who died of breast cancer on November 12th, 2005, after being convinced by Hamer to discontinue traditional cancer treatment. The obituary in English: We mourn for Michaela The number of reported Hamer's victims exceeds 60.[1]

The conflict between supporters and opponents of Hamer's pretensions, at the base of which what he calls "biological laws" lays, has become more acrimonious over the years, with Hamer using anti-semitic terminology and claiming that a genocidal Jewish conspiracy wants him silenced. In a similar vein, he has started to call his theoretical groundwork "German New Medicine" (GNM) - a registered trademark - or, in a literal translation from German, "Germanic New Medicine", instead of the formerly-used term "New Medicine".

Summary of trial proceedings
Critical Analysis

    Pilhar website

Works by Ryke Geerd Hamer

    Hamer, Dr Ryke Geerd Summary of the New Medicine (2000, Amici di Dirk) ISBN 84-930091-9-9
    Hamer, Dr Ryke Geerd Einer gegen alle ( 2005, Amici di Dirk) ISBN 84-96127-15-X
    Hamer, Dr.Ryke Geerd “Krebs und alle sog.Krankheiten” (2004, Amici di Dirk) ISBN 84-96127-12-5

External links

    Official English language site
    Searchlightmagazine and Hamer
    Wehrhafte Medizin! One of the large international sites about charlatanism and quackery


    1935 birthsLiving peoplePeople in alternative medicine

    This page was last edited on 2 December 2006, at 01:50 (UTC).
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Re: Wie man einen Massenmörder weißwäscht: Fälschungen in Wikipedia
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2020, 07:43:52 PM »

Im folgenden sieht man Arne Wörner, einen der Fälscher. Wegen der Darstellung in Spalten sind diese in Screenshots eingefügt.

Links ist das Original von Zo'orlon, rechts die Fälschung durch Arne Wörner.



Line 43:
==Other Victims==
Christina Connell, a musician in Carthage, Missouri, USA,  died on March 13, 2006. She had had breast cancer for about 20 years.

But then she had chosen to follow Hamer's teachings of a stress-free life in lieu of her oncologist's suggested regimen of chemotherapy. She had been told by her physicians that her particular type of cancer was extremely sensitive to chemotherapy as indeed it had proved to be during previous bouts. After she realized (Do not dare to forge this statement!) that Hamer led her on the wrong way, the tumors had already grown too much and she was too weak - and died of complications resulting from liver cancer.
[ Obituary for Christina Connell]


Line 36:
==Other Victims==
Christina Connell, a musician in Carthage, Missouri, USA,  died on March 13, 2006. She had had breast cancer for about 20 years.

But then she had chosen to follow Hamer's teachings of a stress-free life in lieu of her oncologist's suggested regimen of chemotherapy. She had been told by her physicians that her particular type of cancer was extremely sensitive to chemotherapy as indeed it had proved to be during previous bouts. After she changed her mind and decided that Hamer led her on the wrong way, the tumors had grown too much and she was too weak - and died of complications resulting from liver cancer.
[ Obituary for Christina Connell]

"After she realized (Do not dare to forge this statement!) that Hamer led her on the wrong way, the tumors had already grown too much and she was too weak - and died of complications resulting from liver cancer."

"After she changed her mind and decided that Hamer led her on the wrong way, the tumors had grown too much and she was too weak - and died of complications resulting from liver cancer."

Warum wissen wir das so genau? Antwort: Weil wir damals zugesehen haben. Weil wir von Zo'orlon informiert worden waren.

Weil der Fälscher Arne Wörner schon mehrfach gefälscht hatte, wurde ihm unmißverständlich die Rote Karte gezeigt: "(Do not dare to forge this statement!)"

Als er dann weiter großmäulig fälschte, bekam Arne Wörner dann die Quittung. In diesem Thread.

Noch einmal das Original des Nutzinhalts und die Fälschung:

"After she realized that Hamer led her on the wrong way, the tumors had already grown too much and she was too weak - and died of complications resulting from liver cancer."

"After she changed her mind and decided that Hamer led her on the wrong way, the tumors had grown too much and she was too weak - and died of complications resulting from liver cancer."

Zwischen beidem liegen WELTEN!

Woher wir das wissen? Antwort: Weil wir Kontakt mit den Hinterbliebenen hatten! Christina Connell hat nicht einfach "ihre Meinung geändert" (Meinungen darf ja Jeder haben, das übliche Geschwätz der Esotter), sondern ihr war klar geworden ("she realized"!), daß Hamer sie in die Irre geführt hat. Das ist nicht einfach irgendeine Meinung, sondern es geht um glasklare Fakten!

Außerdem geht es um den Faktor Zeit: "the tumors had already grown too much". Der Krebs war inzwischen gewachsen. Warum? Antwort: Weil die Betrügerin Ilsedora Laker Christina Connell eingeredet hatte, daß Hamers Germanische Neue Medizin hilft - und Christian Connell die wissenschaftliche Therapie, die ihr in den davorliegenden Jahren bereits das Leben erhalten hatte, abbrach, so daß der Tumor wieder wachsen konnte. Und der Tumor war dann so weit gewachsen, daß keine Therapie sie noch retten konnte.

Woher wir das wissen? Antwort: Weil wir Kontakt mit den Hinterbliebenen hatten!

Zur nächsten wesentlichen Passage der Fälschung durch Arne Wörner:



According to the latest data the number of reported Hamer's victims exceeds 150.<ref>
[ List of reported patients who died (German)]</ref>
Additionally, 11 dead victims were found by now in Italy, according to latest news from there.


According to the latest data the number of reported Hamer's victims exceeds 130.<ref>
[ List of reported patients who died (German)]</ref>

Arne Wörner, der sich mit seinem Pseudonym "Homer Landskirty" beklagt ,er sei bedroht worden (siehe das folgende Zitat aus dem Bearbeitungsprotokoll), hat diese Fälschungen begangen wann? Antwort: Am 6.11.2007. Das Datum steht oben im Protokoll:

Revision as of 17:39, 6 November 2007 (edit) (undo)

Homer Landskirty (talk | contribs)
m (revert, because: style (threat in the text), un-src-ed)
Next edit →

Die von Zo'orlon genannte Webseite

ist im Webarchiv gespeichert worden, so daß wir beweisen können, was in der Webseite am 6.11.2007 stand:

Tot durch Ryke Geerd Hamer
Die Totenliste

147. Todesfall bekannt geworden


Fast auf den Tag genau 2 Monate vorher war die Seite upgedated worden. Die Überschrift nennt die Zahl der Toten: "147. Todesfall bekannt geworden".

Was tut der Fälscher Arne Wörner? Antwort: Er fälscht  und macht aus der wahren Angabe "exceeds 150" die Fälschung "exceeds 130".

Er hätte natürlich auch "exceeds 3" schreiben können oder  "exceeds 2". Aber die Angabe  "exceeds 150" soll den OBEREN WERT zeigen, der überschritten wurde. Und der lag damals bei 150.

Und dann? Dann fälscht Arne Wörner noch einmal und löscht die zusätzliche Angabe "Additionally, 11 dead victims were found by now in Italy, according to latest news from there."

Wie verlogen muß man sein um solche Fälschungen zu begehen? Psychiater könnten jetzt einwenden, daß der Herr Arne Wörner, hochgeschätzt als Schreiber und Umschreiber von Wikipedia-Artikeln, geistig so beeinträchtigt war, daß er (ich zitiere ihn selbst aus der damals archivierten Webseite):

Der Fälscher Arne Wörner (alias ) über sich selbst:

I was born in the 1970s in F.Rep.GERM. Today I am disabled mentally, so that I am totally and permanently unable to work. I would like to help Wikipedia to comply to the truth as exactly as humanly possible. The homepage of a workgroup that is quite tightly related to my person, can be found here . [LINK: http://agbü ]

Als verantwortlich nennt der Fälscher Arne Wörner (alias ):

"Zuständiges Betreuungsgericht: Amtsgericht Meldorf · RiAG Kassowarth Rotraud von Sondermühlen":

AGBÜMMS General Sekretär
Dipl.(U)-Inf. a.D.
Zeuge der General-Anklage
Arne Wörner · Am Doktorgraben 1 · 25541 Brunsbüttel · SH · F.Rep.GERM
Fax#/Voice#: +49 4852 530838
Wikipedia-Accounts: user:Homer Landskirty user:Heimschützenverein
Zuständiges Betreuungsgericht: Amtsgericht Meldorf · RiAG Kassowarth Rotraud von Sondermühlen[1] · Tel# +49 4832 87 1344 · Fax# +49 4832 87 1112
Da der Betreuungsrichter den General Sekretär der AGBÜMMS für in einem komplexen Wahnsystem befangen befunden hat, sind Eingaben dort und hier entsprechend sinnvoll.

1] : Name von der Redaktion aus Rücksichtnahme auf die Persönlichkeitsrechte geändert, aber der Redaktion bekannt.

Arne Wörner, ein Fälscher, der unter Betreuung steht, weil er geistig nicht auf der Höhe der Grashalme ist (oder wie nennt man das passenderweise?).

Wenn der hochgeschätzte Herr Arne Wörner also meint, er sei geistig so beeinträchtigt, daß er nicht arbeiten kann, und deswegen sogar unter Betreuung steht, wieso darf er dann in der Wikipedia mitfälschen? Ist die Wikipedia eine Krabbelgruppe für geistig Behinderte?

Die Wikipedia erhebt den Anspruch, ein Lexikon zu sein. Wofür? Für Datendiebe, Lügner und Fälscher? Und obendrein auch noch für Fälscher mit geistiger Behinderung?

Ich glaube, es hackt!

Weiter mit der nächsten Fälschung: eine Fälschung durch Schönfärberei. Ein Betrug mit der Sprache, wie fast immer.



One of the murderous lies of Hamer and his scene is, that he never affirmed that he could prevent any death caused by cancer, but that he stated that one can only cure cancer oneself by resolving the specific contents of the conflict. With this lie Hamer and his scene try to wash the blood off their hands, with the meanest of all lies: that it is the victim's own fault if he dies. Interviews during demonstrations and forum posts explicity contain these words, nearly word for word. The hardness and harshness of the Hamer scene against the dead victims are cruel. 


*It should be noted that Dr. Hamer has never affirmed that '''he''' could prevent any death caused by cancer. In fact he stated that one can only cure cancer oneself by resolving the specific contents of the conflict. As this is not always possible (e.g. because of the severity of the conflict) death can also occur using the GNM. Furthermore one should bear in mind that hundreds of victims die of cancer day by day using the conventional medicine.
<ref>[ Helmut Pilhar website and seminars]</ref>
<ref>[ English Version of GNM]</ref>

Was für eine schweinemäßige Lüge! Nicht bloß Fälschung, sondern auch Verschleierung und Weißwaschen.

Die originale Aussage wird einfach gelöscht.

Die originale Aussage:

"One of the murderous lies of Hamer and his scene is,

that he never affirmed that he could prevent any death caused by cancer,

but that he stated

that one can only cure cancer oneself by resolving the specific contents of the conflict."

Was besagt diese Aussage? Antwort: Hamer behaupt nicht, daß ER den Krebs heilen kann. Damit ist er aus dem Schneider. Egal, was dem Kranken geschieht, ER, HAMER, hat ja nie behauptet, daß er heilen könnte.

Hamer zielt auf etwas ganz anderes. Er behauptet, der Kranke könnte sich selbst heilen. Diese Behauptung ist eine Tatsachenbehauptung. Hamer hat behauptet, DASS der Kranke sich selbst heilen KANN.

Und jetzt: WIE kann sich der Kranke heilen? Antwort: Einzig und allein dadurch, daß er, der Kranke, seine Konflikte löst.

Diese schweinische Konstruktion beinhaltet mehrere extrem böse Fallen:

1. Der Kranke KANN sich selbst heilen.
2. Nur der Kranke kann sich heilen.
3. Wenn etwas schief geht, liegt die Schuld einzig und allein beim Kranken.
4. Hamer ist für nichts verwantwortlich.

Eine Krankheit, die tödlich ist, vielleicht schon in einem nicht mehr rettbaren Zustand, die der Kranke SELBER heilen kann, das ist wie Manna vom Himmel. Das zieht Kranke magisch an. Gleichzeitig liegt die ganze Schuld, falls etwas schief geht, einzig und allein beim Kranken. Der geniale Persilschein für den Massenmörder Ryke Geerd Hamer und seine Komplizen und Kopierer.

Diese Konstruktion ist eine ungeheuerliche Lüge. Eine tödliche Lüge. Um sie den Menschen klar zu machen, um sie zu warnen, um sie aufzuklären, muß diese Lüge beschrieben werden. Doch was macht der Fälscher Arne Wörner? Er löscht die Beschreibung. Statt dessen zitiert er Dreck aus der Website des Hamer-Abzockers Helmut Pilhar (der  samt Familie seit inzwischen über 20 Jahren (Stand von heute) von der Vermarktung des Hamer-Drecks lebt) und der Website der Ilsedora Laker, die verantwortlich ist für den Tod von Christina Connell.

Eine weitere dreiste Fälschung:



Hamer claims that Jews cure themselves with the Germanic New Medicine and prevent non-Jews from using it. He says the doctors of official medicine are guilty of the "most hideous crime in the whole history of mankind".

Hamer claims that he is neither an antisemite nor a racist nor a religious fanatist but a subject to denouncing.

Hamer claims that he "he wants to help anyone, no matter who is it" and "crime is a crime no matter it is done by Chinese, Esquimaus, or in this case, Jews.
<ref>[ [Italian] Hamer's Official biography, with his letters on the Jewish conspiracy]</ref>

In his madness Hamer attacks persons by giving them "Jewish" names and titles, like "rabbi". In his letters concerning his will to get back his approbation this can be seen clearly.


According to Hamer, Jews cure themselves with the Germanic New Medicine and prevent non-Jews from using it. He says the doctors of official medicine are guilty of the "most hideous crime in the whole history of mankind". However Hamer clearly explains that he is neither an antisemite nor a racist nor a religious fanatist but a subject to denouncing. Hamer explains that he "he wants to help anyone, no matter who is it" and "crime is a crime no matter it is done by Chineses, Esquimaus, or in this case, Jews.
<ref>[ [Italian] Hamer's Official biography, with his letters on the Jewish conspiracy]</ref>

Wesentlich am Original ist "Hamer claims". Das zeigt: Hamer BEHAUPTET etwas.

Was macht der Fälscher Arne Wörner daraus? Antwort: "According to Hamer". Das ist übelstes Weißwaschen. Warum? Antwort: Weiß es die Begründung unterschlägt: WARUM sagt Hamer das? Tatsache ist und bleibt: Es sind leere Behauptungen, Erfindungen, Lügen, Hirngespinste, die Hamer in die Welt setzt. DAS hat eine ganz andere Qualität als mit Beweisen belegte Schlußfolgerungen.

In diesem Zusammenhang ist diese Aussage im Original wichtig:

"In his madness Hamer attacks persons by giving them "Jewish" names and titles, like "rabbi". In his letters concerning his will to get back his approbation this can be seen clearly."

Diese Aussage ist beweisbar. Die Angriffe Hamers gegen wen auch immer mit der Behauptung, dieser oder jener Angegriffene sei Jude, ziehen sich durch eine riesige Menge von Hamers Geschreibsel.

Warum ist diese Aussage wichtig? Antwort: Weil JEDER mit auch nur dem Restverstand einer Tüte Knallerbsen diese Dinge sehen kann in dem Geschreibsel von Hamer. ES IST ALLES NACHPRÜFBAR!

Was tut der Fälscher Arne Wörner? Er löscht diese so wichtige Aussage.

So ist das mit der Wikipedia und ihren Datendieben, Lügnern und Fälschern.

Man könnte sich jetzt auf den Standpunkt stellen, ich ginge mit Arne Wörner zu hart ins Gericht. Tue ich das? Antwort. Nein. Arne Wörner hatte 13 Jahre Zeit, den von ihm angerichten Scheißdreck zu berichtigen. Die Wikipedia hatte 13 Jahre lang Zeit, den von Arne Wörner und den folgenden Verantwortlichen angerichteten Scheißdreck zu berichtigen. Taten sie das? Antwort: Nein, sie taten es nicht.

Nein, sie taten es nicht. Statt dessen begingen sie gemeinschaftlich übelste Weißwäscherei, die Krebskranke dazu geführt haben kann, auf Ryke Geerd Hamers Idiotie Germanische Neue Medizin hereinzufallen. Und zu sterben.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 09:11:26 PM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Re: Wie man einen Massenmörder weißwäscht: Fälschungen in Wikipedia
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2020, 10:14:31 PM »

In der neuesten Fassung (Bearbeitungsstand 6.11.2020)  des "Artikels" über den Massenmörder Ryke Geerd Hamer heißt es großkotzig: ""This article is part of a series on Alternative medicine".

Und dann kommt der totalstmögliche Totalaufklärungskahlschlag, der selbst CDU und SPD zusammen an Unfähigkeit weit übertrifft. Ich zitiere das Machwerk am Stück und garantiert ungekürzt:

Ryke Geerd Hamer
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Ryke Geerd Hamer (17 May 1935 – 2 July 2017[1]), a German ex-physician and the originator of Germanic New Medicine (GNM), also formerly known as German New Medicine and New Medicine, a system of pseudo-medicine that purports to be able to cure cancer.[2] The Swiss Cancer League described Hamer's approach as "dangerous, especially as it lulls the patients into a false sense of security, so that they are deprived of other effective treatments."[2]

Hamer held a licence to practice medicine from 1963 until 1986, when it was revoked for malpractice. His system came to public attention in 1995, when the parents of a child suffering from cancer refused medical treatment in favour of Hamer's methods. Hamer was charged with malpractice and imprisoned in several European countries.

Hamer claimed that his method is a "Germanic" alternative to mainstream clinical medicine, which he claimed is part of a Jewish conspiracy to decimate non-Jews.

    1 Biography
    2 Germanic New Medicine
    3 Olivia Pilhar case
    4 Jewish conspiracy theory
    5 Response to medical views
    6 Publications
    7 See also
    8 References
    9 External links


Ryke Geerd Hamer was born in Mettmann, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 1935. He received his high school diploma at age 18 and started medical and theological studies in Tübingen, where he met Sigrid Oldenburg, a medical student who later became his wife. At age 20, Hamer passed the preliminary examination in medicine, and in April 1962 passed his medical state examination in Marburg, Hesse. He was granted a professional license as a doctor of medicine in 1963. After spending a number of years at the University Clinics of Tübingen and Heidelberg, Hamer completed his specialization in internal medicine in 1972. He also worked in several practices with his wife and patented several inventions.[3]

Hamer's license to practice medicine was revoked in 1986 by a court judgment, which was reconfirmed in 2003. As he continued to practice, Hamer was investigated several times over allegations of malpractice and causing the deaths of patients.[4] He was jailed for twelve months in Germany from 1997 to 1998, and served a prison term from September 2004 to February 2006 in Fleury-Mérogis, France, on counts of fraud and illegal practicing. Hamer subsequently lived in voluntary exile in Spain until March 2007, when Spanish medical authorities held him responsible for dozens of preventable deaths.[5] By 1997, Hamer owned clinics in Germany, Belgium, Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands,[6] and resided in Norway until his death from a stroke on 2 July 2017, age 82.[3][7][8]
Germanic New Medicine

On 8 August 1978, Hamer's son, Dirk, was shot by the son of the last king of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, while asleep on a yacht off Cavallo and died on 7 December of that year.[9] Some time after Dirk's death, Hamer developed a prostate cancer and thought there was a link between the two events, so he began to develop Germanic New Medicine (GNM), which can be summarized in its "five biological laws":[3]

    1st law ("Iron Rule"): Severe diseases originate from a shock event which is experienced by the individual as very difficult, highly acute, dramatic and isolating. The shock’s psychological conflict content determines the location of the appearance of a focus of activity in the brain that can be seen in a CT scan as a set of concentric rings, called "Hamer foci", which correspond to the location of the disease in the body. The subsequent development of the conflict determines the development of both the brain focus and the disease.
    2nd law (Two phased nature of disease): A patient who has not solved their conflict is in the first, active conflict phase, where the sympathetic nervous system predominates and which manifests as a "cold disease" accompanied by cold skin and extremities, stress, weight loss and sleep disorders. If they manage to resolve the conflict, they enter a second, post-resolution healing phase, in which the parasympathetic nervous system predominates, commonly diagnosed as a separate "warm" (rheumatic, infectious, allergic, etc.) disease. This second phase is the one which usually entails more risks, and a complete cure only comes upon its completion. In some circumstances, not solving the conflict but downgrading it to a reasonably livable level may be preferable than facing the second phase.
    3rd law (Ontogenetic system of diseases): Hamer proposes that disease progression is primarily controlled by the brain, either by the "old brain" (brainstem and cerebellum) or the "new brain" (cerebrum). The old brain controls more primitive processes, having to do with basic survival, such as breathing, eating, and reproduction, whereas the new brain manages more advanced personal and social issues, such as territorial conflicts, separation conflicts and self-devaluation and identity conflicts. Hamer's research is tied to the science of embryology because he links the type of disease progression—whether involving tissue augmentation (tumor growth), tissue loss (necrosis or ulceration) or functional impairment—with the embryonic germ layer (endoderm, mesoderm or ectoderm) from which both the organ tissues and the corresponding brain regions originate. Conflicts which have their focus either in the brain stem (which controls body tissues that derive from the endoderm) or the cerebellum (which controls tissues that derive from the mesoderm) show cell multiplication in the conflict active phase, and destruction of the resulting tumors in the healing phase. Cerebrum directed conflicts (affecting the rest of mesoderm-derived tissues and all ectoderm-derived ones) show either cell decrease (necroses, ulcers) or function impairment or interruption in the active phase, and the replenishment of the damaged tissues in the healing phase (which can also be diagnosed as a tumor).
    4th law (Ontogenetic system of microbes): Microbes do not cause diseases but are used by the body, coordinated by the brain, to optimize the healing phase, provided that the required microbes are available when needed. Fungi and mycobacteria work on tissues that originated in the endoderm, as well as on some of the tissues originating in the mesoderm. Bacteria work on all mesoderm derived tissues and viruses on ectoderm derived ones. Hamer maintains that these microbes, rather than being antagonistic to the body, actually perform a necessary role in healing, and that some of the interventions of conventional medicine are counterproductive, by interfering with these natural processes.
    5th law ("Quintessence"): The conflict active phase and the healing phase of diseases, as described above, constitute "special meaningful programs of nature," developed during the evolution of the species, to allow organisms to override everyday functioning in order to deal with particular emergency situations.

Therefore, according to Hamer, no real diseases exist; rather, what established medicine calls a "disease" is actually a "special meaningful program of nature" (sinnvolles biologisches Sonderprogramm) to which bacteria, viruses and fungi belong. Hamer's GNM claims to explain every disease and treatment according to those premises, and to thereby obviate traditional medicine. The cure is always the resolving of the conflict. Some treatments like chemotherapy or pain relieving drugs like morphine are deadly according to Hamer.[10][11] These "laws" are dogmas of GNM, not laws of nature or medicine, and are at odds with scientific understanding of human physiology.[12]
Olivia Pilhar case

In 1995, Hamer was associated with the case of Olivia Pilhar, a six-year-old Austrian girl who suffered from Wilms' tumor. Pilhar's parents consulted Hamer, who diagnosed the girl as having several "conflicts" rather than cancer. When the parents refused conventional medical therapy for Pilhar, the Austrian government removed their rights of care and control. The parents fled with their daughter to Spain, which was Hamer's place of residence at the time. After negotiations, including the intervention of the Austrian President Thomas Klestil, the parents were persuaded to return to Austria. By then, Pilhar's health had deteriorated. The tumor had grown very large, weighing four kilograms, filling most of her abdominal cavity and was pressing against her lungs. The lack of treatment had reduced the estimate of survival probability from 90% to 10%.[13] After a court ordered conventional cancer treatment with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, Pilhar recovered completely and was still alive in 2010.[14] Her parents received an eight-month suspended jail sentence in Austria.[15]
Jewish conspiracy theory

Hamer purported that his method is a "Germanic" alternative to mainstream clinical medicine, which he claimed is part of a Jewish conspiracy to decimate non-Jews.[16] In this, Hamer repeated the antisemitic claims of Nazi physician Gerhard Wagner. More precisely, Hamer asserted that chemotherapy and morphine are used to "mass murder" Western civilisation, while such treatment is not used in Israel.[10][11][17] Hamer promoted the idea that most German oncologists are Jewish and that "no Jew is treated with chemotherapy in Germany". According to him, hypodermic needles are used during chemotherapy to implant "chips" containing "chambers of poison" that can be activated by satellite to specifically kill patients.[18] He proposed that the swine flu vaccination campaign of 2009 was also used to mark people with those "chips" and denied the existence of HIV.[19] Hamer also believed that the denial of recognition of his theories and the revocation of his practitioner's licence is due to a Jewish conspiracy.[17]

In 2008, Hamer presented a document where one "Chief Rabbi" "Esra" Iwan Götz confirmed the existence of a conspiracy among Jewish oncologists to use the "torture" of chemotherapy on all non-Jewish patients, while Jewish patients were to receive the "correct" treatment of GNM. Götz, a German holocaust denier active in the German Reich revivalism scene, has been repeatedly convicted by German courts[20] for fraud, defamation, misuse of academic titles (the title "Chief Rabbi" is not legally protected in Germany), and the falsification of documents, among others.[21]
Response to medical views

The Swiss Cancer League of the Swiss Society for Oncology, Swiss Society for Medical Oncology and Swiss Institute for Applied Cancer Research say that no case of a cancer cure by Hamer has been published in the medical literature, nor any studies in specialised journals. Reports in his books "lack the additional data that are essential for medical assessment" and the presentations of his investigations, at medical conferences "are scientifically unconvincing".[2] Additionally, the German Cancer Research Center,[22] the German Cancer Society,[23] the German Medical Association and German Consumer Councils[24] strongly disagree with Hamer.

Proponents of alternative cancer treatments also regard Hamer's theory skeptically and argue for supportive evidence and proven patient cases.[25]

Hamer's habilitation thesis about the GNM at the University of Tübingen was rejected after multiple examinations by several members of the medical faculty, who came to the conclusion that his work lacks scientific methods and reproducibility and his arguments do not back up his theories.[26] Hamer replied that his system is verifiable and that the University of Trnava in Slovakia and has already confirmed some of his theories.[3] In fact, the University of Trnava has no real medical faculty and the documents which allegedly confirm his view are not available and registered at the university.[27][28] The university also rejected his habilitation thesis.[29]

The Hamer foci that Hamer saw in the brain CTs are identified by radiologists as common ring artifacts.[30][31]

The medical establishment in Germany and the European Union warns of the threat posed to patients by Hamer's therapies. If effective treatment is neglected, the applying of Hamer's theories is punishable in some countries as malpractice.[2]

There are ongoing press reports of victims of Hamer's practice throughout Europe.[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43]

    Ryke Geerd Hamer (2000). Summary of the New Medicine. Amici di Dirk. ISBN 84-930091-9-9.
    Ryke Geerd Hamer (2005). Einer gegen alle. Amici di Dirk. ISBN 84-96127-15-X.
    Ryke Geerd Hamer (2004). Krebs und alle sog. Krankheiten. Amici di Dirk. ISBN 84-96127-12-5.
    Ryke Geerd Hamer (1998). Vermächtnis einer Neuen Medizin. Amici di Dirk. ISBN 978-3-926755-00-1.

See also

    List of unproven and disproven cancer treatments


""Wunderheiler" Ryke Geerd Hamer ist tot" (in German).
Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer, SCAC (2001). "Hamer's 'New Medicine'" (PDF). Swiss Cancer League. Retrieved 7 May 2011.
Caroline Markolin. "German/Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer's website" (in English, French, and Spanish).
case file number 34 Js 85/86 – 34 Js 178/95 – 34 Js 221/96 Public Prosecution Service Cologne
Tor Bach; Kristin Grønli; Erik Tunstad (May 2003). "Norway – Jewish-conspiracy nuts soar to new heights of lunacy". Searchlight. Retrieved 7 May 2011.. New URL: [1], retrieved 15 July 2017.
Glass, Nigel (7 June 1997). "German 'quack healer' arrested". The Lancet. 349 (9066): 1679. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)62658-X.
"GNM not just for Hebrews!" (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 23 November 2010.
Dennis Kogel (5 July 2017). "Der wohl berühmteste deutsche "Wunderheiler" ist tot" (in German). Vice. Retrieved 31 January 2020.
"A Short Biography". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
" Ryke Geerd Hamer – Germanische Neue Medizin – Dr. Hamer: DAS SPIEL IST AUS!". 11 February 2010. Archived from the original on 15 August 2011. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
" Ryke Geerd Hamer – Germanische Neue Medizin – Dr. Hamer an die Staatsanwaltschaft München". 7 February 2010. Archived from the original on 15 August 2011. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
Another cancer tragedy in the making, David Gorski, Science Based Medicine
"Parents on trial for cancer treatment refusal". The Independent. London. 10 October 1996.
Windmann, Antje (17 February 2010). "So schön ist Krebs-Kind Olivia heute" [So beautiful is Cancer Child Olivia today] (in German). Bild. Retrieved 15 May 2011.
"Opfer und Medienstar: Der Fall Olivia Pilhar" [Victims and the Media Star: The case of Olivia Pilhar] (in German). Die Presse. 16 January 2010. Retrieved 15 May 2011.
An example among many: Germanische Heilkunde: Interview, 4 November 2009 (Internet Archive, 6 May 2016). See: Alma Fatmi, 'Die ideologischen Hintergründe der Germanischen Neuen Medizin', in: Udo Schuster (ed.), Rassismus im neuen Gewand. Herausforderungen im Kommunikationszeitalter 4.0, München 2017, p. 81-112.
Germanisch gegen Krebs, TAZ 30 January 2006
Report München: Todesfalle Germanische Neue Medizin. ARD, 18. Januar 2010
Ryke Geerd Hamer: "HIV ist eine ganz normale Allergie" Der Standard, 14. Januar 2012
He received a suspended eight-month sentence for Volksverhetzung from an Anklam court in 2009. Acht Monate auf Bewährung für Leugnen des Holocaust (mirrored Nordkurier article of 27 January 2009)
Skandal um Holocaust-Leugnung in Anklam,, 19 January 2007.
Krebsinformationsdienst des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums Heidelberg über die "Therapie nach Hamer" (PDF, Stand 2006 Archived 9 February 2010 at the Wayback Machine)
Software cy:con, "Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft e. V. – Statement about the "Germanischen Neuen Medizin" (GNM)". Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
"News in the Hamburger Morgenpost" (in German). 8 February 2006. Archived from the original on 30 January 2009. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
Ventegodt S, Andersen NJ, Merrick J (January 2005). "Rationality and irrationality in Ryke Geerd Hamer's system for holistic treatment of metastatic cancer". ScientificWorldJournal. 5: 93–102. doi:10.1100/tsw.2005.16. PMID 15702221.
"ruling of a german court about this matter documented on Pilhars page". 21 June 2004. Archived from the original on 9 February 2006. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
Correspondence on Pilhars Page:
The university has a faculty specialized only in social work and healthcare/nursing
Correspondence on Pilhars page:
Statement of the German Radiologist Association/Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft – CT-Untersuchungen des Gehirns zur Detektion "Hamer'scher Herde" (Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft) Archived 5 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine
"Statement by Prof. Maximilian Reiser, president of German radiologist association "Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft" January 22, 2007 (German)". 22 January 2007. Archived from the original on 6 March 2007. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
Kampf gegen die Stärksten, Der Spiegel 32/1995, S. 154–162.
"Report: Germanische Medizin". Archived from the original on 24 March 2012. Retrieved 19 October 2010.
"Krebstod einer Zwölfjährigen: Für Vertrauen in Wunderheiler droht Gefängnis – Nachrichten Panorama – WELT ONLINE". Die Welt (in German). 29 March 2010. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
" – Morte à cause d'un marabout, sa fille témoigne!". Retrieved 20 November 2011.
"Le livre choc de Nathalie de Reuck – Seulomonde". 15 January 2010. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
"Nathalie de Reuck : " Des charlatans de la santé ont tué ma mère " – societe – Elle". 13 January 2010. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
"46-åring døde av kreft etter behandlingsnekt | TV 2 Nyhetene". Retrieved 20 November 2011.
"Beitrag Detail – Monika von Gunten 40 Tod der Zwillingsschwester". 16 November 2011. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
"Krebstod einer Zwölfjährigen: "Wunderheiler" versprach Hilfe – und Susanne starb doch – Nachrichten Bayern – Augsburger Allgemeine" (in German). Retrieved 20 November 2011.
"DER SPIEGEL 37/1997 – Ein gefährlicher Erlöser". Der Spiegel. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
"Padova, famiglia rifiuta la chemio, ragazza muore di leucemia". 31 August 2016. Retrieved 15 April 2018.

    Cronache, Redazione. "Rifiuta cure per metodo Hamer, un'altra donna morta a Rimini". Retrieved 15 April 2018.

External links

    Hamer's official web page
    Ilsedora Laker web page
    Karoline Markolin web page
    Searchlightmagazine and Hamer

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Genau so steht der Scheißdreck da. Genau so.

In dem ganzen Machwerk sind alle Opfer gelöscht worden.

Michaela Jakubczyk-Eckert: gelöscht.
Christina Connell: gelöscht.
Daß es hunderte Tote durch Hamer und seine Komplizen und Kopierer gibt: gelöscht.

Wie die Mechanismen der Lügen von Hamer und seiner Szene funktionieren: gelöscht.

Statt dessen: eine primitive, strunzdämliche Nachbeterei und Nachplapperei, bei der man befürchten muß, daß sie von Hamer-Anhängern gerne als sein Lebenslauf zitiert wird. Einen Präzedenzfall gibt es bereits: Die Wiki-Seite von Esowatch/Psiram über den Honigmann.

Julian hat die totalstmöglichste Totalstblamage von Psiram dokumentiert:

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    Tote Drahtzieher --- die Leichenhalle >
    Ernst Köwing, der Honigmann, bekommt einen doppelt makabren Nachruf
    « on: March 04, 2018, 01:21:32 PM »

Ernst Köwing, der Honigmann, bekommt einen doppelt makabren Nachruf
« on: March 04, 2018, 01:21:32 PM »

Ernst Köwing ist tot. Daß er ausgerechnet mit einem "Nachruf" der Psiramista "geehrt" wurde, hätte er sich selbst in seinen schlimmsten Albträumen nicht ausdenken können. Nein, nicht Psiram hat ihm den Nachruf gewidmet, sondern seine eigenen Verbündeten!

"Wissenschaft3000" hat es tatsächlich fertiggebracht, am 4.3.2018 im "Nachruf" für Ernst Köwing den Eintrag des Psiram-Wikis einzukopieren.

Ist das peinlich...

Dies ist der Cache von Google von
Es handelt sich dabei um ein Abbild der Seite, wie diese am 4. März 2018 01:27:57 GMT angezeigt wurde.
Die aktuelle Seite sieht mittlerweile eventuell anders aus. Weitere Informationen

Wissenschaft3000 ~ science3000
Recht auf Wahrheit! ~ Die Wahrheit leben! ~ Wahrheit und Friede!


die letzten Nachrichten vom Honigmann – Ernst Köwing – Nachruf

Am 24.02.2018 um 11 Uhr ist der „Honigmann“, der Imker Ernst „Ernie“ Köwing, im St. Bonifatius – Krankenhaus in Lingen nach einer kurzen und schweren Erkrankung von uns gegangen.     

Sein Lebenswerk, der Blog „“, vorher „“, hat ihn zu einem der Großen in der Aufklärer-Szene werden lassen. Mit über 83 Millionen Aufrufen fand er auch im Ausland hohe Anerkennung und wurde in Deutschland der größte Blog – und somit den Herrschenden ein Dorn im Auge.

Zahlreiche Prozesse hielten ihn nicht von seiner Arbeit ab und führten schließlich zu seiner Inhaftierung Ende 2017.

verlautbart von:


PSIRAM wusste folgendes zu vermerkte – nicht aber, dass Ernst Köwing von uns gegangen ist! – Da keine sonstige Zusammenfassung über das Werk von Ernst Köwing, an dem die Bloggerszene nicht vorbeigehen konnte, vorliegt – übernehmen wir den gesamten freien Eintrag von PSIRAM: Explizit wird jedoch dazu angemerkt, dass wir diesen Text nur zu Belegzwecke in diesem Nachruf veröffentlichen, sich die Autoren von w3000 jedoch von politischen, rassistischen oder gar verunglimpfenden Äußerungen darin strikte distanzieren!!!



[ Text der Wiki-Seite von ESOWATCH/PSIRAM ]


So ist das, genau so:

"Da keine sonstige Zusammenfassung über das Werk von Ernst Köwing,
an dem die Bloggerszene nicht vorbeigehen konnte, vorliegt –
übernehmen wir den gesamten freien Eintrag von PSIRAM"

Eben. So ist das, wenn die großen Skeptiker und Wikipedia"autoren" von der realen Welt keinen blassen Schimmer haben.

Da braucht man sich auch nicht zu wundern, wenn unter dem Punkt "External links" in der Wikipedia-Seite über den mehrhundertfachen Massenmörder Ryke Geerd Hamer aufgeführt sind:

Ryke Geerd Hamer, der Massenmörder himself:

***    "Hamer's official web page"

Die Betrügerin Ilsedora Laker, die schuld ist am Tod von Christina Connell:

***    "Ilsedora Laker web page"

Die Raubkopiererin und gemeingefährliche Gesundheitsbetrügerin Karoline Markolin:

***    "Karoline Markolin web page"

Alle drei Stellen beieinander:

***    Hamer's official web page
***    Ilsedora Laker web page
***    Karoline Markolin web page
        Searchlightmagazine and Hamer

Über Karoline Markolin und etliches anderes der Hamer-Szene hat in 2007 und später das Kanadische Staatsfernsehen Radio Canada in einer großen mehrteiligen Sendung berichtet.

Die Kanadier haben damals auch Gilbert Jakubczyk, den Ehemann von Michaela Jakubczyk-Eckert, gezeigt, den sie dazu eigens in Europa interviewt haben.

Die international wichtigen und mit Abstand allergrößten Websites über die Hamer-Szene sind

1. das TG-1

darin unter vielem anderen
Die Akte Ryke Geerd Hamer
1692 Posts
  493 Topics

2.. die alte Homepage von Aribert Deckers und


Das TG-1 sind übrigens wir. Mit Fakten. Ohne Weißwäscherei. Ohne das Bildzeitungsniveau der Skeptiker mit den vielen bunten Bildchen, auf denen man sowieo nichts erkennen kann, weil die viel zu klein sind.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 10:29:21 PM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Re: Wie man einen Massenmörder weißwäscht: Fälschungen in Wikipedia
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