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Author Topic: Boiron flies the magic broom  (Read 76867 times)


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Boiron flies the magic broom
« on: August 17, 2011, 04:36:56 PM »

Boiron ist ein multinationaler Konzern mit Basis in Frankreich (, der nach eigenen Worten finanziell sehr gut dasteht: 730 Millionen US-Dollar Umsatz, bei 4000 Mitarbeitern in 80 Ländern:

Boiron, world leader in homeopathic medicines, is a $730 million public company with 4,000 employees in more than 80 countries. Boiron is best known for its top-selling flu medicine, Oscillococcinum®, its Chestal® cough syrup, and its Arnicare® line of pain relievers.


Daß Homöopathikahersteller am Hungertuch nagen, ist ein Märchen, das ihnen gerne angedichtet wird von Esoterikern, die Homöopathie als David gegen Goliath darstellen wollen. Doch das ist eine Lüge. Eine der vielen Lügen der Esoteriker. Jeder, der lesen kann, kann klar und deutlich erkennen, was die Zahlen der Firmen besagen: sie haben Geld, sie sind mächtig, und sie verkaufen Industriezucker. Milchzucker, wie ihn Hahnemann benutzte, wurde schon vor Jahren von etlichen Firmen aufgegeben.

Boiron USA, Inc., weiß, wie man Reklame und PR macht. Ohnehin sind in den USA die Regeln anders als in Europe. In den USA gibt es mehr Personen in der PR als Journalisten. Und man nutzt intensiv die geistige Hirnwaschkraft der Pupswindelnmamis:

Es gibt in den USA große Vereine, von Küste zu Küste. Es gibt "Konferenzen". Und es gibt Sponsoren. Boiron USA, Inc., ist ein Sponsor.

Im Blog der Website von Boiron USA, Inc., wird geworben für einen Kongreß:

Register for HMN’s Natural Living Conference Today & Save!
by boiron

If you’re passionate about holistic health and green living, or even if you’re just getting your feet wet, head to the Holistic Moms Network 8th Annual Natural Living Conference. Held on Saturday, October 1 in Irvine, Calif., this year’s event, Holistic Parenting: Mind, Body and Spirit, is led by two keynote speakers: author, activist and concerned mom Robyn O’Brien, and actress, author and holistic mom Mayim Bialik, and features workshops, a holistic exhibit hall, a healthy options buffet lunch, and an online natural products auction. Boiron’s PR team will also be on hand to talk about how homeopathy can help keep you and your family healthy, and to offer cough, cold and flu product samples.

Space is limited, and HMN’s early registration special ends TODAY, so register now and save $15 with promo code 15OFF. For more information, visit HMN on Facebook, or click here to register.

About HMN: The Holistic Moms Network is a national, membership-based and managed, non-profit organization with more than 100 chapters across the U.S. and Canada. The organization is headquartered in Caldwell, N.J. and launched its first chapter in 2003 in Essex County, N.J. The purpose of HMN is to provide awareness, education, and support for holistic parenting and to offer a nurturing, open-minded and respectful community for parents to share these ideals.


Der Kongreß:

Boiron USA, Inc., ist einer der Sponsoren.

Boiron stellt homöopathische Mittel her. Wobei es sich nicht nur um Dinge handelt, die ein Hahnemann noch gutheißen könnte. Eines der Mittel, "Oscillococcinum", wird von Boiron USA, Inc., in der Selbstdarstellung der Firma, deutlich hervorgehoben.

Beweisstück: Screenshot aus der Website von Boiron USA, Inc. mit Reklame für "Oscillococcinum"

Auch bei der PR, auf den Kongressen der Pupswindelnmamis, wird "Oscillococcinum" betont hervorgehoben. Hier ein Beispiel bei "The Holistic Moms Network" im Februar 2009:

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About HMN Sponsorship We are honored to welcome the following Sponsors into our National Holistic Moms Network community. We encourage you to learn more about these businesses who share our commitment to holistic health and green living. Local and regional businesses and practitioners who share our mission and purpose can also become a Sponsor of their local HMN community! If you would like to learn more about our National or Local Sponsorship Programs, please contact us at sponsorship [at ]
Become a Holistic Moms Network Sponsor!

Boiron USA

Boiron, world leader in homeopathy, is the maker of Oscillococcinum. - Oscillo has been relied upon by families around the world for more than 65 years to nip flu-like symptoms in the bud. Boiron recently helped parents by introducing Children?s Oscillococcinum, Children’s Coldcalm Pellets and Children’s Chestal cough syrup. Sweet-tasting, all three work naturally, without causing side effects or interacting with other medications and are safe for young children. Boiron is a $500 million public company with 3,800 employees in more than 80 countries. Visit for a coupon.

Im Februar 2009, vor 2 1/2 Jahren, waren es noch 500 Millionen US-Dollar Umsatz (heute 730 Mio) und 3800 Mitarbeiter (heute 4000). Das nennt man ein beachtliches Wachstum. Es geht um richtig viel Geld.

Die aktuelle PR von Boiron USA, Inc., bei dem "The Holistic Moms Network" lautet:

Boiron USA

Boiron, world leader in homeopathic medicines, is best known for its top-selling flu medicine, Oscillococcinum®, its Chestal® cough syrup, and its Arnicare® line of pain relievers. Oscillo® has been relied upon by families around the world for more than 75 years to nip flu-like symptoms in the bud. Boiron’s line of safe, natural children’s medicines, including Children’s Oscillo®, Children’s Chestal® and Children’s Coldcalm® Pellets, work without causing side effects or interactions with other medications.
Visit or find on Facebook (BoironUSA) and Twitter (@boironusa) for more information.

Und wieder intensive Reklame für "Oscillococcinum".

"Oscillococcinum" gibt es in zwei Versionen, eine davon gezielt für Kinder:

Beweisstücke: Screenshots aus der Website von Boiron USA, Inc. mit Verpackungsaufdrucken von "Oscillococcinum"

Wo gibt es das!? Ein Homöopathikum für Kinder!

Auf der Verpackung wird gezielt für die Verbrauchergruppe geworben. Besonderer Hinweis: "great taste" ("großartiger Geschmack").

Was ist in dem Mittel überhaupt drin?

Für Kinder:

Children's Oscillococcinum®

Flu-like Symptoms

Active Ingredients
Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis extractum 200CK HPUS

To reduce the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms

Inactive Ingredients
Lactose, sucrose

The letters HPUS indicate that these ingredients are officially included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.

Nicht wirksame Bestandteile: "Lactose, sucrose" (Milchzucker, Zucker)


Flu-like Symptoms

Active Ingredient
Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis extractum 200CK HPUS

To reduce the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms

Inactive Ingredients
Sucrose, lactose

The letters HPUS indicate that these ingredients are officially included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.

Nicht wirksame Bestandteile: "Sucrose, lactose" (Zucker, Milchzucker)

Nicht wirksame Bestandteile

"Children's Oscillococcinum®": "Lactose, sucrose" (Milchzucker, Zucker)
"Oscillococcinum®":  "Sucrose, lactose" (Zucker, Milchzucker)

Entsprechend der international üblichen Regeln für die Angabe Zusammensetzung ist von dem vorne stehenden am meisten enthalten, der Rest folgt in absteigender Menge.

Kinder kriegen mehr Milchzucker. Beeindruckend. Und dafür heißt es dann "great taste".

Hahnemann würde rotieren. Der hätte bloß Milchzucker genommen. Wie würde das in der heutigen PR in den USA heißen? "Super® Excellent® Great® Taste®, Genuine® Hahnemann® Original®"?

Aber was ist WIRKLICH in dem Zeug drin!?

Mark Crislip beschreibt in einem langen Artikel darüber auch die Herstellung:


Ososillyococcinum and other Flu bits.

Published by Mark Crislip


The active ingredient is listed as anas barbarae hepatis et cordis extractum 200C.

Whoa.  The power of Latin,  like a Harry Potter curse. I bet the product has been imbued with the Confundus charm, which may explain why it is “used by millions of people and is recommended by doctors around the world.”

What is the active ingredient, this anas barbarae hepatis et cordis extractum?

In the 1919 flu epidemic a physician who did not understand that artifacts on the slide, probably bubbles, move randomly due to Brownian motion.  Looking at the tissues of flu patients with a microscope, he  found what he thought was not only the cause of influenza, but the cause of all diseases: small cocci (round balls) that oscillated under the microscope.  He found these wiggling bubbles in all the tissues of all the ill people he examined and thought he discovered the true cause of all disease.  Sigh.  Yet another cause of all illness. He is the only person, before or since, to see these oscillating cocci. Hence the name.

Subsequently, for obscure reasons, he became of the opinion that the heart and liver of the Muscovy Duck were the most concentrated source of these oscillating cocci.  I have found the suggestion that it was because duck liver and heart is a source of influenza, but the product predates the discovery of the influenza, so that would be an oh so silly explanation.

So how best to to treat disease?  Turn the oscilliococinum into a homeopathic nostrum:

Into a one litre bottle, a mixture of pancreatic juice and glucose is poured. Next a Canard de Barbarie is decapitated and 35 grams of its liver and 15 grams of its heart are put into the bottle. Why liver? Doctor Roy writes: “The Ancients considered the liver as the seat of suffering, even more important than the heart, which is a very profound insight, because it is on the level of the liver that the pathological modifications of the blood happen, and also there the quality of the energy of our heart muscle changes in a durable manner.”

After 40 days in the sterile bottle, liver and heart autolyse (disintegrate) into a kind of goo, which is then “potentized” with the Korsakov method where the glass containing the remedy is shaken and then just emptied and refilled, and the dilution factor is assumed to be 1:100.


Ist auf der einen Seite die Herstellung ekelhaft, so ist auf der andere Seite der Wirkstoff aus gleich zwei Gründen nicht vorhanden:

ERSTENS ist die Verdünnung so hoch (C200 = 10exp400), so daß man VERDAMMT VIELE Universen brauchte als Gegenpart zu EINEM Molekül.

In unserem Universum sind geschätzt:  10 hoch 78 Atome
(Schätzung zum Beispiel hier:

400 = 78*5 + 10

Das heißt: man braucht

(10 hoch Universum) * (10 hoch Universum) * (10 hoch Universum) *  (10 hoch Universum) * (10 hoch Universum) * (10 hoch 10) Atome

Oder, in Universen ausgedrückt:

(10 hoch Universum) * (10 hoch Universum) *  (10 hoch Universum) * (10 hoch Universum) * (10 hoch 10) Universen

ZWEITENS hat außer dem mißratenen "Forscher", der anno 1919 die Kugeln ("cocci") meint gesehen zu haben, niemand anders auf der Erde diese Dinger jemals sichten können. Das heißt: HEUTE sieht niemand diese Cocci, tut sie aber dennoch in ein homöopathisches Mittel. Die juristische Beschreibung dafür ist kurz und knapp: Betrug!

DRITTENS ist ein "Anwendungsgebiet" Fieber ("fever"). Mit Fieber ist nicht zu spaßen. Das weiß Boiron auch. Deswegen ist angegeben, daß man bei Kindern unter zwei Jahren zum Arzt gehen soll.

Aber wer ein Gehirn im Kopf hat, geht IMMER  zu einem wissenschaftlich arbeitenden Arzt und nimmt auch keine magischen Wunderpillen der Homöopathen oder ihrer Nachbäschtler.

Es geht um die Gesundheit, um das Leben. Da hört jeder Spaß auf!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 01:05:52 PM by el_Typo »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Classaction Lawsuit against Boiron
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2011, 07:55:47 PM »

Die juristische Website "Top Class Actions" ( berichtet über eine Classaction-Klage gegen Boiron.

A copy of the Boiron Oscillo Class Action Lawsuit can be read here.
[LINK: ]

The case is Henry Gonzales v. Boiro, Inc., Boiron USA, Inc., Laboratories Boiron, et al., Case No. 37-2011-00095740-CU-MT-CTL, Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego.

Kläger ist ein Henry Gonzales, zu dem leider noch nicht mehr Informationen zu finden sind. Der Google-OCRer konvertiert den Text der Klagepapiere der Classaction-Klage gegen Boiron wie folgt:

STREET A9DRE$$I 330 West Broadway
MAILING ADDRESSI 330 W951 Brgadway
CITY AND ZIP CODE: Sal’! Diego, CA 92101
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (619) 450-7064
PLAlNTlFF(S) / PETlTlONER(S): Henry Gonzales
DEFENDANT(S)/RESPONDENT(S): Boi;-on |n¢ e{_a|_
Judge: William R. Nevitt, Jr. Department: C-64
TIME STANDARDS: The following timeframes apply to general civil cases and must be adhered to unless you have
requested and been granted an extension of time. General civil cases consist of all civil cases except: small
claims proceedings, civil petitions, unlawful detainer proceedings, probate, guardianship, conservatorship,
juvenile, and family law proceedings.
COMPLAINTS: Complaints and all other documents listed in SDSC Local Rule 2.1.5 must be served on all named
defendants, and a Certificate of Service (SDSC form #ClV-345) filed within 60 days of filing.
DEFENDANT'S APPEARANCE: Defendant must generally appear within 30 days of service of the complaint. (Plaintiff
may stipulate to no more than 15 day extension which must be in writing and filed with the Court.) (SDSC Local
Rule 2.1.6)
DEFAULT: If the defendant has not generally appeared and no extension has been granted, the plaintiff must request
default within 45 days of the filing of the Certificate of Service. (SDSC Local Rule 2.1.7)
CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE: A Case Management Conference will be set within 150 days of filing the
sosc CIV-721 (Rev. 11-oe) Page 1


Page 2

Z811 ~L| A13; Q;
A Professional Corporation ~~ '7‘ fl? {$131581
Scott J. Ferrell, Bar No. 202091 6 iii E Y» CA
Ryan M. Ferrell Bar No. 258037
895 Dove Street, Suite 425
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Tel: (949) 706-6464
Fax: (949) 706-6469
Attorneys for Plaintiff and the Class
HENRY GONZALES, individually, and on behalf Case No.1
of 611 6111666 similarly 61m616d, =1-1°"'°°°°‘"“'°""'"'°T"
_ vs.
‘Oscillococcinum (the “Osci1lo”) is nothing more than a sugar pill that Defendants falsely
advertise has the ability to cure the flu. In reality, Oscillo has no impact on the flu or any symptoms
that accompany the flu.
Accordingly, Henry Gonzales (“Plaintiff”) brings this lawsuit to enjoin the ongoing deception
of thousands of California consumers by Defendants, and to recover the money taken by this unlawful


Page 3

A. Plaintiff.
1. Plaintiff Henry Gonzales (“Plaintiff”) is a resident of California who purchased Oscillo
in California. ~
B. Boiron, Inc. and Boiron USA, Inc. Defendants.
2. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and upon such information and belief alleges, that
Defendants Boiron, Inc. and Boiron USA,Inc. (“Defendants”) are Pennsylvania corporations that
produce, market, and sell Oscillo, and do business in California.
C. Laboratories Boiron Defendant.
3. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and upon such information and belief alleges, that
Defendant Laboratories Boiron (“Defendant”) is a French company that produces, markets, and sells
Oscillo, and does business in California.
D. Doe Defendants.
4. Plaintiff does not know the true names or capacities of the persons or entities sued
herein as DOES l to 25, inclusive, and therefore sues such defendants by such fictitious names.
Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that each of the DOE defendants is in some
manner legally responsible for the damages suffered by Plaintiff and the members of the class as
alleged herein. Plaintiff will amend this Complaint to set forth the true names and capacities of these
defendants when they have been ascertained, along with appropriate charging allegations, as may be
necessary. .
5. This Court has jurisdiction over all causes of action asserted herein.
6. Venue is proper in this Court because Plaintiff purchased the product in this County and
because Defendants have received substantial compensation from sales in this County. Specifically,
Defendants knowingly engage in activities directed at consumers in this County, and Defendants
obtain substantial benefits from their scheme perpetrated in this County. Plaintiff has filed
concurrently herewith the declaration of venue required by Civil Code Section l780(d).


Page 4

7. Defendants and other out-of-state participants can be brought before this Court pursuant
to Calif0rnia’s “long-arm” jurisdictional statute.
8. Influenza kills approximately 500,000 people each year. In the United States alone,
approximately 40,000 people die after contracting the flu each year.
9. The most recent pandemic, as declared by the World Health Organization (“WHO”),
was an outbreak of the flu. The WHO classified this pandemic as a level 6, the highest level.
10. Defendants play off of the widespread nature of the flu and the public’s justified fear of
it by making false claims about purported efficacy characteristics of Oscillo in order to drive enormous
sales of the worthless product. For instance, the fiont of the Product packaging places in bold letters
the name of the Product — “Oscillococcinum”, directly below the statements “Flu—like Symptoms”,
“Feeling Run Down”, “Headache”, “Body Aches”, “Chills”, and “Fever”. The package also claims,
“No Side Effects”, “No Drug Interactions”, and “Non-Drowsy”.
Flwlilte Symptonis


Page 5

ll. Defendants advertise: that Oscillo is “medicine for headache, body aches, chills &
fever”; that Oscillo will “slow down the spread of germs”; that “Oscillo[] has a long history of efficacy
and safety”; and “[Oscillo] is the first flu medicine recommended by pharmacists”1.
12. Defendants include numerous testimonials touting Oscillo Without disclosing either the
fact that the endorsers are paid or the actual results that can be expected?
13. From the advertising done by Defendants regarding Oscillo, it would appear to be the
perfect product to combat the flu. According to Defendants, Oscillo will take care of the flu within 48
hours?’ with no possibility of any side effects or drug interactions and without making the patient
drowsy. _
14. Earlier this year, Plaintiff purchased Oscillo. He did so after reading, believing, and
relying upon Defendants’ advertising. Plaintiff used Oscillo as directed, but did not obtain the
promised results—Oscillo had no impact on Plaintiffs flu.
15. Unfortunately, Defendants fail to inform consumers of the truth regarding Oscillo and
its purported active ingredient. The truth is that the listed active ingredient in Oscillo, Anas Barbariae
Hepatis et Cordis Extractum, is neither active in combating the flu nor is it actually an ingredient in
Oscillo. . .
16. Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum is a fancy way for Defendants to hide the
truth from the general public. The truth being that Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum is
actually Muscovy Duck Liver and Heart. 1
17. Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum has no known medicinal quality, further,
in the extreme dilution claimed by Defendants, it has no impact on the human body whatsoever
because it is not present in Oscillo.
18. Defendants claim that the active ingredient in Oscillo, Anas Barbariae Hepatis et
Cordis Extractum, is diluted to 20OCK. This dilution indicates that for every part of Anas Barbariae
Hepatis et Cordis Extractum in Oscillo, there is 10"3 99 parts of the inactive ingredient, sugar. Written
1 (last accessed August 2, 2011).
2 (last accessed August 2, 201 1).
3 Oscillococcinum works rapidly, with 63 percent of patients showing “complete resolution” or “clear
improvement” at 48 hours. (


Page 6

out in long form, this results in a ratio of
1 :10,000,000,000,000,000,000,()00,000,000,000,000,000,000,00(),O00,000,000,000,000,00(),0O0,000,0
19. At this purported ratio, the probability of getting l molecule of the active ingredient of
Oscillo in a regular dosage is approximately equal to winning the Powerball every week for an nearly
an entire year. Simply stated, there is no trace of the purported active ingredient in Oscillo. Oscillo is
nothing more than sugar (85% sucrose and 15% lactose).
20. Defendants are fully aware that there is no Anas Barbariae Hepatis vet Cordis
Extractum present in Oscillo. In an interview with the U.S. News and World Report, Defendants
stated, “
  • f course its safe. There’s nothing in it.”4

21. Succinctly stated, Oscillo does not, cure, relieve, or in any way treat the flu.
22. Defendants sell Oscillo for approximately $10 per unit based on the preceding false
advertising claims. As a result, Defendants have wrongfully taken millions of dollars from California
23. Accordingly, Hem'y Gonzales brings this lawsuit to enjoin the ongoing deception of
thousands of California consumers by Defendants, and to recover the funds taken by this unlawful
practice. _ p
24. Plaintiff brings this class action for damages and other monetary relief on behalf of the
following class:
4 McGraw, Dan. “Flu Symptoms? Try Duck” U.S. News and World Report 9 February 1997.
_ 5 _


Page 7

All persons located within California who purchased Oscillo at any time
during the four years preceding the filing of this Complaint (the
25. Excluded from the Class are governmental entities, Defendants, any entity in which
defendants have a controlling interest, and Defendants’ officers, directors, affiliates, legal
representatives, employees, co-conspirators, successors, subsidiaries, and assigns. Also excluded from
the Class is any judge, justice, or judicial officer presiding over this matter and the members of their
immediate families and judicial staff.
26. The proposed Class is so numerous that individual joinder of all its members is
impracticable. Due to the nature of the trade and commerce involved, however, Plaintiff believes that
the total number of Class members is at least in the tens of thousands and members of the Class are
numerous and geographically dispersed across Califomia. While the exact number and identities of
the Class members are unknown at this time, such information can be ascertained through appropriate
investigation and discovery. The disposition of the claims of the Class members in a single class
action will provide substantial benefits to all parties and to the Court.
27. There is a well-defined community of interest in the questions of law and fact involved
affecting the plaintiff class and these common questions predominate over any questions that may
affect individual Class members. Common questions of fact and law include, but are not limited to,
the following:
(a) Whether Defendants’ efficacy claims are accurate;
(0) Whether Defendants have falsely represented that Oscillococcinum has benefits
Whether Defendants’ efficacy claims are properly substantiated;
which it does not have; and .
28. Plaintiffs claims are typical of the claims of the members of the Class. Plaintiff and all
Whether Defendants knew that the efficacy representations were false.
members of the Class have been similarly affected by Defendants’ common course of conduct since
they all relied on Defendants’ representations concerning Oscillo and purchased the product based on
those representations.
_ 5 _


Page 8

29. Plaintiff Will fairly and adequately represent and protect the interests of the Class.
Plaintiff has retained counsel with substantial experience in handling complex class action litigation.
Plaintiff and his counsel are committed to vigorously prosecuting this action on behalf of the Class and
have the financial resources to do so. Plaintiff has retained a law frm who is widely recognized as one
of the most successful and effective class action litigators in California, and whose victories have been
publicized on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and nearly every major California newspaper. The firm has
also been certified as lead class counsel in similar class actions.
30. Plaintiff and the members of the Class sufiered, and will continue to suffer, harm as a
result of Defendants’ unlawful and wrongful conduct. A class action issuperior to other available
methods for the fair and efficient adjudication of the present controversy. Individual joinder of all
members of the class is impracticable. Even if individual class members had the resources to pursue
individual litigation, it would be unduly burdensome to the courts in which the individual litigation
would proceed. Individual litigation magnifies the delay and expense to all parties in the court system
of resolving the controversies engendered by Defendants’ common course of conduct. The class
action device allows a single court to provide the benefits of unitary adjudication, judicial economy,
and the fair and efficient handling of all class members’ claims in a single forum. The conduct of this
action as a class action conserves the resources of the parties and of the judicial system and protects
the rights of the class members. Furthermore, for many, if not most, a class action is the only feasible
mechanism that allows an opportunity for legal redress and justice.
31. Adjudication of individual class members’ claims with respect to Defendants would, as
a practical matter, be dispositive of the interests of other members not parties to the adjudication, and
could substantially impair or impede the ability of other class members to protect their interests.
// /


Page 9


(By Plaintiff and On Behalf of the Class as against All Defendants)
32. Plaintiff incorporates by this reference the allegations contained in the paragraphs
above as if fully set forth herein.
33. Plaintilf has standing to pursue this claim as Plaintiff has suffered injury in fact and has
lost money or property as a result of Defendants’ actions as set forth herein. Specifically, prior to the
filing of this action, Plaintiff purchased Oscillo. In so doing, he relied upon Defendants’ marketing
claims. He used Oscillo as directed, but the product has not worked as advertised, nor did it provide
any of the promised benefits. A
34. Prior to filing this action, Plaintiffs counsel mailed to Defendants, by certified mail,
return receipt requested, the written notice required by Civil Code Section l782(a). A copy of that
letter is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
35. Plaintiff filed the declaration of venue required by Civil Code Section 178 0(d).
36. Defendants’ wrongful business practices constituted, and constitute, a continuing
course of conduct in violation of the California Consumers Legal Remedies Act since Defendants are
still representing that their product has characteristics, uses, benefits, and abilities which are false and
misleading, and have injured Plaintiff and the Class.
37. Plaintiff and the Class seek:
(a) an order of this court enjoining Defendants from continuing to engage in
unlawful, unfair, or deceptive business practices and any other act prohibited by law, including those
set forth in the complaint, pursuant to California Civil Code Section l780(a)(2);
(b) actual damages pursuant to Civil Code Section 1780(a)(l);
(c) punitive damages pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1780(a)(4) due to
the fraudulent, malicious, and willful nature of Defendants’ conduct;
(d) statutory damages of no less than $1,000 per class member pursuant to
California Civil Code Section l780(a)( 1);
- 3 _


Page 10

(e) restitution pursuant to Civil Code Section 1780(a)(3); and
(f) any other equitable or legal relief that the Court deems proper pursuant to
California Civil Code Section 1780(a)(5).
(By Plaintiff and On Behalf of the Class as against All Defendants)
38. Plaintiff incorporates by this reference the allegations contained in the paragraphs
above as if fully set forth herein.
g 39. Plaintiff has standing to pursue this claim as Plaintiff has suffered injury in fact and has
lost money or property as a result of Defendants’ actions as set forth herein. Specifically, prior to the
filing of this action, Plaintiff purchased Oscillo. In so doing, he relied upon Defendants’ marketing
claims. He used Oscillo as directed, but the product has not worked as advertised, nor did it provide
any of the promised benefits.
40. Defendants’ actions as alleged in this Complaint constitute an unfair or deceptive
business practice within the meaning of California Business and Professions Code section 17200 in
that Defendants’ actions are unfair, unlawful, and fraudulent, and because Defendants have made
unfair, deceptive, untrue or misleading statements in advertising media, including the lntemet, within
the meaning of California Business and Professions Code sections 17500, et seq.
41. Defendants’ business practices, as alleged herein, are unfair because they offend
established public policy and/or are immoral, unethical, oppressive, unscrupulous and/or substantially
injurious to consumers in that consumers are misled by the claims made with respect to Oscillo as set
forth herein.
42. Defendants’ business practices as alleged herein are imlawful because the conduct
constitutes false marketing and advertising and other causes of action alleged herein.
43. Defendants’ business practices as alleged herein are fraudulent because they are likely
to deceive customers into believing that Oscillo has properties that it in fact does not have.
_ 9 -


Page 11

44. Defendant’s business practices as alleged herein are unfair, deceptive, untrue, and
misleading advertising pursuant to California Business and Professions Code section 17500, et seq.
because Defendants have advertised Oscillo, including over the internet, in a manner that is untrue and
misleading, and that is known to be untrue or misleading.
45. Defendants’ wrongful business practices constituted, and constitute, a continuing
course of conduct of unfair competition since Defendants are marketing and selling their products in a
manner likely to deceive the public.
46. Defendants’ wrongful business practices have caused injury to Plaintiff and the Class.
47. Pursuant to section 17203 of the California Business and Professions Code, Plaintiff
and the Class seek an order of this court enjoining Defendants from continuing to engage in unlawful,
unfair, or deceptive business practices and any other act prohibited by law, including those set forth in
the complaint. Plaintiff and the Class also seek an order requiring Defendants to make full restitution
of all moneys it wrongfully obtained from Plaintiff and the Class.
Wherefore, Plaintiff and members of the Class request that the Court enter an order or
judgment against Defendants as follows: '
1. Certification of the proposed classes and notice thereto to be paid by Defendants;
2. Adjudge and decree that Defendants have engaged in the conduct alleged herein;
3. For restitution and disgorgement on certain causes of action;
4. For an injunction ordering Defendants to cease and desist from engaging in the unfair,
unlawful, and/or fraudulent practices alleged in the Complaint;
5. For compensatory, actual, general, statutory, exemplary, punitive, and any other
damages legally available according to proof on certain causes of action;
6. For both pre and post-judgment interest at the maximum allowable rate on any amounts
awarded; -.
7. Costs of the proceedings herein;
8. Reasonable attorneys’ fees as allowed by statute; and
- 10 _


Page 12

9. Any and all such other and further relief that this Court may deem just and proper.
Dated: August 4, 2011 NEWPORT TRIAL GROUP
A Professional Corporation
Ryan M. Ferrell
By: M - ¢L@\/u./£6 _
Ry M. Ferrell
Attorney for Plaintiff and the Class


Page 13

I, "Henry Gonzales, declare as follows:
1. I am a Plaintiff in this action, and am a citizen of the State of California. I have
personal knowledge of the facts herein and, if called as a witness, I could and would testify
competently thereto.
2. The Complaint in this action, filed concurrently with this Declaration, is filed in the
; proper placelfor trial under Civil Code Section 1780(d) in that San Diego County is a county in which
Defendants are doing business. _
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct.
_ 1 _


Page 14

‘ ] " ' 895 Dove Street, Suite 425
N 0 Newport Beach, CA 92660
‘ ~ ‘ ' Phone (949) 706-6464
T R1 A L ‘Gj_R_0. U P Fax(949)706-6469
A Professional Corporation WWW-ma1ne“'P°n-99m
June 13, 2011
Boiron, Inc.
Boiron USA Inc.
6 Campus Blvd., Building A
Newton Square, PA 19073
Attention: President and CEO
Laboratories Boiron
20 rue de la Liberation
69110 Sainte Foy Les Lyon
Attention: President and CEO
Re." Ongoing Violations of California Consumer Legal Remedies Act
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing on behalf of an individual Californian, as well as a class of similarly situated
persons, to advise you that we believe you are violating the California Consumer Legal
Remedies Act.
You market and sell a product known as “Oscillococcinum.” You market it as a remedy
for flu and flu-like symptoms, including “feeling run down, headache, bodyaches, chills, and
ln reality, Oscillococcinum is a microdosage of duck liver and heart. Diluted to a dosage
of 200C (1 X 10"400), the product contains no active ingredients and is of no medicinal value
We believe that your marketing, advertising, and distribution of Oscillococcinmn violate
the California Consumer Legal Remedies Act by falsely representing that the product has
characteristics, uses and benefits which it does not have.
EXHIBIT 1Page 15

June 13, 2011
Page 2
We respectfully request that you agree to irrevocably stop all false and misleading
advertising and labeling of Oscillococcinum and provide all consumers who have purchased the
product with a full refund.
Given that our primary goal is to enjoin the false advertising claims, we will agree to take
no further action in this matter if you will agree to confonn your conduct to the requirements and
prohibitions of the Califomia Consumer Legal Remedies Act.
Very truly yours,
’ ' ' - L GROUP
Scott J. FerrellPage 16

f F
(’“"s° AL °E”'A"°"°°1-' ' ¥Eiii€.ii'< cuuiu
and DOES l-25, Inclusive,
HENRY GONZALES, individually, and on behalf of all others similarly
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS alter this summons and legal papers are sewed on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy
sewed on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your
case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court fomis and more information at the Califomia Courts
Online Self-Help Center (, your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. lf you cannot pay the filing fee, ask
the court clerk for a fee waiver form. lf you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property
may be taken without further warning from the court.
There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attomey right away. If you do not know an attomey, you may want to call an attomey
referral service. lf you cannot afford an attomey, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate
these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Senrices Web site (, the Califomia Courts Online Self-Help Center
(, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and
costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court's lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case.
[A VISOI Lo han demandado. Si no responde denim de 30 dlas, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su version. Lea Ia informacion a
Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO clespués de que Ie entreguen esta citacion y papeles Iegales para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta
corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefonica no lo prolegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar
en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en Ia corte. Es posible que haya un forrnulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta.
Puede encontrar estos formularios de Ia corte y mas infomracion en el Centro de A yuda de Ias Cortes de Califomia (, en Ia
biblioteca de leyes de su condado 0 en la corte que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar Ia cuota de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte
que le dé un formulario de exencion de page de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por incumplimiento y Ia corte le
podré quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia.
Hay otros requisites legales. Es reoomendable que llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de
remision a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisltos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un
programa de servicios lega/es sin fines de Iucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de Iucro en el sitio web de Califomia Legal Services,
(, en el Centro de Ayuda de Ias Cortes de Califomia, ( o poniéndose en contacto con la corte o el
colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: For Iey, la corte tiene derecho a reclamarlas cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre
cualquier recuperacion de $10,000 6 mas de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una oonoeslon de arbllraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que
pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso.
The name and address of the court is: _ _ CASE NWBERI
(El nombre y direccion de la oorte es): San Diego County Superior Court (""""'°d"%°1 1'°“'5740-CU-IT-CTL
200 W. Broadway y y r_
San Diego, CA 92101 » -*/ ‘i~jj~’<f , r l \
The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiffs attorney, or plaintiff without an attomey, is: , '“_:j,<11T**i4¥ -‘*~'—»a~"~‘—<\l D
(E! nombre, Ia direccion y el numero de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, les)l J
. L_
Newport Trial Group, 895 Dove Street, Suite 425, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 706-6464 L‘
DATE: Hr: Cl rk, b 2)/' , .Deputv
(Fee/we) A“ “ 9 4 20" (S;-retr=iric>) / 6 E rA<1ru~ro)
(For proof of sen/ice of this summons, use Proof of Service of Summons (form POS-010).) M B
(Para prueba de entrega de esta citation use el formulario Proof of Service of Summons, (POS 0)).
i I A Qf . _
' . -1. "ll
* ,-at *
i Q
1. [II as an individual defendant.
2. [:] as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify):
3, l:l on behalf of (specify):
under". l:l CCP 416.10 (corporation) l::| CCP 416.60 (minor)
|:| CCP 416.20 (defunct corporation) |:] CCP 416.70 (conservatee)
|:] CCP 416.40 (association or partnership) [:l CCP 416.90 (authorized person)
:1 other (specify):
4- l::] by personal delivery on (date):
Page 1 of 1
F AClOPi8dfOf‘M DGSQOTYU COdBD1C"|Pl‘O€UI'€ 4 20,455
Dfidicial Council o?Californiase SUMMONS M www.r§:§
SUM-100 [REM July 1, 2009}Page 17

at. lFFlC$m1o
_ Scott J. F crrcll, SBN 202091
Newport Beach, CA 92660
ATTORNEY OR PARTY wrrnour A‘l‘l'ORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): I j i 0 H
895 Dove Street, Suite 425 Ziill RUE —Ll A lg: Q l
TELEPHONE NO; £949) 706-6464 FAX NO; (949) 706-6469 . _ : _,. :_ V _
ATTORNEY FOR (Name): laintiff and the Class _ ' iéliliifii CUUR-i
STREH ADDRESS 200 W. Broadway
SUPERIOR COURT or CALIFORNIA, COUNTY or= S311 Diego n * ii 1; g U Ur‘; T ‘la C A
cm AND zIP cone: San Diego, CA 92101 3 ri"""’ , A.-_f;§‘\
CASEMME: l _-_,
III Unlimited [:1 Limited
CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET gompiex Case D”'gm5°n °*sE3'Y%l1-00005740-CU-IT-CTL
(Amount (Amount :1 Counter I: Joinder JUDGE.
demanded demanded is Filed with first appearance by defendant ‘
exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less) (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.402) DEPT:
Items 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions
on page 2). _
G Medical malpractice (45)
[:1 Other PVPDIWD (23)
Non-PIIPDIWD (Other) Tort
:1 Business tortlunfair business practice (07)
Civil rights (O8)
G Eminent domain/inverse
condemnation (14)
[:1 Wrongful eviction (33)
|:] Other real property (26)
Unlawful Detainer
‘:1 Commercial (31) '
Defamation (13)
V ‘:1 Fraud (16) G Residential (32)
l:l Intellectual property (19) I: Drugs (38)
[3 Professional negligence (25) Judicial Review
I: Other non-PIIPDMID tort (35)
Em loyment
ii Wrongful termination (36)
I: Otheremployment (15)
[:1 Petition re: arbitration
I: Writof mandate (02)
I l Otherjudicial review (39)
:1 Asset forfeiture (05)
1. Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case:
Adm Tort Connect 7
[:1 Auto (22) E Breach of contracllwarranty (06)
[:1 Uninsured motorist (46) [:1 Rule 3.740 collections (09)
Other PIIPDIWD (Personal ln]urylProperty I: Other collections (09)
Damagelwrongful Death) Tort U msuranoe mverage (18)
‘:1 Asbestos (O4) [:1 Other contract (37)
l: Product liability (24) Rea, Pmpmy
rd (11)
Provisionally Complex civil Litigation
(Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.400-3.403)
[:1 AntitrustlTrade regulation (oa)
E] Construction defect (10)
Mass tort (40)
Securities litigation (28)
Environmentalffoxic tort (30)
Insurance coverage claims arising from the
above listed provisionally complex case
ll/P85 (41)
Enforcement of Judgment
[:1 Enforcement of judgment (20)
Miscellaneous Clvll Complaint
l:| RICO (27)
[:1 Other complaint (not specified above) (42)
Miscellaneous Civil Petition
[I Partnership and corporate governance (21)
[II Other petition (not specified above) (43)
factors requiring exceptional judicial management
This case LL] is L__| is not complex under rule 3.400 of the Califomia Rules of Court. lf the case is complex, mark the
a. [Ii Large number of separately represented parties d. lZ| Large number of witnesses
b. E Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel e. l:l Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts
issues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states, or countries, or in a federal court
c. [Z] Substantial amount of documentary evidence t. E Substantial postjudgmentjudicial supervision
3. Remedies sought (check all that apply): a.lI| monetary b.|I| nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief c. lzlpunitive
4. Number of causes of action (specify): Two
. This case I:/:1 is l:l is not a class action suit.
. If there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (You ma M-015.)
Date: August 4, 2011 .
Scott J. Ferrell } (rvps on PRINT NAME) (s FOR PARTY)
0 Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in me action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases filed
under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result
in sanctions.
' File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule.
I lf this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all
other parties to the action or proceeding.
0 Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes oniy-. 1 of
CM-O10 [Rev July 1, 2007] www.coum'nio.cagov
DPage 18

‘ . Q
V CM-01
To Plaintiffs and Others Filing First Papers. if you are filing a first paper (for example, a complaint) in a civil case, you must
complete and file, along with your first paper, the Civil Case Cover Sheet contained on page 1. This infonnation will be used to compile
statistics about the types and numbers of cases filed. You must complete items 1 through 6 on the sheet. in item 1, you must check
one box for the case type that best describes the case. If the case fits both a general and a more specific type of case listed in item 1,
check the more specific one. lf the case has multiple causes of action, check the box that best indicates the primary cause of action.
To assist you in completing the sheet, examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided below. A cover
sheet must be filed only with your initial paper. Failure to file a cover sheet with the first paper filed in a civil case may subject a party,
its counsel, or both to sanctions under rules 2.30 and 3.220 of the Califomia Rules of Court.
To Parties in Rule 3.740 Collections Cases. A "collections case" under rule 3.740 is defined as an action for recovery of money
owed in a sum stated to be certain that is not more than $25,000, exclusive of interest and attomey's fees, arising from a transaction in
which property, services, or money was acquired on credit Acollections case does not include an action seeking the following: (1) tort
damages, (2) punitive damages, (3) recovery of real property, (4) recovery of personal property, or (5) a prejudgment writ of
attachment. The identification of a case as a rule 3.740 collections c:ase on this form means that it will be exempt from the general
time-for-service requirements and case management rules, unless a defendant files a responsive pleading. A rule 3.740 collections
case will be subject to the requirements for service and obtaining a judgment in rule 3.740.
To Parties in Complex Cases. In complex cases only, parties must also use the Civil Case Cover Sheet to designate whether the
case is complex. if a plaintiff believes the case is complex under rule 3.400 of the Califomia Rules of Court, this must be indicated by
completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2. If a plaintiff designates a case as complex, the cover sheet must be served with the
complaint on all parties to the action. A defendant may file and serve no later than the time of its first appearance a joinder in the
plaintiffs designation, a counter-designation that the case is not complex, or, if the plaintiff has made no designation, a designation that
the case is complex. '
Auto Tort
Auto (22)-Personal Injury/Property
Damagelwrongful Death
Uninsured Motorist (46) (if the
case involves an uninsured
motorist claim subject to
arbitration, check this item
instead of Auto)
Other PlIPDl\lllD (Personal in)uryl
Property Damagelwrongful Death)
Asbestos (04)
Asbestos Property Damage
Asbestos Personal lnjuryl
Wrongful Death
Product Liability (not asbestos or
toxic/environmental) (24)
Medical Malpractice (45)
Medical Malpractice-
Physicians & Surgeons
Other Professional Health Care
Other Pl/PDMID (23)
Premises Liability (e.g., slip
and fall)
intentional Bodily lnjuryIPDMfi'.)
(e.g., assault, vandalism)
intentional infliction of
Emotional Distress
Negfigent infliction of
Emotional Distress
Other Pl/PDIWD
Non-PIIPDIWD (Other) Tort
Business Tort/Unfair Business
Practice (O7)
Civil Rights (e.g., discrimination,
false arrest) (not civil
harassment) (08)
Breach of Contracwvarranty (06)
Breach of RentallLease
Contract (not unlawful detainer
or wrongful eviction)
Contract/Warranty Breach-Seller
Plaintiff (not fraud or negligence)
Negligent Breach of Contract!
Other Breach of Contract/Warranty
Collections (e.g., money owed, open
book accounts) (09)
Collection Case-Seller Plaintiff
Other Promissory NotelCollections
Insurance Coverage (not provisionally
complex) (18)
Auto Subrogation
Other Coverage
Other Contract (37)
Contractual Fraud
Other Contract Dispute
Real Property
Eminent Domainllnverse
Condemnation (14)
Wrongful Eviction (33)
Other Real Properly (e.g., quiet title) (26)
Writ of Possession of Real Property
Mortgage Foreclosure
Quiet ‘lilie
Other Real Property (not eminent
domain, landlord/tenant, or
Unlawful Detainer
Commercial (31 )
Residential (32)
Dmgs (38) (if the case involves illegal
drugs, check this item; otherwise,
Provisionaily Complex Civil Litigation (Cal.
Rules of Court Rules 3.400-3.403)
Antitrust/Trade Regulation (03)
Construction Defect (10)
Claims involving Mass Tort (40)
Securities Litigation (28)
Environmental/Toxic Tort (30)
Insurance Coverage Claims
(arising from provisionally complex
case type listed above) (41)
Enforcement of Judgment
Enforcement of Judgment (20)
Abstract of Judgment (Out of
Confession of Judgment (non-
domestic relations)
Sister State Judgment
Administrative Agency Award
(not unpaid taxes)
PetitionlCertification of Entry of
Judgment on Unpaid Taxes
Other Enforcement of Judgment
Miscellaneous Civil Complaint
RlCO (27)
Other Complaint (not specified
above) (42)
Declaratory Relief Only
lnjunctive Relief Only (non-
Mechanics Lien
Other Commercial Complaint
Case (non-tori/non-complex)
Other Civil Complaint
Miscellaneous Civil Petition
Partnership and Corporate
Govemance (21)
Other Petition (not specified
Defamation (6-9-, Slafldef. libel) report as Commercial or Residential) above) (43)
(13) Judicial Review Civil Harassment
Fraud (16) Asset Forfeiture (05) Wmq-,|a¢9 \n°|enoe
intellectual Property (19) Petition Re: Arbitration Award (1 1) E|de|-/Dependent Adun
Professional Negligence (25) Writ of Mandate (02) Abuse
Legal Malpractice Writ-Administrative Mandamus Ekcfion Contest
Other Professional Malpractice Writ-Mandamus on Limited Court petition for Name Change
("Pt m@di°9/ 0' legal) Case Matter Petition for Relief From Late
Other Non-Pi/PDIWD Tort (35) Writ-Other Limited Court Case Claim
Employment _ _ Review Other Civil Petition
Wl'0l'iQfU| Tel’fl'ill’l3tlOl’i (36) other Judida| Review (39)
Oihel’ Eml'~‘l°Yme"i (15) Review of Health Officer Order
Notice of Appeal-Labor
Commissioner Appeals
CM-O10 [Rev. July 1, 2007]

« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 09:18:49 AM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 1201
Boiron faces tough action: reality bites!
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 08:41:45 PM »

Das Internet als Gedächtnis der Menschheit funktioniert.

Das Internet als Publikationsmedium funktioniert.

So schreibt vor wenigen Wochen ein italienischer Student in zwei Blogartikeln über Homeopathie. Und über Boiron. Das traf den Nerv, Boiron bedroht seitdem den Studenten mit einer Klage.

Als Reaktion hat der Student über den Angriff durch Boiron berichtet. In seinem Blog gibt es heute abend diesen Kommentar eines Lesers:

Commento di Richard il 17 agosto 2011 alle 23:57

Ho mandato questo testo a, tanto per fare sapere come sono indignato dalla loro reazione


My wife has cured our three children (now aged 16, 11 and 11) from birth to date with oscillococinum and other similar products, a choice which I have always considered harmless.

Until today, when I read on the web the text of a threatening letter that you sent to an Italian blogger, Samuele Riva, about a piece he wrote on his blog, blogzero, in which he retold the well-known history and chemistry of homeopathy. Your action in sending this letter is not harmless.

I now know that homeopathy, at least as expressed by your company, is extremely dangerous to free speech, without which there can be no health. I have therefore decided that -unless and until you widely publish a full retraction of your action and an apology to Mr Riva – my family shall no longer buy any of your products whatsoever, which we shall actively boycott, and we shall explain the reasons for this decision and for our action to our relatives, friends and acquantances.
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 1201
Solidarity action: Support Samuele Riva!
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 08:53:27 PM »

Der Angriff von Boiron gegen den italienischen Studenten Samuele Riva schlägt unglaubliche Wellen. Sogar das BMJ ("British Medical Journal") greift den Fall auf. Der Volltext des folgenden Abstracts ist leider nur für Abonnenten oder gegen Geld lesbar.

BMJ  2011;  343:d5197  doi: 10.1136/bmj.d5197  (Published 12 August 2011)
 Cite this as:  BMJ 2011;  343:d5197

Homoeopathy multinational Boiron threatens amateur Italian blogger

Fabio Turone

 Author Affiliations

A letter sent by the Italian arm of multinational company Boiron, threatening to sue an amateur blogger over remarks he made about homoeopathy, has sparked a strong internet reaction in defence of freedom of speech.

Samuele Riva posted two articles on his blog, , on 13 and 27 July,which included pictures of Boiron’s blockbuster homoeopathic product Oscillococcinum, marketed as a remedy against flu symptoms. The pictures were accompanied by captions, which joked about the total absence of any active molecules in homoeopathic preparations.

On 28 July Boiron fired off a letter to the internet provider, complaining that both the articles and the captions were “untrue and derogatory both of homeopathy and [the] company,” and responsible for tarnishing the company’s reputation and causing “serious …

[Full text of this article]
[LINK: ]

Daß Boiron klagen will, weil Samuele Rivas Blogartikel die Homeopathie herabwürdigen ("derogatory"), ist an Lächerlichkeit kaum zu überbieten. Doch es hat Methode, wie Florian Freistetter in einem Zitat aus dem Volltext des BMJ-Artikels zeigt. Man beachte die darin zitierte Aussage der Silvia Nencioni, Chefin der Italienischen Abteilung von Boiron:

Boiron hat sich also an den Internetprovider von Riva gewandt und verlangt, die Artikel zu entfernen, da sowohl der Konzern als auch die Homöopathie herabgewürdigt werden. Wenn der Internetprovider nicht sofort alle Hinweise auf Boiron entfernen und Riva aus seinem Blog aussperren würde, dann würde Boiron sowohl den Provider als auch den Blogger verklagen. Wer italienisch kann, kann hier
[LINK:] alles, inklusive des Briefes von Boiron, im Original nachlesen. So etwas scheint öfter zu passieren. Silvia Nencioni, die Chefin der Italienischen Abteilung von Boiron wird im BMJ-Artikel so zitiert:

"We regularly monitor all media, including the web, to see what is being said about our company, and occasionally we contact those who are critical to ask for corrections [to be made] or to be given the right of reply," Silvia Nencioni, chief executive officer of Boiron Italy, who signed the letter, told the BMJ.

Silvia Nencioni, Chefin der Italienischen Abteilung von Boiron:

We regularly monitor all media, including the web, to see what is being said about our company,
and occasionally we contact those who are critical
to ask for corrections [to be made] or to be given the right of reply,

Silvia Nencioni sagt: "über unsere Firma" ("about our company").

Bedrohen tut Boiron aber wegen "the articles and the captions were “untrue and derogatory both of homeopathy and [the] company,”.

Boiron will Kritikern der Homöopathie den Mund verbieten. Dazu fällt mir das ein, was man in Südafrika zu Rath sagte: "Voertsek!"

Homöopathie mordet Kindernieren. Homöopathie gehört auf der Stelle per Gesetz bei Höchststrafe verboten.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 07:46:54 PM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 1201
Der Brief von Boiron an Samuele Riva
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2011, 09:35:33 PM »

Der Brief von Boiron an Samuele Riva, Seite 1:
Der Brief von Boiron an Samuele Riva, Seite 2:

Der Brief von Boiron an Samuele Riva, Seite 1:
Der Brief von Boiron an Samuele Riva, Seite 2:

Samuele Riva kommentiert in seinem Blog den Brief, den er von der italienischen Abteilung von Boiron erhielt.

Silvia Nencioni, Chefin der Italienischen Abteilung von Boiron, hat den Brief unterschrieben. Das ist die Silvia Nencioni, die laut BMJ sagt:

We regularly monitor all media, including the web, to see what is being said about our company,
and occasionally we contact those who are critical
to ask for corrections [to be made] or to be given the right of reply,

Silvia Nencioni sagt: "über unsere Firma" ("about our company").  Aber in dem Brief schreibt sie

diffamatorio dell'omeopatia e della nostra Societa

Hier die Blog-Seite von Samuele Riva mit dem Brief:

Home Seconda Pagina I migliori post Chi sono? Scienza & altro Contatti
In primo piano:
Dio non esiste 2012: fine del mondo? Democrazia dell'intelligenza

Iscriviti ai feed RSS!
La BOIRON minaccia querela contro questo blog
Scritto da Samuele

Sembra una battuta ma è così.
 Dopo la pubblicazione dei primi due articoli sull’omeopatia (link al primo e al secondo) il colosso francese Boiron ha inviato al mio provider una lettera di diffida perchè, a sentir loro, nequei post erano “diffamatori” nei confonti dell’omeopatia e della loro società.

Con la loro lettera (che potete leggere qui sotto) “intimano” al mio provider di rimuovere gli articoli e di bloccarmi completamente l’accesso al blog, riservandosi di avviare azioni legali a tutela dei loro diritti in caso contrario.

Se non fosse successo veramente penserei ad uno scherzo: com’è possibile che una multinazionale di quel calibro (689 milioni di euro di incassi nel 2010, oltre 4000 dipendenti), quotata in borsa, non abbia nulla di meglio da fare che girare il web alla ricerca di piccoli siti che parlano male di loro o che, più semplicemente, cercano di divulgare informazioni (peraltro comprovate scientificamente) sull’omeopatia?
Immagino che se è successo a me, sarà successo a moltissimi altri. E, diversamente da altri, il mio provider è stato molto rispettoso dei miei diritti e non ha chiuso immediatamente il sito, come avrebbe potuto fare per difendersi da eventuali denunce di corresponsabilità, ma mi ha contattato e consigliato di rimuovere ogni riferimento che potesse anche solo lontanamente sembrare una diffamazione verso la multinazionale francese.

Ora, rimosso il loro nome dagli articoli incriminati, rimane il diritto di cronaca, e nessuno può vietarmi di pubblicare la lettera di diffida o scrivere che l’omeopatia sia una terapia senza alcuna base scientifica, mi risulta ci sia ancora la libertà di espressione, sia in Italia che in Francia.

Posso inoltre scrivere che il medicinale della Boiron chiamato “Oscillococcinum” era l’unico medicinale ottenuto con il metodo Korsakov legalmente venduto in Francia prima del 1992 (fonte: il libro di Jean-Marie Abgrall, pag 40).

Può darsi che spiegare con chiarezza in cosa consiste quel metodo e cosa contenga veramente quel medicinale sia un problema per una compagnia che fonda gran parte dei suoi guadagni in quell’anti-influenzale. Ma che l’Oscillococcinum non contenga nessuna molecola di principio attivo non lo dico io, lo dice la scienza.
 Rimanga tra noi, ma a quanto leggo lo dice anche la Boiron stessa che, tramite la sua portavoce, ha detto che i suoi medicinali “non hanno effetti collaterali perchè dentro non c’è nulla”, e nel dirlo cito un’articolo di US news.

Comunque, per dovere di cronaca, ecco la lettera di diffida:

Pagina 1   

Pagina 2

L’aggressività trapela da ogni frase, il loro obiettivo penso sia spaventare un piccolo sito piuttosto che far partire una vera e propria denuncia… o almeno questo è quello che spero!

Inutile sprecare altri commenti, dico solo che per quanto riguarda le lettere di diffida, ce ne sono state alcune più importanti di quella che loro hanno inviato a me…

Ad esempio nel 2010 la FDA (Food and Drug Administration) e la FTC (Commissione Federale sul Commercio) degli Stati Uniti hanno congiuntamente notificato che è illegale commercializzare prodotti non autorizzati “destinati a diagnosticare, mitigare, prevenire, curare o guarire l’influenza da virus H1N1 nelle persone.” La lettera di diffida riguardava affermazioni fatte per 20 prodotti omeopatici di sei produttori – tra cui la Boiron – da parte di un sito di vendita di prodotti omeopatici. I prodotti contenevano anche “Oscillococcinum”, che in quel periodo molti siti cercavano (con successo) di vendere come cura per i sintomi dell’influenza H1N1. (link)


Forse invece che monitorare il web per cercare chi cerca di fare informazione sull’omeopatia la Boiron dovrebbe controllare chi vende i propri “medicinali”!!!

post scriptum

(buongiorno signor avvocato della Boiron, visto che lei sta sicuramente leggendo questo articolo, la invito a smetterla di infastidire il mio provider e, se proprio necessario, scrivere direttamente a me, nei commenti ad esempio o tramite i contatti in alto a destra. Oggettivamente non c’è nulla di fuori legge in questo post, e lei lo sa perfettamente. Provi a mandare lettere di diffida ad associazione come il CICAP invece che a siti con meno di 500 visitatori al giorno)

post post scriptum

Visto che questo post sta girando la rete ad alta velocità, se anche voi ne parlate sul vostro blog fatemelo sapere che vi aggiungo qua sotto.
 Facciamo capire alla Boiron che minacciare di querela i blog su internet non è una gran mossa… e si rivela un boomerang!

(clicca qui per vedere l’elenco di siti che rilanciano questa notizia)

[la pagina era troppo lunga e veniva tagliata dal template di wordpress... non era mai successo!]
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Post correlati:
Il “caso Boiron” va sul British Medical Journal!!!

Caso Boiron vs blog: update

Boiron vs Blog: elenco siti “supporter”

Omeopatia: mito e leggenda (2)

Homöopathie mordet Kindernieren. Homöopathie gehört auf der Stelle per Gesetz bei Höchststrafe verboten.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 01:14:40 PM by el_Typo »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Caso Boiron vs blog: update
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2011, 10:38:44 PM »

Das Update in der Sache, geschrieben von Samuele Riva am 9.8.2011:

Caso Boiron vs blog: update
Scritto da Samuele

Lo dico subito: non ci sono notizie negative (per ora).
 Ho contattato via mail la Boiron per capire se la rimozione del marchio e della foto dagli articoli “diffamatori” ha soddisfatto le loro richieste o meno. Sono passati vari giorni e non ho ricevuto risposta, appena ho notizie vi farò sapere su questo blog (per veloci update: account Twitter, account Facebook, feed RSS).

Comunque il tam-tam mediatico creato dalle minacce di una multinazionale come la Boiron contro un piccolo blog come il mio è stato eccezionale: quasi 100 siti hanno rilanciato la notizia, tra cui PuntoInformatico, Mantellini, l’UAAR, Leonardo sull’Unità e (solo per citare i più famosi, l’intero elenco è sul precedente articolo).

Devo essere sincero: speravo che il “popolo di Internet” capisse quanto sarebbe stato pericoloso lasciar passare senza reagire questo tipo di aggressione, si sarebbe creato un precedente troppo pericoloso per chi ama esprimere la propria opinione liberamente sul web… ma la reazione è stata anche superiore alle aspettative.

Pensate che il post “diffamatorio” nelle sue prime 56 ore di vita era stato letto da MENO di 150 persone (dati alla mano).
 Lo stesso post, dopo la “pulizia” richiesta dalla multinazionale, sta facendo migliaia di contatti al giorno. E se il mio blog ha moltiplicato gli accessi, non si contano i commenti e le visite su tutti i siti collegati, per non parlare delle centinaia di re-post su facebook, google plus, twitter e tumblr.

Molti hanno iniziato ad informarsi sull’omeopatia per la prima volta leggendo questa notizia. E (opinione mia) quando ci informa bene sull’omeopatia è davvero difficile che si decida di usarla in futuro. O perlomeno ce la si fabbrica in casa, abbiamo dei fantastici rubinetti
Vignetta "omeopatica" altamente diluita (Luke Surl Comics)

Così, mentre Christian Boiron afferma in un libro che “Siamo tutti fatti per essere felici” (link), continuando con la sua (purtroppo vincente) strategia di manager-filosofo che lotta contro le cattive multinazionali del farmaco, i suoi avvocati girano il web mandando lettere di diffida… complimenti a chi gestisce la brand reputation!

Mi pare evidente che le grandi aziende stiano iniziando a fare pesante uso di software di monitoring del web automatici, a caccia di siti che parlano della propria compagnia, magari con un’attenzione in più verso quelli che ne parlano male… a questo link un’esempio abbastanza sconcertante di questi software. Dobbiamo iniziare a stare attenti a tutto quello che scriviamo?

Il fatto è che questi software bisogna saperli usare… questo caso invece per la Boiron si è rivelato un boomerang: un”ennesima dimostrazione dello “Streisand Effect” di Internet:  il tentativo di censurare un’informazione provoca l’effetto contrario, cioè la più ampia pubblicizzazione dell’informazione stessa (link a wikipedia).

Ovviamente un’eventuale querela avrebbe lo stesso effetto, forse ancora più esteso, la notizia potrebbe raggiungere i quotidiani nazionali e le grandi associazioni italiane/estere contro l’omeopatia e le pseudoscienze in generale (io non me ne sto con le mani in mano…).

Onestamente spero finisca tutto qui (ho 28 anni e non riesco a pagarmi un’auto nuova, figuriamoci un bravo avvocato), anche perchè in Italia la giustizia non sempre premia chi ha ragione, a volte vince semplicemente il più forte. Meglio non iniziare nemmeno un procedimento di questo tipo.

Io vi tengo informati sugli sviluppi della querelle, voi non dimenticatevi troppo in fretta di me: da solo sono una formica (e voglio tornare ad esserlo, finita questa brutta storia!), insieme possiamo rendere sconveniente l’uso della forza e della censura contro chi si limita ad esprimere la propria opinione!
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Post correlati:
Il “caso Boiron” va sul British Medical Journal!!!

La BOIRON minaccia querela contro questo blog

Boiron vs Blog: elenco siti “supporter”

Omeopatia: mito e leggenda (2)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 10:40:32 PM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
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Boiron vs Blog: elenco siti “supporter”
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2011, 11:46:47 PM »

Boiron vs Blog: elenco siti “supporter”
Scritto da Samuele

Visto che nell’articolo principale ho raggiunto la lunghezza massima consentita (!!!), sposto qui l’elenco dei siti che rilanciano la notizia della diffida da parte della Boiron.

(Now also a lot of not-Italian websites are backlinking! You can find them at the end of this list: thank you all!)

Come dice cercare di censurare un sito web è come dare un calcio ad un vespaio!
Non ne so abbastanza
Notiziole di .Mau.
Il cappello del giullare
Una mela al giorno
Bufole & c
OcaSapiens (repubblica web)
Gabriele Massari
Inchiostro simpatico
Punto Informatico
Science Backstage
Digito Ergo Sum
Giovanni Bonenti
Le ali della farfalla
Tooby, L'olandese volante
Technico Blog
Andrea Sacchini
"(1) Premessa maggiore L’omeopatia non ha basi scientifiche e gli effetti dei preparati omeopatici sono equivalenti a quelli di un placebo. Premessa minore Boiron è leader mondiale nel settore dell’omeopatia. Conclusione Boiron vende prodotti che non hanno altro effetto che quello placebo.   (2) Premessa maggiore Samuele ( ha scritto quanto alla Conclusione in (1) e Boiron gli ha fatto oscurare il blog. Premessa minore Questa è cosa ingiusta e odiosa. Conclusione Passa parola e fai sapere in giro chi è Samuele e chi è Boiron."
Medbunker (addirittura sito amico, grazie);view=article&amp;id=125:e-morta-la-giustizia&amp;catid=36:news
Abeona Forum
All your Base are Belong to us
Il paese che non c'è
E' vero solo ciò che è vero
Paolo Valenti
Biotecnologie: basta bugie!
Diary (
blank">Ale Cava
Impatto globale
Per Viaggiare
Pensieri Eretici
Guido Romeo
Cavalcando Ombre
Un Tal Lucas - da leggere
Internet PR
Chi Ha Paura di Virginia Woolf?
Il Centro Tirreno
Have a Nice Day
Enrico Rubbol;utm_medium=twitter
Bit City
Contro il logorio della patata moderna
Social Media Italia
Caporale Reyes
La sposa
Improbabili complotti
Scarliga Merluss
Amici del campetto
Riflessioni in libertà
Il nuovo mondo di Galatea
Entropy isn't what it used to be.
Il centro visite dell'Oasi
Un cinquantenne qualunque
Leonardo (L'unità)
Roberto Dadda
Alex Bottoni
forum di
Oggi Scienza
Giovani Cannibali
Svoogle News
Giovanni Boaga
Immenso Blog
Movimento Impatto Zero
Cronache Laiche
Quota Periscopio
Nervi Scoperti
Una Mela al Giorno
Io, me e Hodgkin
DanEm blog
Presente 2.0
British Medical Journal  - Incredibile!
Gianluigi Sellitto
droit-medical (giornale di medicina francese)
caccia al fotone
Sereniteit (blog fiammingo)
Scienza in Rete !!
EsoWatch wiki
blog Germania
Rescue Blog (Germania)
Guy Chapman's Blahg (Inghilterra) (Germania):
Astrodicticum Simplex
Kritish Gedacht
Nirwanix (sudtirol)
Cyberfux (Germania)
Devatrox (Germania)
Lemontreespresse (Germania),64979.html (Germania)
Die ganze Welt des Wahnsinns (Germania)
Jaibobola (Francia)
ars libertatis (Germania)
Science-Based Medicine
(  Steven Novella - USA)
Der Schockwellenreiter (Germania)
Delengkal (Germania)

di nuovo (intervista) (USA)
EHBB-blog (Germania)
Metal Frankonia (Germania)
Neuroskeptic  (Inghilterra)
Haze Gray and Underway (eng)
GelBlog (Germania) (Spagna)

A favore della Boiron:
Voglia di Terra

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« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 11:49:36 PM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

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Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

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Boiron gibt 27 mal soviel Geld für Reklame aus wie für Forschung
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2011, 09:56:10 AM »

Im "Dictionary" von Bart B. Van Bockstaele gibt es einen Eintrag über Boiron.

Bevor ich den zitiere, sende ich Grüße an Bart. Und das ist Bart:

I maintain a website with a mainly scientific and rational interest:
I am the Canadian blogger for De Standaard, a major Dutch newspaper in Belgium (in Dutch).
It can be found at this link.
[LINK: ]

Über Boiron:


Boiron is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of homoeopathic products. They had consolidated sales of 526.09 million euros in 2009 and a consolidated net income after tax of 59.889 million euros, or about 11.4% of its sales.

In spite of its size and high profitability, Boiron does surprisingly little research, namely 4.277 million euros worth in 2009. This should be compared to its marketing budget for the same year of 114.941 million euros. In other words, Boiron spends close to 27 times as much on marketing as it does on research.

Its annual report for 2009 can be found by clicking on this link.
[LINK: ]
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 01:27:28 PM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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The True Story of Oscillococcinum
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2011, 10:07:49 AM »

Der Ordnung halber zuerst das Zitat vom Quackometer. Das muß einfach sein.  8)

Im danach folgenden Teil geht es um das "Oscillococcinum".

Okay, folks, this is a double obituary. For the first part get the full fun at the Quackometer:


An Obituary: Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, 1849-2010
September 7, 2010
By Le Canard Noir

The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital of Great Ormond Street, London, has passed away after a long battle with science. Today, we learned from gimpy’s blog that London will no longer have a homeopathic hospital of its own.

The Hospital can trace its origins back to The London Homeopathic Hospital founded by Dr. Frederick Foster Quin, the first homeopath in England. Quinn was a pupil of the founder of homeopathy, Dr Samual Hahnemann, and became physician to Prince Leopold of Belgium, father of Prince Albert. His entry to London saw him mixing with the aristocratic and wealthy, establishing royal connections for homeopathy that would last until today.

In its life, the RLHH has moved through several London addresses. It has boasted of successes with epidemics, been bombed by the Nazis and suffered tragedy when many of its doctors were killed in a Heathrow air disaster. It became the Royal Hospital when King George VI granted the honour in 1948. In the same year it was subsumed into the NHS as part of the widespread post-war nationalisation of the health system.

In becoming a public institution, and no longer relying on wealthy benefactors, the hospital began its long and slow battle against the cancer of reality. Despite its long history, the homeopaths could not demonstrate that anything that was going on inside showed any sign of objective success. Instead of embracing the new world of trials and evidence, the hospital clinged to its tried and trusted approach of relying on anecdotal stories of its success. A diet that would ensure its eventual demise. Despite other doctors’ warning that it had to kick the 60-a-day habit of anecdote after anecdote, the rot of pseudoscience was setting in.

After the Staines air disaster in 1972, which tragically killed 16 of its doctors on the way to a conference, the hospital started to become more and more diluted as it lost it ability to survive alone and subsumed its independence to its retirement home of University College London Hospitals. At the time of its demise today, only one small ward was still breathing and having to share its small room with unwelcome acupuncture quacks and reiki healers.

Hope for a longer life flourished under the directorship of Dr Anthony Campbell, a homeopath who recognised that homeopathy was a form of counselling and was thoroughly skeptical of its more deluded claims. Unfortunately, this progressive form of homeopathy never took root and the current incumbents maintained the wilder fantasies of homeopathic healing, ensuring the spreading disease of reality would soon ensure the lights would be going out.

The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital has many admirers from abroad. Homeopaths in India, Africa and Cuba used the presence of a Royal Hospital, funded by tax payers within the NHS, to push quackery on some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world, replacing cheap and effective malaria treatments with sugar pills and water drops, pretending homeopathy can treat AIDS, cancer and TB and using it as justification to replace effective infectious disease control with superstitious nonsense. The people of these countries will not be missing the end of this hospital.

The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital is survived by Bristol, Liverpool and Glasgow. We understand that they too are desperately ill and will not be able to attend the funeral.

It is understood that the body of the hospital will not be donated to science, but instead will be occupied by a few remaining stragglers who will stick pins in patients, wave their arms around them and dish out vitamin pills. Known as the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine it will survive for a few more months until it is realised that ‘Integrated’ is a misnomer and it is still practicing superstitious nonsense.

No flowers. No medicine. No memorial required.

Now to the second deceased... Oh, hell, what is this?

Looks rather strange, n'est-ce pas? Actually, looks like ...

Oh, boy..! Here are the details:

 HomeoWatch Home Page

The True Story of Oscillococcinum
Jan Willem Nienhuys

Whenever the flu season nears, prudent consumers get immunized against the most virulent strains of flu that are expected. This is especially recommended for people who are elderly or have chronic lung disease, diabetes, or various other chronic diseases. In France, however, lots of people arm themselves against this by taking Oscillococcinum. What a strange name! Where does it come from, and what does it mean?

Oscillococcinum was discovered by Joseph Roy (1891-1978) [1], a French physician who was on military duty when the Spanish flu hit the world in 1917. He examined the blood of victims and found a strange microorganism: a bacterium that consisted of two unequal balls that performed a quick vibratory motion. Roy called them "oscillococci" and thought they could vary much in size. Sometimes they shrunk so much that he couldn't see them with his microscope. But they could also grow and get one or two more balls.    

Next Roy discovered these bacteria in the blood and the tumors of cancer patients, in syphilitic ulcers, in the tubercles of tuberculosis patients and in the pus of gonorrhea sufferers. Also people who had eczema, rheumatism, mumps, chickenpox and measles turned out to harbor this "universal germ."

It is not clear today what Roy saw through the eyepiece of his microscope. But one thing is certain: he did not see the causes of those diseases. Rheumatism, eczema, and most forms of cancer are not caused by microbes, and mumps and measles are caused by viruses, which can't be seen with an ordinary microscope. Moreover, no other bacteriologist has ever reported seeing Roy's special cocci again.

Roy thought he had made a new and thrilling discovery on the road to the cure for cancer. He even wrote a book about it. In his time, many people doubted the idea that every disease has its own cause (such as its own microbe). Such skeptics embraced Roy's discovery.

Roy thought immediately of a homeopathic application. The fundamental teaching of Samuel Hahnemann (1775-1843) is that disease is a disturbance of "life force" and that specific causes for diseases do not exist. Possibly vague environmental factors may play a role, he thought, and his idea was that scabies and syphilis were such factors, which he called "miasmas." Hahnemann first published his views in 1796. Other parts of Hahnemann's views were that diseases can be cured if one imparts to the patient an artificial disease that produces similar life force disturbances as the real disease. The short-lived artificial disease will drive out the real disease and then the patient is cured. The remedies act by their spiritual power and this spiritual nonphysical power can be imparted to alcohol or milk sugar by a process of shaking or rubbing, just like iron can be made magnetic by rubbing it with a magnet.

Roy's finding fit perfectly with the homeopathic view that diseases do not have specific causes, and he thought that his discovery could be adapted to treat cancer homeopathically. Just take any abundant source of oscillococci, and after homeopathic reinforcement, it will become a panacea. Now oscillococci occur virtually everywhere, but for reasons nobody knows Roy took as source the muscovy duck, which French cooks use to prepare duck breast. These cooks call the animal Canard de Barbarie, but biologists know it as Cairina moschata. Completely in line with the unscientific traditions of homeopathy, Oscillococcinum is denoted in Latin with the wrong name, "Anas Barbariae, Hepatis et Cordis Extractum," even though Anas ducks are quite different from Cairina ducks.

Since 1925, Oscillococcinum has been prepared as follows. Into a one litre bottle, a mixture of pancreatic juice and glucose is poured. Next a Canard de Barbarie is decapitated and 35 grams of its liver and 15 grams of its heart are put into the bottle. Why liver? Doctor Roy writes: "The Ancients considered the liver as the seat of suffering, even more important than the heart, which is a very profound insight, because it is on the level of the liver that the pathological modifications of the blood happen, and also there the quality of the energy of our heart muscle changes in a durable manner." Maybe the French tendency to call any form of not well-being a "crise de foie" ("bilious attack") had also something to do with it. After 40 days in the sterile bottle, liver and heart autolyse (disintegrate) into a kind of goo, which is then "potentized" with the Korsakov method.

Semyon Nicolaevich Korsakov (1788-1853) was a modest landowner in the village Tarusovo near Moscow [2]. After 1813, he held a not-too-demanding desk job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, enabling him to dabble in lay medicine. In about 1829, he converted to homeopathy and invented a quicker way of preparing high dilutions. The glass containing the remedy is shaken and then just emptied and refilled, and the dilution factor is assumed to be 1:100.

In ordinary homeopathy one has to use a new clean glass for every dilution, so the Korsakov method is very cost-effective. In preparing Korsakov potencies, distilled water is used rather than alcohol (sometimes only after the 30th dilution), which saves a lot of money if one has to repeat the dilution step 200, 1000 or even 50,000 times. Oscillococcinum's manufacturer (Boiron) uses "ultrapure water" from the first step on. Oscillococcinum is designated as "200K" -- which means that the original amount is subjected to 200 Korsakov dilutions -- and the resulting fluid is used to moisten small 5 milligram balls of milk sugar. Some packages have been labeled "200CK." ("C" is the abbreviation for centesimal, which means 1-to-100 dilution, and "CK" stands for "centesimal Korsakovian." ) Other packages have been labeled 200C," which does not specify which dilution method was used.

Korsakov's first name is often incorrectly transcribed as Semen, and some biographers use the nonexistent first name Iseman or Isemen. In German transcription he is Simon Korsakoff. Various myths say that he was a nobleman or count, a physician with or without PhD, the czar's personal physician, or even a general who invented the Korsakov method on the battlefield. None of this is true. Hahnemann addressed him as "Monsieur le comte de Korsakoff" in a time that foreigners customarily used noble titles for any Russian who could speak French. Korsakov's method gained Hahnemann's approval in 1832.
Dubious Claims

The good doctor Roy thought that his concoction worked against cancer, syphilis, scabies and tuberculosis, but Boiron only recommends it for "flu-like states" and asks just over a dollar per gram for it. Hundreds of thousands of French buy this energetically advertised nonsense product. It is recommended for prevention (one dose per week in the flu season) and as cure. And, contrary to classical homeopathic usage, one has to gobble up a one-gram doses, rather than take a single 5 mg ball as a lifetime dose.

There's no logical reason to believe that anything in duck liver or heart will be an effective flu remedy. But even if there were some magic substance, the manufacturing process guarantees that it will not be in the finished product. The laws of chemistry indicate that after the 12th dilution, it is unlikely that a single molecule from the original organs will remain. Moreover, at "200C" (or "200K" or "200 CK") the concentration of the original substance would be 1 part in 100200, which is a 1 followed by 400 zeroes. A 1 followed by 100 zeroes is called a googol. The estimated number of particles in the universe that we can see is a googol, give or take a few zeroes. So in order for one of the original molecules to be present in a container of Oscillococcinum, the mass of that container would have to be about a googol googol googol times our world, which would be incomprehensibly larger than the visible universe.

How, then, could anyone conclude that Oscilloccinum is effective? Homeopathic theory holds that if large amount of a substance can produce symptoms in healthy people, infinitesimal amounts can cure diseases with those symptoms. The alleged effects are determined through experiments (most done over 100 years ago) in which people ingest the substances and report what they experience afterward. These reports have been compiled into huge books that supposedly provide the "drug picture" of each substance. The books, called materia medica, are said to comprise "all the recorded mental, general and local (particular) symptoms and signs, modalities, pathological changes and test findings" for each substance." [4]

Oscillococcinum's drug picture illustrates irrationality to the nth degree. I received it after I complained about an ad. A Dutch Boiron representative responded that the drug picture supported the company's claims of curative powers. The drug picture alleged that oscillococcinum can can help:

Diabetics who are afraid when during a thunderstorm their husband seems to be late, while they have a feeling of electric currents through their varicose veined legs, anal itch and itchy bumps on their wrist, that they keep trying to wash off in a maniacal way, especially when they have a runny nose and stubbornly resist advice not to worry.

The list of relevant individual symptoms included:

Tuberculosis patients sensitive to chilling.

Luetic patients having obsessive ideas.

General symptoms: Lean, pale, chronic invalidity, weakness, need for fresh air even when afraid of cold. Stiffness, shivering, feeling too hot, headache, weakness, repeating shakes descending down the body. Feeling of electric current running through the diseased part. Bitter and grayish secretions, not much.

Aggravates: when you think about it, by moisture, fog, changes of weather, in the night, when resting, after eating eggs or drinking milk.

Improves: in free air, at the seaside, by heat, resting, after evacuations.

Sleep: sleepless with agitation during the night.

Mental symptoms: Latent anxiety, especially when someone doesn't return on time) fear, unquietness without clear cause. Impatience, improves when one is busy. Quick speech and understanding. Futility, tendency to be maniacal. Pettyness. Can't stand disorder, fear of dirt and pollution. Urge to often wash hands. Afraid to shake hands for fear of contagion. Stubbornness. Depressed, thinks back of his past fear of thunderstorms.

Local symptoms: Clouding of the senses. Sudden vertigo. Pain in the right of the head, with repeated shaking. Heavy feeling in the head. Sudden feeling of decoupling in the head. Headache in the front of the head, also occipital, worse in the morning than in the evening, better when one blows the nose. Pain in the maxillary region. Feeling of something running across the face on the right half. Feeling of a bug that runs over the face during the night.

That's about half. The rest include:

Violent needle-like pain in the ears; flu-like state; runny nose; yellow conjunctiva; dry painful cough; wet cough with mucopurulent expectoration; whole tongue putrid; vomit; pain in the appendix region; abdominal cramp followed by fetid smelling diarrhea; persistent obstipation; full feeling in the belly; anal itch, worse in the warmth of the bed, with or without hemorrhoids; itch after antibiotics; hyperglycaemia; painful micturation; cloudy urine; sugar in urine; fetid and yellow leucorrhea; hypotension; hypertension; varicose veins; phlebitis; ulcerations in the legs, painful in the night; chronic streptococcal eczema; feelings of electric shocks in the lower leg; little bumps that itch on the inside of the wrist.

Do you believe that any product can provide such wide range of benefits? I certainly do not!
Oscillococcinum, le joli grand canard. Science et Pseudo-sciences, Cahiers bimestriels de l'Association Française pour l'Information Scientifique, No 202, mars-avril 1993.
Kotok A. The history of homeopathy in the Russian Empire until World War I, as compared with other European countries and the USA: similarities and discrepancies. PhD thesis, submitted November 1999.
Anas Barbariae, Hepatis et Cordis Extractum. The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, monograph #0137, June 1989.
Homeopathic Medicine Research Group. Dictionary of Homeopathy, First Edition, 1996.


Dr. Nienhuys is a retired mathematician, formerly at Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands. He is also secretary of the Dutch organization Skepsis. An earlier version of this article appeared in the organization's magazine, Skepter.

HomeoWatch Home Page

This article was posted on August 27, 2003.

You might want a dessert?

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« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 10:12:44 AM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

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Boiron: 1700 Euro für ein Kilogramm Zucker
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2011, 10:42:53 AM »

Auf der Suche nach dem Preis für den Megawucherzucker "Oscillococcinum" findet man heute bei Amazon dieses Angebot:

Boiron Oscillococcinum Natural Flu Relief 6 pack with 6 Dose Bonus Pack, 12 total!
by Boiron

List Price: $21.59                        Price: $19.50 ($10.16 / oz)  You Save: $2.09 (10%)

In Stock.
Ships from and sold by ABC WHOLESALE.
Only 10 left in stock--order soon.

8 new from $12.75

Der Inhalt einer Dosis ist EIN GRAMM ZUCKER.

Der Listenpreis ist 21,59 US-Dollar für SECHS DOSEN. Macht 3598,33 US-Dollar pro Kilogramm.

Wenn das kein Wucher ist, was dann!?

Bei Amazon sind mehrere Anbieter gelistet, wobei der "günstigste" 12,75 US-Dollar pro Packung verlangt, was 2125 US-Dollar pro Kilogramm ergibt:

Das obere Ende der Skala liegt bei 22,34 US-Dollar. Macht 3723,33 US-Dollar pro Kilogramm.

Wobei man das Porto aber nicht vergessen sollte: Der billigste Anbieter will dafür 6,64 US-Dollar und der teuerste 7,57 US-Dollar. Der ist sowohl beim Produkt (ÜBER dem empfohlenen Verkaufspreis) als auch beim Versand der teuerste..

Wie sieht es bei uns aus? Das folgende Angebot stammt aus Belgien, wird aber in deutscher Sprache, also für den deutschen Markt angeboten:

Suchergebnisse in „Produkte“ für: Oscillococcinum
Unda Oscillococcinum | 30 Einzeldosis   € 26.55 Empfohlener Preis: € 29.50

Sie sparen   10% (€ 2.95)
Unda Oscillococcinum | 6 x 1 g € 10.20 Empfohlener Preis: € 10.20

Sie sparen   0% (€ 0.00)

Bei beiden Bildern der Verpackungen wird (auch wenn hier im Namen "Unda" steht) jeweils eine Verpackung von Boiron gezeigt.

6 Gramm Zucker für 10,20 Euro. Das macht 1700 Euro pro Kilo. Für ganz primitiven Zucker.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 01:30:31 PM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
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Peligro! Este Producto no es medicina!
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2011, 07:43:33 PM »

Peligro! Este Producto no es medicina!

Ein superfeines Warnschild, das Daniel Zepeda in seinem Blog hat. Da schreibt er am 21. Januar 2011 über die Affäre Boiron:

Por cierto, nuestro laboratorio FAVORITO, el que me titulo a mi y a mi perro como Especialista Homeópatas, me refiero a LABORATORIOS BOIRON, fue bastante atacado pues entrevistaron a la Gerente Medico de Toronto Canadá de BOIRON LAB, Caroline Smoyer, entre tantas idioteces que menciono, ella dijo que SI existen ingredientes activos, pero hay que buscar la tecnología ADECUADA PARA ENCONTRARLA!!!! … AUNQUE USTED NO LO CREA……


21. Januar 2011 - MONATE vor Samuele Riva!

Der Screenshot  hat eine knallharte Aussage:





Das werte ich als ein Heilversprechen. Nicht irgendeines, sondern eines gegen Grippe!

Nicht gegen Grippe-ÄHNLICHE Symptome ("flu-like symptoms"), sondern gegen Grippe.

Herr Staatsanwalt, Ihr Zeuge!

« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 08:18:10 PM by ama »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2011, 08:40:33 AM »

Die haben super Bilder. Die muß man bloß ein bißchen umpixeln. 8)

Stop the fraudsters!
Stop homeopathy!
« Last Edit: September 09, 2011, 04:57:18 AM by el_Typo »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

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Boiron Settles for $12M to Stop Homeopathy Lawsuits
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2012, 03:08:13 AM »

Rattenscharfe Meldung von Andy Lewis: Boiron geht bei Gericht in die Knie und macht einen Vergleich über 12 Millionen US-Dollar

Boiron Settles for $12M to Stop Homeopathy Lawsuits
March 8, 2012
By Le Canard Noir

French homeopathy giant agrees to refund customers and re-label its products more honestly.

I have long contended that homeopathy does so well because people do not know what it is. Homeopathy thrives on the esoteric nature of its beliefs: tell customers one thing, but believe something weird within the cult.

Indeed, last week I was at dinner with French friends where the subject of homeopathy came up. (It’s huge in France. The picture is of the local Phamacy window – the big advert is for Boiron’s flu remedy Oscillococcinum.) I explained how Oscillo is made – the repeated dilution of a single duck’s liver 200 times. I explained that this was equivalent to taking the liver and diluting it in a sphere of water 10320 times bigger than the observable universe.

Of course, I was not believed. This is obviously absurd and so cannot be true.

But Oscillo and other Boiron homeopathic remedies are big business making hundreds of millions of dollars per year. In the US though, Boiron has been attracting a large number of class action law suits as it has become known just what is (or is not) in its remedies.

Here is a rather humorous video that has helped raise awareness of the Boiron problem in the US.

So, faced with six consumer class actions, Boiron has now decided to set aside $5 million to refund customers who are not happy with the sugar pills they bought. The suits claimed that Boiron “violated California’s unfair competition and false advertising laws”. They claimed that the products, including Oscillo, Arnicare pain reliever, Chestal cough remedy and Coldcalm cold remedy did not work as claimed. It looks like Boiron had little choice but to settle since these products do not have any active ingredients are are just sugar pills and powers.

These are also expensive powders. During recent winter trips to the US, Oscillo was always displayed alongside conventional cold and flu remedies. It was always the most expensive, costing about $18 for six sachets of sugar.

Importantly, the company says,

The company just decided at the end of the day that consumers need additional information that we’re happy to provide.

What this means is that in future, Boiron will be adding a disclaimer to say that their claims have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and, importantly, an explanation of how their active ingredients have been diluted. This re-labeling is likely to cost Boiron about $7 million.

If this is an honest description of the dilution process, then consumers will no doubt have a similar reaction as my dinner party friends – complete disbelief that anyone would have the cheek to sell this nonsense.

Over the past year, Boiron stock had been trading at over $30. After suits were filed, the price dropped to below $20. This morning, there is a little recovery to about $22.

Just where this leaves Boiron remains to be seen. No doubt they will do the minimum they can get away with in describing the true occult nature of their preparations. We shall see how consumers react.

Stop the fraudsters!
Stop homeopathy!

« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 03:11:35 AM by Omegafant »
Steine kann man nicht essen!


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Five consumer lawsuits are pending in the U.S. against Boiron
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2012, 06:52:16 AM »

News of today from the USA from ScienceBasedMedicine.Org:


Science-Based Medicine

Apr 19 2012
The CAM Docket: Boiron II
Published by Jann Bellamy under Health Fraud,Homeopathy,Legal,Politics and Regulation
Comments: 1

Five consumer lawsuits are pending in the U.S. against Boiron, the world’s largest manufacturer of homeopathic products. One lawsuit is also pending in Canada. As reported in a previous post, the U.S. plaintiffs claim they purchased homeopathic products, such as Coldcalm, Oscillo, Arnicare and Chestal Cough Syrup, based on Boiron’s misleading and false statements that they are effective for various ailments. Therefore, these plaintiffs allege, Boiron has defrauded consumers, as well as violated various consumer protection laws. Boiron denies these claims.

The plaintiffs’ allegations in each of the five U.S. lawsuits are based in part on the same fallacies underlying homeopathy discussed many times before here at SBM:

    we can summarize . . . by saying it has extreme implausibility and the clinical evidence shows lack of efficacy. It should not work, and it does not work. There is no legitimate controversy about this.

Which raises an interesting question: how does one defend a product that appears to be indefensible? Let’s take a look.
Delarosa v. Boiron

In Delarosa v. Boiron, Inc., the first lawsuit filed and now certified as a class action by the court, there are cross-motions for summary judgment pending. I won’t make you suffer through an explanation of Rule 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which governs summary judgment motions. Suffice it to say that at this point each side apparently feels it has enough uncontroverted evidence to win, at least on some of the issues, without having to go to trial and is asking the judge to rule accordingly.

The plaintiff in Delarosa has the burden of proving Coldcalm does not work as advertised and that Boiron knew or should have known this. Conversely, Boiron, as the defendant, does not have to prove that Coldcalm does work as advertised or that it was unaware that Coldcalm does not work. However, in order to refute the plaintiff’s claims, Boiron has, as one would expect, offered its own evidence that Coldcalm is effective to relieve cold symptoms and that it believes in those claims. And although Boiron argues that the plaintiff cannot prevail simply by attacking homeopathy in general, the plaintiff has submitted evidence that homeopathy does not, and cannot, work. Thus, Boiron has, again as might be expected, submitted evidence on that issue.

Boiron has not yet filed a response to the plaintiff’s summary judgment motion, apparently because of a dispute over information it requested from the plaintiff in discovery. For this and other reasons, we cannot conclude that the evidence presented to this point by Boiron is all that Boiron may possess in support of homeopathy in general and Coldcalm in particular. But we do know that, in filing its own motion for summary judgment, it argues that the evidence is sufficient for the court to decide in its favor. Specifically, Boiron argues that the plaintiff cannot meet her burden of proof in showing Boiron believed its statements were false. “To the contrary,” Boiron argues, it “can provide extensive support regarding the efficacy of both homeopathic drugs generally and Children’s Coldcalm specifically.”
Plaintiff’s expert witness

One of the plaintiff’s experts, Lynn R. Willis, Ph.D, currently holds the position of Professor Emeritus at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Indiana University School of Medicine, where he was the director of the medical pharmacology course for 23 years.  [Another expert witness for the plaintiff is SBM's own Harriet Hall, M.D.]

Dr. Willis’s sworn statement in support of the plaintiff’s motion offers this devastating, and unsurprising, analysis of homeopathy in general and Coldcalm in particular:

    27. Homeopathy is based upon the ‘Law of Similars.’ Homeopaths assert that ‘like cures like’ or more precisely that one substance that causes symptoms when it is given in large doses will cure illnesses that have the same symptoms if that substance is given in an extremely small dose. There is no credible scientific evidence to support the Law of Similars. In fact, scientific evidence is contrary to the Law of Similars.

    28. The dosages of homeopathic drugs are prepared through serial dilution. Serial dilution is done by taking the homeopathic drug and mixing it with water or alcohol at a specific ratio of 1:10 (X) or 1:100 (C). At each dilution the homeopathic drug is shaken in a process called succussion (also referred to as “potentizing”). Succussion is believed to activate the “vital energy” of the diluted substance. No evidence of this “vital energy” has ever been detected by modern science; nor can it be. The serial dilutions are repeated until the desired dilution is reached.

    29. The ingredients in Coldcalm, the product at issue in this action, are diluted either to 3C (1:1,000,000) or 6C (1:1,000,000,000,000). There is no scientific evidence that homeopathic drugs, such as the ones found in Coldcalm, have any biological effect on the human body at such extreme dilutions. The dose-response relationship established and proven by modern medicine is contrary to the idea that such extreme dilutions of a medicinal agent can have biological effects on the human body.

    30. There is no credible scientific evidence that homeopathy results in anything more than a placebo effect. Indeed, homeopathy theory and practice are contrary to modern scientific research.

    . . .

    44.The notion that the extreme dilutions found in Cold Calm and other homeopathic remedies should be associated with observable biologic effects and actions is wholly contrary to the proven dose-response relationships of modern pharmacology and medicine in which the intensity of drug action is directly proportional, not inversely proportional, to dose.

    45. As outlined in paragraphs 33 through 41, the concentrations of the ingredients in ColdCalm have no detectable effects on the human body; however, as mentioned above, where there is no likelihood of a medicinal agent producing a tangible health benefit to a patient, any risk at all is unacceptable.

Dr. Willis goes through each ingredient in Coldcalm, which includes honeybees, poisonous plants and potassium dichromate (“a powerful oxidizing agent”), finding that, although some are dangerous (even deadly) to humans, at the dilutions stated on the label, none could possibly have any discernible effect on the human body. Dr. Willis opines not only that Coldcalm does not, and could not, have any effect on the common cold, the product itself violates homeopathy’s own precept that each treatment must be individualized, making “one size fits all” remedies inappropriate.
Boiron’s expert

To support its claims of plausibility and effectiveness, Boiron relies on Robert Charles Dumont, M.D. Dr. Dumont trained as, and practiced as, a pediatric gastroenterologist. However, he now describes himself as a “pediatric integrative specialist” with the Raby Institute for Integrative Medicine at Northwestern in Chicago, Illinois.

On its website, the Raby Institute for Integrative Medicine serves up this insult to thousands of dedicated, caring physicians who, poor slugs, practice the obviously inferior “traditional” medicine:

    Our approach to healing is unlike what you might experience in a traditional medical setting. Rather than focusing solely on treating the symptoms of a disease or curing an illness, we focus on the whole patient as a unique individual – taking into account each element of a person’s health, environment, and lifestyle. We seek to restore our patients’ unique, natural balance that defines optimal health, and support them to develop health habits that maintain wellness and prevent disease.

“Unique, natural balance that defines optimal health?” What does that even mean?

In pursuit of this lofty goal, the Raby Institute offers a smorgasbord of “CAM” practices previously debunked on SBM and elsewhere, including acupuncture, reflexology, cranial sacral therapy, magnets (“Treatments include shoe inserts, knee wraps, and other bandages, to relieve soreness in joints and muscles from sports injuries”), reiki, the “HCG Longevity Diet,” detoxification, energy medicine, and, our topic here, homeopathy (“based on natural ingredients that work with your immune system rather than suppressing it”).  Well, they’ve got me there.  No one could argue that honeybees aren’t “natural.”

If you will permit me a digression, I cannot resist sharing this lyrical gibberish from the Raby Institute’s website describing a form of CAM with which I was heretofore unfamiliar:

Vibrational Medicine

    Nearly everything around us that we touch and see carries a unique vibrational energy signature—a living pulse that connects all things. Vibrational medicine incorporates the use of this chi energy within living organisms such as plants, gemstones and crystals, water, sunlight, and even the foods we eat, to help us balance the energies in our own bodies. Vibrational medicine therapies include color therapy, crystal therapy, flower essence therapies, grounding, and herbal therapies.

If you make it up, they will come.

Turning back to Dr. Dumont and his statement filed in support of Boiron’s motion, Dr. Dumont says that he “received training in integrative medicine to include training in acupuncture, medical hypnosis, functional medicine, and mind-body medicine.” As well, he has trained in homeopathy and is currently instructor and on the board of the U.S. chapter of the Center for Education and Development of Clinical Homeopathy. In this and additional homeopathy-related training and other activities, he appears well-qualified to speak on the subject.

Dr. Dumont seems to be in agreement with Dr. Willis on the putative principles underlying homeopathic remedies and on the manner in which they are prepared. He does not specifically agree or disagree with the Dr. Willis’s conclusion, based on these principles, that homeopathic theory is contrary to current scientific research. In documents filed with the court, the only statement Dr. Dumont makes at all in this regard is that “basic laboratory research is confirming the biological activity of highly diluted substances and helping the scientific community better understand their mechanism of action.” He attaches two exhibits listing studies of homeopathy but does not indicate which specifically support this statement. Nor does he explain how “the biological activity of highly diluted substances” supports any of the highly implausible assumptions underlying homeopathy.

In answer to deposition questions as to whether there was any scientific evidence indicating how Coldcalm’s ingredients (honeybees, etc.) could relieve cold symptoms, he consistently answered to the effect that “the mechanism is not known.” The plaintiff’s attorney finally asked:

    Q. do you have any idea how these things [Coldcalm’s ingredients] are supposed work to accomplish these purposes?

    A. No one has any hypothesis within the scientific community how they work.

    Q. And that includes you?

    A. That includes me. I would have the Nobel prize if I knew.

This did not stop Dr. Dumont from opining that Coldcalm is effective as advertised. He says that there are studies supporting “the efficacy of several of the homeopathic medicines present in Children’s Coldcalm,” but does not know of any studies supporting the efficacy of Coldcalm itself. Rather, he relies on the fact that

    patients who have used Coldcalm and children’s Coldcalm to relieve symptoms associated with the common cold have had success with these products. . . . My experience treating patients with Coldcalm and Children’s Coldcalm is extremely positive and I continue to regularly recommend both products to patients who are suffering from symptoms associated with the common cold.

When asked in his deposition whether the basis for his belief that Children’s Coldcalm has been effective for his patients “is just spontaneous statements by mothers indicating that it has worked for their children or them, right?” he replied, “Exactly.”  [Homeopaths and their reliance on anecdotes as evidence of effectiveness is the subject of recent blog posts by Orac and Dr. Novella.]

In addition, Christophe Merville, Boiron’s director for education and pharmacy development, testified in his deposition that he was unaware of any scientific testing, research or evidence supporting the effectiveness of Coldcalm or Children’s Coldcalm.

In support of its position that Boiron did not defraud consumers because it “believes in the efficacy of both homeopathic drugs generally and Children’s Coldcalm specifically,” Boiron cites Dr. Dumont’s statement and the testimony of one of its employees, Ludovic G. Rassat. It is not clear how Dr. Dumont’s testimony is relevant to this point, as it occurred only after the suit was filed, long after Boiron made its claims for Coldcalm. Mr. Rassat testified in his deposition as follows:

    A.  . . . homeopathic medicine is believed to basically stimulate the body’s own ability to – to rebalance itself and get better, so this is all the concept of homeopathic medicine, and this is basically what doctors using homeopathic medicines are doing.

    Q. Do you know how Children’s Coldcalm would work to stimulate the body’s ability to rebalance itself and get better?

    A. Well, you see, in the back of the product, you have a list of homeopathic active ingredients.

    Q. Right.

    A. Each homeopathic active ingredients are basically – has been reviewed – have been – are listed in the Materia Medica as being – went through, you know, hundred (phonetic) years of clinical observations by homeopathic doctors, and that’s – all those ingredients are participating to the . . . the action of the product.

    Q. Okay. Are you aware of any scientific support indicating that these active ingredients on the back of the Children’s Coldcalm label will be effective in accomplishing the purposes stated [on the packaging]?

    A. Again you’re – again, the base of those – those ingredients is the Materia Medica and 200 years of clinical observations by doctors, so that’s the scientific base of those product – those ingredients.

Summation, for now

So, let’s sum up the evidence at this point:

    * Boiron has not come up with any reliable evidence that the basic principles upon which homeopathy depends are scientifically valid, and does not directly contradict plaintiffs’ experts’ statements that those principles are, in fact, scientifically invalid.
    * There are no studies, by Boiron or anyone else, demonstrating the effectiveness of Coldcalm or Children’s Coldcalm for the purposes stated on its own packaging, that is, the relief of cold symptoms.
    * Boiron’s only evidence that Coldcalm and Children’s Coldcalm are effective is anecdotal.

Does this mean that the plaintiff and the class of Coldcalm purchasers she represents will win their summary judgment motion? Not necessarily. Boiron has not filed its response to the plaintiff’s motion and may provide additional evidence when it does. Boiron could prevail on other factual issues, such as the plaintiff’s alleged lack of proof that she or her family members actually had colds when they took Coldcalm (as opposed to, for example, allergies). There are other legal issues to be decided, such as what burden of proof the plaintiff must carry to win her motion. To this point, Boiron argues that the plaintiff cannot rely solely on the implausibility and ineffectiveness of homeopathy generally, but must prove specifically that Coldcalm does not work and that Boiron knew or should have known this. It may also be that the court finds material questions of fact prevent a decision on the merits at this point.

But no matter what the ultimate outcome, this case highlights (as reported in the last post) the almost total lack of regulation of homeopathic products sold in the U.S. It also reveals that, given the need to come up with evidence sufficient to support its argument that the plaintiff cannot prove Coldcalm is ineffective or that Boiron knew that to be the case, Boiron utterly fails to overcome the overwhelming scientific evidence that homeopathy is nothing but pseudoscience.

The court has yet to rule on the parties’ cross-motions for summary judgment. I’ll keep you posted.

One response so far
One Response to “The CAM Docket: Boiron II”

      # Jan Willem Nienhuyson 19 Apr 2012 at 6:02 am

      I don’t know about rules of evidence in a court of law, but it seems to me that the general statement that homeopathy doesn’t work is not a very effective plea.

      Suppose someone accused of a serious crime (OK that’s criminal law, and we are delaing now with civil law) would argue that humans generally are quite nice to each other, hence …

      No. Here is a specific product, and it is quite OK to explain that the ingredients (see ) cannot have any action. As Boiron is offering it as a medicine, the burden of proof falls on them, at least when it is judged by medical norms. There is no such proof. But the plaintiff also has no proof (a double blind placebo controlled RCT) that precisely this stuff doesn’t work.

      There is of course one point that can be made. The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, whose instructions for the preparation of homeopathic remedies still are followed almost to the letter, wrote in section 273 of his Organon

          In no case under treatment is it necessary and therefore not permissible to administer to a patient more than one single, simple medicinal substance at one time. It is inconceivable how the slightest doubt could exist as to whether it was more consistent with nature and more rational to prescribe a single, simple1 medicine at one time in a disease or a mixture of several differently acting drugs. It is absolutely not allowed in homœopathy, the one true, simple and natural art of healing, to give the patient at one time two different medicinal substance.

      See also

      In section 274 he explains why, even quoting Ockham’s maxim: ‘it is wrong to attempt to employ complex means when simple means suffice’. He argues that one cannot know how two or more remedies interact, even if one knows a lot about the single remedy. One of Hahnemann’s objections to 18th century medicine was that the doctors then prescribed crazy mixtures of all kinds of herbs, and made patients take these frequently and in large amounts. In homeopathy the doctor gives (ideally) a single small pill, prepared by his own hand from pure substances.

      Anyway the founder of homeopathy himself has said that combining different (nine in fact) remedies in one pill is just nonsense.

      A second point that might be made is that the purported effects of these individual remedies derive (partly) from tests with highly diluted substances. These tests have never been checked properly (double blind, randomized) and the few times people tried it, the tests failed. A substance like Apis mellifica (honeybee) has ‘symptoms’ based on medical case descriptions of anaphylactic reactions after a bee sting.

      In the Netherlands there was a similar case. The chairman of the Antiquackery Association said that a certain homeopathic remedy was worthless. The company making the stuff sued. And won in a way. The outcome of the legal wrangling was that it was perfectly allowed to say that homeopathy in general doesn’t work, that this ointment contained carcinogenic substances (it was partly mother tincture) and that it is a shame it is sold, but one thing was not permissible: claiming that this specific ointment did not work when you don’t have experimental data to support this specific claim. Of course the situation is slightly different with Coldcalm, because the ointment contained not only highly diluted stuff, but quite a lot of mother tincture of Symphytum officinale if I remember correctly.

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Boiron flies the magic broom, CFI Ready to Help Those Harmed by Homeopathy
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2012, 08:44:38 AM »

Democratic Underground

Fri Apr 27, 2012, 06:33 AM

CFI Ready to Help Those Harmed by Homeopathy

The Canadian affiliate of the Center for Inquiry (CFI) recently announced that it is lending its scientific support to assist with a monumental $30 million lawsuit against two Canadian retailers for their peddling of a useless homeopathic product in violation of consumer protection laws. Oscillococcinum, a product marketed as a remedy for flu-like symptoms, is in reality merely sugar water with no medicinal properties whatsoever (other than a possible placebo effect). The lawsuit is being filed against Shoppers Drug Mart and Boiron Canada for their sale and marketing of this product.

Meanwhile, CFI stands ready to support similar cases here in the United States. CFI is willing to assist individuals who believe they have been defrauded or otherwise harmed through the marketing of homeopathic products. If you are interested in discussing the possibility of pursuing legal remedies, please contact Steven Fox, CFI’s Legal Director. (Note: This inquiry does not constitute a binding offer of legal services.)

“People are unconscionably being misled in their time of greatest vulnerability: when they’re sick,” said Ron Lindsay, President and CEO of CFI. “We intend to stand up for consumers and their right to be told the truth about the medicines they spend their hard-earned money on. We will take the fight to the perpetrators of homeopathic fraud in the media, in legislatures, and yes, in the courts.”

CFI and its affiliate organization the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry recently filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration requesting that the agency institute regulations that would require over-the-counter homeopathic drugs to meet the same standards of effectiveness as conventional drugs, which is currently under consideration . Although the FDA has the authority to require homeopathic drugs to undergo testing for effectiveness, it has to date declined to do so.




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Boiron still defrauds people with false claims / 2014_01_22
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2014, 04:40:31 PM »



Boiron makes false claims:

Newsletter-email sent by Boiron on 22nd, Jan, 2014:

Reduced Duration and Severity of Flu Symptoms

Feeling achy or run down and have chills? Take
Oscillococcimum. Clinical studies show Oscillo shortens the
duration and reduces the severity of flu-like symptoms such as
body aches, headache, fever, chills and fatigue when taken at
the first sight of illness 1-2* Oscillo can benefit your entire
family, since it's recommended for everyone ages 2 to 102,
with no drowsiness or drug interactions. Oscillo's sweet-
tasting, easy-to-take pellets dissolve quickly under the
tongue - no water, chewing or swallowing required. Each
pre-measured pellet dose is individually packaged for
convenience. Learn more."

See here:
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 08:05:34 PM by el_Typo »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Here comes the next range of fraud by Boiron.
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2014, 12:21:25 PM »

Here comes the next range of fraud by Boiron. Just look at the topics like "Dementia and Alzheimer’s". Helpless people in the hands of frauds.

CEDH Global
ICCH Program Objectives

Homeopathy has been helping family physicians and specialists to provide personalized care management to their patients.

At this 1st international conference we will look at how homeopathy can help physicians in specific pathologies where individualized care is essential.
June 28, 2014
9:00 – 9:30 am

Dr. Ronald BOYER, President, CEDH USA, Philadelphia, PA – USA
9:30 – 10:15 am
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: Effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions

Jacques Touchon, MD, PhD, Montpellier University Hospital, Montpellier, France.
10:15 – 10:45 am
Coffee break in the exhibit hall
10:45 – 11: 45 am
Aging and neurodegenerative syndromes: How can homeopathy help patients and caregivers ? Roundtable

Moderator: Ronald Boyer, President, CEDH USA, Philadelphia, PA – USA
11:45 – 12:00 pm
The two key approaches of homeopathic treatment

Hana Váňová, MD, Litovel, Czech Republic
12:00 – 1:30 pm
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
Shifting Focus: Managing Attention Deficit Disorder

Larry Baskind MD FAAP, Westchester Medical Practice, Croton on Hudson, NY – USA
2:15 – 2:50 pm
Homeopathic Treatment of Psychosomatic Disorders of a Respiratory Nature : A Case Series

Youngran Chung, MD, Northwestern University, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital.

Chicago, IL – USA
2:50– 3:20 pm
Use of Clinical Homeopathy in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Robert C. Dumont, MD, Raby Institute, Glenview, IL – USA
3:20 pm – 4:00 pm
Homeopathy and Child Neurology: Some Difficult Cases

Larry Baskind MD FAAP, Westchester Medical Practice, Croton on Hudson, NY – USA
4:00 – 4:30 pm
Coffee breaks in the exhibit hall
4:30 – 5:15 pm
Integrating Homeopathy into your clinical practice

John Golden, MD, Genesis Integrative Wellness Center, Moline, IL – USA
June 29, 2014
9:00 – 9:45 am
Recent Research in Clinical Homeopathy

Peter Fisher, MD, PhD, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, London, UK
9:45 – 10:30 am
Homeopathy in Oncology Supportive care

Jean-Claude Karp, MD, Troyes, France
10:30 – 11:00 am
Coffee break in the exhibit hall
11:00 – 12:00 pm
Cyto Toxic effects of Ultra Diluted Remedies on Cancer Cells

Akbarpour Ferre, MD, Orange County Immune Institute LLC, Huntington Beach, CA – USA
12:00 – 12:30 pm
Homeopathy therapeutics for pediatrics ADHD and tics

Sharon Herzfeld, MD, Integrative Neurology, New York, USA
12:30 – 2:00 pm
2:00 – 2:20 pm
Supportive care for cancer by physicians prescribing homeopathic or conventional medicine : Results of a cross-sectional study

Jean-Claude Karp, MD, Troyes, France
2:20 – 2:45 pm
Open-label uncontrolled, pilot study to evaluate complementary therapy with Ruta graveolens 9C in patients with advanced cancer

Jean-Claude Karp, MD, Troyes, France
2:45 – 3:15 pm
Integrating Clinical Homeopathy into Private Practice Oncology, Hematology and Palliative Care

Karen Pike, RN-BC, OCN, Hematology Oncology Consultants, Van Nuys, CA – USA
3:15 – 3:45 pm
Coffee break in the exhibit hall
3:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Case studies on Pain management with homeopathy

Kavita Ravindra Chandak, MD (HOM) Nagpur, India
4:15 – 5:00 pm
Clinical Homeopathy and Pain Management

Marcel Fraix, DO, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA – USA
5:00 – 5:15 pm
Closing keynote

Dr Ronald Boyer, President, CEDH USA, Philadelphia, PA – USA
Download the Full Conference Program

ACCME Credit Designation Statement

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint sponsorship of the Minnesota Medical Association and CEDH. The Minnesota Medical Association (MMA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
2014 Conference

June 28-29, 2014
 The Beverly Hilton
 9876 Wilshire Boulevard,
 Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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 Edgemont, PA 19028
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International Conference of Clinical Homeopathy (ICCH) 2014 © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

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Boiron highly criminal: targets cancer patients
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2014, 02:13:20 PM »

Today Boiron sent out a newsletter leading to this web-page conents:

Proudly sponsored by          

Web Version  |  Update preferences  |  Unsubscribe

Boiron proudly sponsors the International Conference on Clinical Homeopathy (ICCH), from the Center for Education and Development of Homeopathy (CEDH). Join us to learn how homeopathy can help physicians in specific pathologies where individualized care is essential.

Program & Speakers

Program Chair      
Ronald P. Boyer, MD
President CEDH USA, Edgemont, PA

1. Dementia
How can homeopathy help patients with symptoms of dementia and bring some support to family members who are often overwhelmed by their changed loved one.

Jacques Touchon, MD, PhD
Chief of the Neurology Department, Montpellier University Hospital - Montpellier, France

Pediatricians working with children with ADD will discuss their clinical experiences using homeopathic medicines.

Larry Baskind, MD
Clinical associate professor at New York Medical College, New York, NY and attending physician at Hudson Valley Hospital Center

3. Pain Management
A multidisciplinary approach that addresses not only the physical component, but also the mental and emotional components.

Marcel Fraix, DO
Assistant Professor at Western University of Health Sciences - Pomona, CA

4. Best supportive care in Oncology
Quality of life patients must be our first priority and therefore has to be the common medical denominator.

Jean-Claude Karp, MD
Visiting physician, oncology and radiotherapy departement, Troyes University Hospital-Troyes, France

5. Clinical Research and Homeopathy

Peter Fisher, MD
Clinical Director and Director of Research at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM), London, UK

6. How To Integrate Homeopathy Into Your Daily Practice
Create a deeper, safer, and more individualized therapeutic relationship with your patients.

John Golden, MD
Medical director of the Genesis Integrative Wellness Center - Moline, IL

Oral Communication Speakers

Akbarpour Ferre, MD
Orange County Immune Institute LLC, Huntington Beach, CA

Kavita Ravindra Chandak, MD
(HOM) Nagpur, India

Youngran Chung, MD
Northwestern University, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital

Robert C. Dumont, MD
Raby Institute, Glenview, IL

Sharon Herzfeld, MD
Integrative Neurology, New York, NY

Hana Váňová, MD
Litovel, Czech Republic
Not pictured: Karen Pike, RN-BC, OCN
Hematology Oncology Consultants, Van Nuys, CA

Book your hotel room at the conference venue!
The Beverly Hilton
9876 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

AMA PRA Category 1 Credit Statement
The Minnesota Medical Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 10.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

ACCME Credit Designation Statement
 This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of the Minnesota Medical Association and The Center for Education and Development of Homeopathy. The Minnesota Medical Association (MMA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Visit our website for more information.
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P.O. Box 3
Edgemont, PA 19028
Tel: 1-866-550-2334
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Boiron geht unter. Der Kapitän verläßt das sinkende Schiff.
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2018, 03:12:59 PM »

Damit ihr Bescheid wißt: Boiron ist in der Todesspirale.  8)

Actualité Économie
Boiron: le DG Christian Boiron sur le départ, en pleine fronde contre l'homéopathie
Publié le 05/09/2018 à 19:51 | AFP

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News Economy
Boiron: DG Christian Boiron on the start, in full swing against homeopathy
Posted on 05/09/2018 at 19:51 | AFP

Boiron: DG Christian Boiron on the start, in full swing against homeopathy © AFP / Archives / FRED TANNEAU

Christian Boiron, emblematic general director of the French giant of homeopathy Boiron, announced Wednesday his departure on January 1, 2019, while the family group is in trouble, against a backdrop of the debate on homeopathy in France.

Valérie Poinsot, 49 years old and managing director for seven years, "was appointed to succeed him," said the group in a terse statement, without revealing the reasons for the departure of the captain.

This is the first time that the Lyon group, founded in the late 1960s by Christian Boiron's father and uncle, will be run by a non-family member.

Today, 71 years old, Christian Boiron was CEO of the group since July 2011, his brother Thierry being the president.

But the two brothers already shared the power within the group before, dividing them, over the years, presidency and general direction.

Christian Boiron joined the company in 1970 when he had just graduated as a pharmacist. At the time, he did not think "to fizzle out," he said in a personal book published in 2016, "Research in homeopathy."

"My passion was social, and then, little by little, I discovered that management and medicine were close relatives (...), in both cases I felt a strong need for philosophical and ethical reflection. ", again wrote the one who was often cited as a" social boss "and a forerunner of" well-being "in business.

Just over two years ago, he responded with a sharp "no" when AFP asked him if he expected to hang up soon.
Benefits at half-mast

But if the time to leave is a surprise, the appointment of Valérie Poinsot in his place is not one: in recent years the general manager had made her runner up.

Before joining Boiron in 2000 and gradually climbing up the ladder, Ms. Poinsot graduated from the Publicis advertising agency in 1991 with a degree in marketing and management. It was later passed by the laboratories Fournier, then Urgo.

The departure of Mr. Boiron occurs as the group goes through a period of turbulence, against a backdrop of declining results and revival of debate in France on the effectiveness of homeopathy.

This controversy has resurfaced with vigor since the publication last March in Le Figaro vitriol a tribune of a hundred doctors opposed to this practice, and demanding the termination of its partial coverage by health insurance.

Two weeks ago, the Ministry of Health approached the High Authority for Health (HAS) to assess the effectiveness of homeopathy and the "merits" of its reimbursement. The opinion of the HAS, on which the government will be based to decide, is expected by the end of February.

On Wednesday the Boiron group also published its first half results, which reflect its difficulties, particularly in France, its main market.

Net profit decreased by 13.1% to 21.6 million euros over the last six months, while operating income decreased by 13.8% to 35.38 million euros.

At issue, "the decrease in turnover and the significant rise in industrial production costs reflecting all investment and development efforts", according to the group, whose share price has fallen more than 12% since the beginning of the year.

Over the first half of the year, sales declined by 1.5% (+ 0.9% at constant exchange rates) year-on-year, totaling 280.5 million euros, according to figures already disclosed. in July.

05/09/2018 19:50:45 - Paris (AFP) - © 2018 AFP
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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2018, 03:28:03 PM »

In Frankreich ist aufgeflogen, daß Boiron eine "Schule" betreibt, in der "Homöopathie" "gelehrt" wird. Auf daß die Mittel von Boiron anschließend (gewinnbringend für das Unternehmen) von den "Ausgebildeten" verschrieben und verabreicht werden.

Mit Ethik hat das natürlich nichts zu tun.

Die Sache ist aufgeflogen und die Blogger schreiben darüber, leider hinter ihrer Sprachgrenze. Deswegen hier die Übersetzung auf Englisch. Die Links habe ich natürlich nicht mitgenommen. Die sind nur im Original.  :P

CEDH macht auch in den USA "Unterricht". Da sind wird schon länger dran...

Google Translates:

 The school of caregivers

A participative and cooperative blog written for and by citizens, patients, caregivers
Sunday, August 5, 2018
What is the name of an "Ecole" that "trains" doctors to prescribe medicines ... from the manufacturer who finances them?

Imagine, if you will, a drug company. Let's call it WoPharma.
(The "Wo" means "World".)

WoPharma specializes in the marketing of drugs to treat cardiovascular diseases as a whole: hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke. It is not quite the only one to market these products, but it is the most powerful in this particular field, because of its age and size.

Imagine, on the other hand, a training company that we will call the EMCV: School of Cardio-Vascular Diseases.

This school offers practicing physicians instruction to teach them the basics of cardiovascular disease and, of course, their treatment. EMCV offers modules and workshops throughout France. In addition, the ECHR proposes an education leading to a diploma of "Therapeutics of Cardio-Vascular Diseases". 

You are a doctor, trying to perfect your knowledge, and confreres have spoken to you about EMCV with fervor. You decide to register and you go to his site.
You notice, with a little surprise, that EMCV has a partnership with many faculties of medicine in Europe, and half a dozen in France.
Already, you scratch your head.
So the EMCV teachers go to the faculties of medicine in France to provide (free?) The good word to the students ... at the same time sell it to doctors already in practice? Mmhhh ... Does this mean that faculty teaching is not well done? Not enough ? And why is teaching done in these faculties, and not in others?

Before committing yourself, you consult the web page of their site, by clicking on the tab «Who are we? "
And there, with a certain astonishment, you read "EMCV is a subsidiary of WoPharma".
Fully spelled out.

What do you think ?
What are you doing ?
(Think for a few minutes, before reading more.)

Have you thought carefully?
Well, then, two things one.

1 ° You do not see where the problem is. The concepts of conflict of interest and commercial influence are foreign to you. In your eyes, the manufacturer is the best expert of the drugs that it markets. It goes without saying that it is up to him to say how to prescribe them. You do not see any problem in receiving a teaching he has funded.
You download the registration form to complete it.

2. You are aware of the influence of industry on prescriptions. If EMCV is a subsidiary of WoPharma, it is obvious that its teaching is not independent of what the parent company wants. The conflict of interest is obvious: an education offered by a quasi-monopoly manufacturer is in direct conflict with the interests of patients. s and public health. If only because treatment or therapeutic attitudes other than those of WoPharma will be omitted from teaching.
You exclaim: What the fuck? (In French: "What is this circle?")

And you have a number of related questions:
- Is funding for training for doctors by drug companies not subject to very strict regulations? Is EMCV funding consistent with current legislation? Are other drug companies financing private schools for the "training" of doctors on the same model? Which ones?
- How do doctors who follow these teachings not see that they are being manipulated (costly for them, moreover)?
- How is it that faculties of medicine associate with an industrial company of the drug?   What do their pedagogical committee and their ethics committee say about the "partnership" with EMCV?
- What is the name of an "Ecole" that "teaches" doctors how to prescribe the drugs of the industrialist who finances it? (If EMCV is a subsidiary of WoPHarma, it means that WoPharma provides at least a portion of its financing, and draws a portion of its profits.)

I think I hear you say, "But that can not exist. It's too big. Too scandalous. It would not last a second. "

Well, yes!
This school exists.
It is the " Center for Teaching and Development of Homeopathy ".
This center offers throughout France " modules of homeopathic therapeutics " at 350 Euros (in pediatrics, gynecology and oncology! - no, you do not dream!), " Face-to-face workshops " and a " diploma of homeopathic therapeutics For the modest sum of 2500 euros and a few.

Partnerships with medical schools are detailed on this page . Note that it is written in words: "

    The Faculty is responsible for organizing the teaching in strict compliance with university regulations.
    The ECHR provides the universities with the program and the educational tools: documents, CDROMs necessary for the animation of the courses, educational documents to give to the students.
    The courses are done by the speakers, having a great practical experience of homeopathy. They are trained and animated by the ECHR.

Finally, on the page " Legal mentions ", one can read without any ambiguity:

«CEDH SARL, subsidiary BOIRON»

You read correctly.

The ECHR, a school devoted entirely to teaching doctors a "therapy" with no scientific basis, is a subsidiary of Boiron, leading manufacturer of homeopathic medicines in France .

This "detail", a number of doctors who follow or have followed the "lessons" of the ECHR may not know it.

Because this link indicated on the "Imprint" page does not appear on any registration document .

All this leads me to ask again the questions stated above (but with the real acronyms, this time):

- Is funding for training for doctors by drug companies not subject to very strict regulations? Is the direct financing of the ECHR by Boiron in line with current legislation? Do other drug companies likewise fund "schools" for the "training" of doctors? Which ones?

- Do not doctors who follow these teachings see that they are being manipulated (costly for them, moreover)? Have they read the legal notice of the site? (Maybe not, after all, some patients do not read the medicine leaflets.) 

- How is it that faculties of medicine associate with an industrial company of the drug?   What do their pedagogical committee and their ethics committee say about the "partnership" with the ECHR?

- What teaching role exactly play the people whose name appears on the pages of "partnership" of the faculty of medicine of Brest ,   the faculty of medicine of Angers , or that of Limoges ?

- What is the name of an "Ecole" that charges physicians to "teach" them to prescribe the drugs marketed by the manufacturer of which it is the subsidiary?

Finally, the Ministry of Health, the National Council of the Order, the medical unions, the High Authority of Health, the CNAM, the CODEEM (the "Committee of deontovigilance companies of the drug" Do not smile, it exists! ) and, last but not least, the virtuous National Syndicate of French Homeopathic Doctors are they aware of the existence of this "Teaching Center" subsidiary of Boiron, and what they have to declare on this subject?

I wish I could question them but I do not know how to join them.
And I do not know if I would get answers.
In the meantime, I allow myself to share the questions.
You may want, on your side, want to ask them.

Marc Zaffran / Martin Winckler

PS: A user writes me:

To return to the homeo, it would be interesting to look at the drugs themselves. 30% of the homeo strains are of animal origin. Apis, Lachesis, Vipera. And the star of boiron, oscillococinum is made from damaged duck liver. I was interested in a strain whose name intrigued me: Lung Histamine. According to Boiron himself (a friend pharmacist called Boiron Levallois) it is a product made from a brave guinea pig died after anaphylactic shock provoked. The lungs are removed, ground and diluted.
When we know that pro-homeopathy are often concerned about ecology, they would fall from the clouds if they learned that with homeo we are far from small flowers and nature that sings.
Luesinum? Syphilitic chancre. Meddorinum? Gonorrhea. There is also bacillus of the plague, whooping cough, prussic gas, arsenic ...
Why Latin names? You should ask the Haute Autorité de Santé why the patient is not informed of what he is buying! I imagine the mom who buys organic and who learns that she gives chancre extract to her baby, or dilutions of a cute tortured guinea pig ...


PS: " I conchie confraternity! My ethical obligations go first to patients, then to other doctors. "
(Franz Karma in The Chorus of Women. )

If you wish to support the doctors who are attacked for "lack of confraternity" by the Homeopathic Syndicate, sign the petition online.

published by Martin Winckler (Marc Zaffran) to 7:50 Send by e-mail BlogThis! Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest

    Anonymous August 7, 2018 at 14:43

    Some information can be found on the University of Angers including the speakers Gerard Mandine homeopath doctor with an interview:
    And a second speaker Christine Boutin whose viadeo profile seems to match. Pharmacist in close connection with Boiron:
    Anonymous August 9, 2018 at 07:37

    The funny thing about all this - and whatever you think about homeopathy - is that there is a real battle between Boiron and those who define themselves as "true" homeopaths, that is, "unicists" (who prescribe a single substance, take one to three times, then at least one month of observation). It's interesting to know that for "purists", Boiron has completely misled homeopathy, promoting what some people call "pluralistic homeopathy" (the most angry call it "boironisme"), in which one prescribes full tubes containing mixtures of granules, to be taken several times a day for weeks or even months. The "unicists" find that it is a heresy, invented only to ... sell more tubes of pellets (yes, always the same reasons ...). And they are anxious for Boiron to have created throughout the world training, schools, etc ... which dispense what is in their eyes only a commercial ersatz of their discipline. When we speak with homeopaths from other countries, we realize that internationally, French homeopaths are generally considered as charlots, precisely because they were trained by Boiron, graved in their eyes of the "true" homeopathy and responsible for extinction (by a hyper-aggressive marketing and sales policy + a systematic buy-out of all competitors) of all the other labs manufacturing lactose granules ... An article from Lyon Capitale, a few years ago, quoted a foreign doctor saying that Boiron was "the McDo of homeopathy". If I remember correctly, the famous Oscillo, actually made from diseased lambs' ducks livers, is based on the conviction of a doctor from the 18th or 19th century that a living principle he had baptized oscillocoque was the source of ALL DISEASES! This is probably what made Boiron the object of a collective action by consumers in the United States (for deception I believe, to check, but the French media have not talked much, because Boiron remains a big announcer!) Last thing that I learned recently: a lot of these famous unicists think that the granules of Boiron are of a dubious quality and thus make order their patients abroad !!! So there, at least, the Secu is not solicited ...
        Melusine August 25, 2018 at 07:49

        I'm better. The "homeopaths" unicists in France are really rare ... And for a cold beast a little beefy they are cap to prescribe 5 or 6 different remedies! What heresy!
        And in addition it is increasingly difficult (if not impossible) to find other remedies that Boiron pharmacy, even abroad (Belgium for my part)
    Anonymous August 16, 2018 at 03:04


    I wanted to go my way, but the little tone of the article is a bit awkward. One can quite think that it is quackery each one's freedom of thought, but if for certain the service rendered is there, I do not see the worry.

    For this long diatribe on boiron that would give courses on its products. I agree that it's limited. But on the other hand, what are the differences between this situation and those so much more prevalent in a traditional pharmaceutical lab that funds a service, for example oncology, by having it prescribe its products. This service then welcomes doctors in training who have learned to prescribe these same drugs provided by the lab?

    Because there is in this second situation an additional filter that allows to hide the face? The difference from my point of view is that in the second case the patient is the guinea pig more or less voluntary trials development of a treatment. Multiplied by the number of services of all hospitals and the number of interns who pass, does boiron train more people than the more 'acceptable' lab?

    Finally, a small incise since a surfer is guilty of the way in which some homeopathic strains are obtained, he knows, for example, that some vaccines use in their manufacturing process human cancer cells (we say tumoral because it scares less the barge who could fall on the information) who could (surprisingly research on it) cause cancers decades later?


    I believe in this anti-homo guéguerre, nobody will win. First of all because the convicts will continue to use it without much benefit for the security. Then, because the activists will scrutinize the allopathic medicines that currently benefit from everyone's preferential treatment: scandals only come out when the dead pile up too much and pharmacovigilance no longer comes to them. camouflage in coincidences and multi-factorial.

        Melusine August 25, 2018 at 07:53

        Exactly. Not to mention that drugs (not homeo, therefore) that the search for new molecules are tested on animals, and it would not be scandalous ...
        hexdoc August 29, 2018 at 12:41

        "Some vaccines use in their manufacturing process human cancer cells (it's said to be tumorous because it scares less the barge that might fall on the information) that could (surprisingly research itself) cause cancer decades later? "
        or how to distil information without source that we could suddenly call rumor ...

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Why this blog?
- To propose other models of teaching and practice of care. To dissect those that exist and that deserve to be revised. To suggest and share other benchmarks - ethical, practical, sensitive - with the caregivers of today and tomorrow.

Who can contribute?
- Anyone who wants it and who is interested in the care relationship, professional or spontaneous.

In what form ?
- An article, a mood ticket, the report of a work, a story. Addressed to caregivers in training - or to anyone who intends to care. To convey an experience.

If you want to communicate privately with the host of this blog or to propose a text, write to:
ecoledessoignants / at /

Creator / moderator / contributor:
Marc Zaffran / Martin Winckler.

Blog hosted by Dr. Marc Zaffran / Martin Winckler (
Dr. Marc Zaffran was trained in France (Thesis 1982, Faculty of Medicine of Tours). He practiced general medicine in a rural practice (Joué L'Abbé, Sarthe) between 1983 and 1993 and at the planning / IVG center of CH du Mans (Sarthe) from 1983 to 2008. He has lived since 2009 in Montreal.
He was visiting researcher at the CRE (former CREUM) at the Université de Montréal between 2009 and 2012; writer-in-residence at the Department of French at the University of Ottawa (2012); writer-in-residence, Department of Letters, McGill University, Montreal (2013-2014).
He holds a Master's degree in Bioethics (Bioethics Programs from the Université de Montréal, 2012-2015).
He collaborates in the "Medicine and Humanities" program at the Faculty of Medicine of Ottawa (Dir: Dr. Jean Roy) and runs an annual writing workshop at McGill University in Montreal (Dir: Pr George Weisz).
He is also a writer under the pseudonym Martin Winckler and animates another blog, literary that one, entitled "Cavalier of the keys".
His medical information site is ""
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.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2018, 08:41:27 AM »

It stinks.

For the usual suspects. Your gotta work.

Ninth Circuit Affirms Jury Verdict In Favor of Homeopathic Remedy for Flu-Like Symptoms
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

On November 8, 2018, the Ninth Circuit affirmed a jury verdict in a consumer class action deceptive advertising case in favor of Defendants Boiron Inc. and Boiron USA, Inc. (together, “Boiron”), the sellers of a homeopathic treatment for flu-like symptoms called Oscillococcinum (“Oscillo”).  Although the Ninth Circuit’s memorandum decision is marked “Not for Publication” and therefore is non-precedential under Ninth Circuit rules, the decision is still worth noting, as jury verdicts in class action false advertising cases are rare.

According to the appellate briefs, Oscillo’s active ingredient is a compound (extracted from the heart and liver of the Muscovy duck for those foodies in our readership) that is subjected to a homeopathic dilution process.  The diluted compound is then sprayed onto specially-manufactured granules.  Plaintiff argued that, due to the homeopathic dilution process, Oscillo was essentially “water sprayed on sugar,” which could not provide the relief from flu-like symptoms that Boiron advertised.  Plaintiff claimed that Boiron had therefore violated two California deceptive advertising statutes, the Unfair Competition Law (“UCL”) and Consumers Legal Remedies Act (“CLRA”).

At the conclusion of a one-week trial in the Central District of California, the jury found in Boiron’s favor that its representations that Oscillo relieves flu-like symptoms were not false.  On appeal, the Ninth Circuit affirmed, finding that the jury verdict did not constitute plain error because Boiron presented sufficient evidence from which the jury could have concluded that Oscillo actually works against flu-like symptoms.  This was a “battle of the experts” for the jury, the court wrote, that could not be relitigated on appeal.  And the jury appeared to have believed Boiron’s expert, clinical studies, and anecdotal evidence more than it believed the plaintiff’s expert, according to the court.

The Ninth Circuit further noted that in explicitly finding that Boiron’s claim that Oscillo treated flu-like symptoms was not false, the jury must have implicitly rejected Plaintiff’s argument that Oscillo was merely a sugar pill or water sprayed on sugar.  Nor did Plaintiff offer a theory of how Boiron’s representations could be false if the product did indeed treat flu symptoms.

The case is Christopher Lewert v. Boiron Inc., et al., No. 17-56607 in the Ninth Circuit.

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  • Boltbender
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The fraud by Boiron continues
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2019, 08:16:51 PM »

In 2014 Boiron aggressively marketed its fraud "Oscillococcinum":

In February 2019, Boiron recklessly continues its fraud. This is a screenshot of the email on their web-site:

Do note this explicitly with "FLU SYMPTOMS" targeting advertising: "Oscillococcinum for Flu Symptoms".

Boiron USA is organized crime.

The text of the email:

Flu Activity is Rising!


CDC Reports Increase in Flu Activity

Oscillococcinum for Flu Symptoms

Elevated levels of flu  are being reported [] across the country. If you don’t want flu symptoms to slow down your staff or patients, keep Oscillococcinum on hand.  Clinical studies
show that Oscillococcinum helps reduce both the severity and duration of flu-like symptoms, such as body aches, headache, fever, chills and fatigue.*

As a health care professional, you can purchase Oscillo at a professional price.

Please contact the Boiron medical team with questions regarding this material, or to purchase our medicines at a professional price. You can also visit
to  request samples and coupons [[NO SPYING ALLOWED HERE, YOU DIRTY FRAUDS!]
for your office.

Benefits of Oscillococcinum

Oscillococcinum Testimonial

Oscillococcinum is recommended by Ken Redcross, MD, board-certified physician and founder of the personalized medical practice Redcross Concierge.

Watch Now [ ]          For more information:              Request Samples [[NO SPYING ALLOWED HERE, YOU DIRTY FRAUDS!]

Order Online [ ]

Contact the Boiron medical team at 1-888-264-7668

*. Papp R., et al. “Oscillococcinum in patients with influenza-like syndromes: a placebo-controlled double blind evaluation.” British Homeopathy Journal April 1998, Vol. 87, 69–76.

* Ferley JP. et al. “A controlled evaluation of a homeopathic preparation in the treatment of influenza-like syndromes.” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1989, 27: 328–335.


6 Campus Blvd

Newtown Square, PA 19073

1-888-264-7668   You are receiving this e-mail because you asked for more information about Boiron products at our booth at the medical show.            Tweet[NO SPYING ALLOWED HERE, YOU DIRTY FRAUDS!]
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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2019, 07:22:29 PM »

Boiron does it again. One more case of severe medical fraud. The "doctor" is a fake

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Webinar: Treat Anxiety with Homeopathy
Date: 2019-06-10 18:01
From: "Boiron USA" <>

Save the date!


A Homeopathic Approach to Treating Anxiety for Primary Care Physicians

We are excited to announce our new webinar series for Health Care Professionals. We hope you will join us for this first exciting webinar of the series.

Date: June 26, 2019

Time: 8 p.m. (ET)

Host: Dr. Payam Hakimi


Who is Dr. Payam Hakimi?

A board-certified family physician, Payam Hakimi, D.O., has had diverse medical training and has combined his knowledge of medicine with specialized alternative medical modalities to create an integrative and comprehensive medical practice. He is currently the medical director of Body of Harmony in Beverly Hills, CA.

What will he talk about?Anxiety disorder and anxious state, the most common type of emotional disorders, are under-recognized and under-treated. The most common medications to treat these medical conditions are highly addictive. As physicians, we have already experienced the challenges associated with habit-forming drugs like opioids. It is imperative for health care professionals to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of anxiety and be able to apply effective treatments that have no potential for addiction and are free of side effects.      Reserve Your Spot [[NO SPYING ALLOWED HERE, YOU DIRTY FRAUDS!]]                        BOIRON USA

4 Campus Blvd

Newtown Square, PA 19073   You are receiving this email because you asked for more information about Boiron products at our booth at a medical show, or you signed up for our e-newsletter on our website.            Tweet[NO SPYING ALLOWED HERE, YOU DIRTY FRAUDS!]       Share   [[NO SPYING ALLOWED HERE, YOU DIRTY FRAUDS!]       Forward[NO SPYING ALLOWED HERE, YOU DIRTY FRAUDS!]             Preferences[NO SPYING ALLOWED HERE, YOU DIRTY FRAUDS!]  |   Unsubscribe[NO SPYING ALLOWED HERE, YOU DIRTY FRAUDS!]

This is the fake "doctor" Payam Hakimi:

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Scope of Practice
- Dr. Payam Hakimi

“Our lives are changing very fast and we need doctors who are considerate of this phenomenon and are acquiring new knowledge for understanding the human body thoroughly.

Medical schools only serve as an introduction to medical information and further information and expertise are needed if, as physicians, we are expected to apprehend the complexities of our patient physiology, psyche, and physic.”

Welcome to the portal to our unique practice. We are happy to have the opportunity to be a part of your journey towards health and well-being. We appreciate your interest in our services and are excited to work with you.

Our mission is to listen to your health concerns, evaluate you properly, and design a specific plan for you to remove ailments, stimulate health, and optimize your vitality.

We strive to create a positive and beneficial experience for our clients by providing a close doctor-patient relationship. Our treatment plans support, stimulate, and aid internal body faculties in order to maintain wellness, as well as decrease trauma, stress, and aging through integrating Western Medical practices and Alternative Medical modalities.
Scope of Practice:

“At Body of Harmony your health is our profession and our passion.” I have always been in awe of the intricate processes of human physiology, biochemistry and anatomy. There really is a force behind all the detailed operations which happen in our body without our knowledge. Starting from the DNA level to the mitochondrial, the cell, each organ, each system, and its ability to sustain itself as we move around and perform as we go through our lives.

We look beyond your cholesterol number, blood pressure, and regular medical parameters. You need a good night’s sleep, energy, motivation, focus, libido, a good diet and exercise, and a happy and content mood to function optimally. Beyond that, you also need to conserve your energy, heal quickly, eliminate and detoxify properly, increase your immunity and decrease inflammation.

At your consultation we evaluate your entire medical workup, including your integrative and alternative workups, supplements, medication, and more. Based on your health needs we do genetic, toxic and infectious loads, inflammatory processes, hormones, and structural evaluation. A plan is then created specifically for your needs with physiologic optimization through supplements, IV nutrition, and Homeopathic medication, structural integrity by Osteopathic Manipulation and Stem Cell Therapy.

“The body is physical, structural, physiological, emotional, psychological, electro-chemical and spiritual. The future of medicine is about understanding this and getting back to looking inside the person, rather than only at their disease process.”

- Dr. Hakimi

Dr. Hakimi has acquired a unique approach to patient care through his experience. He is a board-certified family physician who combines the general knowledge of medicine with other specialized modalities in order to offer effective and complete care, with the least amount of side effects. Dr. Hakimi’s philosophy at its core centers on the natural healing process of a living organism. He believes healing is a process by which energetic, hormono-chemical, structural, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects line up to produce change.

Dr. Hakimi is one of the few physicians who practice Osteopathic Manual Therapy and Cranial Therapy for the treatment of structural abnormalities. Headaches & migraines, reoccuring sinus & ear infections, thoracic outlet syndrome, frozen shoulder syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, sciatica, and joint pains are part of the ailments treated by manual therapy.
Body of Harmony

Healing is a process by which energetic, hormono-chemical, structural, physical, emotional-mental, and spiritual aspects line up to produce balance and harmony.
420 South Beverly Drive, Suite 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone: (310) 285-9914

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    Osteopathy & Cranial Osteopathy

Dr. Payam Hakimi, D.O. A.B.F.P., is a doctor of osteopathy, homeopathy, and board certified family physician. Body of Harmony Institute of Health offers osteopathic treatments, clinic homeopathy, IV nutrition therapy, and comprehensive holistic medical care in the Beverly Hills and greater Los Angeles area including Hollywood, and West hollywood.
© 2018 All Rights Reserved - Body of Harmony. Powered by: Mad Mind Studios
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The FDA should smash this fraud to pieces:

At your consultation we evaluate your entire medical workup, including your integrative and alternative workups, supplements, medication, and more. Based on your health needs we do genetic, toxic and infectious loads, inflammatory processes, hormones, and structural evaluation. A plan is then created specifically for your needs with physiologic optimization through supplements, IV nutrition, and Homeopathic medication, structural integrity by Osteopathic Manipulation and Stem Cell Therapy.

[Type x-ed. Julian]
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 08:53:52 PM by Julian »
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2019, 07:28:06 PM »

Hakimi, dieser Hochstapler, erdreistet sich zu einer Karawane von "Erfolgen":

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Dr. Payam Hakimi
Home » Dr. Payam Hakimi
Dr. Payam Hakimi

D.O., A.B.F.P.

A Board Certified Family Physician, Dr. Payam Hakimi has had diverse medical training and has combined his knowledge of medicine with specialized alternative medical modalities to create an integrative and comprehensive medical practice. He is currently the medical director of Body of Harmony in Beverly Hills, CA.

Coming from a lineage of physicians, pharmacists, and natural therapists, and fascinated by the complexity of the human physiology Dr. Hakimi chose to attend medical school. His favorite hobby during this time was to read about other philosophies regarding the existence of human being. By the time he received his Doctor of Osteopathy degree he had also gained knowledge in Psychology, Nutrition, Supplements, Martial Arts, and Energy Medicine. He has applied his knowledge towards self improvement group meetings for many years, which led him to have his own television programs at 3 different stations.

While finishing his residency at USC with the Department of Family Medicine, he was elected Chief Resident and Assistant Clinical Professor at the USC Keck School of Medicine. “To learn something thoroughly you need to be able to teach it perfectly” Dr. Hakimi says. He is a key instructor for teaching medical students, residents, physicians, nurses, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and the public, the art and science of integrative medicine.

Dr. Hakimi is one of the few DOs who practice & teach Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy. He is known as “The Best Osteopath in Town”. The age range that Osteopathy treats expands from a new born to a 100 year old patient. For certain patients he combines Bone Marrow Aspirate and Stem Cell Therapy, which may help with rebuilding some of the lost supporting structures.

Current & Former Positions

    Medical Director, Body of Harmony Institute of Health & Healing
    Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences
    Teaching Faculty, Center for Education and Development of Homeopathy
    Medical Director, Advanced Med Academy
    Medical Director, American College of Integrative and Functional Medicine
    Adjunct Assistant Professor of OMM and Family Medicine, Touro University
    Teaching Faculty, Lionheart Institute of Transpersonal Energy Healing
    Contributing Columnist, Perreault Magazine Educational achievements include:
    Undergraduate work at UCLA with a double degree program in Biology and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
    Medical school at Touro University (TUCOM)
    Doctor of Osteopathy degree from Western University of Health Sciences (WUHS/COMP)
    Residency at LAC+USC with the Department of Family Medicine
    Chief Resident for the department of family medicine residency program at USC
    Assistant Clinical Professor at USC Keck School of Medicine
    Diplomate of the American Board of Family Physicians
    Diploma in Clinical Homeopathy, Center for Education and Development of Clinical Homeopathy
    Certificate in Fundamental and Clinical Applications of IV Nutrient Therapy, A4M, & International IV Nutrition Therapy
    Certificate in PRP, Bone Marrow and Adipose Tissue, Harvesting and Processing Stem Cells from International Society for Stem Cell Application

Awards and memberships include:

    Member, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
    Member, American Academy of Family Physicians
    Member, The Cranial Academy
    Member, Osteopathic Medical Board of California
    Member, American Osteopathic Association
    Member, Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of California

Clinical / Practice experience includes:

    Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Geriatrics
    Osteopathic Manipulative Modality & Cranial Osteopathy
    Clinical Homeopathy
    IntraVenous Micronutrient Nutrition Therapy
    Stem Cell, Bone Marrow Aspiration Harvesting and Application
    Functional & Integrative Medicine
    Individual and group counseling / teaching programs
    Lecturer, Writer, Columnist, Media Correspondent

Body of Harmony

Healing is a process by which energetic, hormono-chemical, structural, physical, emotional-mental, and spiritual aspects line up to produce balance and harmony.
420 South Beverly Drive, Suite 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone: (310) 285-9914

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    Integrative Medicine
    Functional Medicine
    Preventive Medicine
    Anti-Aging Medicine
    Regenerative Medicine
    Hormone Restoration
    IV Nutrition Therapy
    Osteopathy & Cranial Osteopathy

Dr. Payam Hakimi, D.O. A.B.F.P., is a doctor of osteopathy, homeopathy, and board certified family physician. Body of Harmony Institute of Health offers osteopathic treatments, clinic homeopathy, IV nutrition therapy, and comprehensive holistic medical care in the Beverly Hills and greater Los Angeles area including Hollywood, and West hollywood.
© 2018 All Rights Reserved - Body of Harmony. Powered by: Mad Mind Studios

.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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  • Boltbender
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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2019, 08:32:13 PM »

I wonder who certified that scoundrel Payam Hakimi.

Neither  nor the "American Board of Family Medicine" have him listed.

"Medical Board of California":

"DCA License Search
Welcome to the Department of Consumer Affairs license search. You may use this web page to look up a company or individual who has a license issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs for the professions listed."

Not found!

Your search did not return any results.

American Board of Family Medicine

Find a Physician Directory

To find a family doctor in your area, you may use the search fields below.

Family medicine is the medical specialty which provides continuing, comprehensive health care for the individual and family. It is a specialty in breadth that integrates the biological, clinical, and behavioral sciences. The scope of family medicine encompasses all ages, both sexes, each organ system, and every disease entity.

Search for a board-certified family doctor using the fields below. The online directory uses the city and state provided by each physician as a mailing address and is not necessarily the physician's city and state of practice.

When you or a family member needs health care or medical treatment, you want a highly qualified doctor dedicated to providing outstanding care. When you choose a family doctor who is Board-Certified, you can be confident he or she meets nationally recognized standards for education, knowledge, experience, and skills to provide high-quality care in a specific medical specialty. Board Certification goes above and beyond basic medical licensure.

Board certification is a meaningful indicator that a doctor has the knowledge, experience, and skills necessary to provide high-quality patient care. Although board certification is voluntary, ABFM certification is recognized throughout the world as signifying excellence in the practice of Family Medicine.

Board-certified family doctors have demonstrated their ability and are committed to lifelong learning, which is necessary to provide the high-quality care that every patient deserves.

For additional information about the specialty of Family Medicine and Board Certification, click here.

PLEASE NOTE: This search program is not intended for verification purposes. To verify the status of a Diplomate, please use our online Verification system which will require a DOB and last four digits of the physician's social security number.

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The ABFM is a member of the American Board of Medical Specialties
Copyright © 2019 American Board of Family Medicine, Inc.
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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2019, 08:51:51 PM »

There is a trap door: The impostor organisation  "Osteopathic Medical Board of California" has him listed: as "License Type: Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon 20A".

Say, why don't we have a "Witchcraft Medical Board of America"? Anyone with a black witch hat can get a certification there.

Osteopathic Medical Board of California
Licensing details for: 9236


License Type: Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon 20A

Primary Status: License Renewed & Current Primary Status Definition

Address of Record

420 S Beverly Dr Ste 201


Issuance Date

June 14, 2005

Expiration Date

June 30, 2020

Current Date / Time

June 10, 2019
5:31:16 PM
Public Record Actions
Survey Information

The following information is self-reported by the licensee and has not been verified by the Board.
Are you retired?
Activities in Medicine
Teaching - 10-19 Hours
Research - 20-29 Hours
Administration - 10-19 Hours
Telemedicine - 1-9 Hours
Patient Care - 20-29 Hours
Patient Care Practice Location
Zip - 90212
Patient Care Secondary Practice Location
Not identified
Telemedicine Practice Location
Not identified
Telemedicine Secondary Practice Location
Not identified
Current Training Status
Not in Training
Areas of Practice
Other - Not Listed - Secondary
Family Medicine - Primary
Board Certifications
AOA Board Certifications
No board certifications identified
Postgraduate Training Years
3 Years
Cultural Background
Declined to Disclose
Foreign Language Proficiency
Declined to Disclose
Department of Consumer Affairs

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Indication-related claims by Boiron are fake. Jail the bastards!
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2019, 01:05:49 PM »

Subject: Travel plans? Don’t forget these products!
Date: 2019-06-20 11:56
From: "Boiron USA" {}

Homeopathic Products for Summer!

No Images?  Click here[NO_SPYING_BY_BOIRON_ALLOWED!]

Soothe Summer Skin with Calendula

Summer is in full effect and that means time grilling, swimming, hiking, and a whole host of other outdoor pastimes. These activities can take a toll on skin from minor cooking burns, everyday cuts and scrapes, and insect bites. Boiron Calendula Cream can help promote the healing of these kind of skin irritations. *
This plant-based first aid topical is made from the homeopathic preparation of Calendula flowers, a type of marigold whose healing properties are attributed to the presence of essential oils, saponins, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Soothe your skin the natural way this summer with Boiron Calendula, also available in ointment and gel formulations.

Learn More About Calendula

Personalized Jet Lag Relief

Whether you’re flying to a tropical getaway or traveling for work, you don’t want that sluggish feeling to interfere with your trip. Boiron offers you and your patients a solution with our Jet Lag Relief Care Pack. It contains three separate medicines that relieve travel-related conditions like nausea, stiffness, and drowsiness and digestion problems. *
Packaged in multidose tubes, they’re the perfect size for your carry-on.

Learn More about Jet Lag Relief

Webinar: A Homeopathic Approach to Treating Anxiety for Primary Care Physicians

Register for the upcoming webinar hosted by board-certified family physician, Dr. Payam Hakimi, D.O.

Date: June 26, 2019

Time: 8 p.m. (ET)


Homeopathic Essentials for Travel


Nausea aggravated by motion, improved by fresh air *

Travel sickness in planes, especially during downward acceleration *

Motion sickness from boating, improved by eating or by heat *

Cocculus indicus
Motion sickness with a need to lie down, sleep pattern disturbances associated with jet lag, dizziness, and nausea *

Nux vomica
Motion sickness in the passenger seat, drowsiness, and sleep disturbances *

Arnica montana 30C
Muscle pain and stiffness, associated with jet lag *

Watch Now

Boiron Education Center for Health Care Professionals

Utilize educational resources on homeopathy by registering for the Boiron HCP Education Center. Access the archive of health care webinars to learn about homeopathy, allergies, cold season, and more!

Learn More About Upcoming Trainings

Quick Links

Request Samples



Integrate homeopathy into your daily practice with clinical courses from the CEDH. Learn more by visiting the  CEDH website [].

* Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

Boiron USA

4 Campus Boulevard

Newtown Square, PA 19073


You're receiving this because you requested more information on Boiron homeopathic medicines at a medical show, or you subscribed from our website.





All the indication-related claims by Boiron are fake.

Boiron is a fraud.

"Boiron Calendula Cream can help promote the healing of these kind of skin irritations. *"

"Personalized Jet Lag Relief
Jet Lag Relief Care Pack.
It contains three separate medicines that relieve travel-related conditions like nausea, stiffness, and drowsiness and digestion problems. *"

Nausea aggravated by motion, improved by fresh air *"

Travel sickness in planes, especially during downward acceleration *"

Motion sickness from boating, improved by eating or by heat *"

"Cocculus indicus
Motion sickness with a need to lie down, sleep pattern disturbances associated with jet lag, dizziness, and nausea *"

"* Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated."

Boiron is a case for the courts. Jail the bastards!

Joette Calabrese is a fraud. She is a threat to mankind.
This is what she says about Ebola:

"As a preventative if an outbreak happens nearby,  Crotalus horridus 30C, one dose daily, until the threat is out of the area is the method many homeopaths familiar with this disease suggest."

Screenshot of the email by Boiron:

« Last Edit: June 20, 2019, 01:46:16 PM by Thymian »
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2019, 10:05:37 AM »

Boiron lies like hell:

"Dr. Nuño will discuss the homeopathic approach to the most common and costly neuromusculoskeletal disorders in the United States, specifically:

* mechanical neck and back pain;
* arthritis;
* degenerative joint disease;
* scoliosis;
* bone demineralization; and
* sprains and strains.

At the end of this talk, you will be able to immediately and effectively treat the most common neuromusculoskeletal conditions in your office with homeopathy."

Lies, lies, lies.

All the indication-related claims by Boiron are lies. Boiron is a fraud.

Boiron is a case for the courts. Jail the bastards!

Screenshot of the email from Boiron:

Subject: Webinar: Treating Musculoskeletal Disorders
Date: 2019-07-05 09:00
From: "Boiron USA" <>

Reserve your spot!

No Images?  Click here[NO_SPYING_BY_BOIRON_ALLOWED!]

Clinical Homeopathy for Common Musculoskeletal Conditions

We are excited to announce the second webinar in our series for Health Care Professionals. Please join us to learn about using homeopathy for treatment of musculoskelatal conditions.

Date: July 25, 2019

Time: 8 p.m. (ET)

Host: Dr. Victor Nuño

Register Now [[NO_SPYING_BY_BOIRON_ALLOWED!]]                About Dr. Victor Nuño:

Victor Nuño, D.O. has dual board certification in Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal and Integrative Medicine. He is an associate professor at Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in California and owner/physician at Seek Optimal Health, P.C. in Vallejo, CA. Through his diverse training, Dr. Nuño utilizes various holistic tools to help stimulate inherent healing and optimize health for his patients.

About The Webinar:

Dr. Nuño will discuss the homeopathic approach to the most common and costly neuromusculoskeletal disorders in the United States, specifically: mechanical neck and back pain; arthritis; degenerative joint disease; scoliosis; bone demineralization; and sprains and strains. At the end of this talk, you will be able to immediately and effectively treat the most common neuromusculoskeletal conditions in your office with homeopathy.

Boiron Education Center for Health Care Professionals

Boiron's archive of webinars is located in the Boiron Education Center for Health Care Professionals. Register now to access the archive and to learn about upcoming webinars.

Access the Archive []                              BOIRON USA

4 Campus Blvd.

Newtown Square, PA 19073   

You are receiving this email because you asked for more information about Boiron products at our booth at a medical show, or you signed up for our e-newsletter on our website.






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  • Boltbender
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Boiron makes fraudulent health claims about ulcers
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2019, 12:16:09 PM »

Homeopathy is not able to treat anything! But Boiron makes untrue claims. In this case: about mouth ulcers.

Plain text:[nope!]

Save the date!

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Mouth Ulcers Part 1: Herpetic Lesions

The next webinar in our series for Health Care Professionals is coming up. Please join us and learn about mouth ulcers, specifically herpetic lesions, and using homeopathy for treatment of them.

Date: September 25, 2019
Time: 8 p.m. (ET)
Host: Dr. Diana Bronstein
Register Now
About Dr. Diana Bronstein

Diana Bronstein, D.D.S., is an associate professor and the associate predoctoral program director in the periodontology department at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) College of Dental Medicine. She is a licensed dentist in the U.S. and Europe and is double boarded as a Diplomate of the American Academy of Periodontology and a Diplomate and Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantology. Dr. Bronstein has a diploma in Clinical Homeopathy from the CEDH and has an extensive presentation and authoring background.
Reserve Your Spot

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4 Campus Blvd.
Newtown Square, PA 19073

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« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 05:12:42 AM by Ayumi »

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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2019, 11:17:50 AM »

Marke: 64.000
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

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ENDLICH: Boiron stürzt ab!
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2020, 01:37:31 PM »

Die Bruchlandung ist erfreulich. Lügen und Betrügen ist eben kein Geschäft, sondern Lügen und Betrügen. Kranke zu belügen und betrügen IST kein Geschäft, sondern ein ganz besonders niederträchtiges und verachtenswertes Verbrechen!

Homéopathie : les ventes de Boiron chutent dans un contexte de déremboursement
Par avec AFP , publié le 24/01/2020 à 12:35
Dans l'usine des laboratoires Boiron, à Messimy près de Lyon, le 5 février 2019

Dans l'usine des laboratoires Boiron, à Messimy près de Lyon, le 5 février 2019 LAFABREGUE
Le leader de l'homéopathie est victime d'un "contexte de fort dénigrement de l'homéopathie" après la décision du gouvernement d'un déremboursement total en 2021.

La dégringolade continue pour le groupe Boiron. Le spécialiste des médicaments homéopathiques a enregistré en 2019 des ventes en nette baisse (-7,8%), plombées en particulier par un recul de la France "dans un contexte de fort dénigrement de l'homéopathie", selon le groupe. Au total, Boiron publie ainsi un chiffre d'affaires de 557 millions d'euros.

Les ventes en France, qui pèsent près de 60% du chiffre d'affaires du laboratoire, ont quant à elles diminué de 12,6% l'an dernier, dans un contexte "d'annonce par le gouvernement de son déremboursement progressif", souligne Boiron. Remboursés jusqu'alors à 30%, les produits homéopathiques pris en charge par la Sécurité sociale ne le sont plus qu'à 15% depuis le 1er janvier, avant un déremboursement total en 2021.
Déterminé à se battre pour le remboursement de l'homéopathie

Cette décision avait été annoncée le 9 juillet par le ministère de la Santé, au terme d'une longue polémique sur l'efficacité de l'homéopathie. À l'époque, Boiron avait affirmé qu'un déremboursement de l'homéopathie menacerait 1000 emplois sur ses 2500 en France.

Lire notre dossier complet

    Le débat sur le déremboursement de l'homéopathie

    Homéopathie : le taux de remboursement baisse mercredi, avant de tomber à zéro dans un an
    Déremboursement de l'homéopathie : Boiron et Lehning saisissent le Conseil d'État
    Le groupe Boiron attribue des mauvais résultats au "dénigrement de l'homéopathie"

Le groupe, qui doit publier ses résultats annuels financiers le 11 mars, a confirmé jeudi s'attendre à une baisse de sa rentabilité en 2019. Il s'est dit déterminé à poursuivre ses actions pour obtenir le maintien du remboursement des médicaments homéopathiques par la Sécurité sociale.
[*quote*] übersetzt:

Homeopathy: Boiron's sales drop in a context of delisting
By with AFP , published on 24/01/2020 at 12:35 pm
In the Boiron laboratories factory, in Messimy near Lyon, on February 5, 2019.

At the Boiron laboratories plant in Messimy near Lyon, France, February 5, 2019. LAFABREGUE
The leader of homeopathy is the victim of a "context of strong denigration of homeopathy" after the government's decision for a total deregistration in 2021.

The downfall continues for the Boiron group. In 2019, the specialist in homeopathic medicines recorded a sharp drop in sales (-7.8%), particularly due to a decline in France "in a context of strong denigration of homeopathy", according to the group. In total, Boiron thus reports sales of €557 million.

Sales in France, which account for nearly 60% of the laboratory's turnover, fell by 12.6% last year, in a context of "the government's announcement of its gradual delisting," Boiron points out. Previously reimbursed at 30%, homeopathic products reimbursed by Social Security have only been reimbursed at 15% since January 1, before a total delisting in 2021.

Determined to fight for the reimbursement of homeopathy

This decision was announced on July 9 by the Ministry of Health, after a long controversy on the effectiveness of homeopathy. At the time, Boiron stated that a delisting of homeopathy would threaten 1,000 of the 2,500 jobs in France.

Read our complete dossier

The Debate on the Delisting of Homeopathy

    Homeopathy: reimbursement rate drops on Wednesday, before falling to zero in a year's time
    Homeopathy's delisting: Boiron and Lehning refer the matter to the Council of State
    The Boiron group attributes poor results to "denigration of homeopathy"...

The group, which is due to publish its annual financial results on 11 March, confirmed on Thursday that it expects its profitability to decline in 2019. It said it was determined to continue its actions to obtain continued reimbursement of homeopathic medicines by the French social security system.

Translated with (free version)

Mal wieder ein schöner Tag. Und das mitten im europäischen Neuwinter. :P

Hier geht es weiter, naturellement en langue française!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2020, 01:42:26 PM by RUEBENKRAUT »


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Boiron AGAIN selling their shit "Oscillococcinum" with lies, lies, lies
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2020, 08:48:31 PM »[Piss off, Boiron! We do not allow your espionage!]

Oscillococcinum For Flu Symptoms

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Increased Levels of Flu Activity Reported in the U.S.
Map of Flu Activity Across the Country
Oscillococcinum® for Flu Symptoms

Elevated levels of flu are being reported across the country. If you don’t want flu symptoms to slow down your staff or patients, keep Oscillococcinum on hand. Clinical studies show that Oscillococcinum helps reduce both the severity and duration of flu-like symptoms, such as body aches, headache, fever, chills and fatigue.*

As a health care professional, you can purchase Oscillo at a professional price.

Please contact the Boiron medical team with questions regarding this material, or to purchase our medicines at a professional price. You can also visit to request samples and coupons for your office.
Benefits of Oscillococcinum
For more information:
Request Samples
Order Online

Contact the Boiron medical team at 1-888-264-7668
Signs and Symptoms of the Flu
Tips for Beating the Flu
Doctors Recommend Oscillo

Oscillococcinum is recommended by Ken Redcross, MD, board-certified physician and founder of the personalized medical practice Redcross Concierge.
Watch Now

*. Papp R., et al. “Oscillococcinum in patients with influenza-like syndromes: a placebo-controlled double blind evaluation.” British Homeopathy Journal April 1998, Vol. 87, 69–76.

* Ferley JP. et al. “A controlled evaluation of a homeopathic preparation in the treatment of influenza-like syndromes.” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1989, 27: 328–335.
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Sugar, sold for 3598,33 US-Dollars per kilogram.  Homeopathy is fraud.

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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2020, 05:18:00 PM »

Homeopathic fraud as "treatment" in concussion cases? Heidi Weinhold is no medical doctor. She is shit, nothing but shit. A prison cell is much too good for her.[BOIRON IS ORGANIZED CRIME!]

Save the date!

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Homeopathic Treatments For Post-Concussive Syndrome

Date: February 26, 2020
Time: 8 p.m. (ET)
Host: Dr. Heidi Weinhold
Register Now
About Dr. Heidi Weinhold

Dr. Heidi Weinhold completed a four-year doctoral program in Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. She has a private practice in Pennsylvania and is an adjunct professor at Chatham University in Pittsburgh.

For the past 12 years, Dr. Weinhold has served as the legislative chair for the Pennsylvania Association of Naturopathic Medicine, working with legislators to promote legislation to license Naturopathic Doctors in Pennsylvania.
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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2020, 05:19:12 PM »

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Boiron, dieser Haufen größenwahnsinniger Betrüger, sitzt in der Scheiße. UND WIE!

Es fängt alles ganz harmlos an. Soweit man das Corona-Virus harmlos nennen kann. 60 Millionen Tote in der sehr nahen Zukunft, das ist keine Kleinigkeit. Aber Boiron hat schon ganz andere Massensterben finanziell ausgenutzt. Das Corona-Virus Covid-19 ist ein Corona-Virus, wie auch das Influenza-Virus eines ist. Und mit dem kann man als Homöopathie-Betrüger richtig Kasse machen. Boiron tut das mit seinem völlig wirkungslosen Scheißdreck Oscillococcinum. Der ganze Forumsthread handelt bisher hauptsächlich davon.

Wie gesagt: Es fängt harmlos an. Mit dem Corona-Virus. Es ist ist klar, daß dieses Virus zig Millionen Menschen umbringen wird. Das hindert die homöopathischen Vollidioten nicht daran, ihren jeweiligen Dreck als gegen dieses Virus wirksam darzustellen. Namen nenne ich jetzt nicht keine, sondern ich lasse diesen oder jenen erst einmal aus. Bis später...

Es fängt so harmlos an. Bis der der berüchtigte Hamburg-Ohlstedter Narrenkappenschreihals das Maul aufreißt:

HomoeopathieWatchBlog @Watchblog_H

First politician recommends #homeopathy as a possible strategy for prophylaxis against #coronavirus. The Congressman refers to a homeopathic remedy developed by @boironusa :


11:37 AM · Feb 29, 2020·TweetDeck

Er adressiert sein geisteskrankes Geschrei an (na wen schon!?) an Boiron!

Davon gibt es einen Screenshot:


Hier ist der wesentliche Teil des Threads eindeutig und unmißverständlich wiedergegeben:

Wie man eindeutig und unmißverständlich sehen kann, bekommt der Ohlstedter Suppenkasper eine Antwort. Von wem? VON BOIRON USA!

Boiron USA schreibt dem Suppenkasper bei Twitter diese Antwort:

Boiron USA @BoironUSA

Replying to @Watchblog_H

We do not recommend that our products be used for treatment or prevention of Coronavirus symptoms. We urge you to follow the advice of government officials and health care providers during a health crisis such as this.

Boiron writes:

"We do not recommend that our products be used for treatment or prevention of Coronavirus symptoms. We urge you to follow the advice of government officials and health care providers during a health crisis such as this."

Das ist richtig übel. Betrug ist es! Verrat ist es! Boiron tritt die Homöopathie mit Füßen. Hahnemann würde auf der Stelle aus dem Grab auferstehen und Boiron in Schutt und Asche legen. Wenn er könnte.

Aber es kommt alles ganz anders. Und noch viel, viel schlimmer!

Boiron begeht Harakiri!

Jetzt sieht bei Twitter der Thread so aus:



HomoeopathieWatchBlog @Watchblog_H

First politician recommends #homeopathy as a possible strategy for prophylaxis against #coronavirus. The Congressman refers to a homeopathic remedy developed by @boironusa

11:37 AM · Feb 29, 2020·TweetDeck


La Tronche en Biais @TroncheBiais
Replying to @BoironUSA and @Watchblog_H

Exactly !
Always prefer medicine that actually works.


1 more reply


Il Barbaro Fanciullo @AbdulAlhazared

Replying to @Watchblog_H and @BoironUSA

Did they remove the original tweet? Well no problem!

Die Antwort von Boiron USA an den Ohlstedter Homöopathieschreihals ist weg. Gelöscht.

Wer tut denn so etwas!?

Jemand, der nicht bei Verstand ist. Jemand, der wirklich und wahrhaftig die Warnung, Boirons homöopathischen Scheißdreck nicht gegen das Corona-Virus zu nehmen, einfach löscht. Jemand von Boiron USA, ganz offiziell.

Boiron steckt in der Scheiße, bis über die Ohren.

Erster Teil: Boiron warnt davor, Boirons Homöopathiedreck gegen das Corona-Virus zu nehmen. Das ist das totale Desaster. Das ist Gotteslästerung. Das ist das Ende von Boirons Homöopathie.

Zweiter Teil: Boiron löscht die Warnung. Damit ist Boiron automatisch mitschuld an all den Schäden und Todesfällen, die kommen, weil die Leute, ahnungslos, wie sie nun mal sind, nicht wissen, daß Homöopathie ein Scheißdreck ist, und daß die Reklame von Boiron, die Boiron-Homöopathiemittel würden gegen "flu-like symptoms" wirken (also auch gegen die des Corona-Virus!), eine skrupellose und tödliche Lüge ist.

Die Justiz sollte den Laden auseinander nehmen und bis auf die Grundmauern abtragen.

Das Maß ist voll.

PS: Was den Hamburg-Ohlstedter Wahnwichtel angeht: Homöopathie verursacht Hirnschäden.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 04:05:29 PM by Ayumi »

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Frederic BIANCHI, wake up, please!
« Reply #37 on: March 03, 2020, 11:00:54 AM »

Good to know:

Contact to BFMTV:
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The chaps at BFMTV did not sleep well. They missed the fun of the end of the story.  8)

First, the story in the weird language "LA LANGUE FRANCAISE":

    BFMTV Economie Entreprises

Le laboratoire Boiron déconseille d'utiliser son homéopathie contre le coronavirus
02/03/2020 à 15h59
Boiron recule nettement mardi en Bourse
Boiron recule nettement mardi en Bourse - Boiron
Frédéric BIANCHI



Alors que certains gouvernements ainsi que des sites spécialisés dans l'homéopathie recommandent son utilisation pour lutter contre le covid-19, le laboratoire Boiron ne recommande pas l'utilisation... de ses propres produits.

"Nous ne recommandons pas que nos produits soient utilisés pour le traitement ou la prévention des symptômes du coronavirus." C'est avec ce message sur Twitter que la laboratoire Boiron aux Etats-Unis a tenu à couper court aux rumeurs selon lesquelles la thérapie controversée aurait de quelconque résultat sur le virus Covid-19.

Le laboratoire français, numéro 1 mondial de l'homéopathie, semble ne pas vouloir être associé aux informations qui recommandent l'emploi de cet médecine alternative pour lutter contre le virus.

    "Nous vous exhortons à suivre les conseils des responsables gouvernementaux et des prestataires de soins de santé lors d'une crise sanitaire comme celle-ci", précise le laboratoire sur Twitter.

    We do not recommend that our products be used for treatment or prevention of Coronavirus symptoms. We urge you to follow the advice of government officials and health care providers during a health crisis such as this.
    — Boiron USA (@BoironUSA) March 1, 2020

Qualifiée de pseudo-science et décriée dans de nombreux pays, l'homéopathie devrait être totalement déremboursée en France d'ici l'année prochaine. Elle a cependant de nombreux adeptes ainsi que des sites d'informations qui en font la promotion. C'est le cas du site néerlandais Homoeopathiewatchblog qui recense notamment depuis le début de la crise du coronavirus les prises de position des autorités sanitaires et politique en faveur de son usage.

C'est d'ailleurs en réponse à un tweet de ce site selon lequel un député suisse a conseillé l'usage de l'Oscillococcinum de Boiron comme prophylaxie (médecine préventive) du coronavirus, que le laboratoire a souhaité prendre ses distances.
Twitter -
Si l'élu du Parlement suisse a depuis supprimé son tweet, certains pays continuent de conseiller l'usage de l'homéopathie en prévention contre le coronavirus. Sur le compte Twitter officiel de son bureau de presse, le gouvernement indien propose de faire appel à la médecine yunâni (médecine traditionnelle indienne) ainsi que l'homéopathie en prévention du coronavirus.

Le ministère indien de la santé détaille même dans un document officiel le nom des médicaments homéopathiques ainsi que les posologies conseillées pour prévenir l'infection.

Pour rappel, il n'existe pour l'heure aucun traitement antiviral officiel contre le Covid-19 ni même de vaccin dont les premiers tests devraient être effectués au mieux en avril en Chine pour une disponibilité possible dans six mois selon Sanofi. Par ailleurs aucune autorité sanitaire en Europe, pas plus que l'OMS ne recommande l'emploi de l'homéopathie comme prophylaxie contre le Covid-19.

Vous comprenez? Non? Then go on reading in a civilized language, well, actually, THE ONLY ONE: ENGLISH!

Translated with (free version)

BFMTV Economy Business

The Boiron laboratory advises against using homeopathy against coronavirus.
02/03/2020 at 3:59 pm
Boiron falls sharply on Tuesday in the stock market
Boiron declines sharply on Tuesday in the stock market - Boiron
Frédéric BIANCHI



While some governments and sites specializing in homeopathy recommend its use to combat covid-19, the Boiron laboratory does not recommend the use of its own products....

"We do not recommend that our products be used for the treatment or prevention of coronavirus symptoms." It was with this message on Twitter that the Boiron laboratory in the United States made a point of cutting off rumors that the controversial therapy would have any effect on the Covid-19 virus.

The French laboratory, world leader in homeopathy, seems not to want to be associated with the information recommending the use of this alternative medicine to fight the virus.

    "We urge you to follow the advice of government officials and health care providers during a health crisis like this one," the laboratory said on Twitter.

    We do not recommend that our products be used for treatment or prevention of Coronavirus symptoms. We urge you to follow the advice of government officials and health care providers during a health crisis such as this.
    - Boiron USA (@BoironUSA) March 1, 2020

Described as pseudo-science and decried in many countries, homeopathy should be completely delisted in France by next year. However, it has many followers as well as information sites that promote it. This is the case of the Dutch site Homoeopathiewatchblog, which, since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, has listed the positions taken by health and political authorities in favour of its use.

It is moreover in response to a tweet from this site according to which a Swiss MP advised the use of Boiron's Oscillococcinum as a prophylaxis (preventive medicine) for the coronavirus, that the laboratory wished to distance itself.
Twitter -
Although the Swiss parliamentarian has since deleted his tweet, some countries continue to recommend the use of homeopathy as a preventive measure against coronavirus. On the official Twitter account of its press office, the Indian government is proposing the use of Yunâni medicine (traditional Indian medicine) and homeopathy in the prevention of coronavirus.

The Indian Ministry of Health even details in an official document the names of the homeopathic medicines as well as the recommended dosages to prevent infection.

As a reminder, there is currently no official antiviral treatment against Covid-19 or even a vaccine, the first tests of which should be carried out in China in April at best, with possible availability in six months according to Sanofi. Furthermore, no health authority in Europe, nor the WHO recommends the use of homeopathy as a prophylaxis against Covid-19.

I checked it: "C'est le cas du site néerlandais Homoeopathiewatchblog". So the translation "Dutch site Homoeopathiewatchblog" is not "lost in translation", but "oublie dans les recherches". Oh, don't fuss about the accent signs. No good language uses accent signs!



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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #38 on: November 21, 2020, 02:38:26 AM »

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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #39 on: March 02, 2021, 09:00:23 PM »

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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2021, 03:20:59 AM »

Marke: 71.000

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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2021, 03:39:04 PM »

Marke: 72.000

Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami

Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. On those rare occasions when donations exceed American Red Cross expenses for a specific disaster, contributions are used to prepare for and serve victims of other disasters.


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Criminal advertising by Boiron in the Covid-19 pandemic
« Reply #42 on: January 26, 2022, 04:21:43 PM »

Criminal advertising by Boiron in the Covid-19 pandemic
26th. January, 2022

Subject: Be well & stay well with Oscillococcinum
Date: 2022-01-26 15:30
From: "Boiron USA" <>

Stay a step ahead with Boiron homeopathic medicines.

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Catch Colds and Flu Early and Fight Back Symptoms

With so much going on with the pandemic, it's easy to forget that we're also in the midst of an active cold and flu season. Many of the COVID mitigation efforts over the last year kept these viruses at bay, but they also reduced population immunity. So far, the eastern and central regions of the country are seeing the highest levels of flu activity now.

The season's peak is hard to predict, but you can count on Boiron to help you prepare. Remind your patients to keep these medicines on hand as a first course of treatment to nip symptoms in the bud.

Oscillococcinum reduces the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms, including body aches, headache, fever, chills, and fatigue.** Clinical studies found when Oscillococcinum was taken at the first sign of symptoms, nearly 63% of patients showed "clear improvement" or "complete resolution" within 48 hours. This #1 pharmacist recommended homeopathic medicine is ideal for adults and children 2 years and up.

Request Free Oscillococcinum Samples []

Unlike conventional medications that merely mask symptoms, ColdCalm Tablets address symptoms at every stage of the cold. These non-drowsy, meltaway tablets are easy to take at the first sign to relieve sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and minor sore throat pain in adults and children 3 years and up.*

SinusCalm is designed to relieve nasal congestion, sinus pain and pressure, and headache in adults and children 6 and up.* The non-drowsy formula is non-habit forming and won't interact with other medications, including those for colds and allergies, which are two of the main causes of sinus congestion.

There are nationwide shortages of cough, cold, and flu products this winter, but supplies of Boiron medicines are not affected. Place your order online or by phone.

Learn How To Order []

Single Medicines for Winter Illnesses

Aconitum napellus [] relieves high fever of sudden onset and dry skin*

Allium cepa [] relieves spasmodic sneezing and runny nose with an irritating, watery clear discharge*

Belladonna  []relieves high fever with sudden onset and sweating.*

Eupatorium perfoliatum [] relieves stiffness, body aches, and bone pain associated with flu and severe colds*

Pulsatilla  []relieves thick yellow nasal discharge that may be accompanied by the loss of smell and taste*

Kali bichromicum  []relieves thick, stringy, greenish nasal discharge from a cold.*

Order Now []

Webinar: Homeopathic Treatments for Flu and Flu-Like Syndromes

Although considered a respiratory disease, flu and influenza-like illnesses come with a multitude of symptoms that can affect the whole body. In this webinar, we will discuss the different homeopathic treatment options for these types of viral infections.

Register Now []

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

**These "Uses" have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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Newtown Square, PA 19073
« Last Edit: January 26, 2022, 04:23:48 PM by Rhokia »


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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #43 on: March 20, 2022, 11:02:59 PM »

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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #44 on: August 21, 2022, 11:29:14 PM »

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Re: Boiron flies the magic broom
« Reply #45 on: September 01, 2022, 09:42:23 PM »

Auch das noch: eine amerikanische Naturheiltusse namens Heidi Weinhold (deren obskure Titel zum Himmel stinken) macht für Boiron einen Vortrag über homöopathische Unterstützung bei Krebs.

Warum setzt die FDA diesem Parasitentum nicht endlich ein Ende? Krebskranken Homöopathie zu verkaufen ist das Allerletzte.[SPIONAGE_URL_VON_BOIRON]

Register today!
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Homeopathic Supportive Care in Oncology

Date: September 22, 2022
Time: 8 p.m. (ET)
Host: Dr. Heidi Weinhold

This webinar will discuss the advantages of integrating homeopathy into conventional oncology treatment plans for better side effect management. Because it is microdosed, homeopathic medicine offers a low-risk adjunct treatment that is also cost-effective. Heidi Weinhold, ND, will focus on how to safely incorporate homeopathy into peri-surgical protocols as well as review specific medicines to help reduce anxiety, skin irritations, nausea, fatigue, and pain.
Register Now
About Dr. Heidi Weinhold

Heidi Weinhold, ND, specializes in homeopathy, nutritional supplements, and customized botanicals. She holds a four-year degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) in Tempe, Arizona, where her studies included drug-herb interactions, homeopathic intakes, dialoguing with physicians, and incorporating natural modalities. In 2017, SCNM awarded her an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters.
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« Last Edit: September 02, 2022, 01:26:45 AM by Thymian »
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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