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WARNUNG VOR DEM SAMUELI-INSTITUT! Militärforschung an der Viadrina?

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Integrative Healthcare for the Military: A Samueli Institute/Department of Defense Partnership

Sita Ananth

Explore 8(4), 256-257 (July/August 2012)

(no abstract available)


"...the bottom line for the military is to identify safe and effective treatments that can be implemented on a widespread basis within the current military infrastructure. There is a pragmatism and openness that allows, in some cases, for using methods or treatments that will help get the 'mission accomplished' so long as they are not harmful to the patient. This includes modalities such as acupuncture, yoga, homeopathy, and mind–body techniques.

"This is where the Samueli Institute comes in. For the last decade, the Institute, a nonprofit research organization dedicated to exploring the science of healing, has been making the case, through rigorous research, for the military in integrative therapies. Founded by philanthropists Henry and Susan Samueli and led by Wayne Jonas, MD, a retired Army physician and former head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine, the Institute has conducted dozens of research projects ranging from acupuncture to mind body therapies to nutrition and wellness for the DoD. It began in 2001, when the DoD’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) asked the Institute to evaluate research done by Jacques Benveniste, a French immunologist, in which he asserted the ability of water to retain a 'memory' of substances previously dissolved in it to arbitrary dilution...
The Institute’s researchers were not able to demonstrate these biological effects, says Jonas, but what was more interesting about this project was the emergence of a 'social management' process for doing research in controversial areas, bringing together investigators who come in with biases on both sides of the issue."

"Col. Kevin T. Galloway, chief of staff and member of the PMTF, said that much of the push for integrative medicine services has come from soldiers and other military medicine beneficiaries who have had experiences with alternative care methods and vouch these methods do work in situations such as pain management...'(They) come to us saying, "This works for me. How can I get it?"'"

"Here are some examples of ongoing recent research projects.

Integrative Restoration (iRest®) for Military Healthcare Providers
This pilot study, developed and tailored for healthcare providers who treat and care for traumatically injured service members, was conducted to assess interest, feasibility, and logistics of an Integrative Restoration (iRest®) Yoga Nidra intervention—a research-based transformative practice of deep relaxation and meditative inquiry."

Optimizing Omega-3
...the Samueli Institute is analyzing the feasibility of modifying food sources to increase their omega-3 content. TheDoD is particularly interested in how increasing omega-3 fatty acids in the diet can improve brain function and resilience of soldiers."

Auricular Stimulation Procedure for Pain
The Institute has investigated whether a simple ear acupuncture procedure—used in conjunction with standard medical care—delivered to wounded Service Members during aeromedical evacuation, might help alleviate pain."

"Comparative Effectiveness Study to Evaluate Two Acupuncture Methods for the
Treatment of Headaches Associated with TBI [traumatic brain injury]
This ongoing study is attempting to understand the speed and extent of the impact of healing prompted by two acupuncture approaches—auricular acupuncture and traditional Chinese acupuncture compared with usual medical care for treatment of headaches and the comorbidities of war-related Trauma Stress response..."

"Alaine Duncan, LAc, the lead acupuncturist and codesigner of the TBI headache study, says soldiers truly value the opportunity to experience nondrug approaches to restoring their lives and health."

Stinkt hochgradig nach Scharlatanerie. Nachdem Harald Walach und Stefan Schmidt seit Jahren damit verwickelt sind,
siehe unter anderem http://transgallaxys.com/~kanzlerzwo/index.php?topic=6517.msg14753#msg14753
besteht die Gefahr, daß die beiden sich nach ihrer Pleite in der Viadrina dorthin absetzen?

Eine andere Frage, die sich natürlich erst recht stellt: Welche "Forschungsaufträge" sind denn bisher gelaufen? Was haben Walach und Schmidt für das Samueli-Institut getan? Welche Verbindungen bestehen zum amerikanischen Militär?

Die Hochschulkommission hat möglicherweise noch nicht mal erkannt, daß sie bisher nur die Schneeflocke auf dem Eisberg gesichtet hat...

Zitat aus dem Newsletter Consumer Health Digest #08-01:

Consumer Health Digest #08-01
January 1, 2008

Consumer Health Digest is a free weekly e-mail newsletter edited by
Stephen Barrett, M.D., and cosponsored by NCAHF and Quackwatch. It
summarizes scientific reports; legislative developments; enforcement
actions; news reports; Web site evaluations; recommended and
nonrecommended books; and other information relevant to consumer
protection and consumer decision-making.


Quackwatch and Dr. Barrett need your help.

If you haven't already done so, please read
http://www.ncahf.org/digest07/07-48.html and send a contribution to
support our work.


**Former U.S. Representative Berkeley Bedell persuaded Senator Tom
Harkin to shepherd bills that earmarked about $7 million to the
Samueli Institute for Information Biology, of which $200,000 was paid
to Bedell's National Foundation of Alternative Medicine. Bedell
suggested that the institute study the PAP-IMI, a quack device, until
an FDA investigation linked injuries and death to the device.
[PAP-IMI fan sought military study, Nov 19, 2007]
The institute's president and chief executive officer is Wayne Jonas,
M.D., former head of the NIH Office of Alternative Medicine
(precursor of today's National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine).


Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Board Chairman, Quackwatch, Inc.
Chatham Crossing, Suite 107/208
11312 U.S. 15 501 North
Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Telephone: (919) 533-6009

http://www.quackwatch.org (health fraud and quackery)
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http://www.autism-watch.org (guide to autism)
http://www.cancertreatmentwatch.org (under construction)
http://www.casewatch.org (legal archive)
http://www.chelationwatch.org (chelation therapy)
http://www.chirobase.org (guide to chiropractic)
http://www.credentialwatch.org (under construction)
http://www.dentalwatch.org (guide to dental care)
http://www.devicewatch.org (under construction)
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http://www.homeowatch.org (guide to homeopathy)
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http://www.mentalhealthwatch.org (under construction)
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http://www.naturowatch.org (naturopathy)
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http://www.ncahf.org (National Council Against Health Fraud)
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Editor, Consumer Health Digest

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Aus diesem Thread
kopiere ich ein Zitat über die berüchtigte Geistheiler-"Studie":


Home  /  Chemistry  /  Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry

Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies
Volume 13 Issue 4, Pages 286 - 287

Published Online: 26 Jan 2010

2009 Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

Distant healing study finds no benefit for chronic fatigue syndrome


Walach H Bosch H Lewith G Naumann J Schwarzer B Falk S Kohls N Haraldsson E Wiesendanger H Nordmann A Tomasson H Prescott P Bucher HC
Effectiveness of distant healing for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomised controlled partially blinded trial (EUHEALS). Psychother Psychosom 2008; 77: 158–66

To evaluate the effectiveness of distant healing in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and examine the influence of blinding on outcomes.

Multicentre trial with patients randomised in a 2 x 2 factorial design. Half the patients received intervention and half were put on a 6-month waiting list; half of each of those groups was blinded and half unblinded.

Patients were assigned to one of 14 private practices for environmental medicine in Germany and Austria.

A total of 409 adult patients who fulfilled the Fukuda criteria for chronic fatigue or the Oxford criteria for severe idiopathic CFS.

From a pool of 462 healers from 21 European countries and various healing traditions, each participant was assigned three healers. Healers were free to use any distant healing approach at whatever intensity and frequency was in accordance with their normal practice.

Main outcome measures
The primary outcome measure was self-reported mental health as measured by the Mental Health Component Summary score of the validated German version of the general health questionnaire (SF-36). The secondary outcome measure was self-reported physical health as measured by the Physical Health Component Summary (PHCS) score of the SF-36.

Main results
No significant differences were found between the four groups on the primary outcome. With the secondary outcome, no significant differences were found between those initially treated and those blinded who were not treated. A significant difference was found between the blinded groups and the unblinded groups (P = 0.03). The group that did not receive intervention and knew this showed no change in PHCS score, whereas the three other groups showed some improvements, although not with statistical significance.

Authors' conclusion
'In patients with CFS, distant healing appears to have no statistically significant effect on mental and physical health but the expectation of improvement did improve outcome.'

H Walach, School of Social Sciences and Samueli Institute for Information Biology, University of Northampton, Boughton Green Road, Northampton, NN2 7AL, UK, E-mail:  harald.walach@northampton.ac.uk
10.1111/j.2042-7166.2008.tb01772.x About DOI

Copyright © 1999-2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Schon in seiner Zeit in England hat Walach dicke Verbindungen zum Samueli-Institut gehabt, war vielleicht sogar ein Funktionär darin?

Harald Walach in 2006 in Northampton, UK

So wie ich das sehe, war da ein Samueli-Institut, und das der Uni angehängt. Als Stiftung? Dann hat man der Uni das Institut untergeschoben und die Bezahlung erfolgte von dem Samueli-Hauptquartier in den USA? Dann war Harald Walach den Briten untergeschoben worden? Warum? Und warum an dieser Universität?

Edzard Ernst war nicht in Northampton, sondern in Exeter. Konnten die Samuelis der Uni in Exeter den Walach nicht unterschieben?

Wie war der zeitliche Ablauf?

Krach in 2005, Zitat aus der Wikipedia:


2005 kam es zu einem Skandal, als Ernst wenige Tage vor der Veröffentlichung eines Berichts zum Potenzial der Alternativmedizin für den National Health Service (NHS) aus der federführenden Expertenkommission austrat. Der Bericht wurde von Prince Charles in Auftrag gegeben und kam zu dem Schluss, dass die Substituierung mehrerer Standardtherapien mit alternativen Methoden erhebliche Kosten sparen könnte. Ernst nannte den Bericht „skandalös und voller Fehler“. Beispielsweise schlüge der Bericht vor, Asthmapatienten mit Homöopathie zu behandeln, was laut Ernst 150 Todesfälle pro Jahr verursachen würde. Prince Charles’ Büro warf Ernst eine Verletzung der Diskretionsvereinbarung vor. Es folgte eine 13-monatige Untersuchung seitens der Universität Exeter, die schließlich kein Fehlverhalten bei Ernst feststellen konnte. Laut Ernst stoppte die Universität jedoch die Finanzierung der Forschung der Abteilung. In der Folge erklärte sich Ernst unter der Bedingung der Fortsetzung der Finanzierung der Abteilung dazu bereit, in den Ruhestand zu gehen. In einer Pressekonferenz Ende Juli 2011 bezeichnete Ernst Prince Charles als „Schlangenölverkäufer“.[12] Das House of Commons beschloss 2010, dass Homöopathie nicht mehr vom NHS gefördert und homöopathische Mittel nicht mehr als wirksam beworben werden dürfen.[13]

Die Wikipedia über Harald Walach::

Von 1999 bis 2005 war Harald Walach Leiter der Forschungsgruppe zur Evaluation von Komplementärmedizin am Institut für Umweltmedizin und Krankenhaushygiene in Freiburg. 2005 wechselte er als Research Professor an die Abteilung für Psychologie der School of Social Sciences an der University of Northampton, wo er bis 2009 tätig war.

Harald Walach ging noch in 2005 nach England. Wann genau? An welchem Tag genau hat Harald Walach in Northampton angefangen?

Und wann genau gab es den Zoff um Edzard Ernst, der in Opposition zum prinzlichen Dummbolzen ging?

gesichertes Beweisstück:

Datumsstempel des PDF: "Thu 15 Jun 2006 12:04:37 PM CEST"



An innovative and stimulating Postgraduate Award
MSc Transpersonal Psychology
and Consciousness Studies*
Taught Modules
•   Neuroscience and Consciousness
•   Sophisticated Research Methods
•   History of Transpersonal Psychology
•   Mysticism in East and West
•   Counselling and Therapy
•   Spirituality and Health
•   Parapsychology
Application and Experience
Ongoing Spiritual Practice / Supervision
Placements / Experiential Group Work / Research Work
This Course is About
•   Studying consciousness
•   Exploring higher states of consciousness
•   Learning how modulating states of
consciousness impacts on psychological
•   Learning how to research topics in
Transpersonal Psychology
•   Contributing to the growing field by your
own research
Harald Walach
Richard Broughton
Lisa Lazard
Daniela Hahn
Chris Roe
Simon Sherwood
Anthony Edwards
Malcom Walley
Thilo Hinterberger
Niko Kohls
For more information contact Prof Harald Walach,
Psychology Division, Samueli Institute European Office,
The University of Northampton, Park Campus Boughton Green Road, Northampton NN2 7AL
Telephone 01604 892952 • Fax 01604 722067 • Email harald.walach@northampton.ac.uk
*Subject to Validation, Anticipated start date 09/2006

2002 war Harald Walach noch in Freiburg und mit parapsychologischem Hokuspokus beschäftigt. In den USA gibt es eine parapsychologische Gesellschaft, von der im Jahr 2002 diese Ankündigung veröffentlicht wurde:


Remote Intention on Electrodermal Activity – Two Meta-Analyses
Stefan Schmidt 1, Rainer Schneider 1, Jessica Utts 2 & Harald Walach 1

1 Institute of Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology,
University Hospital Freiburg
Hugstetter Str. 55,
79106 Freiburg, Germany
Tel. ++49-761-270-5494;
Fax. ++49-761-270-7224;
email: sschmidt@ukl.uni-freiburg.de

2 Department of Statistics, University of California
One Shields Avenue; Davis, CA 95616, USA

    ABSTRACT: In the experimental paradigm known as direct mental interaction between living systems (DMILS) two isolated participants try to interact with each other using no conventional means of communication. One participant is housed in a sound-proof chamber and electrodermal activity (EDA) is continuously recorded. The other participant has the task to either activate or calm the other person by means of intentions only. Several epochs with varying conditions (activate, calm or rest) are presented in a randomized order. For evaluation tonic EDA data of the calm condition are compared with that of the activate condition. In a similar experiment called Remote Staring the same set-up is employed to research the ‘feeling of being stared at’. One participant is sitting in front of a video camera while EDA is continuously recorded. The other participant gazes at this video image at a distant location. Observation epochs and control epochs are presented in a randomized order. For evaluation EDA data of the two conditions are compared.

Earlier meta-analyses (Schlitz & Braud, 1997) showed medium effect sizes (r=.25) for both experiments but these results have been undermined by a critique of the EDA methods, applied statistics and randomization procedures. Furthermore a substantial number of larger studies were conducted in recent years. Two meta-analyses were conducted to research whether there are significant mean effect sizes and to find out whether methodological shortcomings might have been responsible for earlier positive results.

Forty experiments with 1055 sessions were found for the DMILS meta-analysis and 15 (379 sessions) for Remote Staring. All experiments were coded on a coding list containing more than 200 items. Unclear items were coded by a second, independent rater. Several methodological quality indices were constructed and the experiments were rated according to these indices.

For the DMILS meta-analysis the first statistical model yielded strong negative correlations between effect size and methodological quality. As a consequence, four methodologically weak studies were then excluded from the analysis. Sensitivity analyses on the remaining data set showed that a statistical model where the effect sizes are weighted for sample size and methodological quality, fits the data best. We found a small mean effect size of d=0.11 which was highly significant (p=.001). This finding is undermined by a best-evidence-synthesis of seven studies with the highest methodological standard, which show a smaller, non-significant mean effect size (d = .05).

The Remote Staring data set proved to be homogenous and showed no negative correlations with study quality. After a correction for sampling error it yielded a mean effect size of d=0.13 (p=.01) and confirms the positive finding from the first analysis. An exploratory analysis showed a significant decline of effect sizes over time (r=.70, p<.01).
The obtained effect sizes are much smaller than in earlier analyses. For the DMILS meta-analysis it has to be assumed that some of the effects reported earlier are due to artifacts and shortcomings. However, we conclude that there are still some hints for the existence of an effect of remote intention but independent replications are needed.


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