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Twin Update 30.4.2024

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Author Topic: United Airlines holds plane so passenger can say goodbye to his dying mother  (Read 1277 times)


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Kerry Drake’s mother was dying.

United [Airlines] had held the aircraft for him. Not only did he make it to Lubbock as scheduled, but so did his luggage.

“Had I missed my flight to Lubbock, I would not have been able to tell my mom goodbye,” Drake said. “When she died, I realized I was wiping away my tears with the extra United napkins that Sofia had given me the day before.”

Drake says he’s grateful to the flight crew that made his farewell possible, including the attendants on his San Francisco flight and Denver-based captain Edward Goldstein and Dirk Chilian, the flight’s first officer. He also thanks Houston customer service rep Marie Robertson and all the Houston baggage handlers who got his luggage to his final destination.

Get the full story:

More on the incident by ABC News:

Hats off to the crews of United Airlines!

Foto courtesy of United Airlines

“(United) went above and beyond,’’ Drake said.
“It was a matter of minutes, but it made all the
 difference in the world. That really blew me away.’’

Read the NBC News article:

[Foto getauscht, ET]
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 07:05:41 PM by el_Typo »
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