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Author Topic: Blood-thirsty criminals kill cancer patients en masse  (Read 6261 times)


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Blood-thirsty criminals kill cancer patients en masse
« on: September 07, 2016, 12:32:56 PM »

What a claim:

No other cancer clinic, of any kind, has such a high documented success rate."


"Our Treatment Results
A Natural Cancer Clinic With Better Results Than Any Other Cancer Clinic Over The Last Eight Years"

It is shitty lies. The "NMDs", that is "non medical dip-shits",

Meet Our Team of Naturopathic Medical Doctors

Dr. Huber, NMD
Dr. Lashutka, NMD
Dr. Lopez, NMD
Dr. Eric Lopez, NMD
Dr. Nelson, NMD
Dr. Nguyen, NMD

are filthy criminals of the worst kind.

Naturopathy Works Primary Care ClinicFood CravingsBaking Soda Cancer
Nature Works Best
Our Team
+1 (480) 839-2800
donate to NatureWorksBest

Keynote Speaker
Euro Cancer Summit 2015
Leading the Way in Cancer Treatment With 8 Consecutive Years of Best Results
Colleen Huber, NMD
Better results Than Any Other Cancer Clinic Over the last eight years
Go Into Remission. Who Complete Our Treatments Most Cancer Patients
How much worse will your health get before you finally consult a naturopathic physician?
On Sugar Intake and Cancer Learn About Our Groundbreaking Seven Year Study Our Findings May Just Save Your Life

No other cancer clinic,
of any kind,
has such a high
success rate.

Our Natural Cancer Treatments
Natural And Holistic Cancer Treatments Without The Side Effects Of Chemo & Radiation

Nature Works Best is a natural cancer clinic located in Tempe, Arizona, that focuses on natural, holistic, and alternative cancer treatments. Our treatments have proved to be an effective alternative to traditional chemotherapy and radiation, which we do not use in our treatments. Rather, we have developed a natural method of treating cancer based on intravenous vitamin therapy as well as a simple food plan; click here to read about the Optimal Diet for Cancer Patients.

Our team of naturopathic medical doctors have administered over 26,000 intravenous treatments, used for all stages and types of cancer. As of July 2014, 80% of patients who completed our treatments alone went into remission, 85% of patients who completed our treatments and followed our food plan went into remission; 93% of patients in Stage I through early Stage 4 who did all of our protocols went into remission. No other clinic, of any kind, has such a high documented success rate.

Our cancer clinic treats all types of cancer, at all different stages, often with different co-morbidities, and different patterns of metastases. We have seen patients of all stages of cancer do very well with our treatments, with the exception of late stage IV patients.

As of July 2014, 379 cancer patients had come to us in Stages 1, 2, 3 or 4. Yet we only lost 32 patients, who did all of our recommendations, to cancer up to that time using these protocols. Another 22 died from either chemotherapy or other hospital experiences. All of the latter were late stage cancer patients, who chose our treatments as an alternative to chemo and radiation after they had already been severely sickened by conventional treatments; some even come out of hospice for our treatments. Of the total patients who returned monthly for follow-up treatments, now that they are in remission, only 2 of those patients have came out of remission up to that time. That is a 93% success rate in helping to keep our patients in remission. All but one of those doing the monthly follow-ups are alive and well. This far exceeds the long-term success of chemotherapy, in which recurrent cancer is frequently expected.

Intravenous Nutrient Treatments

A Proven Alternative To Chemo & Radiation

The intravenous nutrients are tailored specifically to each patient’s condition and chosen for their targeted, time tested, and research-documented anti-cancer, cancer fighting effect. The nutrients we use are different for each patient, but some of nutrients used may include a combination of Vitamin-C, Sodium Bicarbonate, DMSO, in addition to many others. Before we have done a full workup we cannot know which of these nutrients may be used for your treatment, if they are used at all. These treatments are made specifically for each patient and their type and stage of cancer and may be used exclusively or as a supplement to chemo and radiation.

Optimal Diet – What Do Cancer Survivors Eat?

97 of our cancer survivors responded promptly (before preparation for publication) to our July 2015 questionnaire on what they eat. Others responded later; others have not yet found the time for our detailed questionnaire. We cannot find any other cancer clinic in the world THAT EVEN HAS anywhere near so many simultaneous cancer survivors to fill out a questionnaire.

What do cancer survivors eat? For subsets of cancer survivors who are ALL in remission, what foods do they have in common? Should their foods influence the diets of people still struggling with cancer? Read more Here.

Sugar and Cancer Connection

Our Simple Cancer Fighting Food Plan

In 2014, our clinic completed the longest and largest (up to that date and still as of this writing) interventional study in medical history on sugar intake in cancer patients. It was reported very briefly by 7,000 media outlets around the world, and then as with a lot of new developments, it did not receive further attention. The study involved 317 adult patients, which were all of the cancer patients seen for almost seven years up to July 1, 2013 at our naturopathic cancer clinic. It involved intravenous nutrients for patients staying at least two weeks in our care, as well as a dietary intervention: sweetener restriction. The results were that regardless of the cancer or the stage, those cancer patients who avoided sugar in the diet had more than twice the rate of survival of the sugar eaters. Of those who ate sugar, 36% went into remission; of those who avoided sugar, 90% went into remission. Read our 7 year study on the links between eating sugar and cancer:

 Sugar Intake & Cancer Study
Books That Feature Our Clinic

Americas Best Cancer Doctors and Their Secrets

Defeat cancer book

Our Treatment Results

A Natural Cancer Clinic With Better Results Than Any Other Cancer Clinic Over The Last Eight Years

85% of patients who complete our treatments, and follow our food plan go into remission, and/or stay well long-term (93% of Stage I through early Stage IV patients). As of July 2014, 379 cancer patients have come to our natural cancer clinic in stages 1, 2, 3 or 4. Of those going into remission, it has taken an average of from 3 to 8 months from when we first met with them to confirmation of total remission (no tumor load left in the body, or in the case of leukemia, normal labs).

Our Patients Feel Better & Their Energy Comes Back

Conventional treatments tend to debilitate the body and make patients lose their energy, lose their hair, and often cause long-term side effects. The patients who follow our treatments start feeling better and their energy comes back. Some work; others are retired. Some go hiking or swimming or play golf. Many of those under retirement age still work at their jobs while getting treatments. That kind of well-being and strength and vitality shown by these patients usually begins within several weeks after we start treating them, long before we have evidence from the Ultrasound or CT scans, MRI or PET scans of tumors turning necrotic, or shrinking tumors, or tumors turning to inactive tissue.

Your best opportunity to fight cancer – and this goes for all cancer patients – is to begin the natural treatments before the conventional treatments (chemo, radiation, etc.) sicken and weaken you and ultimately strengthen your cancer. Many of the patients who opted for only natural treatments never even got sick and saw no side effects. The great majority of those who come to us with cancer are now survivors, whether in confirmed remission, or waiting for that confirmation because they have completed our program and followed our food plan.

We Publish All of Our Results

We publish all of our results, both our successes and our failures, and we count every person who walks through our doors and stays with our treatments for at least two weeks. Many of the big cancer clinics have a habit of rejecting patients because they are “too sick” and will “ruin their statistics.” We have never turned away a person for being “too sick;” no matter what their condition; every patient of every stage is welcomed and counted in our statistics. We would like to urge people to come to our clinic and start treatments before their bodies have been destroyed by chemotherapy and radiation. If you are thinking about doing alternative treatments, our clinic has consistently been producing the best results of any cancer clinic in the world, and we can treat cancer successfully without the usual debilitating side effects.

Read the full report here – All the results from the beginning of our clinic
Best Results AND
Quality of Life

We have developed the most effective cancer treatments, and we do it without the side effects of chemotherapy & radiation.

Set up your consultation today 
It is not enough to correct genetic damage and neglect to reverse all other cancer-causing problems. It is not enough to stop angiogenesis and neglect to reverse all other cancer-causing problems. It is not enough to attack metastases and leave the primary tumor in a comfortable environment. In order to defeat cancer it must be attacked at every level and with every method necessary to reverse cancer’s multi-pronged assault on the body, even if that means that some of the various treatments have redundant effects. And this all must be accomplished while maintaining the maximum possible well being of the patient, and without sickening or weakening the patient. – Colleen Huber, NMD

Meet Our Team of Naturopathic Medical Doctors

Alternative treatments for cancer fighting for a cure for cancernaturopathic oncology looking for a cure for cancercancer treatments alternatively fighting for a cancer cureDr. William Nelson Naturopathic cancer treatment Tempe ArizonaDr. Krystine T. Nguyen
Dr. Huber, NMD

Colleen Huber NMD is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Tempe, Arizona. She is President of the Naturopathic Cancer Society & Co-Founder… —Read More

Dr. Lashutka, NMD

Dr. Kenneth J. Lashutka is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Tempe, Arizona. His medical training required the completion of the most… —Read More

Dr. Lopez, NMD

Dr. Eric Lopez is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor. He graduated from South- west College of Naturo- pathic Medicine with a… —Read More

Dr. Nelson, NMD

Dr. William Nelson has 18 years of practical experience as a naturopathic physician, integrating the latest advances in medical science… —Read More

Dr. Nguyen, NMD

Dr. Krystine Nguyen is a licensed Naturopathic Physician clinically trained in integrative therapeutics  Having completed her clinical rotations in both..—Read More

What Medical Doctors Say About Our Clinic

“I’ve never seen labs like that improve. Those vitamin treatments seem to be working.” – a Mayo oncologist

“I don’t know what that other doctor gave you that cured your cancer, but I’m glad it did!” – Dr. MJ, oncologist

“We support this decision… given Dr. Huber’s successful protocol with cancer patients.” – Dr. EC, Primary care physician

“I’m proud of you, Mom. You picked a good clinic.” A medical doctor to his mom, a breast cancer patient”

“I have nothing better to offer you for your cancer. Keep doing what your doing” – Dr. RK, oncologist

How Much Worse Will Your Health Get Before You Finally Consult With a Naturopathic Physician?

Have Questions? Give Us A Call.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have!

Set Up Your Initial Consultation 480-839-2800
Volunteer help needed for statistical review and audit, to learn more click here.


Phone: 480-839-2800
Open every day except Sunday and Wednesday.


1250 East Baseline Road
Suite 205
Tempe, AZ 85283



The material on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases or illnesses. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

nature works best alternative cancer treatments in the united states Member Clinic of Compounding Physicians
HomeContact UsSitemapPrivacy PolicyTerms Of Service2016 © Colleen Huber, NMD | Gen319 Design


Naturopathy Works Primary Care ClinicFood CravingsBaking Soda Cancer
Nature Works Best
Our Team
+1 (480) 839-2800
donate to NatureWorksBest
NatureWorksBest Alternative Cancer Treatments
You are here: HomeNatureWorksBest Alternative Cancer Treatments
Nature Works Best

Anything that has cancer fighting properties can be labelled as an “alternative cancer treatment,” but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be an effective cancer treatment. At NatureWorksBest Cancer Clinic we are Naturopathic Medical Doctors who have studied many different natural substances and their effects on cancer. At our clinic we use intravenous nutrient infusions of several different cancer fighting agents, such as Vitamin-C, Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda), and DMSO to name a few. Each patient’s IV is specifically tailored to their condition and the treatments are typically three times a week and last for about an hour; each treatment the patient gets a visit with their doctor where they can discuss the treatment and anything that is happening in your body as the treatment progresses. Patients who come to our clinic are usually in treatment for three months but they can be here longer depending on their specific condition.

Do Your Cancer Treatments Work?

The simple answer is yes, our cancer treatments are extremely effective at successfully fighting cancer, and our alternative approach allows us to fight cancer without the side effects of main stream treatments. Ninety percent of patients who complete our alternative treatments as prescribed by one of our doctors and follow our simple food plan go into remission. We all know every patient is different and at a different stage of cancer, if you take these variables as well as the current state of health for the patient these numbers may vary. We welcome you to read our results page which lists every single patient that has come to our clinic. You can see what types of cancer they had, at what stage they came to us, and what the results were. Some types and stages of cancer have a remission rate higher than 90%, for example a stage one or two breast cancer patient, and some are lower than 90%. But these treatments have showed to be extremely successful at treating all types of cancer, and at all different stages of cancer.

Are There Side Effects?

Our treatments are all natural, we only use natural herbs, vitamins, and substances found in nature and there are no lasting side effects like with chemotherapy or radiation. Our first rule as is to do no harm to our patients, we make sure that our treatments strengthen the body and give it what it needs to fight cancer on all levels. It isn’t enough to stop the angiogenesis if you fail to reverse all the other cancer causing problems. It isn’t enough to fix genetic damage if you fail to reverse all the other cancer causing problems. It isn’t enough to fight metastases and leave the primary tumor alone. In order to defeat cancer, it has to be attacked on all levels and with all methods necessary to reverse cancer’s multi-pronged attack on the body, even if that entails treatments that have redundant effects. All of this needs to be done while sustaining the maximum possible well-being of our patient; without weakening, sicking, or harming the patient.

We do have patients who choose to get our natural treatments along side of conventional treatments, and for those patients we find that they handle the conventional treatments much better when taken in concert with our natural treatments. If you are interested in learning more about our clinic, we suggest scheduling a consultation with a doctor and setting up an appointment for your first treatment at our clinic. You can contact us here or give us a call +1-480-839-2800.

We are closed on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Melanie’s Story About NWB Cancer Treatment

Watch more of our video’s here.


Phone: 480-839-2800
Open every day except Sunday and Wednesday.


1250 East Baseline Road
Suite 205
Tempe, AZ 85283



The material on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases or illnesses. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

nature works best alternative cancer treatments in the united states Member Clinic of Compounding Physicians
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Meet the blood-thirsty criminals who kill cancer patients en masse
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2016, 08:18:20 AM »

Meet Our Team

Meet Our Naturopathic Medical Doctors

        Dr. Colleen Huber

        Colleen Huber NMD is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Tempe, Arizona. She is President of the Naturopathic Cancer Society. She is Co-Founder and Secretary of the American Naturopathic Research Institute / Naturopathic Oncology Research Institute (ANRI / NORI) at She is a Fellow of the Naturopathic Oncology Research Institute. She is the owner and Medical Director of NatureWorksBest Medical Clinic. The data supporting the clinic’s results in cancer treatment is on the website  Dr. Huber was the Principal Keynote Speaker at the 2015 Euro Cancer Summit, and in 2014 was a speaker at the World Congress on Cancer Science and Therapy, and at the International Congress of Naturopathic Medicine.   Dr. Huber is a credentialed physician at Phoenix area sub-acute in-patient facilities, where she practices up to the full-scope of practice for naturopathic physicians licensed in Arizona. She graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe. Many of her health articles have appeared on Her writing includes her book, Choose Your Foods Like Your Life Depends On Them, as well as her cancer treatments and cancer prevention, which have been featured in the Defeat Cancer book. She authored the largest and longest study in medical history on sugar intake in cancer patients, which was reported in thousands of media outlets around the world in 2014. Her academic writing has appeared in The Lancet and Cancer Strategies Journal, and other medical journals. Her original research received media coverage around the U.S., Asia and Europe.


Dr. Kenneth J. Lashutka

        Dr. Kenneth J. Lashutka NMD is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Tempe, Arizona, where he enjoys an active, full-time practice. Dr. Lashutka received his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe. His medical training required the completion of the most comprehensive medical school curriculum in the United States, encompassing every field of conventional medicine, while blending the study of centuries-old natural, non-toxic therapies with current advances in medicine.

        Along with Dr. Huber, Dr. Lashutka is a founding member of the Arizona Naturopathic Research Institute (ANRI) and the Naturopathic Oncology Research Institute (NORI) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

        Having previously completed an integrated curriculum based primarily on a study of the Great Books, Dr. Lashutka received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California.

        Dr. Lashutka is a devoted husband and father of three young children.


(Click the button at the bottom right to scroll through all of the Doctors)

Dr. Eric Lopez

        Dr. Eric Lopez is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor. He graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine with a special interest in botanical medicine. His undergraduate studies concentrated on Chemistry and Psychology. His Bachelor of Science degree is from Grand Canyon University.

        He actively practices in two clinics, in Surprise, AZ as well as Tempe, where he employs integrative medicine that promote natural ways of healing. He emphasizes educating and inspiring the individual to obtain optimal wellness through better understanding of the body’s innate stabilizing and healing functions.

        Dr. Lopez believes there is a great interest in alternative medicine and for medical care addressing physical limitations. Dr. Lopez has served as a member of the Research Group at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and has co-authored several articles.

        Dr. Lopez is one of very few naturopathic physicians in the United States to have hospital privileges with full scope of practice as licensed in the State of Arizona.


Dr. William Nelson Naturopathic cancer treatment Tempe Arizona
Dr. William Nelson

        Dr. William Nelson has 18 years of practical experience as a naturopathic physician, integrating the latest advances in medical science with time-honored natural therapies. He has helped thousands of patients recover from chronic illness, regain their vitality, and/or live pain-free lives.

        He is an expert in implementing effective natural treatment options for conditions such as cancer, auto-immune disorders, hormonal problems, and acute and chronic pain. Dr. Nelson effectively utilizes a wide variety of therapies including IV nutrient and ozone therapy, diet and lifestyle, natural supplements, and Western and Chinese botanical medicine. Although Dr. Nelson always prefers to use natural therapies, he can prescribe prescription drugs if indicated.

        Over the last 17 years Dr. Nelson’s non-surgical approach to musculoskeletal pain has allowed thousands of people to return to their athletic activities or simply get them out of chronic pain. Over the years, he has continually improved his protocols to help people recover from acute injuries and enjoy their daily life without pain. Many of his patients have been able to avoid orthopedic surgery with prolotherapy injections and neural prolotherapy, even when they’ve been told by their surgeon that surgery was the only solution.

        Dr. Nelson is a loving and devoted father to two teenaged girls. He recharges his mental, emotional, and physical energy by spending as much time outdoors as he can. Dr. Nelson loves to rock climb, mountain bike, camp, and hike. These activities ensure that he is at his best when people are seeking his care.


Dr. Krystine T. Nguyen

        Krystine T. Nguyen, NMD, MPH, RD

        As a licensed Naturopathic Physician clinically trained in integrative therapeutics, Dr. Nguyen chooses treatments based on her individual patients’ needs. Having completed her clinical rotations in both conventional and alternative medicine, she attains optimal results for her patients by combining traditional healing with science-based medicine.

        Prior to pursuing medical school, Dr. Nguyen studied pre-med and received her Bachelor of Science degree from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). After graduating, she worked at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles as a Research Associate for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Center. She also obtained her dual degree in Master of Public Health (MPH) in Nutrition and Registered Dietitian (RD) program at Loma Linda University in California, and worked at Kaiser Permanente Hospital as a Clinical Dietitian in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and outpatient clinic.

        Dr. Nguyen grew up in Southern California and is now settled in Arizona after completing her medical school training. She received her medical degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Tempe, Arizona.

The files for the FBI are ready.

26 MB

[size added, J!]
« Last Edit: September 08, 2016, 03:39:28 PM by Julian »
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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  • Boltbender
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Re: Blood-thirsty criminals kill cancer patients en masse
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2016, 04:03:32 PM »

Colleen Huber claims about herself:

Many of her health articles have appeared on Her writing includes her book, Choose Your Foods Like Your Life Depends On Them, as well as her cancer treatments and cancer prevention, which have been featured in the Defeat Cancer book. She authored the largest and longest study in medical history on sugar intake in cancer patients, which was reported in thousands of media outlets around the world in 2014. Her academic writing has appeared in The Lancet and Cancer Strategies Journal, and other medical journals. Her original research received media coverage around the U.S., Asia and Europe.

The Lancet? Not known there.

Mercola? Mercola is a fraud and collaborates even with known murderers like Ryke Geerd Hamer for who he has more than 30 endorsing articles on his web-server online.

And the rest? I am sure it is fakes, twisted lies, and more of the same kind.

Colleen Huber is a fraud.
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'Cancer quack Colleen Huber loses her defamation suit against me'
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2019, 12:37:30 AM »

Britt Marie Hermes
‏Verified account @NaturoDiaries

The deadline has passed for cancer quack @colleenhubernmd to appeal her defamation lawsuit against me. We definitively won!

Britt Marie Hermes Retweeted Britt Marie Hermes
Britt Marie Hermes
Verified account @NaturoDiaries
Justice prevails! Cancer quack Colleen Huber loses her defamation suit against me

8:45 AM - 3 Jul 2019

Consumer Health Digest #19-23
June 9, 2019

Naturopathy critic prevails in defamation suit

Former naturopath
Britt Marie Hermes has announced that the District Court (Landgericht) of Kiel, Germany ruled against naturopath Colleen Huber who sued her for defamation over Hermes' expressed:

(1) opinions about the dubious treatments and human subjects research at Huber's cancer clinic in Tempe, Arizona, and

(2) suspicions that Huber was cybersquatting domains in her name.

[Hermes B. Justice prevails! Cancer quack Colleen Huber loses her defamation suit against me
. Naturopathic Diaries. Jun 3, 2019]

Hermes noted:

"I was able to stand up to Huber's legal thuggery because the science and skeptic communities rallied around me. The massive fundraising efforts
, led by Australian Skeptics, Inc., allowed me to cover my legal bills, so I could continue my PhD studies and focus on my pregnancy and birth of a healthy baby girl. (I actually found out I was pregnant the same day I learned of the lawsuit.) It is emotionally and mentally exhausting to go through a lawsuit. I thank all of you who donated to my legal defense fund from the bottom of my heart. Since there is a chance of appeal, please stay tuned."


« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 12:42:04 AM by Ayumi »

Écrasez l'infâme!


  • Boltbender
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Re: Blood-thirsty criminal Colleeen Huber kills cancer patients en masse
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2020, 11:21:30 PM »

Baking soda against cancer is a lethal attack against patients. Why did the state not lock her up in a prison?




    Natural Cancer Clinic
    Call Us (480) 839-2800


Nature Works Best

    Cancer & Biochemistry
    Medical Licenses
    Our Results

We have not found any cancer clinic, of any kind, with such a high documented success rate.
(Click on link to read the document.)
*If you do, please let us know.

Read Dr. Huber’s Groundbreaking Sugar & Cancer Study
Natural & Alternative Cancer Treatments
Since 2006

Nature Works Best is a natural integrative cancer clinic located in Tempe, Arizona, that focuses on natural, holistic, integrative and alternative cancer treatments. Our metabolic treatments have proved to be an effective alternative to traditional chemotherapy and radiation, which we do not use in our metabolic treatments. Some patients have opted to also have chemotherapy or radiation. We fully respect patient choice in such important decisions. Surgery has often been very useful for our patients.

    Our team of naturopathic medical doctors have administered over 43,000 IV nutrient treatments, used for all stages and types of tumors.
    As of July 2014, we have calculated that 80% of patients who completed our metabolic treatments, regardless of diet, went into confirmed or assumed remission.
    85% of patients who completed our metabolic treatments and followed our food plan went into confirmed or assumed remission. You can verify this data for yourself if you look at the “total” line of Table 5, which is on page 30, in the treatment paper at this link.  That Table 5 refers to data presented in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4.  We invite you to take a simple calculator and “crunch the numbers,” to see if you come up with the same percentages that we do.

Why do we say “confirmed or assumed” remission?  Because some patients opt for more thorough imaging than others.
Meet Our Team of Naturopathic Medical Doctors

    Alternative treatments for cancer fighting for a cure for cancer
    cancer treatments alternatively fighting for a cancer cure
    Dr. Mowery

    Dr. Huber, NMD

    Colleen Huber NMD is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Tempe, Arizona. She is President of the Naturopathic Cancer Society & Co-Founder…
    Dr. Lopez, NMD

    Dr. Eric Lopez is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor. He graduated from South- west College of Naturo- pathic Medicine with…
    Dr. Mowery, NMD

    Dr. Mowery is a licensed Naturopathic Physician in Arizona and a certified Vitalist by the Naturopathic Medicine Institute where…
    Dr. Nordin, NMD

    Dr. Anna Nordin N.M.D. is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto–is an experienced naturopathic doctor of 32 years…

Learn More About Our Team


We are the only cancer clinic we know of to publish all of our data, anonymously, on all patients up through 2014, and topic-focused questionnaires of all current patients since then, because we think you want to know the whole truth about what has happened at our clinic, rather than only cherry-picked success stories.  That information is at this link.  This kind of full disclosure is considered unorthodox procedure for any kind of clinic, including cancer clinics.

Please remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results. Your results may or may not differ from results obtained by others.

Actual clinical results may vary by co-morbidities, stage of cancer, exposure to toxins, diet, activity level, lifestyle, among other factors, seen and unforeseen.

No one in this clinic will guarantee whether you will achieve remission, or how long your treatment would need to be to achieve remission.

Our clinic is 14 years in existence, with 6 decades of combined health care experience among our doctors. Our data consist of all patients who were treated by us for at least 2 weeks from 2006 to 2014, with ongoing focused questionnaires of all current patients since then. We publish on this site all of the data we have ever gathered at our clinic. Traditional oncology is much larger and has far more patients in their history.

Please plan on a *maximum* of one visitor with the patient in the consult. We have found that family dynamics distract from the patient, their concerns and their needs.

Conventional cancer treatments may also be used by our patients, and you may read or consult elsewhere about the risks/benefits of those. You, as the patient, are always free to explore all of those treatment options at any time.

Every clinic has difficulty getting late stage cancer patients into remission. The more widespread your cancer when you start our metabolic treatments, the harder it is to be successful. We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to start treatment early in the cancer journey, not late. It is much harder, sometimes impossible, for us to get late stage cancer into remission.

Past Performance is No Guarantee of Future Results.

Learn More

    Baking Soda Cancer Treatment (Sodium Bicarbonate)
    Vitamin C Cancer treatment
    Our Vitamin C Cancer Treatment
    sugar spoon
    The Sugar and Cancer Connection

Intravenous Nutrient, Baking Soda Cancer Treatments

The intravenous nutrients are tailored specifically to each patient’s condition and chosen for their targeted, time tested, and research-documented anti-cancer, or tumor fighting effect. The nutrients we use are different for each patient, but some of nutrients used may include a combination of Vitamin-C, Sodium Bicarbonate, DMSO, in addition to many others. Before we have done a full workup we cannot know which of these nutrients may be used for your treatment, if they are used at all. These treatments are made specifically for each patient, their type and stage of malignancy and may be used exclusively or as a supplement to chemo and radiation.
Optimal Diet – What Do Cancer Survivors Eat?

97 of our survivors responded promptly (before preparation for publication) to our July 2015 questionnaire on what they eat. Others responded later; others have not yet found the time for our detailed questionnaire. We cannot find any other clinic in the world that even has anywhere near so many simultaneous cancer survivors to fill out a questionnaire. What do cancer survivors eat? For subsets of survivors who are ALL in remission, what foods do they have in common? Should their foods influence the diets of people still struggling with the disease?
Sugar and Cancer Connection

In 2014, our clinic completed the longest and largest (up to that date and still as of this writing) interventional study in medical history on sugar intake in cancer patients. It was reported very briefly by 7,000 media outlets around the world, and then as with a lot of new developments, it did not receive further attention. The study involved 317 adult patients, which were all of the patients seen for almost seven years up to July 1, 2013 at our clinic. It involved intravenous nutrients for patients staying at least two weeks in our care, as well as a dietary intervention: sweetener restriction. The results were that regardless of the type of malignancy or the stage, those patients who avoided sugar in the diet had more than twice the rate of survival of the sugar eaters. Of those who ate sugar, 36% went into remission; of those who avoided sugar, 90% went into remission.

Sugar Intake & Cancer Study
Books That Feature Our Clinic

    Americas Best Cancer Doctors and Their Secrets

    Manifesto for a Cancer Patient Defeat cancer book

Our Metabolic Treatment Results

We have not found any better reported and documented results from any other cancer clinic.  If you do, please let us know.  We invite other clinics to also publish their full data from patient experiences, so that patients may have access to full disclosure of such essential information for their decision-making process.

We have calculated that 85% of patients who completed our metabolic treatments and followed our food plan went into remission, and/or stay well long-term (93% of Stage 1 through early Stage 4 patients).  You can verify this data for yourself if you look at the “total” lines of Table 5, which is on page 30, in the treatment paper at this link.  That Table 5 refers to data presented in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. We invite you to take a simple calculator and “crunch the numbers,” to see if you come up with the same percentages that we do.  As of July 2014, 379 cancer patients have come to our clinic in stages 1, 2, 3 or 4.  Of those going into remission, it has taken an average of from 3 to 8 months from when we first met with them to confirmation of total remission (no tumor load left in the body, or in the case of leukemia, normal labs).
Our Patients Feel Better & Their Energy Comes Back

Conventional treatments tend to debilitate the body and make patients lose their energy, lose their hair, and often cause long-term side effects. Most of the patients who follow our metabolic treatments, and who are not very late stage, start feeling better . . .  Some work; others are retired. Some go hiking or swimming or play golf. Many of those under retirement age still work at their jobs while getting treatments. That kind of well-being and strength and vitality shown by these patients usually begins within several weeks after we start treating them, long before we have evidence from the Ultrasound or CT scans, MRI or PET scans of tumors turning necrotic, or shrinking tumors, or tumors turning to inactive tissue.

Your best opportunity is to begin the natural integrative treatments before the conventional treatments (chemo, radiation, etc.) sicken and weaken you and ultimately strengthen the disease. Many of our patients who opted for only natural treatments reported they did not get sick and saw no side effects. The majority of those who came to us with cancer are now survivors, whether in confirmed remission, or waiting for that confirmation, because they have completed our program and followed our food plan.
We Publish All of Our Results

We publish all of our results, both our successes and our failures, and we count every person who walks through our doors and stays with our metabolic treatments for at least two weeks. Many of the big cancer clinics have a habit of rejecting patients because they are “too sick” and will “ruin their statistics.” We have never turned away a person for being “too sick;” no matter what their condition; every patient of every stage is welcomed and counted in our statistics. We would like to urge people to come to our clinic and start treatments before their bodies have been destroyed by chemotherapy and radiation. If you are thinking about doing an alternative cancer treatment, our clinic has consistently been producing the best results of any clinic in the world, and we can treat it successfully without the usual debilitating side effects.

Read the full report here – All the results from the beginning of our clinic

    Results AND
    Quality of Life
    We have developed what we believe is the most effective cancer treatments that we can find, and we do it without the side effects associated with chemotherapy and radiation. Take the First Step In Your Healing Process Call Us (480) 839-2800

    It is not enough to correct genetic damage and neglect to reverse all other cancer-causing problems. It is not enough to stop angiogenesis and neglect to reverse all other tumor-causing problems. It is not enough to attack metastases and leave the primary tumor in a comfortable environment. In order to defeat cancer it must be attacked at every level and with every method necessary to reverse cancer’s multi-pronged assault on the body, even if that means that some of the various treatments have redundant effects. And this all must be accomplished while maintaining the maximum possible well being of the patient, and without sickening or weakening the patient. – Colleen Huber, NMD

What Medical Doctors Say About Our Clinic

    “I’ve never seen labs like that improve. Those vitamin treatments seem to be working.” – a Mayo oncologist “I don’t know what that other doctor gave you that cured your cancer, but I’m glad it did!” – Dr. MJ, oncologist “We support this decision… given Dr. Huber’s successful protocol with cancer patients.” – Dr. EC, Primary care physician “I’m proud of you, Mom. You picked a good clinic.” A medical doctor to his mom, a breast cancer patient

    “I have nothing better to offer you for your cancer. Keep doing what your doing” – Dr. RK, oncologist “This is kind of a miracle.  If you were doing chemo, I would tell you to stop doing chemo now.” — a MD who did not know that the patient was getting our treatments.

More Testimonials
How Much Worse Will Your Health Get Before You Finally Consult With a Naturopathic Physician?

    Have You Been Diagnosed with Cancer? Give us a call to come see one of our doctors.
    Available Every Day Except Sunday and Wednesday (480) 839-2800


Phone: (480) 839-2800
Open every day except Sunday and Wednesday.

1250 East Baseline Road
Suite 205
Tempe, AZ 85283


Material on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases or illnesses. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
BBB Accredited
Member Clinic of Compounding Physicians

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2019 © Colleen Huber, NMD
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  • Boltbender
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  • Posts: 551
Colleen Huber gets a kick in the ass by Peter Gøtzsche
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2020, 05:52:09 PM »

Good morning, kids,

Colleen Huber gets a kick in the ass by Peter Gøtzsche. David Colquhoun cleared the situation. I am glad about that. Thank you, David.

Prof. Peter Gøtzsche @PGtzsche1

Hi David! I did not know that the person who had problems with Research Gate was a naturopath. I agree. These people are dangerous quacks that thrive on pseudoscience, myths and lies.

Quote Tweet
David Colquhoun @david_colquhoun
 Oct 30
Replying to @PGtzsche1
On the other hand, naturopathic pseudo-doctors kill people.

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese
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