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Author Topic: NBC ist mal wieder für einfachste Erkenntnis zu unfähig  (Read 724 times)


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NBC ist mal wieder für einfachste Erkenntnis zu unfähig
« on: October 11, 2008, 12:59:51 AM »

NBC ist mal wieder für einfachste Erkenntnis zu unfähig. Das "mal wieder" bezieht sich darauf, daß wir noch eine Geschichte im Ärmel haben...

Diesmal geht es um Allergien:

Alternative Therapies Target Allergies
Posted By: Mike Webster     6 hrs ago

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(NBC) -- 17 year old Angela Amerson has lived with allergies most of her life, so she came to this new
Allergicare relief center to try a new treatment.

First chiropractor Sam Nijmeh performs a test to pinpoint exactly what she's allergic to.

Today it's checking about 500 allergens. The idea is each allergen has a different frequency, so the
machine will pick up sensitivity to everything from eggs to pollen. No needles involved.

"Way, way, way, way better. I remember getting those little pricks and blood and this is pain free. You
just sit down and you relax and you don't feel anything," said allergy sufferer Angela Amerson.

The test confirms what she already knows, that she's allergic to milk. But it also she's allergic to
tetracycline, soy, vitamin B-12 and bakers yeast.

Next is treatment using a laser over her spine, feet and hands.

"We balance the body's energy and we reprogram the body's nervous system to let the body know that
this sensitivity is no longer, you don't need to put up that reaction to that sensitivity. Thus, decreasing
some of their symptoms," said Chiropractor Sam Nijmeh.

Dr. Alan Goldsobel warns people against spending money on a procedure that has not been
scientifically proven to work.

"I'm certainly not aware of any well done or even published scientific research that's looked at a
specific laser therapy as this one website is specifically purporting to do. " said Allergist Dr. Ala

Sam Nijmeh, a D.C., Chiropractor, said, "For the critics, I say try it yourself before you mock it," said

Because traditional medicine didn't work for her, Angela is willing to give the laser a try, hoping it will
finally give her freedom from her allergies.


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« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 01:01:43 AM by ama »
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