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Author Topic: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG  (Read 19095 times)


  • Boltbender
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  • Posts: 536
Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« on: May 31, 2013, 11:13:50 PM »

Meryl Dorey goes berserk. Or how could one call this statement (see below)?

"Comparisons can be drawn between the current situation in Australia and historical social conflicts such as the McCarthy Era in the US and Hitler’s vilification of the Jews during the 1930s and 1940s."
( )

She compares anti-vaxxers with Jews. It is even claimed Meryl Dorey is a Jew. Which makes the situation more insane and more criminal, and stresses the need for immediate action by politics.

This drawing appeared in Usenet today:


Published in the Nazi paper "Stuermer" it attacked Jews both as rapists and as poisoners of children blood with "germs", a malicious description of vaccination. In Hitler time many Jews were medical doctors, and, of course, were pursuing medical research to prevent diseases by vaccination. But the Hitler Nazis were opposed to scientific medical research. They had chosen homeopathy as their way of medical treatment.

The Hitler Nazis were pushing homeopathy. Like Meryl Dorey.

The Hitler Nazis were denying scientific research. Like Meryl Dorey.

The Hitler Nazis were fighting vaccination. Like Meryl Dorey.

In a remarkable historical resource in the web a quotation of infamous Nazi Streicher makes it unmistakably clear.

Further extracts from Streicher's newspapers illustrate the form which his propaganda developed as the years went on. An article in the New Year's issue of a new paper founded and edited by Streicher -- a semimedical paper called "The People's Health Through Blood and Soil" -- is an example of the remarkable lengths to which he went in propagandizing against the Jews:

   "It is established for all eternity; alien albumen is the
   sperm of a man of alien race. The male sperm in
   cohabitation is partially or completely absorbed by the
   female, and thus enters her bloodstream. One single
   cohabitation of a Jew with an Aryan woman is sufficient
   to poison her blood forever. Together with the alien
   albumen she has absorbed the alien soul. Never again will
   she be able to bear purely Aryan children, even when
   married to an Aryan. They will all be bastards, with a
   dual soul and a body of a mixed breed. Their children
   will also be crossbreeds; that means, ugly people of
   unsteady character and with a tendency to illnesses. Now
   we know why the Jew uses every artifice of seduction in
   order to ravish German girls at as early an age as
   possible; why the Jewish doctor rapes his patients while
   they were under anaesthetic. He wants the German girl and
   the German woman to absorb the alien sperm of the Jew.
   She is never again to bear German children. But the blood
   products of all animals right down to the bacteria like
   the serum, lymph, extracts from internal organs etc., are
   all alien albumen. They have a poisonous effect if
   directly introduced into the blood stream either by
   vaccination or by injection. By these products of sick
   animals the blood is ravished, the Aryan is impregnated
   with an alien species.
The author and abettor of such
   action is the Jew. He has been aware of the secrets of
   the race question for centuries, and therefore plans
   systematically the annihilation of the nations which are
   superior to him. Science and authorities are his
   instruments for the enforcing of pseudo-science and the
   concealment of truth.


If there is a real strong resemblance with someone in history, then it is the resemblance of Meryl Dorey with the Hitler Nazis. Now, this Meryl Dorey whines of being attacked like Jews were attacked by the Nazis. And she sees herself as a Jew, which she, by some weird fun of fate, even might be. Only a psychiatrist can describe the mental state of that Meryl Dorey.

But there is more in it. To make it even more wicked Meryl Dorey advises people to avoid vaccination of their children by entering a church:

Australian Vaccination Network

The Church of Conscious Living - the tenets of this church absolutely oppose forced medication including vaccination -

For those who may not want to join the Church of Christian Science in order to get their children into preschool or childcare.


(more on that:

Just enter a church like opening a door, and in you are. A nice hideout, by claiming a religious conscience. Abracadraba! As easy as that. But watch it, mate, there is an exemption of conscience.

The whole trick is based on a flaw in existing law, allowing for a an exemption to be made if the religious conscience forbids vaccination. What does this mean? Nothing else but that the religion in use disallows vaccination. Which religion does that? To pinpoint the crucial matter: If parents want to prevent vaccination they simply use an other religion, one which just does that. Put on a new religion like a new shirt. Now, if this is so, then the whole concept of religious conscience collapses because it allows to make the desired permission the core value. Not the religion is the core value anymore but the wanted permission. You use a religion which does not allow this or that? Use an other one! Simply check out the shopping list. This practice renders the concept of exemption because of religion useless.

Meryl Dorey, it is said, is a Jew. Does Jewish religion disallow vaccination? No? Why does Meryl Dorey advise parent to use the "Church of Conscious Living"? Isn't that an inexcusable blasphemy for her as a Jew? No matter how one turns it, Meryl Dorey's abuse of the exemption based on religion actually is blasphemy, which, again, fits perfectly well to her Nazi likeness.

Looking at the anti-vaxxer gangs is revealing. Meryl Dorey is not alone. No, they are birds of a feather. See the comments of her children-sacrificing party members gathered in her blog:

No Compulsory Vaccination

NSW Vaccination Legislation – Too Many Questions – Not Enough Answers
This entry was posted on May 30, 2013, in Accountability, Medical Bully-Boys, Vaccination.


I have just had a chance to read through the NSW Legislation which, should there be no objections from the floor, will pass into law today. There will still be 28 days for an objection to be raised and, should it be decided that this issue is worth fighting, a case can be taken to the High Court of Australia to oppose and revoke this legalised discrimination.

On first reading of this bill, it is easy to see how little thought has gone into it. Calling it a knee-jerk reaction would be putting it mildly. This is legislation driven by a sector of the media with close ties to vaccine manufacturers and run on the back of a hate-filled vilification campaign which Australia has never seen the likes of before. This campaign has gone beyond all reasonable boundaries expected in a civilised society. Comparisons can be drawn between the current situation in Australia and historical social conflicts such as the McCarthy Era in the US and Hitler’s vilification of the Jews during the 1930s and 1940s. At least with these issues, there was plenty of public debate going on. Today, there is censorship and suppression of any discussion which is not in line with government and medical opinion on the subject. Should this blatant discrimination continue, history and the world will not judge Australia well.

Here is a copy of the amendment for you to read. There are many questions which I will be attempting to put to the policy advisors in the Minister for Health’s office today. You can read them below:

1- There is talk of both a conscientious and medical exemption which will be available to parents and a form which must be signed by doctors before these exemptions are granted. Is the form the same as the Federal Conscientious and Medical Exemption form or is this a different one which will be issued by NSW? If it is, will parent who already hold a valid Conscientious or Medical exemption be forced to attend yet another medical appointment to get their second form signed?

2- The media is reporting that doctors will be required to sign these forms for parents yet I do not see this mentioned in the Bill. The experience in the 16 years since passage of the Federal requirement for a Conscientious or Medical Exemption form in order to obtain certain government payments has been that parents are subject to abuse and harassment by doctors who then, after taking payment for the office visit, refuse to sign the forms. Some parents have had to visit over 20 practitioners before finding one who will sign the form at great cost to both the private and public purse. The Australian Medical Association has even publicly encouraged doctors not to sign these forms. So the parents of NSW would like to know, if they go through the time, trouble and expense of seeing a doctor to get their forms signed, will the doctor have a legal obligation to then sign?

3- Parents will be ‘counselled’ by doctors on the benefits and risks of vaccination as approved by government policy. Do parents have to prove that they are genuine conscientious objectors? How can one possibly prove to a third party a matter which resides in one’s conscience?

4- Since this policy has supposedly been brought in to protect the fully vaccinated from the unvaccinated, will there be steps taken to identify and exclude the 5-35% of children who are fully vaccinated but who have not developed ‘protective’ levels of antibodies? If not, why not?

5- Do the teachers and staff members of preschools, childcare centres and daycare facilities also have to show that they are fully vaccinated against all diseases? What about school bus drivers and parents who volunteer to help in these facilities? If they do not need to show this proof, how can the government be claiming that this policy is protective rather than putative?

6- What safeguards will be put in place to protect the privacy of personal medical information held by preschools, childcare centres and daycare facilities? How can parents feel secure about giving up this information with the current rabid vilification of those who are not vaccinated. We have heard of preschools that have posted pictures of unvaccinated children on bulletin boards – will we soon see the unvaccinated being forced to sew yellow syringes onto all of their clothing?

7- This Bill does not mention natural immunity. If a child has already contracted and recovered from one of the illnesses for which we currently vaccinate, thereby gaining lifelong immunity to the disease (something which no vaccine can provide), will they still be required to be vaccinated? Upon what basis?

8- The Australian Vaccination Network has an adverse reactions register that has documented over 1,200 serious adverse reactions following vaccination including permanent brain damage and death. Not one of these reactions was ever reported by a doctor until the AVN becdame involved and assisted the parent to force the practitioners to acknowledge the connection between the reaction and the vaccination. What are the odds of a parent being able to get a doctor to sign a medical exemption form when there is such widespread and institutionalised denialism of the risks of vaccination?

Again, feel free to email this list of questions to the members of NSW Parliament by pasting the email addresses from the attached list into the To: or BCC: field of your message.
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 101 thoughts on “NSW Vaccination Legislation – Too Many Questions – Not Enough Answers”
Julie says:
 May 31, 2013 at 10:47 am

I see this is similar to the campaign we are raising to save the Hills Centre from Demolition. Because we are making an impact, they are speeding up the demolition.
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Emma says:
 May 31, 2013 at 10:41 am

Reading this makes me sad for your children. People like you are the reason previously eradicated diseases are making a comeback. I want you to go sit by a family who are watching their child struggle to breath after contracting whooping cough due to the inactions of another family choosing not to vaccinate. Then tell me how horrible it is to vaccinate. The children here dont get any say in whether they are protected or not As a parent it is YOUR job to protect them from disease and illness and YOU are failing them. You are a dangerous person pushing these ideas onto your own children let alone publicly encouraging others to put their children at risk. Shame on you.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 12:25 pm

Emma – according to the government’s own data, that hypothetical child dying of whooping cough is more likely to have been fully vaccinated. I’d like to invite you to speak with the families of the thousands or tens of thousands of Australian children who have been killed or permanently injured by vaccines. Ask them if they wish they would have known the full story before agreeing to have their children vaccinated. There is no danger in information – but a great deal of risk in suppressing it.
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Adams says:
 May 31, 2013 at 1:23 am

Qld too?
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 8:38 am

Yes Adams – if NSW passes this legislation unopposed – all other states will too and the Federal government has already said they are looking at ways in which to take away payments from parents who don’t vaccinate. The only thing keeping them from doing it now is the pesky problem of having to amend the constitution. But no doubt, they will find a way around that soon.
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Code says:
 May 31, 2013 at 9:15 am

New Zealand Government recently tried this to no avail. as it is a breach of human rights
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Code says:
 May 30, 2013 at 8:02 pm

Your country should be ashamed of itself, taking the rights of parents away like this, Everyone has the right to make informed choices about their children, and those choices need to be respected, if you vax your child, then you wont need to be worrying about the non vax child do you, because your vax child is suppose to be protected! common sense!
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 31, 2013 at 8:29 am

Your choice isn’t taken away, you can still not vax your child. Your choice to use childcare is taken away though. Some parents want to vaccinate but can’t because of allergies and some children, although vaccinated have a weaker immune system and still rely on herd vaccination.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 8:42 am

Kara – not only are you ill-informed about vaccination, you are also completely ignorant of the current legislation. There will still be exemptions available for those who don’t vaccinate to allow them to put their children into childcare – we just don’t know how those exemptions are going to work yet. Read the blog you are commenting on. Sheesh!
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Code says:
 May 31, 2013 at 9:17 am

So my choice is being taken away, by not allowing me to use childcare facilities because i do not vax my child, in which your vax child is protected from!
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Anna says:
 May 31, 2013 at 10:05 am

And what about those who cannot be vaccinated? Babies, the immunocompromised, those undergoing cancer treatment? How are they supposed to be protected other than by community immunity?
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Anna – find proof for me that there IS such a thing as community immunity. Why do you think the government stopped paying for the ‘cocooning’ of parents and grandparents with whooping cough vaccines? Because they found it didn’t make any difference to the risk of babies getting whooping cough. Because NO vaccine can prevent a person – even one who is fully immune and free of symptoms – from being infectious to another. You are treating science like it was a religion and it’s not. Religion is based on faith – science is based on evidence. There is NO evidence for what you are saying – simply fear.
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julia says:
 May 30, 2013 at 7:59 pm

point 7 is so important and completely overlooked in the whole debate! as well as children who have immunity without having had the disease, as i am.
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adventuresofamurse says:
 May 30, 2013 at 6:54 pm

Do you propose that this legislation is more vilifying then the white Australia Policy? Then the policies associated with the stolen generation? That this is worse then the slaughter of 6 million Jews?
 I think your views are grossly distorted. While the segregation of children is sad, so is watching a child unable to breath or encephalopathic, and telling mum and dad there is nothing that can be done to fix their child
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 10:03 pm

First of all – just because the holocaust and the white Australia policy were horrendously wrong and dreadful doesn’t mean that it’s OK to sit back and watch another horrendously dreadful act occur today without saying anything because I’m afraid of hurting someone’s feelings. In any case, I think that the comparison is apt. If the research which is being conducted independently of pharmaceutical money and influence is right (and i’m not saying it is – but to date, the government and the medical community have simply not done anything to refute this information – other than denying it of course!) then we are currently in the midst of another holocaust. Do you think that one child in 50 on the autistic spectrum is not a tragedy? Have you considered the fact that we now have nearly 50% of our children being treated for at least 1 chronic condition – and many of these conditions will shorten these children’s lives by years or decades. This will be the first generation in living history which will live for a shorter time than the generation before and vaccination is not the only cause, but it is certainly a contributor. What about the 1 child in 4 who now has asthma (leading to 1 death a day from the condition). Or the huge number of children who have developed type 1 diabetes and will most likely have their lives shortened (and certainly have a poorer quality of life from the restrictions posed by this disease). Or the babies who die of SIDS after vaccination – or those who die in the womb because their mothers were given vaccines containing toxins which are never supposed to be administered to pregnant women. I can go on and on. The evidence is clear that our current policies will lead to an unknown but significant number of casualties. So what are YOU going to tell one of those mums or dads who have watched their perfectly healthy child sicken and perhaps die after a vaccine? Especially when there is very little evidence that the shot would have ever prevented them from getting sick in the first place?
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CuriousParent says:
 May 31, 2013 at 2:33 am

Well, excellent stuff here. Great to know that you can talk about having a child’s life expectancy being decreased by chronic conditions. Please, tell me more about these chronic conditions, can you give me a break down of each what chronic conditions make up this proportion of 50%?
 Just using the term chronic conditions doesn’t cut it…..
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 8:36 am

Dear CuriousParent – I didn’t use that term – the Australian Bureau of Statistic did. Why don’t you go and visit their website and find out what the term means to them and what disorders are encompassed by that term.
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Alby says:
 May 30, 2013 at 4:43 pm

You really want to compare this situation with the persection of Jews by the Nazis . That comparison is obsene , deeply offensive & distressing to holocaust survivors . You should be ashamed !
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:21 pm

Alby, I think it is a valid comparison. Please read my reply to Rabbi Stone below.
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Maz says:
 May 30, 2013 at 4:41 pm

Colin, the difference between food and vaccines is; if you ate food that made you ill, put you in hospital, caused seizures, brain inflammation, neurological damage, death etc etc, your be out to sue someone for compensation and you’d have no trouble doing so. if the same happens through vaccines, who is responsible? the doctor? the manufacturer? the government?
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:32 pm

Everyone is different and some are sensitive. 1 in 100 000 to be exact. The government is just trying to protect the health of the country, there is no conspiracy.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:37 pm

I haven’t seen anyone here using the term conspiracy. have you? What we are asking for is science. We want real studies that use a placebo to test the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations. We want comparisons run between the health of the fully vaccinated and the fully unvaccinated – comparisons that can be run so easily and cheaply in Australia because we have a national database with that information. I don’t think this is too much to ask. For some reason however, the medical community and the government do. We don’t know if the figure affected is 1 in 100,000, 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 100 (as it was in WA in 2009 when an untested flu vaccine was administered to babies and children) so all we are asking is – before you try and force people to submit to this medical procedure, please prove first that it is safe and it works.
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magilla says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:58 pm

There are tons of scientific studies that measure the effectiveness of vaccines and other drugs. Medicine is an evidence-based profession, there are tons of hurdles and hoops researchers and drug developers have to go through to get vaccines onto the market and this includes blind studies. Many of these studies can be found for free within 30 seconds on google scholar and they all come up with the same conclusion, vaccines are a safe way to effectively prevent infectious diseases.

But it appears it’s not about the evidence for you, you still peddle antiscientific nonsense about autism and conspiracies. Because, if you wanted the science, it is there. If you wanted an informed evidence-based view, the evidence is there. But you reject all that and you continue to tell yourself that vaccines are bad.
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Ian Bone says:
 May 30, 2013 at 4:21 pm

What anput the overwhelming evidence that vaccines have removed diseases???
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scott says:
 May 30, 2013 at 4:16 pm

The concept of lifelong immunity having contracted a disease is a fallicy. As a child, I suffered through 3 desperate bouts of measles, separated by some years in each case. It was not in fact, until my parents were finally able to overcome the irrational fear drummed into them by family in the UK, and I was finally immunised, that I was freed from measles. By then I had suffered through whooping cough and mumps as well, and continued to suffer respiratory issues for a number of years as a direct result of the whooping cough. Unfortunately, I was old enough to remember the coughing. I wish I wasn’t.

I applaud the NSW parliament, and only hope other states take similar action to reduce the needless suffering of those unable to act themselves.
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Rabbi Baruch Stone says:
 May 30, 2013 at 4:11 pm

No. Not at all. 6 million of my people (and 11 million innocent people total) were brutally and mercilessly murdered by Hitler and the Nazis. They were rounded up and exterminated in gas chambers, then cremated in the ovens. There is NO COMPARISON WHATSOEVER between vaccination legislation and the extermination of all the “undesirables” from Europe. I sincerely hope the world recognizes Meryl for what she is- out of touch with reality, warped, and very dangerous.

 Rabbi Baruch Stone
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:19 pm

I’m sorry that you feel that way, Rabbi. And since I am one of ‘your people’, I am doubly sorry. But I still think this is a valid comparison. The government and the medical community are vilifying a class of loving, caring and intelligent parents and now, they are talking about segregating them from their peers based on absolutely no information or evidence whatsoever. The comparison is most obvious in the blatant incitement of hatred and vilification that is being promulgated by both the government and the media. How long will it be before the unvaccinated are forced to identify themselves in some way for the ‘protection’ of the fully vaccinated? Out of touch with reality, you can call me, Rabbi, but as Maimonides said:

Do not consider it proof just because it is written in books, for a liar who will deceive with his tongue will not hesitate to do the same with his pen.

The real truth of this issue will not be found in suppression of information, in name calling or in threats against those who disagree with you. You do not know me and you do not know my story. We can have a discussion, and we can disagree but when any people are being forced against their will to place their children at risk, it is the role of every righteous man or woman to stand up and say – Never Again!
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greg says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:33 pm

“How long will it be before the unvaccinated are forced to identify themselves in some way for the ‘protection’ of the fully vaccinated?”

Its already happening. I have seen pictures of children in childcare centres labelled as unvaccinated.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:34 pm

Well, there you go Greg! Please read Fiona’s post further along on the page. If you can let the parents of those children know how to file complaints, that would be great.
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:35 pm

There is lots of information and evidence. Read the history of smallpox.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:39 pm

YOU read the history of smallpox Kara – because if you did, you would be singing a different tune. I recommend the book, Bodily Matters. A scientific thesis on the effect of compulsory vaccination in the UK in the 1800s. The problem is that you are parroting what you’ve been told but you’ve never taken the time to research this for yourself.
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magilla says:
 May 30, 2013 at 7:08 pm

I’m assuming you’re talking about the same smallpox that killed more people than the world wars and was only eradicated after vaccinations and other advancements in medicine?

Are you seriously suggesting that you would rather have smallpox in the community than their vaccinations? that is just scary
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:53 pm

No – I’m seriously suggesting that the smallpox vaccine never prevented smallpox and in fact, was responsible for some of the most extensive and deadliest outbreaks of smallpox ever on record.

Perhaps you should do some reading (feeling like a broken record here) before trying to make a point which is simply not borne out by the evidence.

The graph above compares deaths from scarlet fever with deaths from smallpox from shortly after the introduction of the smallpox vaccine. Yes, smallpox declined but it declined at the same rate and in the same curve as scarlet fever – without any vaccine! Do you think it possible that the smallpox vaccine has taken credit for a decline it was not responsible for – just as measles, whooping cough, meningitis and every other vaccine has been credited with ‘saving lives’ without a skerrick of evidence that they’ve done anything of the kind?

In fact, towards the end of the time of compulsory vaccination in the UK, the risk was far greater that a person would die from the smallpox vaccine than from the disease itself. And getting smallpox from a recently vaccinated individual was a real and present danger as it still is today in those who have received the vaccine in the military. I hope you can notice on the graph that just after more stringent regulations for compulsory vaccination were introduced (including gaol terms for refusing to have your children vaccinated), there was an enormous increase in the death rate from the disease but scarlet fever just continued in its downward spiral without the same massive blip.
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Rabbi Baruch Stone says:
 May 31, 2013 at 3:42 am

Meryl, your insistence that there is a valid comparison between vaccination legislation and Hitler and his Nazis is so mind-boggling that I have literally lost sleep over it. Your quote from Rambam (Maimonides) would make him turn in his grave. As a rabbi I condemn your position and your comparison as inconsistent with Judaism. May G-d have mercy on your soul.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 8:35 am

Rabbi – I don’t think you actually read what I wrote. Perhaps you stuck at just the use of the word Nazi and didn’t go any further?

I was comparing the way in which the government and the media are referring to parents who don’t vaccinate and their children – the use of hate speech and vilification – the desire to segregate us from the rest of society – with the way in which the Nazis talked about the Jews and how they also segregated us into Ghettos. I am not implying that they are going to go out and gas us or our children (though there are probably some out there who would love to do so – I regularly get letters and pornography sent to me from these people as do our members). But hate speech and vilification are illegal for a reason. Because when authorities target a group of people because of any attributes they posses – the colour of their skin, the way in which they worship G-d, the fact that they may be disabled or the decisions they make in regards to raising and caring for their children – the outcome is bound to be discrimination and perhaps even violence. And I am not the only person who has made this comparison. Robert Kennedy Jr just did a few days ago at the Age of Autism conference in Chicago in the US, and Hilary Butler from NZ has written an excellent piece, Are Non-Vaccinators the New Jews?

In closing Rabbi, I would like to share with you some information about an Australian government advertising campaign which took place when I was first investigating this issue. I’m not even sure if I was involved with this group at the time – it was that long ago. But if you were living in Australia at the time (I don’t know where you are located?), you might remember this.

It was in both newspapers and on TV – and I think it only ran for a very short time – but I went to a focus group for parents prior to its ever going to air and I was horrified by the imagry and the intent of these ads – they have always stayed with me and perhaps they have coloured my viewpoint since.

In the ad, it starts out with children in a playground on a merry-go-round. The music playing in the background is Ring a Ring a Roses (which, in case you weren’t aware, was written about people dying from the plague in Europe in the Middle Ages). All of the children are happy and laughing and they go from the merry-go-round to the slippery dip and as they do, they are touching each other as children do. Only one child – every time he touches another – he leaves a yellow handprint on them. On their clothing, on their skin. And a narrator is speaking the whole time. I can’t remember exactly what he said – it was many years ago – but it was something along the lines of, vaccines protect your child from deadly diseases. But one unvaccinated child can spoil everything. Make sure your child is vaccinated for their own protection. By the end of the commercial – all of the children in the playground were covered in yellow handprints except for the one child who was unvaccinated and had apparently spread whatever it was he was supposed to have had to everyone else without any effect on himself. The first thing I thought of when I saw that dreadful fear mongering commercial was the yellow stars which Jews were required to sew onto their clothing in Nazi occupied Europe and Germany.

So, perhaps you will have a better understanding of why I and others are comparing the world-wide, coordinated hatred campaign which is reaching its crescendo right now – to the way in which Hitler and the Nazis vilified the Jews (and Armenians, and Gypsies, and homosexuals and anyone else they didn’t like), caused others to hate and fear them and ultimately led to violence against them by people who were just ordinary citizens who were given permission by their government authorities to hate others and to act on that hatred with impunity.
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 31, 2013 at 6:49 am

Wow, you are insane.
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Guri says:
 May 30, 2013 at 3:14 pm

After the vilification of the parents that ran to avoid their newborn child being jabbed with Hepatitis B (incident now a couple of years ago?), there was an admission made by the editor of one of the larger medical monthly publications, in which it was stated that it was actually illegal for a doctor to refuse to sign a conscientious objection form. The doctor might disagree with the parent, but as long as “the conversation” is had, the doctor needs to sign the form. Doctors need reminding that they are not agreeing with the parent’s perspective, just signing an official form. You could probably confirm this with the Law Society in your state.

This would be a particularly poignant addition to your excellent observations about this appalling bit of anti-constitutional and anti-freedom legislation.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:27 pm

Hi Guri – that information is on our website here –

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Dutchy says:
 May 31, 2013 at 10:09 am

Guri that is not correct. You (and the link from Meryl) are referring to a doctor’s opinion with which many other doctors disagree. It is not a legal opinion.

The Department of Human Services administers the Family Assistance Act where the conscientious objector legislation is written. They have confirmed that there is nothing in the Act which states that a doctor must sign the form. You can read the relevant legislation for yourself here. Note the absence of anything stating that the doctor must sign.

I doubt you would find a lawyer willing to touch this, but go ahead and give it a try if you like.
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Annette Bannon says:
 May 30, 2013 at 2:29 pm

17 years ago, I was asked when I was enrolling my daughters into the local community child care centre, to provide their vaccination records, as it was an requirement of entry.

I did so happily.

During the 4.5 years they were there, on a 5 day a week basis, there were nil out brakes of any disease that there was a vaccine for.
 The only nasty they contracted, was chickenpox, because the vaccine was not yet available.

So the legacy will be the risk of shingles later in life.

No talk of “vaccine injury” with parents, no deaths from vaccines.

Actually there is no proof in Australia that there is any death from a vaccine.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:32 pm

Gee Annette – for someone who complains about others using anecdotes, you certainly seem attached to them yourself.

Oh, and the parents of children who were perfectly healthy one day and then got vaccinated and died almost immediately might want to have words with you about your assertion. And also, there have been deaths registered with ADRAC which say that vaccines were likely causally related. But you keep saying they aren’t. As long as you believe it, there’s no problem.
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:45 pm

telling everyone about parents who had their children vaccinated and they died almost immediately is the highest form of anecdote possible. Who told you this? Do you know them personally? How many? When? A lot of the times the children had an auto-immune disease that the vaccine triggered. Maybe? Did anyone talk about that? Were they perfectly healthy to begin with? Did they have an auto-immune disease that noone knew about? So it was immediately assumed it was the vaccine and then spat out to the world of anecdotes for you to spread around. My husband is a medical researcher and has been studying auto-immune diseases with a PhD in Biological Immunology. He explained to me that vaccines can trigger a reaction in children that have a mutated gene or auto-immune disease, that is no fault of any vaccines. Maybe we should listen to someone like him who has the experience and knowledge, not the mums at the local Mother’s group meeting.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 10:12 pm

Kara, seriously – this is one of the dumbest and most insulting things I have ever seen. You are saying that vaccinations trigger an underlying susceptibility but that they are not responsible for the resultant reaction, damage and death. Well I have news for you cupcake – without the vaccine – the reaction, damage and death would not have occurred. So the vaccines aren’t just a trigger – they are the bullet and the gun too. And how DARE you say that parents are lying about the death of their children? What do you hope they could possibly accomplish for doing so? Don’t you think they would rather have their children back – whole and healthy?
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 31, 2013 at 6:46 am

Uh no, I’m not saying that at all! I’m saying what they are finding is that auto-immune diseases that have many triggers and would have been triggered eventually, get triggered by the vaccine. So parents walking around thinking it was their fault for vaccinating their child, its not thier fault.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 8:08 am

Please read my response above Kara. And do you really think that calling me insane contributes anything to this debate in any way? Do you always think that people who disagree with you are mad? Interesting way of dealing with conflict and disagreement.
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Joe says:
 May 30, 2013 at 1:39 pm

Yes Greg, lets stick to the science. You are correct. There are children that have adverse reactions to vaccinations. You are correct. Not 100 percent of people will be immune for life from a vaccinations. What you seem to not realise though, Is that these diseases killed millions of children worldwide, and that the reason we do not have these diseases in developed countries is due to vaccination. Vaccination is important because some people cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons, some kids dont have life immunity from vaccinations. These diseases will make a comeback if vaccination levels drop. ie Measles in Wales or whooping cough right here in NSW. If the levels of vaccinated children declines, these diseases will make a return. Not vaccinating is the real Russian Roulette.

Admin – Your reference to linking autism and vaccinations is fiction. Not one case of autism has been directly linked to vaccination. Not one. I can tell you though that there have been millions of cases of death in children that have not been vaccinated over the past 100 years.
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Steve says:
 May 30, 2013 at 4:19 pm

My kids had whooping cough too, they’re fine now…….
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greg says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:38 pm

Disease rates were already well down prior to the introduction of many vaccination programs and in some cases following the start of vaccinations for a particular disease,outbreaks occurred. You’re welcome to vaccinate your kids if you wish. That’s your choice. My choice is not to …. don’t try and force me to.
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:58 pm

Let’s create a scenario. My 2 nieces aren’t able to vaccinate because of severe allergies. My sister wants to, but can’t, so she relies on herd immunity to protect her daughters. Let’s say your kids go to an event and pick up meningitis, then are put into daycare with her daughters. Your kids are robust and fight off the disease but one of her daughters is weak and can’t and she dies. How do you feel about the fact that you could have prevented your kids from contracting it and spreading it to a kid who dies? Pretty selfish “choice” you made hey?
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 6:05 pm

Here is my factual reply to your hypothetical situation Kara:

There is no evidence that vaccination against meningitis has done anything at all to reduce the risk of the disease. In fact, meningitis is one of the side effects listed in the package insert. And since the bacteria that cause meningitis can and does live quite happily (and is not pathogenic in most cases) in the nose and throat of every person – whether they are vaccinated or not – the fully vaccinated individual is just as likely to pass it on as the unvaccinated person.

I know that the government and the medical community have filled you with fear about the unvaccinated – but honestly, there is no evidence that someone who has received all vaccines is any less likely to be infectious than someone who is completely unvaccinated.
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John Dayley says:
 May 30, 2013 at 6:20 pm

Disease rates do not equal death rates. My grandmother had a lung removed when she was young from whooping cough. Do you really think that its not important to try and prevent side effects as well?
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 10:08 pm

John, since we don’t have reliable incidence data, death rates are used instead. And many peer-reviewed studies have said that a correlation can be made between the rate of disease and the rate of death in the absence of reliable figures on true incidence (as opposed to reports which are so prone to bias and omission, they are not worth the paper they are written on.)
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sianmorton says:
 May 30, 2013 at 6:49 pm

In response to the meningitis graph:

* factual reply? I don’t think so.
 * we don’t have a meningitis vaccine;
 * the graph shows deaths/100 000; a more useful graph would show actual cases of meningitis/100 000;
 * which particular vaccine is referred to on the graph?

Also meningitis has many causes, not limited to the bacteria you mentioned in your text.

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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 10:03 pm

Sian – I am having trouble responding to this because I can’t get past your second dot point. We don’t have a meningitis vaccine. Please explain.
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joe says:
 May 30, 2013 at 8:29 pm

Really Greg? Well down? Thats interesting seeing that Polio was a full on nightmare in the 40s and 50s in Canada where I grew up. So, if the rates were on the decline, what was the reason?
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greg says:
 May 30, 2013 at 8:41 pm

How do feel about one of your sister’s kids becoming severely disabled or worse dies due to a vaccination mandated by bureaucrats who don’t take the time to read the medical literature? Your story is hypothetical since the evidence that the unvaccinated cause disease outbreaks is not available. My story is not hypothetical. By the way, vaccination doesn’t necessarily mean immunity, since the medical literature is rife with the waning of vaccines, adapting of pathogens and also mentions outbreaks in the vaccinated. Start reading the science. Maybe do a course in the mathematics and the statistics of epidemiology. Stop trying to force your uneducated view on people who have been close to or experienced damage to children by the administration of a vaccine. Ask yourself why there are so many people questioning vaccines and why the AVN and organisations like it exist. Do you think people really want to spend their time fighting something which is supposedly safe & effective? Think about that for a while.
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 31, 2013 at 7:09 am

Oh my god, whatever. I was trying to make an emotional point. All I’m saying is, making a choice to not vaccinate affects the community’s health and it’s selfish. I’m all for people making their own decisions for what works for their family: co-sleeping or not, daycare or not, feeding only organic or not. But when that choice affects the health of my child and the others in the community, then it’s not a personal choice anymore. Why not listen to and trust in the medical community? Theyre not trying to make money, lie to us. They want to eradicate diseases, keep everyone healthy. If you hate it here and think vaccines are so horrible, then move to a third world country. I’m sure a family there would love to take your place and vaccinate.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 8:03 am

You were trying to make an emotional point? But we were talking about the science of how children can be vaccinated. And I’m sure your husband is incredibly intelligent, but what evidence did he use to determine that the damage caused by exposure to vaccine toxins being injected directly into muscle tissue of the body – toxins whose sole purpose is to pervert the immune response – would have been caused anyway at a later point in life? How does he know this? Is there some kind of scientific crystal ball he is referring to or is he just repeating what he has been taught without thinking for even one minute – hey, hang on! That doesn’t make any sense! Because it doesn’t. At all. I would suggest you might find it helpful to read one of Bruce Lipton’s books on Epigenetics to gain a bit of understanding of how nonsensical your husband’s statement is. And after that, perhaps read Dr Mae Wan Ho’s The Fluid Genome.

Again, though there may be a genetic susceptibility to responding to toxic insults in a certain way – without the insult, there would be no response. So trying to blame the genes for the harm caused by vaccines is deflection of the first order.

Oh, and regarding children in developing countries – the majority of them are fully vaccinated – over 80% and in some cases (Egypt comes to mind) that close to 100% as makes no difference. Yet they still die in huge numbers from the same infectious diseases they are vaccinated against. Because in the absence of clean water, good food and better living conditions, no vaccine can do a bit of good and may just do more harm because these poor kids’ immune systems are already under extreme stress. If we were to put the money that we currently spend on vaccinating these children into ensuring that they were able to access good food, clean water, an education and better living conditions – we would see the incidence of deaths and morbidity from these diseases virtually disappear – just as they did in Australia, Europe and the United States – without vaccination and without antibiotics.

Read more about this subject Kara – you owe it to yourself and your children to be better informed.
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 31, 2013 at 11:16 am

It’s super interesting that you’re getting everyone talking and thinking about this and showing graphs of the rate of deaths from infectious diseases dropping BEFORE the introduction of vaccines. But what’s dangerous about your spread of information is that its super one-sided. What you’re not informed about or perhaps not thinking about is the fact that the DEATHS decreased dramatically, but not the contraction of the diseases. Firstly, most of the graphs they show are of death rates, not infection rates. Yes, death rates dropped significantly before vaccines were introduced because other improvements in medicine and sanitation meant that we were better at treating the disease, but it does not indicate that less people had the disease to begin with. The introduction of vaccines stopped people from even contracting them in the first place.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Kara – the reason we use deaths is that we don’t have real incidence data – only reports which, as you would be aware, are subject to bias and also to lack of reporting. Mortality data has been correlated with incidence – far better than reports.
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Ken says:
 May 30, 2013 at 12:38 pm

And pray tell, who would be compensating the vaccine damaged – as in all insurance policies they need to do a risk benefit analysis and if you are found to be too high a risk they won’t insure you. So there is no one prepared to insure the vaccinated we can assume that they are too risky hmmm..
 Remeber the deal the insurance companies and the American government and the pharmaceutical companies did to prevent being sued out of existence – please research the collusion and absolute lack of responsibility.
 I would be very cautious, as in any risky venture – especially no cover vaccinations.
 Hey, ever wondered how many people travel across borders around the world daily bringing in any and every sickness known to man – but no checking at border controls hmm…. – maybe that’s coming still.
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Joe says:
 May 30, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Rob. What report links SIDS to Hep B vax? You are delusional to think that nutrition is going to keep diseases such as measles, polio and small pox at bay. Even natural medicine practitioners agree that vaccination is essential! It’s almost like anti vax people don’t realise how many deaths occurred due to these diseases. Measles isn’t just a rash!!
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Steve says:
 May 30, 2013 at 4:18 pm

My kids had measles including the rash and they’re fine now.
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Louise says:
 May 30, 2013 at 6:28 pm

My kids are vaccinated and they’re fine too.
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ROBB says:
 May 30, 2013 at 11:21 am

“Black Sheep ..versus the Sheeple”

…. Parents need to understand that vaccines are drugs. Each one contains a proprietary blend of chemicals, pathogens and other foreign matter… Today children receive one vaccine at birth, eight vaccines at two months, eight vaccines at four months, nine vaccines at six months, and ten additional vaccines between 12 and 18 months.
 The pure and innocent baby is injected with 36 vaccine-drugs before he or she is 1½ years old! (DTaP and MMR are each administered with a single injection but contain three vaccines, at the moment there is talk of the same injection may become a 4 in one.. As an analogy, if you pour three separate shot glasses of whiskey, gin, and rum into a single glass, you’re still ingesting three shots with all of the accompanying effects.) Imagine ingesting eight or nine drugs all at once. That’s what doctors are giving to babies.
 In fact, these babies are not ingesting the drugs; instead,the drugs are being force injected directly into their tiny bloodstreams.
 When did you last take eight drugs all at the same time? Would you be more surprised if you did or did not have a serious reaction?
 These days children up to 6 years old can have up to 60+ vaccines given to them .. NO body knows what will happen in the long run to their bodies ..

it’s common for 2 month, 4 month, 6 month etc., appointments to include up to 8 vaccinations that add up to more than 1,000 mcg of aluminum. According to the FDA and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), what happens if a child receives more than the maximum required dose of aluminum?

 Aluminum builds up in the bones and brain and can be toxic.
 Aluminum can cause neurological harm.
 Aluminum overdose can be fatal in patients with weak kidney’s or kidney disorders or in premature babies. (How many children are tested to see if their kidney’s are functioning properly before they are vaccinated? Could this also be why the Hepatitis B shot, given to infants at birth, has been linked to SIDS?

So how much aluminum is in the vaccines that are routinely given to children?

 Hib (PedVaxHib brand only) – 225 mcg per shot
 Hepatitis B – 250 mcg
 DTaP – depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 170 to 625 mcg
 Pneumococcus – 125 mcg
 Hepatitis A – 250 mcg
 HPV – 225 mcg
 Pentacel (DTaP, HIB and Polio combo vaccine) – 330 mcg
 Pediarix (DTaP, Hep B and Polio combo vaccine) – 850 mcg

Then there is all the other Toxins that are in these vaccines .. what happens when these are all mixed up together ..?? “NO BODY KNOWS” Russian Rollette.
 Natural immunisation ,, by Homeopathy or a very strong Immune system.. via good eating practice and a healthy lifestyle always works.. Doctors have to get away from big Pharma and their Acidic poisons, and work with nutrients to help people recover from sickness.

The third highest cause of deaths in the US is what is termed “iatrogenic”, which means “induced in a patient by a physician’s activity, manner, or therapy.” This accounts for an estimated 225,000 deaths per annum. not a good track record .. when there is 0 deaths from vitamin and nutrients..
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greg says:
 May 30, 2013 at 12:44 pm

This one just appeared in my inbox. I guess soon vaccines will start in the womb! ..

Pregnancy Dose Tdap and Postpartum Cocooning to Prevent Infant Pertussis: A Decision Analysis.
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sianmorton says:
 May 30, 2013 at 2:20 pm

I have already happily vaccinated women during the last trimester of pregancy for pertussis and influenza with no concerns and no problems.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:33 pm

Glad to see you had no problems, Sian. How about the mums and bubs? Oh, and where are those long term studies comparing the safety of vaccination during pregnancy with women who don’t get vaccinated in pregnancy? Is this science or wishful thinking? Just wondering.
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Kara Neely (@Seventytw0dpi) says:
 May 31, 2013 at 6:58 am

When you see a 6 day old baby coughing and gasping for air and realize how easily little babies can die you wouldn’t be so hateful towards those who are trying to prevent it.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 31, 2013 at 8:07 am

You do realise, of course, that you are talking with a mother whose baby was seriously injured by the whooping cough vaccine and who spent their first year of life fighting for breath every night in his sleep? And despite this, he got whooping cough anyway and got over it really well. if I had a choice or could do it over again, I would take my chances with my children having a strong immune system through extended breastfeeding, good food, clean water and natural therapies when needed. It has worked beautifully for my family and I think if there government were to support these forms of treatment and prevention in addition to drug-based medicine, not only would our spending on health be cut to a fraction of what it is now, but our population would live longer and healthier without the need for so many drugs as they age.
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Anna says:
 May 30, 2013 at 4:32 pm

I don’t know of any vaccine injected into the bloodstream…muscle tissue and veins are two very different things. And, measles doesn’t discriminate between someone who eats well and someone who eats junk – the person who eats well might have a better chance of fighting it but it won’t stop them catching it in the first place.

Also, please could you provide sources for your claim that the HepB vaccine has been linked to SIDS. Peer-reviewed studies from respected medical journals please.
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Tim says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:11 pm

This post is very of the mark. In terms of aluminum, a baby will receive nearly 3 times the amount of aluminum in breast milk over the course of 6 months than it will in vaccinations over that same period. In fact the amount of aluminum injected via vaccines does not detectably change in a baby. Generally people who suffer health effects from aluminum have over 100 times the amount of aluminum that an healthy person (such as one who has been vaccinated). Safety of aluminum in vaccines has long been held as safe so I’m not sure where you are getting your information from?!
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:24 pm

Tim – if you think that ingesting something has the same effect as injecting it, why don’t you join me for a nice steak – I’ll eat mine – you inject yours and we’ll see how you feel a few minutes later. Oh, and I’m getting my information from the medical literature. Where are you getting your info from? Why don’t you do a little search on Google Scholar for the terms “Aluminium neurotoxic” and see what you come up with.

And here is one to get you started:

Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?
 Lucija Tomljenovic, Christopher A. Shaw a,b
 Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
 JIB-08876 August 2011
 Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are serious multisystem developmental disorders and an urgent global public health concern. Dysfunctional immunity and impaired brain function are core deficits in ASD. Aluminum (Al), the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant, is a demonstrated neurotoxin and a strong immune stimulator. Hence, adjuvant Al has the potential to induce neuroimmune disorders. When assessing adjuvant toxicity in chil- dren, two key points ought to be considered: (i) children should not be viewed as “small adults” as their unique physiology makes them much more vulnerable to toxic insults; and (ii) if exposure to Al from only few vaccines can lead to cognitive impairment and autoimmunity in adults, is it unreasonable to question whether the current pediatric schedules, often containing 18 Al adjuvanted vaccines, are safe for children? By applying
 Hill’s criteria for establishing causality between exposure and outcome we investigated whether exposure to Al from vaccines could be contributing to the rise in ASD prevalence in the Western world. Our results show that: (i) children from countries with the highest ASD prevalence appear to have the highest exposure to Al from vaccines; (ii) the in- crease in exposure to Al adjuvants significantly correlates with the increase in ASD prevalence in the United States observed over the last two decades (Pearson r = 0.92, p b 0.0001); and (iii) a significant correlation exists between the amounts of Al administered to preschool children and the current prevalence of ASD in seven West- ern countries, particularly at 3–4 months of age (Pearson r=0.89–0.94, p=0.0018–0.0248). The application of the Hill’s criteria to these data indicates that the correlation between Al in vaccines and ASD may be causal. Be- cause children represent a fraction of the population most at risk for complications following exposure to Al, a more rigorous evaluation of Al adjuvant safety seems warranted.
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shellity says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:51 am

“Shelly, how can history ever be considered irrelevant?”
 In many ways. Depends on which bits of history, and what they’re relevant to.

“Don’t you agree that those who forget the errors of history are doomed to repeat them?”
 Sometimes. Like when Vikings are always drawn with horns on their helmets. What a cock-up that’s turned out to be.

“And if this will be proven wrong in time (and I sincerely believe it will be since the science upon which vaccine theory is based is shaky at best), at what cost will that proving come?”
 I don’t understand the “this” in your premise, so I can’t comment on the cost.

“Will those who tried to suppress research into vaccine safety and effectiveness and the government which passed laws restricting the rights of individuals to make informed health choices have sentenced generations to ill health before it is all said and done?”
 I doubt it.

“Will you be one of those responsible for this tragedy Shelly?”
 No, I don’t think so.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:54 am

I’m glad to see you take this issue so ‘seriously’ Shelly. Next time you want to joke about something like this, perhaps you should be made to spend a day with a child who is autistic because of vaccination or one who is lying in bed unable to move or think because of a vaccination reaction like Saba Button. Or maybe you want to speak with the parents of a child who died because of their vaccines. Your attitude is disgusting. This is not a laughing matter. It is a matter of life or death and your flippant responses are neither appreciated nor are they in any way clever.
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shellity says:
 May 30, 2013 at 10:15 am

I’m not laughing at injured children. That would be a horrible thing to do. I simply find your hyperbole and suppositions regarding public health measures ridiculous, and sometimes I play around with things I find ridiculous. I can understand why you wouldn’t like that, of course. Probably best to ignore me.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 11:32 am

I’m glad to hear it Shelly. And believe it or not, I have always admired your sense of humour and your love for your children which shines through in your writing. You are an excellent writer with a wicked, irreverent vision. I just think that in this instance, you might have gone a bit far. And my ‘hyperbole’ as you call it and my criticisms of public health measures are based on experience and knowledge. You may not agree with them and your perspective may be different, but that does not and will not affect my holding these views. One big problem which I and many others have with SAVN and the ‘skeptics’ is the way in which those who hold different opinions are treated. The effort to suppress knowledge which you disagree and the censorship of information from the public – who really should be the final arbiters on any decision regarding their own children – is both undemocratic and unfair. I’m surprised that you participate in these sorts of activities.
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Chris says:
 May 30, 2013 at 11:04 am

Ignorance… ignoramus….it’s amazing how people are so brainwashed….and can’t even see it. We have been sold a lie people – a lie based on fear and intimidation. The evidence FOR the DANGERS of vaccinating is EVERYWHERE. SCIENCE supports that vaccines are NOT effective and NOT safe. Get your head out of your bottom end…..
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Alex says:
 May 30, 2013 at 7:18 pm

I study a bachelor of science at my local university and the overwhelming comment of vaccines from researchers in the feild is that there is absolutely no evidence within peer-reviewed well respected scientific/medical journals. Articles published in these journals are critiqued relentlessly by experts in that particular field. I repeat, there is absolutely no evidence supporting your views within journals such as these.

However evidence supporting your views can be found within countless blogs, opinion pieces and non-peer reviewed journals, hence why you have the perception that the science regarding anti-vaccination is solid.

Unfortunatley the vocal minorty will dominate public conversation and create a debate when one is not warranted.
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Sian Morton says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:33 am

It is already the situation that, for example, a person with a documented case of chickenpox does not need to have the vaccine to be considered fully immunised. People born prior to 1966 do not require measles vaccination because it is assumed that they all will have been exposed to it and become immune (except for the ones who died) because it is so contagious.

Anyone can report an adverse reaction to a vaccine.

I would imagine that there will continue to be very tight safeguards on the security of personal information, and I believe you have already done the community a great service by testing the stringency of these measures.

” We have heard of preschools that have posted pictures of unvaccinated children on bulletin boards “. Yes, you may well have heard it but is it true?
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:44 am

Sian, we have had 2 parents report that their children’s faces were put up on a bulletin board at 2 separate preschools with the word “unvaccinated” above them. When questioned, the centre staff said they felt it was their right to alert other parents to the fact that unvaccinated children were there and who they were so that parents could opt to keep their own children (supposedly vaccinated children) away. What you and SAVN and the Daily Telegraph and the government are doing now is exactly the same. Segregation is never the answer.
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sianmorton says:
 May 30, 2013 at 10:07 am

To post children’s pictures in this way is outrageous and I hope those responsible were held to account.

You may be interested to know that my view is that preschools and childcare centres should have the right to exclude unvaccinated children but should only exert that right if they are in areas where vaccination rates fall below the level required to maintain ‘community immunity’.

I support a person’s right to make health choices for themselves and have never supported compulsory vaccination. However, as a member of a community you have both rights and responsibilities. With any choice there are consequences.

The general community has a right to defend itself against the damage done by groups such as the AVN.
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Fiona Summers says:
 May 30, 2013 at 11:27 am

Well if these childcare centres did what you claim, then please tell those parents to report them to the NCAC ( the governing body for accreditation) because they are in breach of child protection, and privacy protocols. The only health information about a child to be displayed in a childcare centre ( and not on the bulitin board ) is information regarding allergies, conditions like asthma ( with management plans) and foods a child can’t eat due to religion. These are to be displayed in an area not accessible by the general public.
 The only thing related to vaccination to be displayed on a bulitin board is contagious disease notification so that parents who opt not to vaccinate can withdraw their children from the service until it is safe to return.
 These are all things that are covered under the NCAC quality control and individual childcare centre policies, which a parent can read any time they want ( most parents don’t ) if a centre is found in breach they face immediate investigation, random spot checks, they can lose their government funding and face closure of their centre.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 11:34 am

Fiona Summers – in both instances, I advised the parents to do just that. They contacted the authorities, their local members of parliament and one of them even went to the police. Nothing was ever done. When it comes to vaccination, those of us who don’t vaccinate are treated as second class citizens in so many ways.
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sianmorton says:
 May 30, 2013 at 11:45 am

How do you know nothing was done?
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Fiona Summers says:
 May 30, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Well it looks like they reported to the wrong authorities here are two links to the correct authorities.
 Australian children’s education and care quality authority http://
 NCAC http://
 Tell the parents to also fill out the centers complaint forms and ask for a copy that way they have documentation of the concerns. When the parents contact the places I have you, tell them to give dates, staff names and have the parents document when they talk to the director about their concerns.
 As I have worked in childcare for 14 years I know the laws we are supposed to follow, and while I do not agree with your stance on immunisation. I also do not like it if people in my industry are not following the rules. And what you described is a blatant violation of the rules.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:26 pm

Hi Fiona – considering that this all happened years ago, it might be a bit too late for them to do this now. But I do appreciate the information and I think our readers will too.
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Jennifer Power says:
 May 30, 2013 at 11:05 am

Hi Sian,

I wonder if you have spoken up and told your local member of parliament that you do not support compulsory vaccination?

I also wonder what Jane Morton thinks about compulsory vaccination. Perhaps she too has grown children who are up-to-date with every vaccine going but agrees with you that vaccination is a personal choice and does not fear the unvaccinated just as you don’t. I wonder if Jane has spoken up.
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sianmorton says:
 May 30, 2013 at 11:38 am

Hello Jennifer,

Yes, I have emailed both my local member, Andrew Constance, as well as the member for Coogee, Bruce Notley-Smith, and let them know my views.

I have intimate knowledge of Jane Morton’s views on vaccination, and I can assure you she certainly speaks up.
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Jennifer Power says:
 May 31, 2013 at 8:48 am

Excellent Sian! And please tell Jane Morton I am so happy she feels exactly the same as you do. I do hope she has spoken up to whichever member represents her in parliament.

It is fantastic to know that although we disagree on the value of vaccines, we (me, you and Jane) do agree on the right of parents to make a choice to say NO to vaccination without prejudice or penalty. We all must stand up and voice our concern when this right is in jeopardy.
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shellity says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:13 am

Most people disagree with you.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:20 am

Shelly, I’m so disappointed! I really thought you were smarter than that. Guess I was wrong.

Most people disagreed with doctors and surgeons washing their hands between the morgue and the delivery suite.
 Most people disagreed with Galileo and Copernicus who said that the Sun was the centre of the solar system.
 Most people disagreed with McBride when he said that thalidomide was causing birth defects.
 Most people disagreed with the campaigners who said that cigarettes were linked with cancer and lung diseases.

I could go on all day. To quote my mother – who was a very wise woman – if most people wanted to jump off of the Empire State Building, would you want to do it to?
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shellity says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:39 am

All those things are irrelevant to this blog post. It still stands that the vast majority of people disagree with you. Perhaps they will all be proven wrong in time.
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nocompulsoryvaccination says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:42 am

Shelly, how can history ever be considered irrelevant? Don’t you agree that those who forget the errors of history are doomed to repeat them? And if this will be proven wrong in time (and I sincerely believe it will be since the science upon which vaccine theory is based is shaky at best), at what cost will that proving come? Will those who tried to suppress research into vaccine safety and effectiveness and the government which passed laws restricting the rights of individuals to make informed health choices have sentenced generations to ill health before it is all said and done? Will you be one of those responsible for this tragedy Shelly?
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R. Francis says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:50 am

What exactly do most people disagree about? That 5-35% of the vaccinated children are not immune? That vaccinations do not give life-long immunity? But the government itself says this on its website. So you know better than those who are behind the propaganda compaign?
 Or do people disagree that everyone entering a child care building should show proof of vaccination, not only the children staying there?
 Do people disagree that getting an infection gives life-long immunity?
 Or do they disagree that most doctors do not want to sign the objection forms?

What do you think most people disagree with? All I read here are questions about basic facts. You might not like the facts, but that doesn’t change them. Denying facts has never changed them either.
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shellity says:
 May 30, 2013 at 9:59 am

Perhaps your definition of “facts” is different to mine.
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greg says:
 May 30, 2013 at 10:27 am

there we go again … the use of the word ‘deny’. Lets stick to the science. There is no scientific evidence that vaccination is completely safe and completely effective and there is none that claims there will be no adverse reactions like death and disablement. Further the medical literature is rife with studies which conclude vaccine immunity wanes, pathogens have been adapting to vaccines and thus resisting vaccines and outbreaks of a disease also occur in the vaccinated due to shedding and detection of pathogens in the nasal passages of the vaccinated. So if we are to ‘force’ vaccinate, and this legislation is de facto forced vaccination, then the science must guarantee to parents that they are not playing Russian roulette with their children’s lives. Further the Health legislation in general needs to support parents not vaccine manufacturers.
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Colin O'Shea says:
 May 30, 2013 at 11:44 am

Eating food is not 100% safe either Greg. Could you name one single activity that is 100% safe. The all or nothing arguement is completely illogical.
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Guri says:
 May 30, 2013 at 3:06 pm

@Collin O’Shea, by your way of logic we should have just adopted a nihilistic attitude instead of taking Vioxx, Thalidomide, DES (for example) off the market. Also let’s just forget about the radiation no-go zones around Fukushima & Chernobyl, use asbestos in the home again and start smoking
 a pack a day, because, hey, even food will kill you.

I think you have been mistaking Monsanto GMOs with food, by the way.
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greg says:
 May 30, 2013 at 5:46 pm

Thanks Colin … you’ve made my point for me. Nothing is 100% safe and therefore I, not you and certainly not the government has the right to tell me what I can eat, drink or inject into my body or the bodies of my kids. If you want to risk it, go ahead. I wholeheartedly support your decision to do that. As you should wholeheartedly support me. And I reiterate again that outbreaks are occurring in the vaccinated because of waning of immunity and pathogen adapting. You think you are immune but you probably aren’t.
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Guri says:
 May 30, 2013 at 2:57 pm

It’s funny then that the counter petition has managed to gain three thousand more votes than the telegraph propaganda-vilification piece. Perhaps in your Orwellian world, 4800 is larger than 7800. If you ever get your head out of Room 101, you might wish to consider that there are a lot of people that are not falling for the lies and rhetorical devices of the pharmaco establishment any more. Nor are they listening to the presstitutes that take money from and publish to the whim and letter of the pharmas.
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Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG under investigation by state authorities
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 07:47:20 AM »

Dan's Journal of Skepticism
Because the word 'Journal' sounds a lot better than 'Blog'.

Australian Vaccination Network investigated for fraud.
DateSunday, June 16, 2013 at 8:54PM

Well it didn't take long for the nations leading anti-vaccination organisation to run into more trouble with the authorities. Now the Australian Vaccination Network is being investigated for consumer fraud as a result of their dodgy financial reports.

Jane Hansen, The Sunday Telegraph

I wrote the following letter to the AVN in January to ask about the questionable finances regarding the Magazine Subscriptions.

I never received any response from the AVN, but I do happen to know that past president Meryl Dorey was very unhappy about this letter. I expect she'll be even less happy now that Fair Trading is asking the same questions.

A detailed look at the AVN's magazine scam can be found at Diluted Thinking.

While Ken McLeod's document: Meryl Dorey's Trouble with Finance is an excellent introduction to the shifty financial reporting of the AVN.

I expect to see a lot more bad news for the AVN just around the corner. Stay Tuned....

What can one expect from a person like Meryl Dorey who takes part in lethal acid attacks?


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Senate to anti-vax group: Pack up and go home
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2013, 05:15:22 AM »

Senate to anti-vax group: Pack up and go home
25 Jun 2013 | Richard Di Natale
Health, including preventive

The Senate today passed a motion by Greens Health Spokesperson, Dr Richard
Di Natale, calling on the Australian Vaccination Network to disband and to
cease its “harmful and unscientific scare campaign against vaccines”.

The Greens motion, which noted low vaccination rates in some parts of
Australia and called the AVN’s campaign of misinformation around vaccines
“irresponsible”, was passed unanimously by the Senate.

“I have had people contact me who have lost children to diseases that have
a safe and effective vaccine. Well-meaning parents are being fed dangerous
misinformation which undermines their faith in the safety of vaccines.
This has to stop,” said Senator Di Natale.

“The AVN have gone so far as to promote measles as a healthy gift from
mother nature and not the deadly disease it really is. As a doctor, I saw
first-hand the tragedy these easily preventable diseases can cause.

“Today the Senate has joined with the public health community to send a
clear and strong message to those who are peddling lies about vaccines –
they should pack up and go home.”

The text of the motion was as follows:
That the Senate –

(a)        notes the low vaccination rates in certain parts of Australia,
and the threat this poses to the health of Australian children;
(b)        notes the irresponsible campaign run by the Australian
Vaccination Network, which is spreading misinformation about the risks of
vaccination and discouraging parents from vaccinating their children;
(c)        calls on the AVN to immediately disband and cease their harmful
and unscientific scare campaign against vaccines.

Media contact: Andrew Blyberg 0457 901 600

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Greens Senator to call for the Australian Vaccination Network to be disbanded
Tory Shepherd


June 25, 2013 1:04PM

 Founder of anti-vaccination group Australian Vaccination Network Meryl
Dorey, leaves the Administrative Decisions Tribunal at John Maddison
Tower. The AVN are fighting a NSW Fair Trading order to change their name
after complaints the name was deceptive. Source: News Limited

 IT was like spying a rare Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet among the dull, fat
pigeons that crap all over the lawns of Parliament.

Amid the grey flutter was a bright jewel - a piece of sensible politicking
that should begin a bout of bipartisanship.

Greens Senator Richard di Natale - former GP and clearly a man of science
- is planning to move a motion to disband the Australian Vaccination

You know them - the most misleadingly named mob getting around.

They say they're offering information and support for people who are
concerned about vaccination risks.

What they're doing is fearmongering with the best of them, overemphasising
adverse reactions and underplaying the benefits of vaccination - which is
one of the most effective and cheap public health measures getting around.

Banning things is not usually the best way to tackle them - in most cases
of people spreading woo woo around like lorikeet guano I'd argue education
is the most effective way to mop it up.

But these guys are using every trick in the book, every legal challenge,
every loophole to keep spouting this muck.

And the muck is deadly, and often it's deadly to other people's kids,
because it's the unvaccinated mob who are prone to passing on killer
diseases to those too young or too sick to be vaccinated themselves.

They are still challenging a direction to change their name because it was
found to be "misleading".

Their founder and former head Meryl Dorey is urging people to join "sham"
churches to get around NSW's vaccination policy.

It's time to break up this birdbrained cabal.

Senator di Natale will move that the Senate note the low vaccination rates
in parts of Australia, and the threat this poses to the health of
Australian children.

He will move that the Senate notes the AVN's "irresponsible campaign …
which is spreading misinformation about the risks of vaccination and
discouraging parents from vaccinating their children".

And he will move that the Senate "calls on the AVN to immediately disband
and cease their harmful and unscientific scare campaign against vaccines".

In short, he wants the Senate to tell the AVN to flock off, and it's well
and truly time that they did.

Follow Tory on Twitter: @ToryShepherd

Join the conversation on The Punch's Twitter account @ThePunchHQ or at our
Facebook page.

Have your say in the comments section below.


Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Cash in 150000 Dollars per year: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2013, 06:44:41 AM »

Meryl Dorey's hilarious antivaccine idiocy

Australian Vaccination Network's Meryl Dorey bills herself as a vaccine expert, but her pronouncements are often hilariously ignorant. Read the best and funniest Meryl quotes here.

Meryl and the false balance bulldust   
Meryl’s mendacity mocked by MPs

June 28, 2013

meryldorey   Callousness, Lying, Making stuff up, Medical ignorance, Stupidity   Leave a comment   

Awareness of Meryl’s idiocy is at an all time high this week!

After a lengthy campaign against vaccine refusal by scientists, doctors and the media, the cherry on top was this statement in the Australian senate, by senator Richard Di Natale. And what a ripper of a statement it is!

After giving a wonder summation of Meryl’s stupidity, conspiracy theorist mindset, ongoing propagation of misinformation after being corrected multiple times, persecution of grieving parents and overall callousness, the good senator goes on to call on the AVN to disband. Check it out:

Alas, the AVN gravy train is too lucrative for Meryl to give it up willingly – at last count over $150,000 per year in the AVN accounts without any details of what it was spent on…

Ah Meryl, you’re famous at last! Just not the way you wanted to be famous though…

the fun:

Richard Di Natale on Twitter:


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2013, 07:01:13 AM »

The lies by the AVN gang go on and on. Here is the latest news:

"The Immunisation Debate" - Greens Senator Dr Richard Di Natale speaks about the Australian Vaccination Network, and why it should be disbanded.

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2013, 07:50:34 PM »

Late breaking news! The AVN can't read and have poor comprehension skills!...

Greens confirm anti-choice stance

This entry was posted on September 6, 2013, in Accountability, Health rights, Vaccination and tagged Australian Greens, Australian Parliament, Australian Vaccination Network, AVN, Compulsory, compulsory vaccination, Election 2013, Freedom of Health Choice, Lies, mandatory vaccination, Richard Di Natale, Semantics. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments


Greens confirm they will remove parents’ choice

- Greg Beattie

A letter written by a staffer from Greens Senator Richard Di Natale’s office has confirmed the party’s intention to pursue the removal of parental choice from vaccination:

     “The Greens do not support compulsory vaccination. We do however support the government’s recently announced amendments to Family Tax Benefit system… Parents will still be able to decide not to vaccinate their children, but this choice will have a financial impact.”


This can be taken to mean: “The Greens do not support hunting, holding down, and vaccinating children by force”. (And that’s just as well because it would mean the violation of just about every human right in existence.) “We do however support penalties for those who won’t submit peacefully.” Gotcha.

The letter was received by an AVN supporter just yesterday, a full nine weeks after her request for clarification was received by his office! We can now be certain Di Natale’s recent repeated announcements that the party does not support compulsion was nothing but a deceptive ploy to avoid losing disapproving voters on the eve of tomorrow’s election.

We can also be certain, from its recent actions, that the Greens are now the most anti-choice political force in the land. In NSW Parliament this year they argued vigorously to have all parental choice removed from the ‘No jab, no play’ legislation. They introduced two separate amendments. The first was a blanket attempt to remove all conscientious and religious exemptions. That was voted down. The second was a ‘Plan-B’ attempt to sneak around opposition by suggesting pre-schools could ‘choose’ whether they wanted to accept the children of conscientious and religious objectors. That was also voted down.

It was not long after that Di Natale delivered his error-laden and mischievous address to Federal Parliament, calling for the disbanding of AVN. Was this a burst of frustration?

One thing is clear: a vote for the Greens tomorrow is a vote for medical fundamentalism. If they are given political power we can kiss goodbye our freedom of choice with vaccines. And once this happens it will be virtually impossible to reverse.

The party that once stood for integrity, social justice, and the environment, has just tacked mass-medication onto the list. And like an aggressive cancer it has the potential to kill the host if not removed. It has already paralysed its leaders.

If you value what the Greens once stood for please don’t vote for them tomorrow. Instead send them a clear message that you will not tolerate voter deception being condoned to cover up the party’s intentions. And you will certainly not tolerate your cherished party being infiltrated by industry.

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2013, 08:29:12 PM »

This is what Meryl Dorey denies: vaccination saves lives!

The pic is modified to fit the size.

[Mit dem richtigen Namen funktioniert es sogar, ET]
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 06:20:48 AM by el_Typo »

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2013, 08:39:12 PM »

COAG Reform Council ‏@COAGReform

Thks @DrSallyCockburn @3AW693 @VicGovHealth
our website is 
but the image is only on our twitter feed at the moment

according to

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2013, 07:32:30 PM »

The vile fraud Meryl Dorey is down. AVN MUST change its name!

Administrative Decisions Tribunal
New South Wales
Medium Neutral Citation:
Australian Vaccination Network Inc v Department of Finance & Services [2013] NSWADT 266

Hearing Dates:
13 & 14 June 2013
Decision Date:

General Division
Magistrate N Hennessy, Deputy President

The decision of the Director General, Department of Finance and Services to direct Australian Vaccination Network Inc to adopt a new name is affirmed.

The full text:

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2015, 09:56:56 PM »

Well done!

Queensland Government
Queensland Health

Queensland Health's response to anti-vaccination discussions
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Timely vaccinations can prevent serious and sometimes life-threatening diseases

by Dr Sonya Bennett

Queensland Health is not  involved in any capacity with the ‘Healthy Lifestyles Naturally’ seminars soon to be conducted in Queensland and does not in any way support anti-vaccination sentiments.

It is ironic that the seminars are called ‘Healthy Lifestyles Naturally’ as anti-vaccination discussions threaten the health of the community.

Vaccine preventable diseases such as whooping cough, measles, meningococcal disease and rotavirus are serious and sometimes life-threatening infections. Homeopathic products do not provide protection against these diseases.

We seek to minimise misinformation preventing a person from making an informed  decision about immunisation.

In the interests of a healthy community, Queensland Health is conducting a  campaign to debunk these common myths about immunisation and remind people of the value and importance of vaccination.

Modern vaccination programs have been established after rigorous scientific studies to ensure the best possible health outcomes for individuals and the population as a whole.

Many anti-vaccination claims are based on poorly conducted studies that have been discredited or disproven, such as claims that vaccinations cause SIDS or autism. These claims are entirely baseless.

Governments and numerous expert bodies worldwide support immunisation because it prevents serious and life-threatening infectious diseases.

Questions on this topic are best directed to the experts, such as an immunisation provider or your family doctor, with whom you would discuss other health questions.

The fact is that if vaccination stopped, vaccine preventable diseases would inevitably return causing devastation for many families.

There is a range of information available online at

Concerns about the seminars should be directed to the event organiser.

Last updated: 7 January 2015

© The State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 1996-2014

Queensland Government

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2016, 01:49:41 PM »

Must know that.


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2018, 07:44:14 AM »

Would like to have newer ones, for other countries, too.

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2018, 07:55:06 AM »

COAG Reform Council

Performance reporting and accountability for national reform

    Reform agendaReportsTimeframesResearch and eventsMedia centreAbout usContact us

The COAG Reform Council ceased operation on 30 June 2014.

The COAG Reform Council’s website has been archived by the Australian Government Web Archive (AGWA). For more information on the COAG Reform Council, or to download a copy of previous reports, visit the AGWA’s website and search

About the COAG Reform Council

The council was an independent body publicly reporting on the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) reform agenda.

Established in 2006, the Council reported directly to COAG on reforms of national significance. 

These included reforms to:

    the healthcare system
    disability services
    skills and employment
    housing and homelessness
    indigenous affairs

    mining development
    capital city planning systems
    water management
    streamlining the economy
    gender equity
    competition and regulation

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2018, 08:49:57 AM »

A screenshot of a graphics in

Bad things happen. Bad things. In so wealthy countries.

Responsible for more than 83 dead: Taylor Winterstein, Edwin Tamasese


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2020, 01:34:11 AM »

Marke: 17000
"Freiheit für Grönland! Weg mit dem Packeis!"

Wer war das?


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Re: Meryl Dorey and THE NAZI GANG
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2022, 07:45:56 PM »

Marke: 18000
Stoppt die deutschen Massenmörder!
Stoppt die österreichischen Massenmörder!
Stoppt die schweizer Massenmörder!

Revolution jetzt. Sonst ist es zu spät.
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