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Author Topic: The Endling, Lonesome George ist tot  (Read 570 times)


  • Boltbender
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  • Posts: 846
The Endling, Lonesome George ist tot
« on: June 12, 2018, 08:50:45 AM »

Lonesome George ist tot. Er ging still und leise. So leise, daß ich die Nachricht seines Todes erst jetzt sehe in einem Artikel über die Letzten ihrer Art: die Endlinge.

The Endling: Watching a Species Vanish in Real Time

On the frontlines of extinction in the Gulf of California, where the vaquita faces its final days.
Ben Goldfarb
Jun 8, 2018

There is a word, sad and resonant, for the last member of a dying species. The word is endling. Martha, who perished at the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914, was the endling for the passenger pigeon—the final representative of a bird once so prolific its flocks blackened the sky. The Tasmanian tiger's endling, Benjamin, froze to death in the Hobart Zoo one night in 1936, when his keepers accidentally locked him out of his enclosure. Lonesome George, the last Pinta Island tortoise, expired peacefully in 2012, at around 100 years old.


Good bye, George.
Steine kann man nicht essen!
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